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Value System of YuGiOh

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How do cards get their values? Yes I knows is playabiity, demand and rarity, but come on....I really get confused when cards cross the $30 mark much less the $100 mark.

I believe that cards are just blatantly overpriced at ridiculous levels today for the simple reason vendors know that people are going to be willing to play in order to stay competitive, and even when cards are deemed as "not THAT good" by players to warrant the price they are still over priced.Best example I can think of is Steelswarm Roach...we all know the card is not that good and far from game breaking, but its still going for $90+ on ebay and other sites...even Tour Guide...the card was stupid before the rule fix and it was going for $150+..now after the rule fix and the card effectively being labeled as "not that good anymore" its still going for $150+....does not compute.

Anyway give your thoughts on the Value System of the game we nerd over.

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The rarity system is half the problem. On average a box of boosters contains 2 ultras and 1 secret rare. There's 10 ultras and 8 secrets a set, meaning statistically you'd have to buy several boxes to get just one copy of any given card. Add in that you need a playset of several, and that you may not even get that specific card, and even $100 dollars for a card isn't so bad a deal to get hold a specific card, especially a secret.

The next part is that, whilst not game breaking cards, both Roach and Tour Guide are still good, and so in high demand.

Third, lowering prices lowers profits. As long as people will still pay, vendors will keep their prices up, to make as much as possible, or even avoid a loss, if they stockpiled whilst the price was rising.

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Yes we now that to get a playset of cards you may have to buy several boxes, but its becomes retarded when the individual card cost more than the box. I would make more sense to buy a box and risk not getting the specific card...at least you can still trade/sell the other crap you get in order to recoup some cost. I believe that player hype also drives the over pricing of cards. Before Roach came out ever one was like "omgz its Thunder King on crack" so prices went way up...then everyone realized they can just herp derp Utopia/Zenmiester/Leviathan and their Roach problem is gone so it was no longer that desirable..but the vendors who ate they hype and those who have stocked up on said card may not want to take the loss (as an above post stated)

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It's all about supply and demand, and reintroducing Secret Rares has made this worse. A good card that is a common will hardly be worth much, since it's probably in high supply. Secret Rares have next to nil chance of being pulled by the average buyer. It has become almost cheaper to just buy singles, rather than try your luck with packs when you only want one or two specific cards of a high rarity. Lots of supply and lots of demand = fair price. Low supply and high demand = high price. High supply and low demand = worthless.

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[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1315587651' post='5502502']
It's all about supply and demand, and reintroducing Secret Rares has made this worse. A good card that is a common will hardly be worth much, since it's probably in high supply. Secret Rares have next to nil chance of being pulled by the average buyer. It has become almost cheaper to just buy singles, rather than try your luck with packs when you only want one or two specific cards of a high rarity. Lots of supply and lots of demand = fair price. Low supply and high demand = high price. High supply and low demand = worthless.

Basic economy, but come on its freaking cards man. (I'm semi-venting right now)

[quote name='Dт. Михаи́л Ботви́нник PчD' timestamp='1315591131' post='5502564']
One supposes the ideal method is to build very cheap archetypes only. The most I've ever paid for a single is probably £6.

Are still able to compete with the meta?

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If you're going to call "it's cards" on this, try comparing the prices for out of print manga and anime. They can get to even more ridiculous levels, but are held down by piracy, which is what makes their print runs so short and the prices so high in the first place. (e.g. A sub-only 26-episode set of To Love-Ru, which was recently released, is $70 and is considered a discount. Imagine the price when it's not in print. In Japan, one series can run you hundreds of dollars for 12 episodes, too, even if you buy them as they're released.)

As long as people want something, anything's a fair price as long as people will pay.

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Agree with burnpsy. Anything can have value, and it's up to the sellers and buyers to figure out something's value. A lot of flak trading cards get is what was said, they're just shiny pieces of cardboard. But what about baseball cards and stuff like that? Those could go for outrageous prices, and they're not shiny at all, they're just collector's items. Or what about Beanie Babies and other stuffed animal collections, that used to be extremely popular and rare?

Yu-Gi-Oh continues to be one of the more popular and successful trading card games in the world, and while a number of people, myself included, now think it's outrageous how expensive some cards are, I also don't have much of an income and I don't play in RL anymore. If I had money to burn, I'd be willing to drop $10-20 for a card I like/want.

Competitive players would love to have the best cards, and if money isn't an issue, it's not as gut-wrenchingly painful to drop $100 for a cardpool advantage.

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@ Evil and Burn. I agree with you to an extent, I dont know much about baseball cards but from what I heard the expensive ones are usually out of print rookie year cards. But some yugioh cards are still in print but yet over priced..I understand that they may be hard to come by because the are of high rarity but come on. But you are right....as long as people are willing to pay, prices will be high.

(we should all band together and refuse to play more than 30 for a card so prices say low....they always get a reprint anyway.)

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[quote name='Miror B.' timestamp='1315594808' post='5502651']
If it's cheap and easy to get, it isn't going to be good.
If it's good and easy to get, it isn't going to be cheap.
if it's good and cheap, it isn't going to be easy to get.

Flamvell says sup (after warning reprints, should cost around 60-80 to build)

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[quote name='Miror B.' timestamp='1315594808' post='5502651']
If it's cheap and easy to get, it isn't going to be good.
If it's good and easy to get, it isn't going to be cheap.
if it's good and cheap, it isn't going to be easy to get.
So long as the corporation is full of capitalist pigs and the marketbase is dumb, yes.

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