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[Icy] Soulless Petrification


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Negate the effect and cost of 1 face-up monster on the field and decrease its ATK by 500. When the selected monster is removed from the field, return it to its owners hand.[/center]

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"remove from the field" is not "leaves the field", remember?
and what do you mean by "cost"?

OCG fix:
[b][u]Select 1 face-up Effect Monster on the field: N[/u]egate the effect and cost[u];[/u] decrease its ATK by 500. When the selected monster [u]leaves the field: R[/u]eturn it to the owner[u]'[/u]s hand.[/b]

The underlined parts are what i fixed
The only purpose i feel that this card world have is to annoy your opponent by not allowing their fav effect monster to use its effect :D
i guess its balanced with the give it back to their hand part


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