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A world sworn of evil

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^For about 2 days the first video there is a deck profile.
Total: 41

[color=orange]Monsters: 22
1| Dark Armed Dragon
1| Judgment Dragon
1| Chaos Sorcerer
2| Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
2| Goblin Zombie
2| Lyla, Lightsworn Priestess
2| Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
2| Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
1| Glow-Up Bulb
1| Honest
1| Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
1| Mezuki
1| Necro Gardna
1| Pain Painter
1| Plaguespreader Zombie
1| Pyramid Turtle
1| Zombie Master[/color]

[color=green]Spells: 16
3| Solar Recharge
3| Zombie World
2| Book of Life
2| Pot of Avarice
1| Charge of the Light Brigade
1| Dark Hole
1| Foolish Burial
1| Giant Trunade
1| Monster Reborn
1| Terraforming[/color]

[color=violet]Traps: 3
3| Royal Decree[/color]

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[quote name='Tickle Me Emo' timestamp='1311754216' post='5391094']
Zombie World is amazing here. Recycles honest, lets you synch for all the Zombie Synchros, lets ZMaster and Mezuki target anything.

-2 Avarice
+2 Reincarnation/1 Reincarnation and 1 Dandylion

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Due to all the milling it is rare that you draw into a trap that isnt at 3. As a result sworns have been playing 3 decree over any other traps for a while. I have tested the Solemns too and it does work better like this.

This deck has had extensive testing and I have made massive amounts of changes so a lot of what sound like good suggestions have already been tested. That doesnt mean you cant suggest :)

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