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I've decided once again to start a render shop.


Renders: 1-2 points (dependent on complexity)

Render Pack: 1 point for 10 renders (From my archive), you can also order upto 5 for free.

Render Archive Pass: 2000 points or 250 per month (to 2000)

Other Alternatives avaliable upon request

Renders list from archive is available in my signature

[spoiler=Order Form]Renders: URL/Image Render Pack: List of renders wanted





[spoiler=Order List]1.






[spoiler='Completed Orders]1. Dragon Sage #71






- I have the right to refuse any order if I find it's too complex, an explanation will be posted.

- Please pay after the render has been completed, not before.

- If you wish to have the item PMed you rather than posted here please state in your order.

- If your order has been complete and you haven't acknowledged your order within 2 days, I will PM you to make you aware that your order has been completed.

- Both completed orders and the order queue, contain numbers, these are the numbers of the post the order/completed order can be found in.

- A new order can only be made by a member once previous (completed) orders have been paid for.

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I always like to come back when I see some of the attempts by other shop owners.

Don't worry Daemon, it's just in case I don't end up doing it so it covers both of us.




Sorry about the quality, I was trying to remove as much as of the orange as possible so it's effected the outcome.

Cost: 1 point.




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Do you think you can render this? majestic_jade_emperor_by_asrwgm-d3621ep.png


I want that guy and his staff rendered (no need for the glow from that crystal in the staff top part). And if you can, do you think you can "remove" that sword thing on his hair area, and that small bubble below his left elbow?


Also, can you send it by PM please?


And for the 2nd order, can you render this one? :D r0t64j.jpg

This one doesn't need to be PM'd. No speech bubbles. Just the person.

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Thanks. 1st is going to cost 2 points, had to do some scratch work on it, to cover up the spots you mentioned. The hair one isn't as good as I would have liked, but I tried my hardest.


I've only just got onto rendering it.

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Thanks~ I'll send 5, as a tip :D and however much for the 2nd one


Also, Yinny, if it's not a hassle, like if it's on diff layer or something, for the jade emperor guy (1st pic) can you send a version without the hidden "sword" and bubble, so I can try too? Just for testing. and only if it's not a hassle. :D

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I did the edit before I rendered.


After fighting with YCM to send your first render by PM, I've decided not to render anymore tonight. I'll do it again in the morning.

(It took less time to get this post to edit, than to actual post by ages.)

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