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Here are a Couple of Cards i moved from Pop Culture, ~reason is in my post~


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Guest JoshIcy

well, here are a few cards that are "pop culture" cards but i believe they are just as realistic as a majority of cards here..... they may have a few ocg errors but thats because the effect is hard to write...


~again thank who ever did the effect for the shadow of colossus set for the idea on the effects, these coincide with those cards very well~




"Mechanical Angel-Adam".. image gotten from google, name of artist unavailable

"Unit Faliure"... image gotten from deviantart, link > Evangelion Unit 01


and thanks dj... i was wondering why ppl were posting the info...

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Credits?? please add artist credits or the thread will be locked.


If you haven't already, read the new rule.


Even tho you have 'moved' them, you have still posted a new thread, thus, for this section they are new, and the new rule must be followed.



Also its best to keep them in pop culture, wether they are realistic or not.

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