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TIV vs Snipe: A Followup Discussion

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Ah, ok. Personally, I think both should be banned, TIV is way too powerful, call an Attribute (Or was it Type?) And destroy all Monsters with that same attribute, sure, it isn't that good against Monarchs, but still, TIV is powerful. But, I'll probably be beat out by somebody else because I suck at coming up with logical reasons.

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i want my virus cards,back it's fun when you infect peoples decks.


Also what's the point in putting banned cards in yu-gi-oh games,because of the banned list you can't use them unless you hack the game so what's the point,and don't you find multiple copies of the same card with a different art on it is a waste of game space,when you could have used it to accommodate even more cards for the player to actually use.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Well' date=' this is the way I see it:



-Can't target face-down cards.

-Only can be used on one monster type at a time.

-Isn't as summonable as other monsters.

-Lots of players using the same monster types.

+1600 ATK

++Can be used to destroy all face-up monsters on the field with 1 shot.

++ No chance of failure.



Except that the 1600 ATK is a big minus compared with Snipe.

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I'd rather have both on the ban list.



-Can't target face-down cards.

-Only can be used on one monster type at a time.

-Isn't as summonable as other monsters.

-Lots of players using the same monster types.

+1600 ATK

Can be used more than once per turn.

++Can be used to destroy all face-up monsters on the field with 1 shot.

++ No chance of failure.


Pretty much. And it's extra 100 ATK doesn't really matter.

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Well' date=' this is the way I see it:



-Can't target face-down cards.

-Only can be used on one monster type at a time.

-Isn't as summonable as other monsters.

-Lots of players using the same monster types.

+1600 ATK

++Can be used to destroy all face-up monsters on the field with 1 shot.

++ No chance of failure.



Except that the 1600 ATK is a big minus compared with Snipe.

Already wrote that it wasn't as summonable xP

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Guest Chaos Pudding

why should they swap


dna surgery oh look i just so happned to destroy all monsters

nop keep it OUT


Pro Tip: If you want your opinion to be taken seriously, don't bring DNA Surgery into the argument.

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Snipe will be banned in the next banlist. And TIV will likely be back, but knowing Upperdeck, they'll likely act stupid and won't do that.


Snipe's destined for ban for the following reasons.


-Can destroy anything he wants.

-SEARCHABLE. Through both Sangan and Tomato, among others.

-DARK attribute. With all the dark support, that guy just got from strong to GODLIKE.


TIV will be back for the following.


-Can only destroy monsters, and not all typings can be destroyed through one discard.

-NOT searchable in the current meta.(1600 ATK makes him actually worse)


And to those who tell me: "But Snipe has a dice effect that is random." Your point is useless and won't matter. 2/3 chances is still too much, whether you like it or not. Sad but true.

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now that i think more about it' date=' Sniper should be banned, and TIV should definitely not be.



Indeed, Xander is quite persuasive. But I suppose that's because he has good points.


Either way, I'm changing my tune as well.


Snipe = Banned


TIV = ... maybe back?

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Snipe should probably be banned, but TIV should not come back. Think about it, TIV discourages Theme-decks. Upperdeck like Theme-decks. That was the reason TIV was banned to begin with. If it is brought back, it would kill any chances Zombies had of recovering their fame and glory. Quite a few other decks would be screwed as well. It isn't even really as good as Snipe Hunter, but because of the fact that it narrows the Metagame, it isn't a healthy card and should stay banned.

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completely disagree...


snipe can destroy even spells and traps, by the cost of your hand advantage and your luck with the dice... the dice roll is the limitant of this card, thing that TIV doesn't have...


but TIV doesn't need to destroy S/T and face down monsters, that is job for heavy storm and NoC...

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If you read my post, I said that Snipe Hunter should be banned. I simply said that Tribe-Infecting-Virus should also stay banned. The fact is, though Snipe Hunter is more powerful of a card than Tribe is, it does less damage to the metagame, since it affects all decks equally. Tribe comes down hard on any Theme supported deck, which narrows the metagame. That's bad.

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