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Been away. So who's the top dogs now?

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I've been away and it appears that there's a few more good players here now.


So... who are they?


If you think you're quite good, lemme know. I'm looking for games now and again, and I like to scout for new talent. I might even be making a team out of us YCM'ers, hand-picked by myself.



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If there's a bar through their name, it's one of them.


If the reg date is in feb 2008, it's one of them.


If they're being called n00bs, it's one of them.


If they posted a deck that no one understand, it's one of them.


Read up a bit, you just recognize them pretty easily.

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Frog won't be banned. That's the end of it.


If you must' date=' there's enough cards to stop it.


[b']Even one solemn and you've killed it.[/b]


It's not hard.


So if I take your word for it Azuh, that's the best your board has to offer?


Is it really entirely necessary to insult THE ENTIRE FORUM?


If you're going to insult someone, if it's completely necessary, at least direct it at a specific person.

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That's why I said "EVEN". Solemn's weak atm' date=' despite being able to counter tons of stuff. I said EVEN a solemn can kill a frog.


It's not hard to gain the reading comprehension of a 10 year old.



i suggest you read that

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Is it really entirely necessary to insult THE ENTIRE FORUM?


If you're going to insult someone' date=' if it's completely necessary, at least direct it at a specific person.


I fail to see what was insulting in my comment...


Hmmmm, *rereads post*


that's the best your board has to offer?


Seems a little condescending to me, no?


But as I reread I do realize you weren't insulting the entire forum, only Sartorious and Azuh.

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Is it really entirely necessary to insult THE ENTIRE FORUM?


If you're going to insult someone' date=' if it's completely necessary, at least direct it at a specific person.


I fail to see what was insulting in my comment...


Hmmmm, *rereads post*


that's the best your board has to offer?


Seems a little condescending to me, no?


But as I reread I do realize you weren't insulting the entire forum, only Sartorious and Azuh.


Only 1 "o" in Sartorius. ;P


And I admitted I was wrong, hamma. What more do you want?


Just get out of here if you're here to flame people. Don't make things personal with me, I'm no random noob. I've been taught by some of the best players in this game to date.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Welcome back, whomever you are. And if you checked our proper board on GFAQs, I would have to agree with you on the matter that a vast majoritiy of our boardgoers suck. A small amount of people put together, however, are greatly superior to the vast amount of n00bs. That's also how we got our attitude, by having to deal with such bad players day in and day out.

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Welcome back' date=' whomever you are. And if you checked our proper board on GFAQs, I would have to agree with you on the matter that a vast majoritiy of our boardgoers suck. A small amount of people put together, however, are greatly superior to the vast amount of n00bs. That's also how we got our attitude, by having to deal with such bad players day in and day out.





I would like to add that there are many "generations" of such(we are now at the fourth), and of them all, none is from the first, and I am one of the very few survivors of the second.


The older we are, the more we had to deal with nothing but n00bs. It's sad actually, but at least it kept my deck building skills sharp and still ready.


But as long as people remain civilized, I have no choice but to do the same. But keep in mind I'm one hell of a crazy bastard on certain cards. Like how Poly sucks. Eesh.

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