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Darkthorne's Gossip-Related Ranting Column: Pre-Release

Draco Straybyrn

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Seeing as how the FG is under construction for a bit, enjoy this tidbit. It comes with a disclaimer, which keeps me from getting banned. Thanksmuch, enjoy.


Darkthorne’s Gossip-Related Ranting Column

DISCLAIMER: The following article is rude. It insults races, religions, and Eddie Murphy. If you are easily offended, DO NOT READ THIS. It is for those with open minds looking for a laugh ONLY. If you rant about insults and all that, You’ll be reported and negged, because the point of this column IS to upset you, and that’s why this disclaimer is here. So drop your intolerances, have a laugh, and enjoy.


Hello, Ladies and Gents! Welcome to the second edition of Darkthorne’s Gossip-Related Ranting Column! I took a while to write this, and hope you enjoy it. This week, we’re trying to piss off anyone and everyone. From “Leave Britney Alone” to Muslims, we’re doing a ton of stuff.


Today’s topics are religion and race. Both are controversial, and I’m going to slam both.


So here are some little bits of things I know:


-Islam is a religion of war. They want to kill and slaughter all Christians.

-Christianity is a religion of peace and acceptance. Jesus doesn’t want to kill anyone.

-Buddhism is about tranquility or something like that.

-Everyone in the world is an intolerant prick, some are just better at hiding it than others.

-Black people don’t have to work until 2010. But then they get to work their asses off like the rest of us.

-Outsourcing screws Asians over.

-White people are good for two things: 1. Patriotism 2. Electing the worst possible leader.

-If you’re Hispanic and you can’t jump a fence, you’re a disgrace to your people.

-My internet sucks harder than a transvestite in Eddie Murphy’s car.

-Celebrities are idiots.

-Dr. Phil is retarded.


Hmm. I went a little off there, but oh well. So, Islam is a religion of war. I don’t care what you think, honestly, but COME ON. I have a book. It’s right here next to me. It’s called The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam. I love it, because it’s truthful. You don’t get much of that these days. Muslims are taught that infidels (anyone not them) are horrid, and must be killed. Such is the word of Allah. Read that book, it’ll give you a laugh in addition to telling you more.


Last I checked, Jesus doesn’t want to kill anyone. I’m pretty sure Jesus was about peace. Hell, the guy didn’t even fight back when he was nailed to a cross. Nor did he seek vengeance when he was resurrected from the dead. I’m going to guess Jesus was a peaceful dude. That’s enough of that bit, I’ll say more next time. Oh, but then again, Catholic priests were found doing bad things to little children.


Buddhism, the nearly unheard of religion. I’m not going to say much, because I don’t know much. I know Buddhists are allowed to participate in any holiday, and meditate for peace. Makes sense to me, but I don’t want to pray to a giant fat gold man in a diaper. Isn’t my thing, so don’t try converting me.


Ooh. Intolerance again. Let’s do the intolerance dance! Okay, maybe not. You there! Yes! You, the one reading this! YOU ARE AN INTOLERANT PRICK! Why? Because everyone is. Deep down, you hate so much. You can’t stand other people sometimes, and can’t tolerate. Heck, the YCMers were so intolerant that they couldn’t have a good laugh about the whole Gamfaqs thing, and move on. Nope, had to draw it out. As soon as the people who know things come in and prove you wrong, you flame. That’s intolerance, but mostly noobism. What’s the cure to that? NOTHING. It’s physically and mentally unhealthy for any human being to go without ranting or stress relief for long periods of time. Thus, being tolerant is bad for your health. I hope to god no one wants to try to prove me wrong, and if they do, send me a video of it. I want a laugh. Stand with me, and be politically INcorrect. It’s fun.


Black people, I realize you went through slavery and suffering and all that, so it’s cool. You get a break. But only until 2010, then you work your asses off like the rest of us. I don’t care what you do until then, but after that you’re normal people. No pulling the race card, no discrimination, you’re just like the rest of us. Aside, of course, from the fact that you’re better at basketball than we are. Oh, and you also have more inches than us. Perhaps even MORE than Sheogorath…?


Outsourcing. It’s bad stuff, did you know that? I hope you did, otherwise you don’t pay any attention to the world or news and need to come out of your damn hole. Outsourcing gyps many people of money, because they don’t have minimum wage. That’s their deal, but it’s screwing them over. It’s been a while since China had a revolt, maybe we’ll see another soon. Bleh.


Oh boy, white-bashing. We’re all a bunch of KKK black-hating intolerant –insert 4-letter word o’ choice here-tards, ain’t we? No, seriously. White Americans are only good at two things, and we are completely useless for anything else. We can be patriotic as hell, but even then we can’t choose a good president. I mean, come on. Every time there are two people up for election, we choose the greater of two evils. Bush vs. Gore? How obvious is that? And, reelecting Nixon? For shame. For shame. He may have done some good, but he also had the Pentagon Papers incident. Our current president has a C- average.




Hispanics. So, they’re going to put more fences on the border. Every candidate is talking about doing it. Most of you can jump fences, and thumbs up to you! The rest of you, get to it. Carlos Mencia had an episode on his show that featured the Stereotype Olympics. Guess who won? The BEANER! WHOO! So major ups to you, and keep it up! You’ve got more challenges to overcome soon. That, or you COULD just go now before anyone does anything. ;)


My internet at my dad’s house. Ugh. It sucks. Hard. There was a joke up there for those of you who read the agenda, but blah. I’m running an ABIT Pro9 motherboard there, and the LAN drivers are busted, I think. Also, the sound is totally choppy. It sucks. I can’t do anything, other than photoshop. And even that runs slow.


Celebrites are idiots. Seriously. Some of them can’t even act. I mean, come on. If you make tons of money for doing barely anything, you sure as hell better do it well.

http://1051thebuzz.com/pages/1134963.php Actors are bad enough that the movie reviews on that page exist. And, Jamie Lynn Spears getting knocked up? She’s an idiot! She was REALLY hot, and was going to go far. I can’t believe she was stupid enough to get pregnant. Oh well, sucks for her.


Dr. Phil. How much of an idiot is this guy? He sold information regarding the Spears family for money. Wait, isn’t he supposed to be the one who HELPS you? Hell, he had a deal with Oprah. Anyone knows that Oprah is a shot to success. Seriously. Anything she features automatically sells more. I may sound crazy, but sales records don’t lie. And Dr. Phil sold himself to the media! What an idiot. He’s DONE. The good news is I don’t have to hear his stupid voice any more. Thank god.


Well, that’s all we have for this week. Hope you liked it and I pissed you off, and I’ll see you next week. Darkthorne out.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

ok you ****** dont post such stuff about Islam.


guy's isnt this enought to get him banned?? it's in the rules.


Dude, learn to take a joke.


Oh, and +10 for pulling GFAQs into the rant.

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Frunk previously reviewed it' date=' and I have a disclaimer. I'm ban-free. Besides, I checked my resources. You have 100% truth up there, with some opinion.


You didn't read my disclaimer, have a neg and a report.



but you arent supposed to, i read the disclamer but you have to read the rules. people are of deffrient religions and a joke or not you aren't supposed to. things are funny but up to a point then it becomes stupid.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Frunk previously reviewed it' date=' and I have a disclaimer. I'm ban-free. Besides, I checked my resources. You have 100% truth up there, with some opinion.


You didn't read my disclaimer, have a neg and a report.



but you arent supposed to, i read the disclamer but you have to read the rules. people are of deffrient religions and a joke or not you aren't supposed to. things are funny but up to a point then it becomes stupid.


I would assume that satire would be immune to such rules. Intent is everything.

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Frunk previously reviewed it' date=' and I have a disclaimer. I'm ban-free. Besides, I checked my resources. You have 100% truth up there, with some opinion.


You didn't read my disclaimer, have a neg and a report.



but you arent supposed to, i read the disclamer but you have to read the rules. people are of deffrient religions and a joke or not you aren't supposed to. things are funny but up to a point then it becomes stupid.


I would assume that satire would be immune to such rules. Intent is everything.


but if you read the rules you will find out such stuff isn't allowed, ok it's funny i get it guys but it's just immoral bashing religions. it's no deffrient then bashing a person. come on people, not everything is funny.


Darkthrone please remove the neg rep so everyone leaves peacefully and i wont spam/flame or whatever you want to call it on this thread.

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I do love abit of controversy ^_^


Some members may take a disliking to the thread, as we have already seen.


CD: Everybody has free speech and should be allowed to voice their opinions, the thread is not fully factual, therefore its sort of alright.


And if people complain about Darkthornes views on religion, then they need to grow up.


Religious ppl should learn that, if they truly believe their religion, others opinions dont matter.


Also CD, if Frunk has given permission to allow this, then what is the problem, its just like something Frunk would write, and i doubt anybody would complain if Frunk said it.

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I do love abit of controversy ^_^


Some members may take a disliking to the thread' date=' as we have already seen.


CD: Everybody has free speech and should be allowed to voice their opinions, the thread is not fully factual, therefore its sort of alright.


And if people complain about Darkthrones views on religion, then they need to grow up.


Religious ppl should learn that, if they truly believe their religion, others opinions dont matter.


Also CD, if Frunk has given permission to allow this, then what is the problem, its just like something Frunk would write, and i doubt anybody would complain if Frunk said it.



i'm not saying it's not funny or ok but it's just inpolite and besides we have kids going here and we really dont know if they would belive us and start ranting thinking it would be real. if he just puts those parts in spoilers i will be completly ok with it cause ya it's funny but inappropriate.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Perhaps you could hit on how awesome red is to blue?


guys you just dont get that kids who are small come here and might not know what are we talking about and god knows what will they learn so spoilers would make it perfect and would make me happy and fully laughing.



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I must say, you are wrong about Islam, i am not offended as i know you ppl know nothing about it, I know your opinios on that stupid book is wrong, before, we had wars, what to know why? Well, simple, Jews came agianst us, we took then down, then ppl questioned Islam, so we fought against them. I have nothing agasinst Christianity, and respect it except for one thung which i will not mention so i dont get abused. Islam actually is a religion of peace, if you read some of the profits sayings you will understand.If your going to take things from a book, and give your own opinios then please shut up, read it directly not from another guy's opinion. I agree tho Dr.Phil is an idiot lol 'this will be a changing day in your life' i hate that speech also when he says some lame things and ppl actually laugh..

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I must say' date=' you are wrong about Islam, i am not offended as i know you ppl know nothing about it, I know your opinios on that stupid book is wrong, before, we had wars, what to know why? Well, simple, Jews came agianst us, we took then down, then ppl questioned Islam, so we fought against them. I have nothing agasinst Christianity, and respect it except for one thung which i will not mention so i dont get abused. Islam actually is a religion of peace, if you read some of the profits sayings you will understand.If your going to take things from a book, and give your own opinios then please shut up, read it directly not from another guy's opinion. I agree tho Dr.Phil is an idiot lol 'this will be a changing day in your life' i hate that speech also when he says some lame things and ppl actually laugh..



nuff said.


exept that i like Dr. Phil lol.

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