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What would you do in a lucid dream?


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Lucid dreaming is when you are dreaming and you realize that you are. Sometimes, you can control what you do. Teh possibilities are endless and imagination is infinite! http://www.lucidity.com/LucidDreamingFAQ2.html Talk about lucid dreams and what you would do in a lucid dream. Would you make yourself fly? Would you make it so you had super strength? What?
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Ohh Snap!

If anyone's wondering, I'd first kill everyone I hate, then become a god-like being, then destroy all structures on earth and then rebuild a glorious and perfect empire under my reign of absolute brilliance and power. Muwahahahahahahaha!

Just kidding...[s]actually, that wouldn't be too bad. I wonder...[/s]
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Well, even if I could have the ability to control my dream would be nice, but lately I just don't remember my dreams of late, or as you all know it, Don't have any when you actually do, its just subconscious and not obtainable anymore....

But anyhow. Most of my dreams consist of being extremely weird to just plain defying and scary, like for instant you see something and scream, no voice, and can't wake up....You suddenly wake up and your heart is beating rapidly....Other dreams I have I know I am in a dream, but just can't control it like something else is taking control of it, stupid evil gemini twin inside me...

Well, anyhow, if I could actually control my dream, I'd make it last forever and no waking up and having my life become better then the one I have.
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[quote name='Darkplant - PAIN' timestamp='1310015812' post='5334309']
No one said anything about inappropriate stuff?

Oh YCM...

[quote name='Passions of the Flame' timestamp='1309747175' post='5331874']
Turn into a guy and have a yaoi party.

[quote name='Miror B.' timestamp='1309747790' post='5331894']
Join Passion's yaoi party.

[quote name='Dwarven King' timestamp='1309750669' post='5332022']
Record Passion's yaoi party and post it on Youtube.
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