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Spyro's Orica Shop


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I am now opening a shop for all of those who like orica! i know that some people can make them easily, but i am the solution to those who are unskilled and dont have the money to buy one on ebay or amazon or youtube. I will be making these alone, so if it takes a week to get them to you, i apologise in advance. i will charge 1-3 points per card (depending on erasure difficulty), if you give your own picture, 3-5 points if i have to find it for you.

I will need:

The name of the card,

The picture you want,


Lore, Type, Attribute, ATK, DEF and LVL if not an official TCG/OCG card or if Japanese Card.


Otherwise, I can get the rest.


Here are some examples of how it will look (formatting options can be changed upon request):


[spoiler=Style 1]11979f7.jpg


[spoiler=Style 2]ilydz6.jpg


[spoiler=Style 3]xfztc5.jpg


[spoiler=Japanese]33ldpup.jpg[spoiler=Note on Japanese Cards] Japanese cards are free because not only are they quite overdone on these forums, but they are also VERY EASY to do, easier than making the regular oricas.



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1 point for the short job your offering is expensive and I can't even decide if this is actually graphically.


it is not a quick job, thank you very much. it will go down as i get faster at it.



Can you make it look as real as possible and ya I would do some business I have tones of people who would love to make some


define "real" please. what do you mean by that?

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it is not a quick job, thank you very much. it will go down as i get faster at it.


define "real" please. what do you mean by that?

Although it might not be a quick job, it's still not that great and doesn't look like a lot of effort's put into it.


By "real" I think they mean less LQ. You can tell the image has been stretched, and it looks terribad.

Try something like this:


I couldn't find the same image as you, but yeah.

See the difference in quality?

I made this in roughly 10 minutes.

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