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[spoiler=lore]As long as this card is Face-up on the field: Any FIRE monster attacked by a WATER monster, any WATER monster attacked by an EARTH monster, any EARTH monster attacked by a WIND monster and any WIND monster attacked by a FIRE monster are automatically destroyed without applying damage calculation.[/spoiler]

ok so, this card, i got the idea while i was playing resheef of destruction last night, and i thought, "its a good thing you cant kill monsters in real yugioh like you can in this" then i thought, i wonder how that would work.... well heres the result

also, special thanks to Passion Pit for help! <3

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I honestly loled when I read the effect. It's such a memory trip (back to games like YGO Dark Duel Stories).

Anywho onto the card itself. The img is not bad, but it doesn't quite relate to the effect imo. But I can understand finding an fitting img for this card would be difficould.
The effect is funny, but that's it. It's way to situational for it to be used in any competative duel. But it's a nice lil' fun card while playing casual.

Overal I'd give it an 8/10, just because it seems like such a fun card (no sarcasm).

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