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Strange Burger Inmato Tour Guide Deck


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For the lulz

22 Monsters
[color="#0000FF"]2x Hungry Burger[/color]

[color="#FF0000"]3x Cherry Inmato
1x Dandylion
3x Djinn Releaser
1x Glow-Up Bulb
2x Inmato
2x Lonefire Blossom[/color]
[color="#FF8C00"]3x Mad Lobster[/color]
[color="#FF0000"]1x Sangan
1x Spore
3x Tour Guide[/color]

15 Spells
[color="#008000"]1x Advanced Ritual Art
1x Allure of Darkness
1x Book of Moon
1x Contract with the Abyss
1x Dark Hole
1x Foolish Burial
1x Trunade
1x Monster Reborn
2x MST
3x Pot of Duality
2x Preperation of Rites[/color]

5 Traps
[color="#FF00FF"]1x Mirror Force
1x Judgment
1x Pineapple Blast
2x Warning
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[quote name='Welche' timestamp='1309200766' post='5314989']
Inmato is way better in Junk Doppel. Also, no Dark Hole?

lol Inamato is so subjective
I accidentally cut Dark Hole, it was meant to be in there. It's 41/42 cards so....
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