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Pokémon—The Pathway to the Future [IC/PG-13/Started/Accepting/Co-Hosted by Raine]


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[color=#8b4513]Rosencrantz Blackwood shifted from foot-to-foot anxiously. "C'mon, c'mon...When're we gonna get there?"[/color]

[color=#8b4513]He stood on the bow of the [/color][color=#0000ff][i]S.S. Kyogre[/i][/color][color=#8b4513], allowing himself to be buffeted by the salty spray coming off of the ocean around the boat. His eyes squinted hard, looking for the first sign of an island. [i]We'll probably see Vega Island first...Or, if we're approaching from further East, we'll see Garnet Island...[/i]he thought to himself.[/color]

[color=#8b4513]Rose adjusted his tie and pulled on the bottom of his dress shirt. Then, he looked at the polished railing he was gripping tightly and attempted to style his hair with only his left hand. Sufficeth to say, he looked like a teenager that wasn't very good at dressing himself for formal occasions.[/color]

[color=#8b4513]He picked his head back up and looked around him. Nobody else was on the main deck of the ship that he could see, which was a bit disheartening...He knew he wasn't necessarily skilled conversationally, but he would've liked some sort of sign that he wasn't alone...[/color]

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Joshua left out a stressed grunt, the mix of flustering crew and air smelling of sea-salt didn't sit well with him. While Joshua was used to boats and other traveling methods he had very low tolerance of chaos and general disorganization, the crowds below deck only proved that. His well-tailored suit was slightly wrinkled as well, much to Joshua's disappointment. Truth be told, he was bored. In the masses no one stuck out, the two things he crazed most, curiosities and dramatics, were few and far in between.

[color=#800080]"To think,"[/color] he started, [color=#800080]"my first days of school begin like thi-"[/color]. A hand caught his mouth, stopping him mid-sentence. He moved it away and made a fist, [color=#800080]"No, I will not let myself be classified by previous lifestyle. I will become the best and make my name through actions. I am here to obtain immortality!,"[/color] he froze, [color=#800080]"I mean, greatness. Where did I immortality at? ...when did I start talking to myself?"[/color] A few silent seconds rolled by before Joshua's eye caught a lone boy at the helm of the ship. He looked rather plain but Joshua thought he maybe be interesting since he was wise enough to not be herded down below.

[color=#800080]"Heee-ey!,"[/color] Joshua called out. He reached the boy and noticed he was a bit older then him, this didn't trouble him. Joshua jumped himself up to sit on the railing of the boat,[color=#800080] "[/color][color=#800080]You know, I found myself wondering why someone would be so far from the student mob in the midst of there mundane greetings and faux smiles just to gaze off into the horizon. Then I thought, it sounds like fun."[/color] Joshua offered his hand, [color=#800080]"You're obviously not a moron and you got enough sense or instinct to do something I reasoned out, I'm Joshua. Fellow participant of learning. Well... I assume your a student." [/color]

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Markus was laying on the main deck, rolling around the floor. He had his headphones on, so he wasn't really focused on anything. Even if this was his first time leaving Kanto, he was excited, not knowing how the school would be. He stood up and realized his black suit was full of dirt from the deck. He shook it for a bit until it was black again.

[i][color=#daa520]"Wow...it's HOT! I regret wearing a tie..." [/color][/i]- Markus adjusted his tie and looked out the bow of the ship - [i][color=#daa520]"This is a LOT of water. I wonder which Pokemon live he-"[/color][/i] - Markus was interrupted by something that jumped out of the water. It was like a big fish, but...flat? Upon closer inspection, he recognized the antennae and color of a Mantine - [i][color=#daa520]"Wow.., a Mantine! Hi!"[/color][/i] - The Pokemon answered with a happy [i][color=#800080]"Man! Manta!"[/color][/i]

[color=#daa520][i]"Wow... the first time I see a Mantine in real life, Awesome!"[/i][/color] - Markus said as the Kite Pokemon jumped around happily, and then left, diving underwater.

[color=#daa520][i]"Well...off to more Megadeth!"[/i][/color] - Before Markus could immerse himself into his music, he saw two people talking. One was younger than he was, but the other looked his age, more or less. Markus approached the boys, waving at them from a distance. - [color=#daa520][i]"I believe you are also stuck in school, eh?"[/i][/color] - He offered a closed fist to both guys - [color=#daa520][i]"I'm Markus, Fist bump!"[/i][/color]

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[color=#800080]"Oh, hi Grandma," [/color][color=#000000]Olivia said over her cellphone, as she walked quickly, trying to get out of the main deck and further toward the bow of the ship, [/color][color=#800080]"... I'm doing fine, thank you... no really, I am! I... Well... you [i]say[/i] that but... Look, can we just stop talking for a minute, please? I'm trying to get to somewhere with a bit more privacy..."[/color]

[color=#000000]After a bit more fast walking, Olivia finally managed to get to the bow... only to see that three persons, quite inconsiderably in her mind, had just occupied that space... so they could do what? Just [i]talk[/i] to each other about something that she might not even want to overhear? This greatly annoyed Olivia; one could see it in her eyes. Nonetheless, she stood at the entranceway to the bow, before returning her attention to her grandmother, who was probably waiting on the other side of the phone.[/color]

[color=#800080]"I'm sorry... I'm gonna have to call you back," [/color][color=#000000]Olivia quickly hung up her cellphone and observed the trio.[/color]

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Yuki turned the pages of her book idly, passing her time. The school was on the horizon. She could feel it. And it excited her. But, for the time being, it was merely a fragile dream on the edge of existence, and disturbing the balance would shatter it. She trusted herself to remain calm.
Finding her book no longer entertaining, she closed it gently and put it gently next to her bag. Staring at the ceiling she sighed.
[i]Finally, to a place where I can show my potential as a researcher, where I can regain my family's legacy. The old lab will be reborn from the ashes of the phoenix. Only, of course, if I succeed at the academy. I hope I do. I really do. Failure would only result in the disgrace of my family.[/i]
She got up from the bed in her cabin and spun lazily on one foot. She was bored. There was nothing interesting to do. And talking to the others on board the ship didn't interest her either, especially as she still didn't know how to properly interact with those around her.

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Of course Bree missed her home. Lavender Town was a quaint little village, easy to settle into, easy to make familiar. Now she was on a boat, filled with unknown persons, heading for the shore of an unknown destination. Most of the populace of the ship were younger than her, but that was expected. Bree's known she's started her journey far later than the typical trainer, and she's not even going on a literal adventure; Bree was attending an academy of Pokemon. Taking care while leaning on the railing of the aft-port side of the ship's bow, all she saw was the ocean.

In a cold, salty breeze of ocean wind, she pulled her small, feminine pea-coat closer, covering her neck and pushed the strands of her long orange hair from covering her face. She was glad she didn't feel sea sickness. She'd never been on a boat, much less cruising over the ocean.

[color=#ffa07a][i]If only Grandpa could see me. Finally gonna be a trainer, learning all sorts of things about Pokemon, attending an academy on an island in the middle of the sea. This is gonna be something else.[/i][/color]

Bree let go of the railing, put her hands in her pea-coat pockets, and walked along the bow heading towards the forward part of the ship. A group of three, as far as she could notice, were talking, no doubt having introductory conversations, but not far from them was a lone female. She was watching them. Curiosity struck, and Bree walked up to the girl. She was a younger girl, blonde, and very quiet in her observing of the trio.

Once she was a couple steps from the blonde, Bree put her feet together and slightly leaned forward. [color=#ffa07a]"Why are you watching them?"[/color]

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Yuki was pleasantly - or [i]un[/i]pleasantly - surprised when someone came up and talked to her. And the topic of which she spoke of confused her too.
[color=#ffa07a]"Why are you watching them?"[/color]
She blinked at the stranger, as if not understanding the question.
[color=#dda0dd]"I'm not." [/color]she said finally.[color=#DDA0DD] "What reason would I have for watching those who interact with each whilst I don't know them? I merely enjoy myself in the views surrounding the boat on which we travel, and some of the greatest views lie dead ahead, in the direction of the others."[/color]
She looked past the group to the gleaming oceans beyond, and the slight dots of green she knew were coming closer with each passing second.
[color=#dda0dd]"I'm forgetting my manners. I'm Yuki."[/color] she said, feeling it would be polite to introduce herself, despite her reservations. She had wanted a quiet, uninterrupted night, contemplating what lay before her in the form of the IPMTA.

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"Huh?" Rose said, jumping slightly at Joshua's sudden appearance. "Oh...M-my name's R-Rose...Y-yeah, I'm a s-student here..."

With that, Rose turned around, face flushed, and shuffled quickly to his cabin below deck. "Geez...People talking to me...So many people...That guy...And then those other people that started showing up..."

Rose opened the door to his cabin and entered, locking the door behind him. He dropped himself onto the bed and curled up with his over-sized stuffed Victini plush, an item that he's kept with him throughout the years despite its childish appearance. As he snuggled up to it, he slowly drifted off to sleep...

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Silver walked onto the the decks of the [color=#0000FF]S.S. Kyogre[/color] and looked onto the horizon wondering what he would face when he reaches the IPMTA. He thought in his head [i]I wonder waht chall[/i][i]enges i will face when i get to the IPMTA, It feels strange going into uncharted territory but i hope the IPMTA makes strong enough so i can stand a chance of winning a league.[/i] Silver then gave a sigh as he was going into his cabin, but not be before he saw something jump out of the water "Was that a Luvdisc?" Silver shook his head and started to walk into the cabin, but the Luvdisc jumped out and squirted him. "Stupid Luvdisc." Silver said as he was slowly started to get annoyed however he didn't want to make a scene and decided to stay on the decks keeping watch for any other water-types.

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The girl was young, but well spoken. Bree straightened herself. She didn't expect a tailored vocabulary from this girl. [color=#ffa07a]"Hm, my mistake."[/color]

The girl wasn't looking at the group, but looking past them. Bree turned to face the same direction and squinted, and noticed small dark green shapes over the blue horizon. The islands were finally in view. Eventually, the [color=#0000ff][i]S. S. Kyogre [/i][/color]will dock and she'll be walking ashore to the IPMTA along with the other passengers of this ship.

[color=#dda0dd]"I'm forgetting my manners. I'm Yuki."[/color]

Bree hadn't turned away from the islands, imagining what it would be like walking the wilds, searching for Pokemon. [color=#ffa07a]"You're right you know, about the greatest views lying ahead. I can see the islands now. My name's Bree." [/color]Turning to the face the younger girl, she extended her hand to the blonde for a handshake, smiling. [color=#ffa07a]"By the way, manner's aren't my strong suit."[/color]

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Joshua gave a mellow expression of disappointment as Rose left the bow, [color=#4b0082]"I do indeed hate it when I'm wrong. Pity."[/color] He turned his head to meet the eyes of Markus, or so he called himself, [color=#4b0082]"Yeah, yes. It seems we have been forgotten and left- wait, we? No, I am me and you are you and meeting has just taken place."[/color] Joshua ran his finger through his hair, [color=#4b0082]"I am Joshua Hayes, you may call me Mr. Hayes, Joshua, or He Who Dances Among The Night Thorns. That last one was poor attempt at humor, I tried it for real once, an absolute pain to fill out forms."[/color] He offered his hand, [color=#4b0082]"I'm cutting my losses, the pleasure is mine."[/color]

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[i][color=#daa520]"Geez Louise, could you [/color][/i][color=#daa520][b]be[/b][/color][i][color=#daa520] any more polite? Dude we are all friends here!"[/color][/i] - Markus shook Joshua's hand firmly. He grinned slightly, since Joshua was his first friend here, even if they had just met. Also, one of his first non-Pokemon friends. All that time at the day care made him closer to Pokemon than to people...he shook his head, trying to drive the thoughts away from his head - [color=#daa520][i]"H-Hey, where are you from, anyways? I'm from Pallet!" [/i][/color]- He then looked out the bow, and saw the islands ahead. - [color=#daa520][i]"It looks like we are getting there..."[/i][/color]

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[color=#000000]Suddenly, one of the three guys had suddenly walked away from the group, Olivia squeezing herself out of his way before watching him trudge down the hallway towards his cabin, before turning back to the others.[/color]

[i][color=#800080]'Well that [b]one[/b] guy has the right idea,'[/color][/i][color=#000000] Olivia thought to herself, [/color][i][color=#800080]'Now I just need those other two gone, and I can talk to Grandma in peace, and not have anyone overhear me or anything.'[/color][/i]

[color=#000000]Sighing, Olivia proceeded towards the bow, approaching the two guys that were still there.[/color]

[color=#800080]"Excuse me?" [/color][color=#000000]she asked curtly, [/color][color=#800080]"Sorry to bother you, but um... would you two mind taking your conversation elsewhere, please? I'm trying to make a private call here, and there's no reception at my cabin at the moment,"[/color]

[color=#000000]Well... she lied about that [i]last[/i] bit, but what would [i]they[/i] know? It wasn't like they had this special power that allowed them to read minds. They probably didn't even have any [i]Pokemon[/i] to do that [i]for[/i] them.[/color]

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Joshua gave a brief sigh and moved to respond, rhetorically of coarse, to Markus before Olivia stepped to interrupt saying something another about reception and lack there of it in the lower decks. [color=#4b0082]"Excuse me? I'm sorry but if I am not mistaken and I am usually not, you are holding a cellular phone. Now again I am assuming I am correct in believing that a cellular phone can, in fact, be used in areas such as the back of the boat, or the middle of the boat. I am more than positive that there sufficient space to accommodate you and your conversation. However, I wouldn't dare force a lady such as yourself to someplace you wish not to be so I'm sure me and my," [/color]Joshua paused,[color=#4b0082] "associate would be more then," [/color]again he paused, [color=#4b0082]"tolerable as let you make whatever sort of call you desire to make but the condition that as least I neither interrupt nor overhear your conversation depends on the interest so please place the call to your grandmother or who knows who you would call on a boat without interrupting our conversation either here or elsewhere. Alright?"[/color] Joshua was not gonna take something so mundane, move a conversation between two people for the sake of one? Maybe if we weren't doing anything however he had to pass time. Markus seemed willing enough to defend their spot. ...though it's possible Joshua just did it for kicks.

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Yuki smiled faintly, and shook Bree's hand
[color=#ffa07a]"By the way, manners aren't my strong suit."[/color]
[color=#dda0dd]"Admittedly, not everyone is good at being polite and formal. But it doesn't matter quite as much for the others. If they would rather be somewhat impolite, I'll let bygones be bygones."[/color]
She shrugged slightly and looked back out to the view. The green dots stood out on the horizon, and she loved the simple view. She loved simple things like that. Until, of course, overs made them more difficult by explaining what happened when you saw these views.
[color=#dda0dd]"So, uh, which Pokemon are you hoping for when we get to IPMTA?" [/color]Yuki asked, trying to be friendly.

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[color=#ffa07a]"Yeah. I don't care much for manners, either. Still not a reason to be uncivilized,"[/color] Bree said somewhat paraphrasing Yuki. She was pretty smart to be able to speak and think the way she did.

The girl looked out to the ocean onto the upcoming islands, probably looking out to see them for herself.

[color=#dda0dd]"So, uh, which Pokemon are you hoping for when we get to IPMTA?"[/color]

[color=#ffa07a]"Definitely Vulpix. I think they have a young and naive elegance to them. I'd love a Vulpix for my starter. For the rest of my team, I'm still unsure. Depends what's out there on the islands. Or maybe I'll wait until I'm really out on an adventure to catch my dream Pokemon. What about you, Yuki?"[/color]

A brisk wind came up as some bird Pokemon flew by the ship and Bree catches her hat before it loses its place on her head. Then a thought came to her. She didn't really like Water or Flying Pokemon, so how would she travel?

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[i][color=#daa520]"Eeeh...I would respond, but I don't know what you just said Joshua"[/color][/i] - Markus giggled, and then looked at Olivia - [i][color=#daa520]"I agree with the fact that it's weird that you can't get reception anywhere else, but I have to admit, manners beat me. We should let the lady take the spot Joshua. This might also be a chance to meet the other students. They will be our classmates after all right? I'm Markus by the way, ma lady."[/color][/i] - He looked over to Joshua and made a head gesture, pointing to the back of the ship - [color=#daa520][i]"Come on man, we'll just go around the ship and back, what do you say?"[/i][/color]

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[color="#000000"]Olivia found this... Joshua guy to be quite rude, and was even perplexed as to how he knew she was talking to her grandmother for a second there. A theory she had in her mind only got her angrier, but Markus at least insisted they scout the boat a bit more, much to Olivia's liking. He also introduced himself, so it was only fair for Olivia to do the same.[/color]

[color=#800080]"Olivia Redwood,"[/color][color=#000000] she said quickly, before casting a glare at Joshua, [/color][color=#800080]"I don't know [i]how[/i] you managed to get acquainted with that jackass over there, but [i]you[/i] at least seem like a nice enough guy. Maybe we can catch up later... if you're looking for a [i]real[/i] friend."[/color]

[color="#000000"]Olivia smiled friendlily towards Markus, but he turned towards his friend that smile on her face turned into a smirk.[/color]

[color=#800080][i]'Works every time,'[/i][/color][color=#000000] she thought to herself, as it sounded as though they were going to leave.[/color]

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Joshua gave a deep breath, [color=#4b0082]"Did you see the same thing I did? This is EXACTLY what I am talking about!"[/color] Joshua gave the two of them a steer disappointed look, [color=#000080]"Do you expect things to be handed to you? NO! So don't ask, earn. When my great-grand father immigrated here from the Johto region, he made a living making shoelaces, not running around irresponsibly in hopes of becoming so trainer. Someone needs to keep food on the table. I don't want to live in a world like that! Why can't we coexist peacefully? Like friends, this hostile and formal behavior has to stop for our children's children's pikachu's pet ketchup bottle."[/color] Joshua turned and stepped himself precariously on the railing of the bow, [color=#4b0082]"Feel the sea! See the rolling clouds~! Hear the waves smashing against the iron hull!" [/color]He jumped back down, raising a finger in front of Olivia,[color=#4b0082] "Shouldn't we enjoy it while we can? I have issue with anyone so rude as to insult that infinite cosmos. However, life is too short to save those who can't be saved."[/color] Joshua spun, placed his hand on the back of Markus and pushed to move on further towards the back of the ship. [color=#4b0082]"I'm cutting my loses twice, Joshua Hayes, Ms. Lady. I'll be here all week~!"[/color]. He whispered to Markus, [color="#4b0082"]"Don't force me to do that again, would you kindly."[/color]

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[color=#daa520][i]"I...I will try to..."[/i][/color] whispered Markus back to Joshua, after hearing that intense, yet somehow true whine.He then jumped in the middle of both Joshua and Olivia - [color=#daa520][i]"He-he's right. We shouldn't argue. Both of you, let's try to stay pseudo-friendly at least until the classes begin. Then you can hate each other as much as you want."[/i][/color] - he then looked at Joshua who looked like he was about to burst- [i][color=#daa520]"Dude, a phone call lasts, what, five to ten minutes? We can go around the ship, introduce ourselves to the other students and come back here. It's much more orthodox than fighting here."[/color][/i]

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