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>>Writer's Gathering<< [Fan Fiction Writers Welcome!] (CONTEST DETAILS POSTED)


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Magi Magi and Grenosaurus already elsewhere.

In fact every Xyz currently available and printed in OCG/TCG is pencilled in somewhere, with the exceptions of Baby Tiragon, Super Star Mira, Gustaph Max, Photon Butterfly and Bouncer, and a few Numbers.

Was considering Trains, but given the nerf you can't even use Rocket Arrow to summon Gustaph anymore.

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[quote name='Icemare Moon' timestamp='1327492448' post='5779990']
Obviously just use Photons then, unless someone is already using [i]those[/i].

Obviously someone will be using Photons.

They will just be going constantly for Galaxy Eyes, Numbers, and Neo Galaxy Eyes over these.

[quote name='Wraith' timestamp='1327502377' post='5780055']
Matt. Fusion Gate. Chain Material. Elemental HERO Electrum. Gustaph Max.

Good combo, but to advanced for the duelist in question.

When are Return of the Duelist and DT15 cards likely to be announced? Might just write everything else and see what comes out in those. (impatience)

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[quote name='Verz Bahamut' timestamp='1327507842' post='5780125']
Obviously someone will be using Photons.

They will just be going constantly for Galaxy Eyes, Numbers, and Neo Galaxy Eyes over these.

Good combo, but to advanced for the duelist in question.

When are Return of the Duelist and DT15 cards likely to be announced? Might just write everything else and see what comes out in those. (impatience)
[/quote]Um... once we learn everything that's in Galactic Overlord.

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So, 24 hours until the release of YGO24 in the fanfic section...

... and suddenly I'm not sure I can do this.

I can't write, I can't duel script. I've done nothing for a week. I know what I want to write but I come to it and just... nothing. I'm just completely and totally stuck. I never got this with Armageddon, not this bad for this long.

I don't want to put up everything I've got so far and then that be it and just stop there.

I really don't know if I can do this.

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Well, at least you guys have it better than me. I have about twenty five chapters worth of ideas and only about seven chapters down on paper. Out of those seven, four are considered "finished" (3, 5, 8, and 11) while the rest have at the most two, maybe three pages worth and the very least being a few paragraphs for the start and a few paragraphs for the end scenes while a nice white blank space is in between. What's more, the past few weeks have seen me laid low with lots of work and barely any time to write 'cept on weekends :(

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3 Pages, Matt. 3 Pages. That's all you have to do.

You just sit down and write. Write, write, write. You don't get up from your spot. You don't take any calls on your phone. You don't go to the bathroom unless kidney stones would result. You don't get up to grab anything to eat (always keep a bottle of water close to you, it helps me a lot). You just sit and write those three pages. If you find that that particular action doesn't fit in with that scene, put it down anyway and later, when you are editing, put a question mark on the margin so that you know what to do with it. If you find that that particular dialogue doesn't fit in with that scene, try to incorporate some pizzazz into it without having it lose its flare.

And just keep saying to yourself "It's just three pages. I know people who write letters longer than that".

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[quote name='~~Xiahou Dun~~' timestamp='1327980403' post='5790865']
3 Pages, Matt. 3 Pages. That's all you have to do.

You just sit down and write. Write, write, write. You don't get up from your spot. You don't take any calls on your phone. You don't go to the bathroom unless kidney stones would result. You don't get up to grab anything to eat (always keep a bottle of water close to you, it helps me a lot). You just sit and write those three pages. If you find that that particular action doesn't fit in with that scene, put it down anyway and later, when you are editing, put a question mark on the margin so that you know what to do with it. If you find that that particular dialogue doesn't fit in with that scene, try to incorporate some pizzazz into it without having it lose its flare.

And just keep saying to yourself "It's just three pages. I know people who write letters longer than that".

Hahaha, that's motivation for ya. Ignore the people who said get up and take a break and do other stuff. Manacle yourself to your computer and get this story down! :D

The last couple of weeks have been awful, but regardless, marching on. 24 will open at midnight BST tonight.

Thanks for the kind words y'all.

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