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You can change them back to normal.=)

[quote name='Darius the Just' timestamp='1325001278' post='5731936']
I'm shocked that a Christmas logo gave my club 2nd. Looks like small stuff do help.

Well you were almost the only ones who did something on your own and didn't just copypaste pictures from the Internet.
I really like the logo, though Vongola and YCMaker Hotel came first because I just liked how the OPs looked.

Now it's going to take a bit to make the prizes.:S

[b]Can the 4 winner clubs send me a list of all the members who took part at the event?[/b]
That doesn't mean that only these people will get something, there will be some club prizes first. But I find it quite fair if people who made/looked for GFX get something more than the members who only post in the club once every 3 months and didn't do anything. That and it's going to be a pain in the butt to tailor-make certain things for everyone...if you see what I mean.;3

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Well, which ones of the graphics did you make?
Are you sure that no one paid attention to the event?
Like, not even suggestions?O.o
It's going to be hard to get back to the posts, but I'll try.

Oh and Jake, everything about your club is in the post I made, feel free to PM for any other questions/discussions.

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[quote name='Cinnamon Star' timestamp='1325028492' post='5732989']
Well, which ones of the graphics did you make?
Are you sure that no one paid attention to the event?
Like, not even suggestions?O.o
It's going to be hard to get back to the posts, but I'll try.

Well Opal the truth is I found all of the graphics and did it myself. No one else even made suggestions.

But it is okay, makes your work a lot less (X3)

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Meh, edited the post, of course there will be club prizes.
But I'm working on something for individual members too so I thought about featuring the ones who participated mostly.
But then again, it's not set in stone yet.

[quote name='~Fluttershy~' timestamp='1325029111' post='5733019']
I did it by myself, and the idea was mine...so yeah :'P

Tho some members did express their opinions about it, nothing was changed because of it

Well scrap that, can you all send me a list of the active members of your club?
Like, the ones who have posted recently?

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