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Calculator Ownage!!!!

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Last night I was playing one of my teamates in some fun duels trying to get some more strategy ideas for my Yubel deck, which I hope to be ready for the St. Louis jump a few months down the road. I had a Yubel - terror incarnate, and a Yubel Ultimate nightmare on the field durring my teammates turn. He set a monster then summoned a Five headed dragon. Then ended his turn. I asked him why and he said It was either that or do nothing as it was getting late he needed to go home, so he just tried to help me out. My next turn I played swing of memories to bring out Doom Shaman, then played Monster reborn ( already in the deck for march 1) to bring out yubel. Then I normal summoned the Calculator. His attack power was 12300! I attacked over his % headed dragon dealing him 7300 damage, then had my yubel - ultimate nightmare attack his face down, it was a morphing jar. Which dealt him 700. Game right on the money!


Has any body ever go any attacks up that high before?


I had a deck in the past that was a life gain, and was able to get Aget of Force Mars' attack and defence up to 129000. Then I would set him and let my opponate attack it :-)


but life gain decks are no good any more with gravity bind and level limit @ 1

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Well in YGO 2008 For the DS I Summoned a Chimertech Overdragon. Good Lord the Attack Power was off the charts! Summoned CTOD With 10 Machines (8000 ATK) Then I activated United We Stand with 3 Monsters on the Field (10400 ATK) Then I activated Limiter Removal (20800 ATK) Let's just say my Opponent Disconnected... :p

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37' date='000 ATK.


I was bored and wanted to see how long I'd last with stall + Satellite Cannon.



I did that on a some GBA game, or a DS game... cant remember...


except that I used a stall until i think 45,000 with 3 out, then limiter removal'ed them, so i had 3 monsters with around 90,000 ATK each out.



used Heavy Story before attacking... duh.

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