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Dragon Ball Z - The Legendary Restart? [ Started/Always Accepting Via OOC ]

Envoy of Twilight

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Annabelle, as she struggled with keeping her sword, grunted once and a while. After a few seconds, her sword slipped out of her hand. However, as soon as the sword left her hands, it reverted to the small block, falling down from the battle. Michel, as he dodged the 'attacks' on him, used his lances to pierce into the being's arms, trying to cause paralyses in them. Then, he noticed that Annabelle's sword was falling. [i][color=#8b4513]'She needs that!'[/color][/i] he thought as he dove down to get it. As Michel left for the sword, Annabelle grunted in pain as she was kneed in the ribs. She then let out a few yelps of pain as the tendrils pierced into her skin. [color=#008080]"T-Thats.. IT! RRRRRAAAHHH! ENERGY BURST!"[/color] Just as she said, a burst of energy emerged from Annabelle, easily catching up the near-by beings in her attack and disintegrating the tendrils within a feet or two of her body. She quickly leaped back from the group, panting a little as blood started to slowly drip out from the puncture wounds from the tendrils. [color=#8b4513]"Good move, Annabelle"[/color] Michel yelled out as he was on his way to Annabelle with the block.

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4 of the Kenshin's seemed damaged from the attack before disappearing back inside the real one who was now at full strength though the change in such not able to be sensed by others. "Why don't you just give up.." he then said as he rather than teleporting froze time for roughly five seconds using this time to instantaneous Transmit himself next to the fairy take the block split his form with the clone carrying the block and then have the clone instantaneously transmit away just as the 5 second mark was reached and the power stopped revealing him next to the fairy which he kicked at much faster than any of the attacks tried to it before due to now being at 1/2 of his full power rather than 1/5. The clone then dropped the cube into water some odd miles away before teleporting back through instantaneous transmission and re-joining Kenshin. "Now you have lost your weapon.."he then said coldly before holding his hand up firing a blast of pure Ki Energy at her colored a lighter blue than normal ki.

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Meanwhile, approximately 5 miles north of the battlefield, lied a temple on an unknown mountain range, the end of it just 50 feet apart from a small village. The temple lied on top of the last mountain of the range, looking as though it has been untouched by time. The temple was fairly average in size, containing a room of meditation, able to hold 20 people at the most, a dozen living quarters, each able to hold 2 people at the most, and 2 training rooms, one for attack training, and one for defensive training. In the meditation room, two figures who look like they have never been there before, did what the monks of the temple also did.

These individuals were [color=#ff0000]Maxwell[/color] and [color=#008000]Rai[/color].

Every morning they meditate to relieve themselves of the nightmares they have every night: Maxwell because of what had happened before he left his home planet, and Rai because of an unknown assailant killed his father, who was evil to the core. Although they try to relieve themselves of them, neither of the 2 have told each other about those horrible moments. But one could say that they will eventually once their pasts will come back to haunt them, maybe at the same time.

Maxwell and Rai then noticed something. They felt multiple fluctuating power levels. The result of that while still meditating is that they see small glimpses of the ones who have had their power levels change, but it is only for a split second, and it would take time to be able to know what they saw. They then awoke from their meditation and looked at each other. "[color=#ff0000]You felt that, right?[/color]" asked Maxwell. "[color=#008000]I assume you did, too, right?[/color]" replied Rai. "[color=#ff0000]Yeah. Maybe we should go and check it out.[/color]" "[color=#008000]Indeed.[/color]" The two then stand up and head for their living quarters. When they make it there, they both suit up, Maxwell putting on his standard attire, including his orange fingerless gloves, and Rai doing the same, including his face mask. As the two begin to leave, they here a voice from behind them. "Wait!" yelled one of the younger monks compared to the elders. He was holding a small sack that held something. "Take these Senzu Beans. If you intend to fight, it will come in handy." The two nodded and began to fly towards the battle destination.

Let's just hope they don't have to fight at all. That would only increase any conflict going on over there...

OoC: They will be there shortly, so it would be better to finish things up in the next few posts by everybody.

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Both Annabelle and Michel blinked when the block suddenly disappeared. [color=#008080]"W-[/color][color=#8b4513]Wh[/color][color=#008080]at [/color][color=#8b4513]th[/color][color=#008080]e h[/color][color=#8b4513]*l[/color][color=#008080]l!?"[/color] [color=#008080]"Michel! Du-"[/color] Annabelle stopped talking as it was too late. Michel was sent flying back. [color=#008080]"Michel!!"[/color] She teleported to where Michel was heading and caught him. [color=#008080]"You alright?"[/color] He nodded as Annabelle laid him down on a tree branch. [color=#008080]"Rest.. I got this.."[/color] She then flew back to where the creature was, but stayed a few meters from him. [color=#008080]"I have no need for a weapon.. And tell me something before we start again.. What in the universe are you? I'm a well seasoned traveler of the universe and I've yet to come across something like you.."[/color] [i][color=#008080]'Or I killed it before it could do anything to reveal that its like you..'[/color][/i] she thought to herself as she awaited an answer.

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"[color=#00ffff]What am I?[/color]" Kenshin then said laughing slightly, "[color=#00ffff]I am an Android.. of course the doctor that woke me up said something about Multiple Races' DNA before i absorbed him[/color]" Kenshin then laughed Darkly before using instantaneous transmission to teleport to right behind her where he aimed a fast kick to the back of her ribs before teleporting in front of her and punching towards her face continuing to teleport around as he attacked for a few seconds before teleporting a meter away from her. "[color=#00ffff]Now.. I'll let you destroy my arm first if that'll help you feel like you stand a chance[/color]" he then said almost as if he was mocking her holding his left arm out straight so she could choose where to hit it.

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Raptor's senses quickly came into play. He realized that it would definetly be most unfortunate if those blasts hit him. He charged energy for split second, and then created a barrier around himself. The blast bounced off, but did leave cracks in the barrier, although small. Raptor smirked as his mental ability came back to him. He threw a blast at Kazuya, teleported over a bit and threw another one, keeping this process up. He knew that the enemy would most likely dodge, but figured that he didn't know that the blasts were now locked on to Kazuya, following him wherever he may try to go. He then started to raise his power level greatly, the energy from him lashing out at the mountains and rocks. "[color=#ff0000][i][b]I shall not perish. You, however, will be killed by me.[/b][/i][/color]" He stopped retrieving energy, and put one hand in the air. On the hand, a small ball of energy began to appear. As seconds went by, the ball got larger and larger. By now, it was at least the size of a large boulder.

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Kazuya watched as the energy blasts came in before dodging backwards the blasts following him as he felt the man's Power Level rising deciding to do so with his own going in roughly a second to full power doubling his Power Level before simply hitting the small ki blasts and knocking them away before hitting them with small ki blasts destroying them. "[color=#800080]You know you really are annoying..[/color]" he then said as he noticed the ball of energy gathering on the mans hand sending a much faster ki blast then his usual ones at it in an attempt to make it detonate before disappearing the ground where he stood being void of any rocks that weren't crushed down to a more dust based looking form before he reappeared a few meters behind the man raising his finger he shot a death beam at the man's back most likely unnoticed from his position the power of the death beam being higher than those he launched before, "[color=#800080]Just Die..[/color]" he then said coldly.

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Raptor smiled widely as Kazuya fired many energy-based attacks. He chuckled a little as any energy blast fired was absorbed into the ball. It even changed the direction of the death beam so that it was also absorbed into the ball. Raptor bounced the ball up into the air and let it sit there. "You should know..this energy ball is a magnet. However, instead of attracting metal, it attracts, and absorbs, energy-based attacks. So..if you want to finish me, you'll have to do so man-to-man." Raptor raised his power level again, bulking up his already grown out muscles. "[color=#ff0000][b]You may think you're safe behind that armor...[/b][/color]" Raptor jumps up. "[color=#ff0000][b]But you're mistaken[/b][/color]." He came down hard, hitting the ground with his fist. Suddenly, lava and rock shot from the landscape. "[i]Dodge this[/i]", he thought to himself. He flew up higher as the mountain area started to flood with lava.

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[quote name='ANBU' timestamp='1320970169' post='5631698']
"[color=#00ffff]What am I?[/color]" Kenshin then said laughing slightly, "[color=#00ffff]I am an Android.. of course the doctor that woke me up said something about Multiple Races' DNA before i absorbed him[/color]" Kenshin then laughed Darkly before using instantaneous transmission to teleport to right behind her where he aimed a fast kick to the back of her ribs before teleporting in front of her and punching towards her face continuing to teleport around as he attacked for a few seconds before teleporting a meter away from her. "[color=#00ffff]Now.. I'll let you destroy my arm first if that'll help you feel like you stand a chance[/color]" he then said almost as if he was mocking her holding his left arm out straight so she could choose where to hit it.

Annabelle, being quiet annoyed by this newly identified as an Android, used her own teleportation skill to reach just outside of the Android's attacks. She then let out a small chuckle as the Android tried to mock her. [color=#008080]"You see.. That might work on some beings.. But not me.. I'm not as hot-headed as Michel down there.."[/color] [size=1][color=#8B4513]"HEEEEEEY! I HEARD THAT!"[/color][/size] Could be heard faintly as Annabelle looked to the Android, a small anime-like sweat drop forming for a split second. [color=#008080]"But if you want me to have the first punch, then so be it!"[/color] She said before teleporting behind the Android, at a higher elevation. As she appeared, she swung her right foot at the back of the Android's head. This was no ordinary kick, however, because at her foot was a concentration of energy. Upon impact, a huge energy explosion would happen. Annabelle, despite people thinking that she'll get hurt in the attack also, wasn't worried. After all, it was her own energy and she was trained to a point when her own energy attacks didn't hurt her. That's why she wasn't harmed at all earlier from her Energy Burst.

Anyways, if the kick connected, the blast would easily engulf them both and send the Android flying down to the ground for a hard impact. If the kick didn't connect, nothing would happen and Annabelle would simply teleport a few meters from the Android.

(Please excuse any spelling errors.. I typed them to my best ability and this [older] version of Mozilla doesn't have spell check. Btw, I always try to leave attacks open ended, so I don't become OP or GM or PP.. I just hope my opponent returns the favor.)

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Kazuya watched as the man buffed up to a point where his punch brought lava up laughing slightly as this as the man stated that behind his armor Kazuya still wasn't safe. Kazuya then stabs his tail into the ground to his right and then swung it upwards while moving it towards his left the damage to the ground from both his Ki energy moving around the tail and physical strength of the tail causing a small wall roughly 70cm high made of dirt just covering the distance of his standing point as the lava rose and flowed towards the being split and gathering again roughly 70cm past Kazuya missing his body. "[color=#800080]Now you say that ball absorbs Ki.. well then I guess I'll just have to destroy it with more energy than it can absorb[/color]" he then said his Power Level Rising much further than it already was stopping at 132,000,000 before he started creating a dark red orb which he then threw sideways and manipulated it to an extent that the magnetic powers of his opponent's orb held it in place doing the same thing another time before moving them close to each other and letting them move towards the orb sending a ki blast into them just before they would have impacted creating a large explosion destroying the nearby mountains and causing damage to the front of Kazuya's armor the armor adapting and slowly regenerating the bottom weakest layer covering his skin before his opponent could move close enough to attack a giant crater replacing the land near where the orb was as Kazuya floated in the air seeming slightly exhausted for a few seconds regaining his energy as his stronger layers of armor slowly formed over his front half of his body and arms.


Kenshin looked down as he saw the energy balls sensing the4 amount of ki energy coming from the creature as it created them before turning to see his opponent near him about to kick him in the head using his power to slow down time again he grabbed her leg and used his Instantaneous transmission to teleport them both away most likely also teleporting the fairy if it was touching her at the time. Kenshin then moved his head slightly so the kick would hit his shoulder instead of his head as time unpaused the kick hitting him and causing a explosion that engulfed them both Kenshin body seeming damages his arm destroys along with a part of his head blown off the rest of his body seemingly damaged. "[color=#00ffff]Well I guess you have some worth[/color]" he then said weakly as his skin-like body then regenerated his arm and the part of his head that was blasted off using the abilities he had gained from the Namekian DNA he absorbed. The Saiya-Jin DNA's Zenkai ability then activating due to the destruction on his head almost causing his body to die before being regenerated by his namekian Ability due to absorbed DNA, Keshin's Power Level then rising becoming roughly 1 1/3 of it's normal Power, he then swung his arm out to grab the girl aiming for her throat to try to suffocate her. As Kenshin did this the explosion from Kazuya's attack became visible in the distance along with more lava rising over the black crater that had become the surrounding area after Kazuya's Attack.

OOC: sorry if Explosion seems OP.. note Kazuya's vulnerable due to armor only having weakest layer or armor on his front however his speed and abilities are at full power when he catches breath

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Annabelle, quickly pulling out her gun and making that the grabbing target of the Android, didn't notice the change in scenery untill Kazuya's explosion went off.[i] [color=#008080]'W-What? Grr! He must have slowed time or something.. AGAIN! This is getting annoying!'[/color][/i] she thought to herself as the Android clenched onto her gun. [color=#008080]"D*mn straight I have some worth!"[/color] she said with a smirk as she tried another kick attack to the Android, but this time, to his ribs. [i][color=#008080]'If my calculations are right.. If I did that much damage to his arm and head, the blast should easily tear into his chest, maybe into the heart.. If he has one.. Not really sure on the anatomy of Androids..'[/color][/i] she thought as her kick neared the rib cage.

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Kenshin cotninued to grip his gun as the girl attempted to kick again befoere he release the gun and disappeared his speed with his Instantaneous transmission having increased very slightly due to his increased power as he reappeared behind her. Kenshin then re-split into 2 as he had earlier the clone reappearing infront of her to maker it look as if his instantaneous transmission had failed and that he was going to be hit, the clone hit in the ribs and ripped in half at which point uit became completely immobilized as it started to be destroyed the eneregy from it invisbly going into Kenshin as he stood behind her silently waiting for his full strength to return before starting. "[color=#00FFFF]Well now that I look at it again I should be able to survive that after all it only destroyed the torso[/color]" he then said coldly as he aimed a full power kick at the back of her head whioch would send her flying downwards if hit.

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[color=#008080]"W-What the hel-"[/color] Annabelle said before she was interupted by the kick to the head. The impact was strong enough to cause her to blackout as she crashed into the ground, only a few yards away from the tree Michel was resting in. The loud bang and flying dirt started Michel awake as she looked over to the crash site. It took a few moments, but the dust finally subsided and revealed that Annabelle was at the bottom of the large crater, passed out. [color=#8b4513]"Annabelle!"[/color] Michel screamed out as he quickly flew to her. [color=#8b4513]"Ohmanohmanohmanohmanohman"[/color] MIchel said in a slight panic as he started to heal Annabelle. If one was able to see aura in its natural hidden state, they would be able to see that energy from the planet was going into Annabelle, slowly healing her. [color=#8b4513]"C'mon girl! WAKE UP!"[/color]

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Kenshin shot down following the konatsian to the ground hearing the small one she had with her starting to panic, "[color=#00ffff]Don't worry.. If she's good enough for a transformation I'll consider letting her go..[/color]" he then said coldly as his chest opened and the tendrils shot out surrounding her currently unconscious body before beginning to pull it inside much faster than his previous attempt due to full power and her not struggling. Kenshin stood there as the tendrils pulled her in not paying much attention to her state not bothering to check if she woke up from the unconscious state she was sent into.

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[color=#8b4513]"Annabelle! ANNABELLE!"[/color] Michel screamed into her ear, but to no avail. The sudden movement and stimuli from the tendrils moving her did, however, get her on track to waking up. At first, her body twitched a little, still overwhelmed with pain from crashing into the hard ground. Then, her eyes started moving a little as she slowly opened them, her vision blurred slightly as her eyes started adjusting. [color=#008080]"H-Huh..?"[/color] she murmured out as the scenario started to get pieced together in her head. [color=#008080]"WAIT, WHAT!?"[/color] yelled out in shock before she performed another, [color=#008080]"Energy burst!"[/color] This time, when she got free'd yet again, she quickly grabbed Michel and leapteed to the other side of the small feild they landed in. [color=#008080]"Michel.. We need to figure out a way to be done with this guy soon.. I'd wadger that I only have one or two more of those left in me.."[/color] she whispered, refering to her Energy Burst attack/defense. Michel nodded, even though he had no clue how to help against this guy. He was an Adroid, something he's never been up against and didn't really know how his ki and chakra functioned. After all, there was just no way of reading this guy's energy level.

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Kenshin noticed the girl jumping back teleporting to a few feet back from where she had then stood, hearing her trying to figure out how to be done with Kenshin, which kenshin took as killing him. "[color=#00FFFF]Well.. there's always the chance that you could try killing me enough I won't regenerate[/color]" he then said before laughing somewhat maniacally before shooting forwards and aiming a strong pnch at her gut which if hit would easily wind her planning to continue the assault with kicks to the legs then head and finish by grabbiong her by the leg or arm and slamming her if he hit however planning to try to simply shoot a ki blast after them before they retaliate.

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Annabelle, growling a little, stepped back just enough to avoid the punch. "You just won't give up, will you," she asked as she ducked just enough to avoid the kick. She wasn't, however, able to void being grabbed and slammed into the ground. She recovered from the slam just in time to deflect the ki blast to the ground. Not only did this create a dust cloud, but it also made it look like the ki blast hit her. "Annabelle!" Michel yelled out as he waited for the dust to settle. Before the dust settled, though, Annabelle launched a large ki blast at the Android. [I]'Did it hit? Tell me it hit!'[/I] Annabelle thought to herself as she waited for the dust around her to settle enough for her to see what happened.

(ooc: Annabelle can't see through the dust. This will be the time to launch a strong sneak attack, like Annabelle just did.)

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Kenshin watched as the dust cloud grew into the air sensing for ki and finding her charging energy proving that his attack hadn't finished her, "[color=#00ffff]Well.. it seems an absolute show of my power is needed[/color]" Kenshin then said as he saw the ball of ki launched out of the dust towards him moving to the side with speed before rushing in the dust cloud roughly from the opposite side the ball of ki came from. "[color=#00ffff]Why won't you surrender weak one..[/color]" he then said as he found the back of annabelle and aimed a kick at her ribs before continuing to attack her at close range with various punches and kicks which via the dust cloud blocking proper sight had no indication of if they hit before he shot a ki blast at where her back would have been at the start of the assault determined to finish her quickly so he could try to advance states.

OOC: which makes me being able to sense your ki energy make the battle seem one-sided?

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[i]'Dammit! It didn't hit!'[/I] Annabelle thought to herself before she said, "Weak one? I've already nearly killed you and took out all those clon-" Annabelle was cut off when the kick to the ribs connected, followed up by an assault of multiple attacks. The ki blast then sent her flying through one tree and almost a second one, the second now leaning down over her, but not on her. "D... Dammit all.." Annabelle groaned out in pain as she tried to crawl out from under the tree trunk. "No.. Not being able to sense him is a huge pain in the ass.. No.. A huge pain in everything.." she mumbled out. "Annabelle.." Michel mumbled in worry as he flew over to her, "Do you think you could teleport away? Away far enough to where he couldn't sense ya?" "I... I don't know.." she said a she finally got out from under the tree.

(If ya think about it.. It's been kinda one sided the whole time with all the features and what-not he has. Lol. But yeah.. Now would be the time to try and choke her or something to knock her out.)

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Kenshin watched as the konatsian was launched away by his attack before moving after her arriving in front of her seconds after she hit the second tree. Kenshin looked down at her as she got out from under the tree waiting for a second or two before aiming to knee her in the head wanting to either knock her out or make her body incapable of much movement in resistance. "[color=#00ffff]now join..[/color]" he said teleporting behind her unsure whether his knee made contact as his chest opened and the tendrils once again launched out of it to try to pull her inside two of those tendrils aiming to wrap around her neck in their attempt to pull her inside Kenshin..

OOC: lol not really before the smoke she somewhat stood a chance at killing him xD

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(Ooc: True, but this fight is dragging on longer than it needs and this is the only way we'll be able to keep both characters alive in the RP. Lol)

Annabelle yelled out in pain as the knee connected and sent her back just as the tendrils wrapped around her. "No!" Michel yelled out as he flew at a tendril as fast as he could with his lances at the ready. If he pierced through the tendril as he planned, he was gonna try and take out the other tendrils. If it didn't work, he would have bounced off and fell to the ground. Meanwhile, Annabelle was able to put some resistense to being pulled toward Kenshi, but not much. She was also trying to unwrap the tendrils around her. If she could get them off, she'd be able to give a better struggle.

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ooc: lol pretty much..

IC: As the fairy flew into a tendril with the lances the lances slightly stabbed into the tendril before the resistance further inside the tendril stopped them from piercing through to the other side the fairy most likely falling with the lances of dropping without them. Kenshin then looked towards the fairy aiming a kick at him just to stop him from annoying the bio-android further as his tendrils were being pulled at by the konatsian those of the tendrils that had managed to be unwrapped slightly stabbing at her to try to get a full grip on her to keep her within their grasp as she was pulled towards Kenshin nearing his chest inside which further tendrils would wrap around her as he power was absorbed.

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Michel, getting kicked, was sent flying into a tree; where he bounced off of and landed on the ground, passed out with broken right wing. "Mi.. Michel!" Annabelle yelled out as she spotted Michel's broken wing as some tendrils stabbed into her, making her grunt in pain. Seeing Michel get hurt caused Annabelle's power to flare up and struggle more, bit it was already too late. The added tendrils from when she neared the Android's chest only slowed her down and hindered her movement. And the flare of power was short lived as her power was getting sapped from her. "N-No! Let.. me........ go.." Annabelle blacked out as her power resevers started to run on empty.

(Damsel in trouble people.. Great way to get back into the rp if ya haven't posted in a while and/or haven't posted yet. <__<; )

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OoC: Looks like I have no choice but to scrap my original idea. Oh well. I've been meaning to do this as well, but in a different way.

"[color=#008000]Destructive Wind![/color]" yelled Rai as he unleashed a powerful shockwave composed of air and electric Ki towards Kenshin from his side. Hoping that it was enough to stun him and release the Konatsian from its grasp, Maxwell used Instant Transmission to get to the Konatsian and used it again to get her out of sight. Rai teleported near Kenshin and prepared a stance. "[color="#008000"]It appears as though the rules have been altered; now you shall face an even more powerful foe.[/color]" said Rai as he began to charge up his power to his normal form's limit. It was so strong that the ground around him began to shake and crack underneath his feet. "[color=#008000]Are you prepared for your defeat?[/color]"

OoC: Just to inform you all, but both Maxwell and Rai have powers that can rival Frieza's Second form when at the limit of their normal forms. But when they transform, they are able to rival Frieza's Full Powered Final Form. But I'm sure you might have figured that out when the fight went on for a certain amount of time.

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The Ki drain out of the konatsian flowed through inside the tendrils and inside of him as a blast of electricity hit his side making him stumble slightly while he absorbed the energy his relaxed grip on the konatsian allowing them to be took away whilst his body glowed slightly. Kenshin then transformed him human-like body becoming less so with his right hand becoming a large drill, metal plating which underneath black 'skin' became clear on his body along with his face transforming and seeming as if it was now some sort of mask, his power level rising as he transformed this undetectable through any means other than if one had tasted an attack from his previous state and one from his current, his chest closing the tendrils now black retreating inside as it closed. "[color=#00ffff]hm.. well it seems you are more powerful than that woman.. well I don't intend to keep her anymore.. I have no need for that...[/color]" Kenshin had then replied to the man who asked if he was prepared for his defeat, Kenshin then using his instantaneous Transmission to teleport a short distance away so as to react if the man attacked, "[color=#40e0d0]Why don't you join me..? after all those whose absorption helped me such as hers are in no danger aside from the time it takes their body to recover..[/color]" he had then asked whilst he watched for a sign of the man attacking planning to instantaneously transmit behind them and aim a kick at their head if they moved to attack.

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