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Blue Eyes Shinning Dragon Discussion

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Guest PikaPerson01

It is NOT a good card.

well of course you will need 3 BEWD and BEUD and besides it isnt such a good card.


use dragon staple cards like


Dragon's Treasure

There is a thing called:





Okay, does the topic creator REALLY want a discussion?



1: It'll look great in your binder, and you might be able to trade it to some stupid little kid for something useful.

2: Protection from cards that target (Sakuretsu, PWWB, Snipe Hunter, Raiza, Zaborg)

3: It's a nomi, so it gets milled by Reasoning and Monster Gate, should you happen to be playing some sort of odd Dragon's Mirror OTK.



1: Impossible summoning conditions of sacrificing a fusion of 3 high level monsters. Unless you're dueling a complete idiot, stack your deck, or just get insanely "lucky" (Depending on if you consider -1ing yourself to be lucky), the card will never ever hit the field.

2: It's an instant -1. You're sacrificing one monster on the field to get a different monster out from your hand.

3: Still affect by cards that don't target. (Smashing Ground, Fissure, Lightning Vortex, Mirror Force.)


Conclusion: For all the pros it might bring, it is impossible to consistently be able to bring this card out. Cards are useless if you can't activate them. Ergo, this card is useless.


These "Discussion" topics are only really good if they're... you know... actually mildly usable cards.

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