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Now, look, you have a huge meeting to go to, or you have a powerpoint due, but you don't have the program, or just plain lazy. You need HELP on that huge research paper that's worth 25% of your grade. Need help, suggestions? Then come to the PD2 for homework help! I know this isn't graphic design, but come on administrator! <BR><BR><BR><BR>Prices: <BR>Research Paper help-200 points <BR>Research Paper 1 paragraph to start with-700 points <BR>Powerpoint help-400 points <BR>Powerpoint title slide to start-500 points <BR>Whole thing of either-9000 points (x2 if both) <BR><BR>To make a purchase, donate the points to me, give me your email on my profile page, and I'll get to it!<BR><BR>PD12

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