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Cheap Video Camera


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When I was deciding when I was going to buy my DS, this thought came to mind.


I've always wanted to make home videos and stuff, but I always figured it was out of my grasp, but I do probably have enough money go buy an okay one at least, and I was wondering if anyone has a Video Camera. If so, how much did you pay for it, and how good is it for the price you paid.


Any bit of knowledge you could bestow upon me would be greatly appreciated.

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It really depends on what you're after. DV (The ones with the little tapes) are the cheapest and are decent enough. Ones with Hard Drives are the best I think as the video content can be stored in a file format, so there's no need to capture video - you can just copy from your cam and edit on your computer. I don't own one myself but my mate does and he told me that hard drive ones are the best. Personally I have no need for a video camera as I usually just record things on my phone. I'm not really into the whole home movies thing, only if I go on a family holiday :) But DV is cheapest but you're gonna need some sort of capturing device like a DVD recorder or an analog card slot on your PC, or else theres no point. Hope this helps :)

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buy one with those DVD's. those are the best. howuch money are you willing to pay cause thier is the coolest DVD cam recorder but it's quite expensive.


I'm not exactly sure how much I'd be willing to pay, I guess it really depends, how much would it cost do you think?

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