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Gladiator Beast Card...Please Rate

Glorious eXcess

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It couldn't clear the field of Cyber Dragons in 1 turn but it could definitely wipe out Scapegoats. According to the card text you have to halve it's ATK in order for it to ATK again. The creator should put a limit to how many times you can do that.

It has 2200 ATK... Cyber Dragon has 2100.


It could technically attack infinitely, but bleh.


ALSO: I never said that was good, but it gives you an idea of what this could be used for.

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It couldn't clear the field of Cyber Dragons in 1 turn but it could definitely wipe out Scapegoats. According to the card text you have to halve it's ATK in order for it to ATK again. The creator should put a limit to how many times you can do that.

It has 2200 ATK... Cyber Dragon has 2100.


It could technically attack infinitely' date=' but bleh.


ALSO: I never said that was good, but it gives you an idea of what this could be used for.



Sorry, I misread your post and thought you wrote a field full of Cyber Dragons or a field of 4 scapegoats.

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yaya!thankz guys.....


let me clarify....i dot care about the name too much...though i should change the ame a littte, Like, uhh "Cyber Gladiator Assassin" or sumting


Ok, my dude attax a cyber dragon, it destroys it.....ok, he can attack again with only 1100 Atk now, just barely destroying a level 3, the 550 ATK, barely destoying, if not, a level 2 or 1, and finally, 275 ATK....HE CANNOT INFLICT DIRECT BATTLE DAMAGE>>>SO EVEN IF THE WAS ONLY 1 CYBER DRAGON, HE COULDN'T ATTACK DIRECTLY

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