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MTG Card Maker for this section?

Jace Beleren

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[quote name='Niv-Mizzet' timestamp='1317678276' post='5558207']
Yeah... you could, but try Magic Set Editor if you're on a PC. It's much better, you can make full sets, planeswalkers, there are cool different templates for it... it's a download, but free. [url="http://magicseteditor.sourceforge.net/welcome"]Site Link[/url]
Yea, that is better, but sadly, I'm on a Mac. Curse the Mac's incompatability with things.

O well, I'll live.

Also, I THINK we can post MTG cards in Any Other Cards since, by definition they are Other Cards.

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[quote name='-Venser el Transeúnte-' timestamp='1317757234' post='5560399']
I posted a DFC there....XD
And I commented on it.

And yea, I haven't seen anyone complain about it, so I guess it is fair game. If anything, if YCMaker ever found a few seconds, he could add a sub-section to Any Other Cards for other card game cards.

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[quote name='Flame Dragon' timestamp='1317757866' post='5560426']
And I commented on it.

And yea, I haven't seen anyone complain about it, so I guess it is fair game. If anything, if YCMaker ever found a few seconds, he could add a sub-section to Any Other Cards for other card game cards.

That would be nice...But...*Rant* He should First change the names of this and Traditional Section once and for all *Rant*


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[quote name='-Venser el Transeúnte-' timestamp='1317758530' post='5560444']

That would be nice...But...*Rant* He should First change the names of this and Traditional Section once and for all *Rant*

Or maybe actually add XYZs to the cardmaker since I'm sick of people asking for it.

But yea. This and Trad decks at the very least need the title update. Giving use a sub section isn't all that needed, but would be nice.

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