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Dateline's To Catch a Predator...Sued?


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OK, I heard this on the news.


You know the NBC show To catch a Predator? Well, apparently a guy they found commited suicide, and now his family is suing Dateline. And the judge in charge of the thing ruled that his family could sue, and they can sue for 1 mill.


So, maybe I'm taking this wrong, but basically what this judge is saying is that if a guy commited a murder, and a media show released a story on it, and the guy commited suicide, his family could sue that media show.

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No this exactly not what you should be happening for example, a child asks a scout leader if he can go play by some wells. the scout leader says no. so the child asks his dad who is helper and he says that he can. The kid falls down and dies. The scout leader gets sued for not looking after his children. Surely how can he stop the child does he physically have to restrain him. (this is true story) People need to live with the fact that people die and there is nothing we can do about it. Sueing someone is putting value on someones life and is completely wrong

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Um' date=' i support the suing dateline, i know how i would feel if it happend to me. =/



so? If you commited a murder and the media showed a story that you did and you commited suicide, does that give your family the right to sue because the media showed you commiting a crime?


Precisely couldnt have summed it up better myself

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Well, here's how I feel.



If you commit a murder, chances are you'll get a death sentence. So you commit suicide. That automatically makes it wrong that you died so your family can sue for your death, even though you were gonna die anyway for legal reasons? I find it interesting that a family can sue when a death sentenced criminal commits suicide, but they can't sue when he's hanged because of murder. It's almost as if that one man killed himself so his family could get some money. He was going to die anyway.

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I think they have the right to sue' date=' I would :?



why? Because you were caught doing a crime? I'll say what I said before: If you commited a murder and the media showed a story that you did and you commited suicide, does that give your family the right to sue because the media showed you commiting a crime?

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Now this is going 2 ways


1)I would Sue Them


--You can see dateline suffer

---You csn sue dateline for what they made this person do.


--An Eye for an Eye

---Dateline would win

2)I wouldnt sue the


--You can save your cash

---An Eye for an Eye


--Dateline would get away

---You lost somebody in your family



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Amen to that


I mean' date=' WTF?!


Suing because your family member, who was an child molester btw made suicide because he was caught, where is the logic in that? They just want the money, nothing else.....those money hungry idiots

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UH, Do you realize that there is no proof that a molesting took place? They find them into chat rooms then pester them to come to the house. PESTER! The guy was just talking then the adult acting like a kid pesters him into coming to the trap. serious problems here


1 Why would a 13 year old go to a PEDO CHAT AND NOT LEAVE IMEDITLY?

2 No genital to genital took place. Talking is not a crime.

3 I would much rather these people stay on the net and RP with retarded 13 or other actors than go out and do it.

4 Once Dateline has you they won't let you leave. THATS FALSE IMPRISONMENT


They should be kicked off the air. No questions

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Well there was this time that the guy showed up to the house NAKED, so I think that's a bit suspicious. I support Dateline in this. The guy was stupid enough to show up with the intent of molestation. He wasn't forced to, nor did he have a good reason to commit suicide. The family just wants money for his death.

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No comment.


Taken from another site but sums up what i think pretty well in addition to what i posted.


How does Perverted Justice get these guys in the first place? The decoys are ALWAYS over 18. Does perverted justice send a picture of the decoy during the chats? Do they send a picture prior to initiating sexual conversation? If so, then the guy chatting is looking at an 18 year old who they are attracted to. If not, then they're attracted primarily to the fact that they're supposed so young, which is a little weird. But even assuming the picture is someone younger... 16 for example, does that make it wrong?


I read an excellent article on slate a couple months back about the whole 18-year-old cutoff and how it really is a dirty trick on human impulses. Most girls (women?) start to mature around 14-16. So let's say you have a 16 year old with a fully developed, woman's body. Is it really that wrong to be attracted to her, even though she's technically underage?


But that's just taking into account physical maturity. What about mental maturity? Well, if you look how long it takes for someone to reach mental maturity, although it's not an exact science, most experts agree that most people start really becoming "mature" in their mid-to-late 20's. So should we make the age of consent 25? On a biological timeline, 18 years old is an arbitrary figure as it gets.


We're not talking about guys who are trying to have sex with 8 year olds here. I doubt anyone would argue that that's not sick. But Dateline quite intentionally operates in a biological grey area where our heads haven't quite caught up to our bodies.

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