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OOC: [url=http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/279973-starbound-ooc-not-started-not-accepting/]http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/279973-starbound-ooc-not-started-not-accepting/[/url]

[size=5][b]CHAPTER 1: THE STAR THAT SHINES ON STELLOS[/b][/size][/center]

[spoiler=Chapter 1 Synopsis]Three years has passed since Fayte Einzhart left his Starbound guild to travel across Terrania. Now, Fayte has returned to Stellos after three long years to embrace what he has came to call "home". Meanwhile, a young Starbound has arrived in Stellos as well in hopes of joining Fayte's guild, the Sol Guild. A magical adventure bounded to the stars has begun![/spoiler]

It was afternoon in the grand, mystical city of Stellos, the capital of the Tenebrae Kingdom. High above in the pristine blue sky, the sun's glowing rays illuminated every outstretch of lush, grassy land as far as the eyes can see. Within the gargantuan capital, hundreds, if not, thousands of citizens busily made their way through the wide streets, corners, and alleyways. The sound of tapping shoes against the city's cobblestone streets did nothing to mute the boisterous sounds of people communing, talking to each other about daily news, personal lives, and business. The grandeur and busyness of Stellos was something to behold. To strangers who are first arriving to the city, it can be quite easy to get lost in everything. In time they will get used to the noises, sights, and scents. Those who are born within the city are fortunate to grow up learning from it. To foreigners, Stellos can also be a dangerous place. For a city so immense in size, one can get lost or walk into the wrong neighborhood where street gangs and other shady individuals call home. Fortunately for Starbounds, their amazing magical abilities are more than enough to take care of those characters.

When Fayte Einzhart first arrived in Stellos, he could've easily gotten into trouble for not knowing how to go about his daily life in Stellos. Fortunately for Fayte, the members of the Sol Guild were incredibly kind and helpful, teaching Fayte about life in the big city. Since then, Fayte has grown to know all of the workings of the city. However, there was no place in the city more interesting and fun than being at Sol's Guild House itself. Unique Starbounds, not labelled unique just by their magic, enjoyed life to its fullest there. Whether it was talking to the guild members, listening to their stories, or sometimes getting into the occasional brawl with some of the other Starbound children, Fayte could always find something to do. Sometimes, Fayte would go to Master Marlon's study quarters and listen to him for hours on end telling about legends and the origin of Starbounds. And when Fayte was not in the guild house, he would be wandering the open market section of Stellos to take in all of the sights, smells, and sounds. There was certainly never a dull moment in Stellos.

In his old hometown of Rigel, Fayte would've never had such experiences. After the deaths of his parents, Fayte fell into a pit of despair. But Fayte knew they he couldn't stand in that cementer forever waiting for his parents to come back. That is why Fayte chose to go with Master Marlon to Stellos and begin a new life. With the discovery of his magic, Fayte was able to grew even closer to his friends at the Sol Guild. Fayte had became one of them, a guild member. The Sol Guild from then on was forever his family. For the last three years forever, Fayte has not had the chance to see his beloved guild. But now, standing at Stellos' golden city gates, with luggage slung onto his back, Fayte looks forward to returning home.

Taking in a deep breath through his nose then exhaling from his mouth, a nostalgic expression appeared on Fayte's face. One that was formed from a pleasant smile. "I can't believe it... I'm finally home..." Fayte let those words emanated slowly from him as he was still in disbelief that finally after three years he would be able to see all of his comrades again. Walking into the city, Fayte was greeted with the familiar hustle and bustle of the city that he grew to tolerate, maybe even love. Like he has been doing for years, Fayte weaved and shifted his way expertly through the crowded streets. The way he moved seem almost second nature. While Fayte continued walking, he also looked at the scenery around him. "Quite a few things have changed since three years. Huh, looks like Lilyette finally put up a new sign for her medicine shop. Maybe I should stop by and say hi." Fayte told himself before changing directions with ease.

Lilyette, though only a young age of twenty-two, is quite well-known in Stellos for her herbal remedies. Though not a Starbound herself, Lilyette does have help from two female assistants that practice healing magic. Stepping into the brick, wood, and metal-forged building crowned with an expertly carved wooden sign that reads "The Herbal Lily," most likely a pun on Lilyette's own name, Fayte was instantly met with the sweet, spicy, and bitter smell of herbs and other medicinal ingredients cooking at high temperature. "Welcome to 'The Herbal Lily', how can I help you on this wonderfully fine day." a young, upbeat girl asked Fayte. The girl was quite pretty with her glistening, vibrant, and blonde medium-length hair and her cheery deposition.

Fayte was quite taken back by her appearance but soon regain composure. "Oh I was wondering if Lilyette was around." Fayte replied while also taking a look around the newly designed interior. "Why in fact she is and she isn't busy at the moment. Lilyette, there's someone here who would like to see you." the girl called out with just the right amount of volume. "Coming," was the reply back. Walking out from the back room in a gorgeous floral dress was Lilyette. A fair-skinned and quite lovely brunette with a floral clip in her hair, Lilyette was one of the city's most beautiful young women proven by the numerous amounts of marriage proposals offered to her from young bachelors. However, she refused them all in order to focus on her work. Bringing her light brown-colored eyes up to meet the guest, Lilyette was shocked to see it was Fayte who has arrived back in Stellos.

"Fayte!" Lilyette suddenly let out joyously as she rushed towards him. "Hi Lilye-" Before Fayte could finish greeting her, Lilyette had already embraced him in a friendly hug. Fayte blushed initially but then a pleasant smile formed on his face as he hugged her back. Letting Fayte go, Lilyette then faced him with a sweet smile. "It's been too long. How have you been Fayte?" she asked him. "I'm good." Fayte replied. Lilyette then placed her hand on top of Fayte's head and then brought it back down to her side. "Wow, you've gotten taller than the last time we saw each other. I'm glad you're growing like a healthy young man would." Lilyette stated.

"Well I took your advice on eating rather seriously hehe. So, besides redecorating, it looks like your business has expanded huh?" Fayte asked.

"Yep. Now I have room for more patients. I'm very grateful that Master Marlon had provided me funding for my shop." Lilyette replied.

"Oh really? How is Master Marlon and the rest of the Sol Guild doing?" Fayte asked.

"Healthy I would hope. I haven't had much time to go check on them myself since I've been getting so many customers lately. There was this one time Shukuro came in here with a broken arm. Also, there was one time when I was delivering medicine to the guild house, I saw Celio playing his flute. His music sure is beautiful. Syfa was also quite generous in bringing my patients some of her delicious soup. But you should go see them for yourself." Lilyette explained.

"Heh, Shukuro's still getting into trouble, Celio's still flute savvy, and Syfa's still cooking up delicious things. I guess there are some things I'll always be able to look forward too. Well, I've taken enough of your time Lilyette. I'll be going now. Hopefully we can formally catch up later." Fayte suggested before walking out of Lilyette's shop. "Bye Fayte and I'll hold you to that promise." Lilyette replied. Returning back onto his path towards Sol's Guild House, Fayte couldn't help but smile over what Lilyette had said earlier about his guild mates. "I wonder if the others are still their same old self?" Fayte asked himself, becoming even more excited about seeing them again. A little while later, Fayte finally arrived at the place he came to call as "home," Sol's Guild House, which is the building's official name. The building itself was built from red-colored bricks and decorated with wood and gold ornaments. The guild house was quite massive in size even in guild houses' standards. In the morning until nighttime, Sol's Guild House's golden gates are always open to visitors, guild members, and those seeking to become a part of the guild itself.

For Fayte, it is the entrance to his home. Walking inside the estate, Fayte looked around to notice that, aesthetically, things were unchanged. Once again the feeling of nostalgia surged up onto the surface as Fayte almost shed tears of joy. However, Fayte resisted. Who knew how his fellow guild members would react if they see Fayte walking in shedding tears. They would probably ask Fayte if someone had been bullying him just like when Fayte was child, but Fayte was no longer a child. Fayte was heading towards adulthood in some months when he turns into the young adult age of eighteen. Finally, Fayte had arrived at the guild's massive front doors which were painted over with the symbol of the sun in golden yellow paint. The guild itself was name after the sun which many Starbounds regarded as the most powerful star in all the heavens. Master Marlon surely believed so as he was the one who suggested the name to the original master of the guild.

Though massive, the doors were easily opened with just enough effort in a push. Fayte then pushed open one of the doors and right away was greeted with the sound of camaraderie. The noise level was fairly loud and the atmosphere was lively enough that none of them noticed Fayte entering. Seeing that, Fayte almost burst out laughing. "(Hahaha, security has changed either.)" Fayte thought while giving a small chuckle.

"C'mon!!! None of ya wanna battle me?! Stop being such sissies!" a long, dark-haired man with a vertical scar across his nose and an intricate tattoo on the left side of his body leading up onto his face exclaimed boisterously as he stood up on top of a round table while other people were sitting on the chairs surrounding the table. The man was wearing dark brown trousers, sandals, no shirt, and a red robe was draped over his shoulders. "Jeez Shukuro, why can't you be more calm and peaceful like your sister?" one bald man with a moustache asked with arms crossed and a slightly annoyed expression. "Shaddap pops!" Shukuro, comically irritated, replied with a vein popping up on his head.

"I'm home..." Fayte said quietly at first as he was taking in the sight. "I'm home everybody!" Fayte suddenly shouted out for everyone of his guild members to hear. With that, they all turned their attention to him and their eyes widened with shock and mixed emotions. "Fayte's home!" multiple guild members shouted excited in unison. With that, the noise level surged as cheers and excitement filled the air to its brim. Fayte was finally home...

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[color=#008080]"GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH~ This city is so HUGE and busy! I've been in cities before.. BUT NOT LIKE THIS!" [/color]Kirei whimpered out loudly as she she was practically sandwiched between two people and being carried to wherever the flow of the crowd. Her shortness and light weight wasn't really helping in this scenario. Eventually, she decided she needed to get outside this flood of people and try to ask for direction. After a few moments of being able to barely squeeze between two people like a cat between a rock and a hard place, she decided to take up a different tactic. It's time to 'make' people get out of her way. Reaching into her shirt, she quickly pulled out her [url="http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Music-Conductors-14-1-2-Baton-Blue-Crush-Acrylic-Gift-Box-/00/s/NzIxWDEwMjQ=/$(KGrHqZ,!p4E8Wqqb0BUBPG0H-I6eQ~~60_57.JPG"]music baton[/url] and pointed it up high into the air, the tip glowing pink as sparkles began to shoot out. People getting caught off guard by this, they stopped in their tracks and took a few steps away from her. Clearing her throat, she started to [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5RbazjMNCs&list=PLD60C332C525E12A0&index=16&feature=plpp_video"]sing[/url] as her baton started to play accompanied music, her voice being loud enough to cause most people on the area to stop and listen.

Dancing, twirling and singing her way from one side of path to the other, looking at buildings, trying to determine if they were the Sol Guild or any guild for that matter. Just as her song was just about finished, Kirei began to despair that she would get swarmed by the crowd once more as they went off to go do their own business. Luckily, towards the end of her song, she spotted a building that seemed.. guild-ish. It wasn't a large building, nor was it small. It had plain paint job as a weird symbol was painted on the door in black. Working her way there, she caught bits of a conversation two people were having next to the door, [i]"Our guild. . . Sol. . . We're the best of them. . ." [color=#008080]'Alright! It seems as if I finally found it! Thought it'd be bigger.. They must have multiple buildings.. Time to find out!'[/color] [/i]She thought happily to herself as she finished her song. Bowing to the crowd as they let out a loud cheer, she turned around and happily skipped off into the building. Entering in, forgetting to close the doors, she happily yelled out, [color=#008080]"Hello Sol Guild! I'm ready to join~" [/color]Everyone within the building literally dropped what they were doing and slowly turned their faces to the small, frightened girl who had one of those 'oh god, what did I do' smiles. [i]"What was that girl?!" "The Sol Guild?! WE'RE THEIR [self-proclaimed] ARCH-NEMESIS!"[/i] Unfortunately for Kirei, she had walked into the Ursa Major Guild, a guild that greatly hated the Sol Guild and all of its members. [color=#008080]"Heh.. Heh.. Heh.. O-opps.. I-I'll just show myself out.."[/color] Kirei chuckled out nervously as stepped back a little, only to bump into the, now closed, door as the two people from outside stepped besides her. [i]"If she wants to join the Sol Guild.." ".. Lets give her one of our proper greetings!" [/i]The two people beside her said as shadow's hid all of the eyes and an evil grin appeared on their faces. Without warning, however, she instantly disappeared. Everyone was let dumbfounded. [i]"W-Where did she go!"[/i]

She [very] quickly escaped out of the open window that was next to the door. Somehow being able to run in crowd as she made her away from the guild, the doors burst open as its members poured out of the building, yelling out commands that all pretty much said to find the girl. The crowd quickly dispersing as someone yelled out, [i]"FOUND HER!" [/i][color=#008080]"FUUUUU-" [/color]Kirei ran even faster as the the large group chased after her, leaving behind a large dust cloud. Turning left, right, right, left, right, left, left down every other street she came across, she tried to shake the group off but it didn't quiet work. Running down a road that had a large building towards at the end with a large golden-yellow sun painted on it, she heard one of her pursuers say, "[i]She's heading for the Sol Guild! QUICKLY! Get her before she reaches it!" [/i][color=#008080]"OHMYGOSH YES!"[/color] Kirei yelled out happily as she tried to run faster, trying to gain som distance between her and the Ursa Major Guild.

As she got closer to the door, a few members of the guild walked in, the door still open. Within, some type of celebration was going on. She didn't want to ruin it, but she needed up. Just as she was about to enter the guild, the doors were unknowingly slammed in her face, causing her to bounce off of them and landing hard on the ground, her head hitting the ground just as hard. Sitting up and curling into a tight ball as she held her head, she let out a [very] loud wail of pain as tears flooded out of her eyes like [url="http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=chibi+crying#/dbza4l"]two miniature waterfalls[/url]. Loud enough that it caused the Ursa Major Guild to come to a screeching halt just a few meters from her as they covered their ears in pain.

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Seemingly out of nowhere, a rather large, fairly heavy book came hurdling towards Shukuro’s face. If he wasn’t able to dodge it in time, it would leave a fairly nice red mark vertically across his face, accenting that rather wonderful scar across his nose. The book, which had come from a rather nice distance from where Shukuro stood, was thrown by the last person anyone would expect to throw it, Kasumi. The raven-haired woman, who looked an awful lot like one of the wondrous china dolls, you know the ones with the painted faces and who always seem to fall and shatter when you get them setting just right on the shelf, sat at her own table, eyes closed, arm still outstretched from her action of tossing the book at her rather annoying brother.

A small, almost unseen smile crossed her lips, as she heard the binding of the book hit its target, and the accompanying groan had told her that along with knocking him down, the book had also broken his nose. In all aspects the action had taken a positive turn in her favor, for she hadn’t even planned to break Shukuro’s nose in the first place. She walked over slowly, and bent down over his twitching body, which looked an awful lot like one of those anime characters that had just been zapped by a powerful bolt of lightning, what with all the twitching and convulsing he seemed to be doing from a simple book hitting his face. Her hand peeled the now slightly blood spattered book from her brother’s face and stood up, not having said a word this entire time, and simply kicked him in the ribs. Not so much for added effect on already silencing him, more so for getting blood on her book.

Her attention soon shifted to the voice that had so emphatically called out “I’m Home!” and low and behold, her hunter green eyes fell on Fayte. [color=#800080]”Ah, the prodigal son has returned to the home from whence he left. I see the past three years have been rather kind to you….”[/color] Her voice was soft, almost like the strumming of a lute or a harp, which would have meant something, had she actually learned how to sing in the first place. Her sentence was actually interrupted by a gargled noise, which she could only comprehend as her brother coming back to the land of the living, and not so much because the narrator got tired and didn’t know how to end it.

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"*sigh* You guys are wasting your time trying to talk to Shukuro." Syfa muttered from her seat in the far corner, as she was more so interested in the cookbook sitting on her lap. She had been in search of a new type of recipe to make for the guild. Her last soup dish was a real hit with the guys, and she really wanted to knock their socks off with her next dish. When if came to cooking, it was second only to her desire to become the best witch there was. "I see you're hard at work as always." Syfa glanced up to see Gil, one of the guild members, grinning down at her. "So what delicious treat are you cooking up this time?" He asked attempting to peak at the book's secrets, a look of interest on his face. Before he could see anything, Syfa closed the book with a '[i]SNAP[/i][i]'[/i]causing Gil to jump back as his nose was close to getting slammed into the book.

He chuckled, "Ok, ok I get it." Syfa just smiled, "I want it to be a surprise. I don't know what recipe I'm going to try next, but I promise it will be better than the last." Syfa and Gil looked up when a single shout rung out in the guild, causing all of the earlier commotion to stop. "I'm home everybody!!"

Because of her position in the crowed Syfa couldn't see anything, but the voice was very familiar to her ears. "Is that...Could it be Fayte? Is her really back?" She mumbled standing up and placing her book in the seat she was previously sitting in. "Well we ain't going to find out by standing here are we? Let's get closer." When Gil looked around he saw that the young witch was already long gone but he didn't see her in the crowed anywhere. The reason for that was simple. Syfa had been trying to push her way to the front, but with everyone so excited at his return, Syfa could hardly get anywhere. So being the small person she was, she dropped to the ground and crawled her way through the crowed finally being spewed out of the crowed with dirt and grim on her. "Gah! I really didn't think that one all the way through." She looked up seeing Fayte and Kasumi, quickly standing to her feet as the dirt mysteriously disappeared from her person. She gave Fayte a look over, and circled around him twice before stopping in front of him and staring him in the eye. After a few seconds she grinned. "You haven't changed a bit. Welcome home Fayte."

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Of course, unlike the other members, he wasn't at the guild. He rarely was, to be honest, because he was always distracted by something nowadays. Usually he'd be down 'Ol' Trevor's Musical Manor' which, of course wasn't a manor, was a little shop down the streets almost hitting the busy market infested alleyways, with stalls beyond the reasonable; Stellos was, if anything, ridiculously busy. How on earth could such a place have so many people? It was absurdly populated, and it went without saying there was those who had big funds, and those who scrapped the barrel for the honest buck. He, well, was at the barrel.

Celio absolutely did not enjoy his situation. Sure, he was fortunate to have a nice bed at the Sol Guild for having such magnificent powers, which he still questioned as being Star-oriented, he felt harsh upon the common beggar: the man who could not work from weakness, who needed the Jewells to fill their bellies half full, just so they could pass the night without passing away. What made it worse for him, was the fact that Celio, himself, hadn't a single Jewell to spare either. it always brought a tear to his eye when he walked down the alley, seeing them ask for him, and his reply as[color=#008000] "I'm sorry, I can't help you."[/color] being the most honest thing that can come to heart.

It was a recent promise, to himself, to stray from the alley for this reason, so that he'd be able to maintain himself. Regardless, that was another spot he'd be usually found at. However, Celio was far from the shop, or the urbanely donned 'Beggar's Alley' but simple in the park, the beautiful sunlight shining through the leaves giving him shade, and a spotlight only nature itself could grant him, as he sat there in the grass and watched the world go by, smiling. His eyes then laid upon a paper bag rolling in the wind, presumably trash or litter, however of course, through this medium, Celio laid back upon the grass, through the trees, as he began to tell, his view, of the tale of the Paper Bag:

[color=#008000]"It moves in the air so gracefully, so freely, freed from it's former life. At first, nothing more than a slave to the common folk, forced to bare the weight of the world upon it's shoulders, agonizing it; upon release, he realized how fortunate he was, not to have broken, but spared. However soon after it was beaten into the ball-like form it was today. Evidently man has discarded this, not to use it later, he showed mercy upon the slave today, let it go free. Now he dances in the wind so softly, unconsciously knowing his fate is sealed, he is but trash in this harsh world, soon to be recollected as a slave, or simply put to sleep with comrades in the cemetery. From there he could either spend his eternity to degrade the in graveyard of the trash pile, or in turn be incinerated, and grant the world another act of his slavery. Paper Bag, the slave."[/color]

[color=#008000]"Wow...I need to write that one down."[/color] Celio then noted to himself as he tried to recall the little tale he had just told, before realizing he hadn't a book upon him, so, patting his buttock pocket to confirm this, he jumped up from his seated position and began to make his return to the place he called home, the Sol Guild. As he ran, the air running through his hair like a lion's mane as the beast charged for it's prey, Celio had began to dash as fast as he could. He was glad his sword was safely at home, it would've slowed him down. His flute, too, was back at the guild, as he pretty much just had went out for a stroll. However, well, Celio never had a knack for using the main entrance, never wanting to catch attention, but he needed to get his book as soon as he could, aware of the fact that his memory wouldn't let him keep that within his noggin' for so long.

He arrived at the huge commotion about Fayte being home...Fayte? Fayte...oh, that's right, the Arcane Kid! Celio's look of determination faded away into a cheerful smile as he side-stepped past him, patting him thrice upon the back as he said[color=#008000] "WelcomebackFayteI'vegottogodosomething!"[/color] as he darted off, as fast as he could, to his room. [color=#008000]"Yes! The book's there!"[/color] Celio declared triumphantly as he spotted the book, and opening it up, with a quill in hand, he spoke as he wrote the Title "Paper Bag." and began to write the second line...[color=#008000]"Umm...urgh...hmm...oh no! NOOOO!!!!!" [/color]Yep, the guy had forgotten it, again, and so as he tore out another sheet with another title upon it, tossing it into the bin, he reluctantly sighed and went back into the hustle and bustle.

So, the crowd was hard to get through alright, but he managed to step through a few of them. The air around him was much more tranquil now, so he arrived, standing next to Syfa the Witch-esque girl...well, she looked the part, anyways he smiled to the home-comer as he extended his hand and said [color=#008000]"It's great to see ou again Fayte!"[/color] with his gentle smile shining upon his face.

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With the declaration of Fayte arriving home, the guild stirred up quite the ecstatic commotion. Shukuro turned his head to see Fayte standing at the guild house's doors, and almost instantaneously, Shukuro was ready to jump over and give Fayte a "welcome home" noogie. It was Shukuro's way of welcoming a guild member back after a long time. "Yo Fayte-" But before Shukuro could greet Fayte, his face was greeted large book flying towards him. The book had made impact with Shukuro's face, mostly his nose, forcing him to fall onto the hard wooden floor below. "Ugh..." Shukuro groaned as he comically twitched on the ground. The bald man from before sat there as if nothing had happened, his expression unchanged. "You shouldn't have made your sister mad..." the man simply stated to the half conscious Shukuro. To add to Shukuro's misfortune, his sister, Kasumi had walked over and without speaking one word, kicked him in his ribs. Not so much adding insult to injury but rather adding more injury to injury. The only upside for Shukuro is that he is capable of taking quite an extensive amount of punishment, possibly from years of injuries caused by his sister. After all, someone has to keep Shukuro from always starting fights. Even so, Shukuro has never once retaliated. He doesn't have the heart to hurt his beloved little sister. She's more valuable to him than his own life.

Kasumi then fixed her rather gorgeous-colored eyes onto Fayte who had became a bit unnerved after seeing what had happened to Shukuro. Kasumi then continued to verbally greet Fayte in her lovely harp-like voice. Fayte presented a pleasant smile to her. "I hope so, I did grow taller and hopefully I've gained some muscles hehe." Fayte lightly joked. "It's nice to see you again Kasumi. I see you're still keeping Shukuro out of trouble. (And to be honest, you're still a bit scary...)" Fayte thought to himself after replying to Kasumi. Not long after, Shukuro had risen up from his previous dead-like state and walked, or rather shoved his way, to the front of the crowd. "Yo Fayte! Long time no see! C'mere!" Shukuro exclaimed before putting Fayte in a hold and give him a noogie. "S-Stop it Shukuro!" Fayte complained but was ignored for a few more seconds. Shukuro then let go of Fayte whose hair was quite messy now after being given a noogie. Fayte then quickly shook his head and his hair appeared normal again. "I hope you've gotten stronger Fayte cause you and me gotta ba-" Shukuro stopped himself before he said "battle" as he remembered who was standing just a couple of feet away from him. "I mean I can't wait to discuss art and stuff with ya hehe..." Shukuro said with a nervous laugh.

Finally crawling her way to the front of the crowd, Syfa looked up to see Fayte and Kasumi. Fayte was surprised to see Syfa crawling out of the crowd, causing a short moment of awkward silence for Fayte while Syfa said something to herself. Syfa then stood to her feet with the dust disappearing from her body. Suddenly, Syfa circled around Fayte twice with Fayte following her movement before stopping as she did right in front of him. Her eyes peered into his eyes and a grin formed on her face. Syfa then welcomed Fayte home. A pleasant smile formed on Fayte's face. "It's nice to be back Syfa..." Fayte replied. A more playful smile then formed on his face. "And what do you mean I haven't changed? I've gotten taller haven't I hehe? By the way, I'll be looking forward to eating your delicious food again." Fayte mentioned. Suddenly, a rush of wind passed Fayte that seems to be saying a jumbled mess of words. "W-What was that...?" Fayte asked, not knowing what had just occurred. "It's amazing how Celio can be so lively when he wants to be haha." a guild member named Krake stated. Awhile later, Celio made his way to the front again after going off somewhere. This time Celio could properly welcome Fayte back. Extending his hand out and smiling, Celio welcomed Fayte back.

Fayte took Celio's hand and shook it while smiling as well. "It's been awhile Celio. You gave me a bit of a scare awhile ago. You were probably off to your room to write something down weren't you?" Fayte took a surprisingly accurate guess as to why Celio was in such a rush. "It's so wonderful to finally be back. Where's Master Marlon?" Fayte asked. "He's out conducting some business. Should be back soon though. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you again Fayte." the bald man sitting at the table said as he walked to where Fayte was. "Olan, it's great to see you. Hmm, there's something different about you..." Fayte said. "Besides the fact that I've gone bald?" Olan asked. "I was trying to not be rude hehe." Fayte replied, rubbing the back of his head and smiling nervously.

Suddenly, a loud crying noise was heard from just outside the guild doors. "W-What the-" Fayte turned back to look at the doors. The crying was quite loud and unnerving. "Hey, hey, who the hell is crying during our celebration?!" Shukuro asked with an annoyed expression. Fayte and several others then opened the doors to see a girl crying on the ground. "H-Hey, what's the matter, why are you crying?" Fayte asked loudly but softly over her loud crying. Just then, Olan noticed a few meters away a large mob of guild members from the Ursa Major guild stood, some with their hands covering their ears in pain because of the girl's crying. "Shhhhh, shhhhh, please stop crying." Fayte kneeled down besides the girl and pleaded kindly. "Well what do we have here? Guild members from Ursa Major?" Olan asked rhetorically. "You're on Sol's property." Olan added, hinting a warning. "We're not scare of you old man! Though Sol may be our arch-nemesis, this time is a conflict between that girl over there and us! We'll deal with you people later!" one Ursa Major guild member leading the mob told Olan.

Hearing what the Ursa Major Starbound have said, Fayte stood up and looked intently at him. "So you're the ones who made this girl cry?" Fayte asked. "Heh, maybe, maybe not. So what if we did? What are loser Starbounds like you lot gonna do???" the guy asked with no fear.

"Olan, so I see Ursa Major is still a nuisance for us huh?" Fayte asked.

"Yes, and they've made the mistake of entering the property of our guild house. Furthermore, they're picking on this girl." Olan stated. "There are some things that cannot be forgiven. I think what Ursa Major has accomplished can be included in those things." Olan added.

"Heh, so the Sol Guild is picking a fight with us huh? That's kinda unfair considering how many people you have on your side at the moment! Wait until our whole guild gets here then you'll be in trouble!" another Ursa Major guild member said.

"No need to wait. We only need a few people to handle this." Olan replied as Fayte, Syfa, Celio, Kasumi, Shukuro, and a few more others stepped up to take on the thirty plus members of the Ursa Major mob.

Fayte's card pouch then started to glow before twelve green-glowing cards shot up from the pouch and circled Fayte. Shukuro then cracked his knuckles and neck, a wild grin appearing on his face. Suddenly, Shukuro's arms transformed into metal. Krake held up his palms and suddenly two fireballs appeared, each one floating above his palms.

"Hah! Like you people can scare us!" the mob's leader still confidently said. Unaware to the mob, they were nothing compared to the Sol Guild, the strongest guild in Stellos.

"We'll make you pay for ruining a perfectly good afternoon!" Fayte declared.

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The sound of metal hitting metal rang through the air as Flint Scadlock pounded down on the red hot blade with his hammer. A fellow guild member of his, Rasule, had shattered his blade the night before and unfortunately, it was Flints job to fix it. This was the third time in a week, and it was becoming very tedious. As he made one final swing, he sighed. "One more time and I swear I'll stab him through with his own blade..." he grumbled while picking up the sword. The water sizzled and the air was filled with steam as he dipped the it in. It was finished. But something was missing. "Blast, I need more supplies."

The guild usually supplied him with the basic tools and metal needed for his position as weapons smith, but every now and then he would run out of metal, or he would need some [i]special[/i] components that he could only find at one store in the market.

He wasn't one for using the front door, and always left and entered through the back exit. It led directly where he needed to go anyway, and going around would be far too tedious. Stopping, he looked up at a sign that read "Moras Metalworks". As he stepped in he was greeted with the familiar sound of chimes, along with loud clangs and whirs and the smell of metal. He walked through the aisles, snatching up a few things every now and then. As he stepped up to the counter to pay, he noticed something odd. In place of Mora, the shopkeeper, there was someone he had never seen before. Instead of questioning why, he decided he would visit Mora later and ask. He payed for what he got and left for the guild house.

As he walked the busy streets, some sort of instrument began to play. The people around him stopped moving to look for the sound, and he followed suit. It was normal for the poor to stand in the streets singing or playing for money, but this was different, it felt different. Then the stranger began to sing and dance. What in the world was she doing. Soon everyone was hustling and bustling again as the song ended, and he snapped out of his train of thought when he was shoved by a passerby. "Hey, watch where yer goin'" he yelled, but the young man was already gone. Flint grumbled to himself and continued walking. Today wasn't a very good day for him, but then again, no other day was.

He soon reached the guild house in all of its glory. That's when he noticed a rather large crowd just outside the door. He could just hear the conversation.

"Heh, so the Sol Guild is picking a fight with us huh? That's kinda unfair considering how many people you have on your side at the moment! Wait until our whole guild gets here then you'll be in trouble!" another Ursa Major guild member said. Flint hated the Ursa Major guild. Not because they were antagonistic enemies, but because those posers were annoying as flies, pestering the Sol guild every chance they got.

"No need to wait. We only need a few people to handle this." replied a good friend that he knew as Olan. Some other guild members stepped up to take on the thirty plus members of the Ursa Major mob.

He then noticed that one of them was the guy that shoved him earlier and became furious. At least, until cards began hovering around the man and Flint finally recognized him as Fayte, and his intensity lessened to disgruntled.

"Hah! Like you people can scare us!" the mob's leader still said.

"We'll make you pay for ruining a perfectly good afternoon!" Fayte declared.

The leader then began to raise his fist to punch Fayte. Flint knew Fayte could handle himself, but quickly and naturally, he dropped his bag of goods and pulled out his gun, Bombardier. He flipped the back open while readying the spring bolt and grabbed a bomb from a pouch on his side. His glove glowed, and so did the bomb. He placed it in the gun and shot, the whole process taking less than a few seconds. The bomb flew through the air with precision aim and hit the leader in the shoulder, stopping him in his tracks as ice formed on his shoulder. He used a simple ice enchantment on the bomb to conserve time, and because he didn't want to accidentally hit his own guild members.

He lifted the gun and blew on the end of the barrel.

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As someone tried to plead her to stop crying before getting ready to fight, she tried her best to put on a brave face. Her wailing stopped, but she still had [url="http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=anime+crying+gif#/d2j81dn"]huge blobs of tears[/url] pouring out. "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but it hurts," she whimpered out as a few members of the Sol Guilded readied to fight. Whipping her eyes, she eventually calmed herself down to sniffling. Feeling the back of her head, she felt a cut and figured her head had been cracked at least a little bit. Pulling out her baton, it glowed a faint white as well as her head injury as she began to sing her [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPq9K7M0-XE&feature=autoplay&list=PL37B16D99AADD4171&lf=BFp&playnext=5"]song of healing[/url].

After her injury and pain subsided, she jumped to her feet and clapped twice, [color=#008080]"All better~"[/color] Turning around, sh epointed her baton at the Ursa Major Guild, getting ready to do a mini-speech when the their leader's shoulder got covered in a ice. [color=#008080]"Uhm.. Anyways~ Since this is partially my fault, I outta help out as well! Now.. What to use.."[/color] She looked to the Sol Guild members that were at the ready to fight. They didn't seem to need any boosts and putting the Ursa Major Guild into a sleep like state seemed like it might take the fun out of the fight for them. [color=#008080]"Hmmm.. Oh! I could always summon out my kit-kit~"[/color] she said with much affection as her baton was engulfed in yellow as a strange, fast paced, [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6yC8j_gIpk"]techno-like music[/url] began to fill the air. As she began to sing, a flash of light blinded everyone for a moment as a 9 tailed, 9 foot long (nose to longest tail) [url="http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=thunder+kitsune#/dzg20i"]kitsune[/url] appeared besides Kirei, ready to fight. If this didn't impress the Sol Guild, she didn't know what would.

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[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]"It's been awhile Celio. You gave me a bit of a scare awhile ago. You were probably off to your room to write something down weren't you?"[/size][/font][/color][color=#008000][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] [/size][/font]"Actually, yes, I was; how on earth did you guess that?"[/color] Celio said with a chuckle, before bringing his finger to his chin as he began to think, factually, how could have Fayte figured it out, somewhat in his own little world; this bubble then, immediately after, had popped as soon as the whole confrontation between the Ursa Major Guild, another guild of Stellos who seemed to be the arch-enemies of the Sol Guild; naturally Celio would usually shirk from these silly disputes, aware that mob mentality clouded thought, however he had witnessed a poor lass crying before them, and for this he couldn't stand from the conflict.

He was ready to unleash his magic, however it seemed the girl had beat him to it with a healing song, which...was beyond words, such a pure and elegant voice echoing, he couldn't not stay and listen despite the whole conflict at hand. Afterwords she seemed A-OK which made him feel much more happier, however come her summoning of her lightning fox, striking him with absolute awe in seeing such a large beast with such capability, it reminded him about something.[color=#008000] 'Wow! A lightning kitsune, amazi-...wait, what's that in my head? It's nattering...urgh, what is it whatis it whatisit whatisitwhatisitwhatisit!!!'[/color] Celio flustered about, before a light bulb appearing above his head.

[color=#008000]"Of course!" [/color]Celio declared aloud, before scuttling past the many, who had began asking him things like "Where are you going?" "You're not running away, right Celio?" etc. Of course, he wasn't this time, instead he picked up something, strapped it to his back, and dashed back outside as fast as he could, before taking a stance as is hand held a hilt, the large scabbard upon his back then falling as he unhooked the strap, and from it he drew his sword, to which he cleared his throat and spoke:

[color=#008000]"That's an awesome kitsune you've got there!"[/color]

Of course, this was a little...unlike Celio, usually having some sort of intense, long-winding speech, however he managed to hold it back before looking around at some unusual stares, to which he then snapped his fingers and said [color=#008000]"Oh yeah, my speech!"[/color]

[color=#008000]"Alright then...*ahem* You men have tarnished the good nature of an innocent woman for your petty little hatred from sheer jealousy: in doing so, you have tarnished the good name of women all over, including your mother!"[/color] which caused a huge gasp.[color=#008000] "Oh...oh-no-no-no, I didn't mean it like that!"[/color] Celio began to fuss before realizing that they were his enemies, like he was supposed to give a damn. And so, positioning his sword ready for combat, he said [color=#008000]"Alright, no more words from me, let's go."[/color] with one hand holding his sword behind his head, the tip at his enemies, as the other was facing forward, a white flame flashing in his palm before vanishing, as he thought through a whisper [color=#008000]"Greygnarl, I hope you'll cover my back, I may need it."[/color]

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Kasumi had slunk back to the back of the crowd, not being one for commotion like a celebration for someone returning home. She was more than happy to say that she had recognize the fact that Fayte had walked through the doors, leaving it at that. She had her book, and that was all that really mattered, but now I seem to be getting off track narrating the difference between her liking a book more than interacting with people. Anyways, back on subject before this rp owner gets too pissed at me for scewing off on a tangent….

The sudden burst of crying had caught her attention, pulling her out of her trance of having her book back and the prospect of enjoying it without Shukuro jabbering like an idiot to distract her from her written word. Her eyes then seemed to trail over to the small band of people that had gathered in front of her home. Casually she walked over to a sill of an open window and placed the book down, upset that someone else had interrupted her reading time. She sighed softly as she now stood in the doorway, eyeing the fact that the girl had healed herself, and then somehow summoned a lightning kitsune from her baton. Her eyes shifted quickly, noting that Flint had fired an ice bomb-like object into the crowd, and Celio had begun talking while readying his sword, sounding almost as scatter-brained as her brother.

She rolled up her sleeve quickly, seeing that everyone else had launched some form of attack, and while it would scar her otherwise near flawless skin, she exhaled as she ran her fingers over her now exposed forearm, pulling multiple throwing daggers from her pores, leaving cuts on her skin. Her hands worked quickly, throwing knife after knife, deepening the cut as she pulled the blades from her body over and over, making sure each blade had a specific target.

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Syfa just laughed to Fayte's playful retort. She was goign to say something else, but his attention was pulled to a rather strange and sudden gust of wind that past by them. Syfa just shook her head, "Celio is at it again I see." It didn't take long before Celio returned to give Fayte a proper welcome to which they shook each others hands. Suddenly a loud wailing was heard from just outside the guild. Syfa winced, "Just what on earth is that?" Syfa followed behind the others as they opened the doors to find out the cause of the loud crying. It came as a surprise when they saw it was a little girl. Fayte then asked the girl what was wrong, but Syfa wasn't sure if he would be heard over her loud crying.

Olan then said something about the Ursa Major guild. This caused Syfa to look away from the girl, to see the group of guys all covering their ears. "Oh great it's these id-" She quickly cut herself off, as she was about to insult them. Instead she just bit the inside of her cheek. After a bit of small talk between the two guilds, Olan declared a fight against them, saying that only a few of them will fight since all of the Ursa Guild members weren't here.

Fayte was quick to be one of the ones to join the brawl, which Syfa expected. The Ursa guild leader got hasty and went to attack Fayte, but before his fist could make contact his was hit with ice. Looking over to where the attack came from she saw Flint blowing over the barrel of his gun. Even the girl who was crying got in on the battle, summoning a large kitsune to fight for her. Now that was impressive, and Syfa was a bit jealous since she hadn't learned to summon familiars yet. But now was hardly the time for those thoughts. Celio too joined the battle after running back into the guild - which promoted shouts of 'coward; and 'chicken' - only to return with his weapon.

"Well I guess I should join in the fun too." She said her spell book, appearing and opening up in front of her. [i]"Ira Iovis invoco dexteram meam, una mecum disperdes inimicos meos. Salo et perdere." [/i]As she started her incantation small sparks of lightening appeared on her spellbook, and by the time she finished there was a continuous stream of lightening circling around her spell book. She smirked. "This is just the type of practice I've been looking for."

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As the two guilds prepared to fight each other, one of the Ursa Major guild members began having second thoughts. "Hey Rona, I don't think this is such a great idea. I mean, those guys look pretty powerful. Maybe we should wait for our entire guild to get here." the guild member whispered to the leader of the mob who name is apparently Rona. Rona retaliated with a downward punch to the guild member's skull. "Oof!" the guild member groaned as he was punched. "Stop being such a coward! What would the guild master say if he saw you like this??? We are proud Starbounds of the Ursa Major Guild and we won't be intimidated by these Sol losers!" Rona scolded his underling. Rona then turned his attention to Fayte. "I've never seen your face around the guild before. New recruit? Heh, let me welcome you to Stellos Ursa Major-style!" Rona shouted before charging at Fayte. Fayte didn't even bother to move because he knew Rona could be easily taken out. However, Fayte didn't planned on what would happen next. As Rona held his fist up and was about to punch Fayte, suddenly, a bomb went flying towards Rona and made impact with his shoulder.

Almost instantaneously, Rona's shoulder was encased in thick ice, stopping his punch all together. "What the hell?!" Rona exclaimed as he saw his ice covered shoulder. The ice began expanding as well, encasing more of his body in ice. Fayte was surprised at what had just happened. "(How did that-)" Fayte's train of thought was stopped when he saw a familiar face far in the distance. "Flint!" Fayte called out, happy to see another Sol guild member. Adding to it, Flint was considered one of the higher-ups Starbounds in the Sol Guild and well respected by Sol's guild members. A veteran Starbound that utilizes enchantments, Flint is also well-known in the entire Starbound community. "H-Hey, where the hell are you idiots just standing there?! Beat them up and then help me with this!" Rona commanded his guild members. They began to move but then suddenly hesitated as they saw the girl who they were chasing earlier before taking out a baton. To the Sol guild members' surprise, the girl is a Starbound. Suddenly, the atmosphere was filled with a lovely song as the girl used her song-based magic to heal herself.

Fayte looked back and saw the entire process with widened eyes. "(S-She's a Starbound...? And her voice... it's beautiful...)" Fayte thought to himself. Even some of the Ursa Major guild members were mesmerized by her amazing singing. Her song of healing however was nothing when compared to what the girl did next with her magic. After telling the Sol guild members that she'll help them with their fight, the girl began singing another tune. This one more fast pace. With her singing, a sudden flash of light blinded everybody close to her for a short moment. What happened afterwards was nothing short of extraordinary. The girl was able to summon a large kitsune familiar to fight alongside her. Fayte took a step back out of amazement to fully see the fantastic creature. "(Whoa... So that's what she called kit-kit...)" Fayte thought. When the Ursa Major guild members saw the magnificent beast, they became frozen with fear but also awe. Suddenly, Celio ran back into the guild house and some of the guild members thought Celio was running away. However, nothing can be further from the truth. Celio arrived out on the scene again, this time, armed with his signature sword and the source of his magic. People of the Drake clan utilize their magic exclusively through their weapons, and Celio is quite well-versed in using his.

Celio then gave a small speech about how Ursa Major has tarnished the good name of women everywhere, including their own mothers, to which the Ursa Major guild members responded with angry verbal retaliation.

The bad news kept piling up for the Ursa Major mob as Kasumi entered into the battle with her extremely unique magic that allows her to create weapons from her very skin. A painful process but the strength of her magic is difficult to rival. Her brother has a similar magic except instead of pulling the weapons from his body, his own body becomes the weapon. Both variations are a rarity to see but coming from the Tsukino family lineage, both Kasumi and Shukuro were assured this amazing magic in their bloodline. Syfa then summoned her weapon of choice as a witch: a book, more accurately, a spell book. Spell books are only usable by either witches or wizards a special subgroup of Starbounds, and Syfa just happens to belong to that special subgroup. Starbounds like Syfa are well-known for their magical versatility, having a wide array of spells at their disposal. Another factor that makes a Starbound like Syfa so unique is that she is able to chant incantations in a unique language that cannot be performed by Starbounds not belonging to the witches and wizards subgroup.

Chanting an incantation, small sparks of lightning began crackling around her spell book and by the time her incantation was completed, a continuous stream of lightning was circling around her spell book. Now Syfa was ready to join the fight.

Seeing the magical abilities of Sol's Starbounds and the other girl's magical abilities as well made the mob fearful to engage in a fight. However, Rona wasn't about to allow his guild members to run off, at least not without him. "S-stop standing there and take care of them! You outnumbered them so go and attack!" Rona exclaimed. Hesitant at first, the Ursa Major guild members finally gained some courage and split up into smaller groups to attack each individual Starbound of Sol. "It's one against six, just give up now!" one Ursa Major guild member told Fayte as his small ground stopped right in front of him. "After what you did? I may not like to fight, but I'm sure as hell not gonna stand idly by and let you people get away with what you've done." Fayte stated adamantly. "Fine, then eat steel!" the same guild member from before told Fayte as he charged at him with a large sword. The Ursa Major guild members are Starbounds but their magic is so weak that they rather rely on weapons to fight. Against Sol's Starbounds who've practiced their magic for decades, the Ursa Major guild members stood no chance.

Fayte grabbed a hold of one floating card circling in front of him with two fingers. "Card Art: Quicksilver!" Fayte shouted out as he rapidly launched the card at the charging man. The card quickly made impact with the man's stomach and exploded in a flurry of silver dust and smoke that sent the man flying onto his back at the feet of his fellow guild members. "Now it's only five versus one." Fayte stated. "Arrgh, we're ain't scare of you! Men, get him!" one man said as he lead the other four to charge at Fayte in unison. "I don't think so! Card Art: Tornado!" Fayte shouted as more cards appeared in the air above him. Seeing that, the five men hesitated for a moment which was enough time for Fayte to end this little charade. Hundreds of green-glowing tarot cards, with Fayte's hand motions, shot towards the five men. As the cards moved, it formed into a twister shape; an unnerving sight for the five men. The were then hit by the vortex and captured. The strong momentum inside the tornado lifted the five men off of the ground and bombarded them with an unending barrage of sharp-edged cards that cut away at the five men before finally slamming the five men into the ground, unconscious.

The tornado of cards shattered as it slammed the men into the ground, returning to Fayte's deck with one card, that was still glowing, appearing clutched between Fayte's index and middle finger in a triumphant pose.

Shukuro as well as Krake were surrounded by six Ursa Major guild members of their own. However, the two Starbounds were unfazed. "Hehe, you know I rather have someone tougher to fight but I guess I can have some fun with you six idiots." Shukuro stated with a menacing grin. "Hey this guy doesn't look so tough, let's beat him into a bloody pulp!" one men stupidly said. The same person then charged at Shukuro, another idiotic mistake. He would've had a better chance if all six of them attacked Shukuro at once, but either way, their lost was assured. Shukuro stood still as the man performed a downward strike with his saber. Shukuro then caught the blade between his metal palms with ease and with a widening grin, broke the saber's blade by quickly bending it to the side. The man gasped as he saw how easily his blade was destroyed by Shukuro's bare hands. Shukuro then quickly aimed a straight punch at the man's face, connecting straight on his cheek. The sound of his cheek bone cracking was quite off putting and the man was launched like a projectile straight into one charging Ursa Major guild member.

Seeing that, the four men left turned back to Shukuro and took a defensive stance with their swords held close to their body. "Heh, that won't protect you!" Shukuro stated before extending his left arm outwards and swinging towards the four men in a wide arc. As Shukuro was doing that, his arm suddenly hyper extended and Shukuro's metal fist transformed into a large mallet. The mallet struck all four men, breaking their swords in the process as well and effectively taking them out of the picture.

"Here, catch." Krake told one of his opponents as he launched one of his two fireballs at them. The man attempted to block with his blade but when the fireball was merely a feet in front of him, it split into five individual flaming threads and headed towards the other five men instead of the first one. The threads of fire were extremely fast, quickly making impact and knocking down their intended targets. "W-What the?!" the man was surprised as he looked around to see his guild members knocked out. He was the only one left. "Your turn." Krake said as he launched his second fireball at the man. Once again the man tried to block with his blade. However, this time around when the fireball was a feet in front of the man it transformed into a fiery cage and trapped the man inside. Before his opponent could have time to react, Krake extended his palm towards the cage and closed his palm into a fist. When that occurred, the fiery cage closed upon the man and inflicted a serious burn on him, turning his body black and smoking, and essentially, knocking him out as well.

Now the focus shifted as the other Starbounds go up against their opponents, one Sol Starbound, including the new girl, against six Ursa Major Starbounds.

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Kirei was impressed that the Ursa Major Guild didn't run off. They were fairly hesitant after all. Continuing to sing, six Ursa Major members slowly made their way to her and her kitsune. Stopping a few meters away, the six people looked to each other before looking to the kitsune, unsure whether to attack or not. [i]"You know what? Fawk dis guys, I'ma attack!" [/i]Before the guy could even take a step forward, the kitsune raised up its tail as one of them began to glow just before it shot a lightning bolt at the man. After the [nonlethal] electrocution, the man was covered in black soot as he collapsed to the ground. This caused the other five to jump back in surprise, looking as if they were about to turn an run.

The kitsune, giving the five a 'are you freaking kidding me' look, let out a puff of air from its nose before it ran at the men. Tackling one down to the ground, electrocuting the man from contact, the kitsune swung its tail to the right, slamming two more into the ground as they, too, were electrocuted. Turning around, the kitsune let out a chuckling like sound when one of the men tried to strike at the kitsune with a sword. Upon immediate contact, electricity shot up the sword and into the man, knocking him out. As the kitsune was busy with that guy, the last one turned and charged after Kirei, his sword at the ready, thinking it's best to take out the summoner rather than the summoned creature itself.

The man wasn't too far off from his assumption. If Kirei was to stop singing, the creature would become unsummoned. Despite her being unable to use another spell while having her kitsune out, she wasn't completely helpless. Turning her music baton into a 2.5 foot long [url="http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=blue%20sword&order=9&offset=24#/d2rya82"]gladius[/url], she diverted the man's sword to her left and down into the ground. Jumping back from the man, the kitsune launched the second out of nine bolts at the man, knocking him out. Turning to the kitsune, she gave it a thumbs up as her gladius turned back into her music baton. She still had a little bit over a minute or so before the song was over. As Kirei looked to the others, the kitsune sat down boredly next to her, upset that the fight with the six was over already.

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Kasumi’s attacks, while lethal if aimed at vital organs, were more or less a ploy to mark which six she would want to fight. In reality, they were six of the tougher looking ones, which was fine, seeing as everyone else got to have fun with their six opposite guild members, why shouldn’t Kasumi as well? A smile crossed her lips as she pulled out a small vile of Salve, figuring she had time to heal her wound, which had bled down her arm quite a ways. She trailed the glowing blue liquid touched the wound, healing it almost instantly. She flexed a bit, and smiled. “Ah, much better.” She said in her soft, musical voice.

She descended down the stairs to where the six men waited, a smile on her face. She closed her eyes and bowed to the men, who seemed to chuckle and laugh at her. One of them took the opportunity to draw his blade and lunged at Kasumi, who abruptly stood up in his lunge mid way. Using the force of her rising, she combined the force of his lunge, to send him strait over her form, only to crash down on his head and skid away a few feet behind her. She smirked, knowing full well what had happened, and then opened her eyes, taking a slightly defensive stance.

Another man drew a sword and lunged at her, slashing here and there. Each time, Kasumi seemed to dodge the strike, as if dancing with the blade in the male’s hand. One horizontal strike flew at Kasumi’s head and neck, which she dropped down, seeming in slow motion like one of those really intense action movie scenes where something dramatic happens and they slow the camera to show just how close the strike came, grazing the tip of her hair. One of her hands shot up, grabbing the man by the elbow and used his force, like the one before, against him, causing the man to fly over her shoulder. His back hit the ground hard, as Kasumi’s palm slammed into his sternum and chest, knocking the wind from him.

She stood up and wiped her brow, two down, and four to go. She turned and faced the men. “This is taking too long fighting you all one on one. You four, show me what a team you make.” She spoke, and resumed her stance, eyeing them as they seemed to circle around her quickly. One of them drew twin blades, the second drew a staff, the third drew a pair of Sai, and the last a set of Nunchaku, and yes the narrator is making a very large reference to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The twin sword wielder came hacking and slashing at Kasumi, vertically and horizontally. Kasumi seemed to narrowly dodge each strike before opening her palm and slammed it into the male’s sodoplexes, knocking him back. She stood up quickly as she turned, whipping the winded man in the face with her hair, making him fall.

In his place, the other three swarmed Kasumi, the staff flying down towards her shoulder, which she side stepped, but it made contact with her forearm, sending her spinning down to one side. Using this momentum, her hands shot out as she did a sort of cartwheel, dodging the Nunchaku strike that would have hit her had she kept going in the direction of her dodge. Her spring board action from the cartwheel allowed her to land on the shoulders of the Sai wielder, placing his head between her knees –insert giggity here-. Using this vantage point, she leaned forward, causing the male to stumble, and her back to hurl towards the ground, which she turned into a roll, taking the male with her, and throwing him into the Nunchaku wielder, making the two skid backwards into a nearby staircase, and utterly made them fell to the ground.

The last one was the staff wielder. He spun the large piece of wood –again, insert giggity here- around his arm, behind his back, and even around his neck before lunging at Kasumi’s recovering form from the ground. The large piece of wood slammed down, causing Kasumi to cross her arms, the second part of her powers to emerge. The metal allow she could create at will covered her forearms, and the staff struck home, causing it to reverberate up to the wielder’s arms, which in turn made his hands weak, and his grip loosened, causing him to drop his weapon. Seizing the opportunity, Kasumi’s hand shot out and grabbed the staff, spin kicking herself up, and in a brilliant display of acrobatics, leapt up into the air, bringing the staff up over her head, only to have it come crashing down on the last man’s shoulder, using enough force to make him crumple in a heap as if he had been struck by a more weighty weapon that he was….or in retrospective, he could have just been too weak to handle a strike like that, which was possible, I mean seriously, 6 guys just got their asses whipped by a girl in like less that 10 mins.

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Syfa wanted to laugh when she heard that some of them wanted to run away. While that would have been the smartest idea for them, it would have been very embarrassing. Not that their guild already wasn't embarrassing enough on it's own. Finally they got enough courage to attack them, and 6 of them surrounded her in an attempt to defeat her. "Alright boys, let's play." Syfa's eyes observed her opponents. Three of them took out guns and unleashed a barrage of bullets on her. She tensed and jumped to the side, rolling on the ground and stopping in a kneeled position. Before they could re-aim their weapons Syfa chanted "
[i]Salo et perdere: multi fulgur mallei." [/i]Lightening shot from her spell book and hovered over the three gun wielders. "What is this!?" "Whats going on!" They shouted as the coward at the lightening gathering above their heads. Sayfa smirked. The lightening morphed into the shape of a hammer, before slamming down onto the three's heads violently electrocuting them into a comical burnt, and smoking body. Syfa stood up and faced the remaining three. "Who's next?"

A sudden whizzing sound alerted Syfa to the guild member to her far right, the same side her book happen to be hovering at. Without hesitating she grabbed her book out of the way, and reached out with her right hand to grab onto a chain. It wrapped around her hand three times, with the medium sized ball - which happened to be spiked - lodged itself into the underside of her forearm.. Syfa gritted her teeth, as she began a tug-o-war match with the guy on the other side of the chain. The guy smirked, swinging the sickled half of the chain over his head. "Just because you belong to the Sol Guild doesn't mean you're any stronger than us." He pulled the chain harder, the spiked ball tearing her arm, but the pain wasn't any where near the pain she went through just during training. Syfa smirked, letting go of her spellbook to let it re-open and the lightening returning. She slammed her hand over the book and let the lightening travel through her body, across the chain and shocking the guy on the other side. He soon joined his burnt comrades on the ground.

"You little brat! We'll slice you to pieces!" One of the last two yelled. The last two had swords, and ran straight at her. "Bad idea fellas. [i]Salo et perdere: tonitrui [/i][i]furor[/i]." A single bolt of lightening shot from her spellbook and into the one on her left, instantly stopping him in his tracks, but the other kept coming. Syfa smirked and closed her book. "I have a special present for you." She waited for him, and side stepped his sword swipe. Next she ducked and then spun around him. The guy stopped in his tracks wondering where she went. She tapped him on the shoulder, "Behind you."

"What the! Argh!! I'll kill you!" The guy spun around, his sword following right behind him, but he never finished his swing. The reason being, Syfa - with all of her strength - slammed her spellbook against his head. The guy stumbled backwards before falling to the ground unconscious. Syfa suddenly yelped and squatted, grabbing her head with both hands. Her spell book, no longer needed, vanished from sight. "I should have thought that through." She mumbled rubbing her forehead which was now sporting a red mark. "Oh yeah." She stood up and look at her wounded arm. "I should probably get this wrapped."

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And so the battles had began, and it seemed, so far, everyone had pretty damn much trumped the enemies which confronted them. An epic confrontation, with Fayte portraying his mastery of the Tarot cards he wielded so elegantly and swiftly, dominating those who posed any form of threat to him; the great lightning kitsune, taken shape from Kisei's voice, used it's might of thunder to punish the Ursa Major Guild members in vengeance for the trauma they inflicted upon it's master; Kasumi's lethal tactics showed prominence despite the entire variety of those who she fought; and the witch-esque Syfa's magic easily put another 6 of the terribly...stupid enemy guild's members on their rear ends. Now it was Celio's turn.

Six surrounded him, causing him to swallow as he thought [color=#008000]'C-c-crap, 6 of them?..I know.'[/color] before spinning his sword, from the hilt, overhead, before striking it firmly into the earth as his eyes flashed to those of a lizard, the slits upon his eyes for a brief flash of a second as he threw up his hand into the air and proclaimed [color=#008000]"Spirit Dragon, come to me; Master of the Heavens, come forth, son of Styrmling, Greygnarl: Hero of the Skies, Embodiment of Light!"[/color] which caused his son to begin to shine brilliantly, a white aura then shooting upwards to the skies as a terrifying roar overhead could be heard; and, from the cracks in the clouds, came forth the beastly Dragon Greygnarl, the 6 almost running for the hills....until Greygnarl laid down behind Celio, saying [acronym=I was having a lovely nap up there, you know; and now you've gone and spoiled it for me.]"I was havin' a loveleh nap up there, ya knoow; and nah ye've gone an' spoiled eet for meh."[/acronym]

[color=#008000]"Greygnarl, help me out here, oka-"[/color] [acronym=Help you? You've got to be kidding me! You're telling me you can not deal with six wee little munchkins? Bah, pathetic]"Help yoou? Ya've gotta be kiddin' meh! Yar tellin' meh you cannae deal with six wee lil' munchkins? Bagh, pathetic!"[/acronym] the dragon snarled back before shutting his eyes and beginning to snore, as he decided to continue his nap, the 6 Ursa Majors now laughing at Celio holding their sides, Celio frowning at Greygnarl saying "You won't even watch me try prove to you?" [acronym=No, not in this lifetime]"Nae, not in this loifetime."[/acronym] Needless to say Greygnarl's attitude brought a look of hurt to the carrier of the spirit, so, with a sigh, he turned the frown upside down, trying to looking at the bright side, and said[color=#008000] "Well, fine, I'll just fight for the cause."[/color]

Charging from his original position, Celio leaped into the air and swiped his sword in midair, pointing the tip to an Ursa Major who had began to charge at him, spear at hand; a quick surge, and a bolt of lightning shot from Celio's sword's tip, striking the spear and electrifying the Ursa, who fainted from the shock, a little smoke from him as Celio then landed on his feet with a smirk, taunting as he motioned his fingers back and forth, two more coming after him saying "You're a cocky brat, 'specially since your dragon ain't gonna be helping you out in this fight!", the other saying "Aye, and because of that, you're gonna be wishin' you'd never had let him loose! We'll wrap him up in a bag and cook him for soup!"

[color=#008000]'Huh, Greygnarl soup? Even if you got passed me, he'd just sleep there, you'd never make him into a soup, he's too lazy.' [/color]Celio mentally humoured himself before holding his palm forward, his sword behind him which began to glow green, his palm sparking a white fireball. Celio then threw the flame forward, before the fireball become a serpentine dragon, the head charging at the two reckless men and slamming into them, the length of the long fire-dragon projectile singeing into their bodies, which caused Celio some fatigue for burning quite a lot of mana in such a short release, noting to himself [color=#008000]'Never...do that...again...except on Tuesdays, or when the sun's out...or rain, I like rain; it'll cool me down too.'[/color]

So, the last three, a massive giant-like guy with a flail, and two short little guys with gauntlets, stepped forward, the two shorties letting go a ray of mana to the big one, who's speed had, then, increase ten-fold, the monstrosity charging at him and slamming the flail towards Celio, a dodge easy from the lightweight green haired young man, who had to keep dodging for a quite some time before, suddenly, an idea popped into his head.[color=#008000] 'Hmm...Greygnarl is asleep...hehehe...'[/color] a sinister grin at hand, as the huge beastly man yelled "Stop moving, child, and let me pulverize your and your Sol Guild ass into the ground!"

Unfortunately, at this time, Celio was right in front of his dragon, and as he dodged, the flail struck right into the sleeping dragon's belly, a huge gruff from the old timer, who's eye darted open in an evidently angry temper, looking at the huge guy who was frozen in his tracks, as he spoke [acronym=Did you just swing that at me? Oh no you did not just do that...]"Did yae just swing that at meh? Ooh no ya didnae just do that..."[/acronym] before grabbing the flail in his hand, the large brute holding on, foolishly paralyze, as Greygnarl effortlessly threw him into the other two, going back to sleep, snoring loudly and proudly, as Celio smirked at the pile of three, unconciously upon the floor in a pile. Chuckling at the sight, he tapped his sword thrice and said [color=#008000]"So...shall I put him back now?"[/color]

[acronym=You put me back in there, especially before I finish my nap, and I'll make it my life's duty to smash your skull into three.]"You put meh bahck in thar, 'specially before I finish meh nap, and I'll make it meh life's duteh to smash yer skull into three."[/acronym]

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The Ursa Major Guild was way out of their league facing the Sol Guild. The Sol guild members inside the guild house cheered boisterously as they watched their fellow guild mates make quick work of the enemy forces. Once Fayte had finished his battle, he looked around to see the magic of his fellow guild mates had increased immensely. It's only been three years yet they've improved so much. Fayte felt blessed to be on their side, to belong to the family. During Celio's battle, he had summoned the dragon spirit that resides within his sword, Greygnarl. Three years ago, Fayte remembered Greygnarl to be uncooperative and overall unwilling to help Celio. Unfortunately, it seems that's still the case today as Greygnarl simply slept there and not caring about Celio's fight. "(Seems Celio hasn't gotten through to Greygnarl yet...)" Fayte thought. However, Celio did took out Celio's last opponent when he slammed his flail into the dragon's stomach. A mistake he won't be making again. With that, the Ursa Major mob was defeated. Not that it was of a surprise but the Sol guild members cheered nonetheless.

Rona, the Ursa Major mob leader, had an expression of disbelief on his face seeing all of his guild mates defeated so easily. It was quite embarrassing. "H-H-How in the world..." Rona muttered but was then confronted by Olan. Without speaking, Olan summoned a wooden staff and broke the ice that encased Rona. Olan then grabbed Rona by his shirt collar and quickly threw him to the piles of his guild mates, who were finally regaining consciousness. Add to his shock of seeing all his guild mates defeated, Rona was now fearful of what they might do to him. Olan then walked over to Rona, stopping just a couple of feet in front of him. Olan then slammed the end of his wooden staff onto the cobblestone path that lead to the guild house. This caused Rona to jolt in fear. "You can stop being so fearful. Unlike your guild, the Sol Guild won't hurt those who can't fight. Now, I want all of you to leave this property." Olan stated as the Ursa Guild members regained complete consciousness and heard what Olan had just said. "NOW!" Olan firmly stated, slamming the end of his staff into the ground again.

This caused the Ursa Guild members to quickly get up and ran away from estate. While Rona was running out of the gates however, he suddenly bumped into someone and fell back onto his butt. "Oof! H-Hey what's the big deal getting in the way-" Rona said before looking up to see a towering figure. This towering figure stood at 6'04", donning a royal purple robe. The aura around the figure was undoubtedly the mark of a powerful Starbound, more powerful than anything Rona has ever known. The figure was none other than the Sol Guild's Guild Master, Master Gallus Marlon. Marlon stared at Rona, but not with a harmful intent. "Weren't you just leaving?" Marlon asked in a calm, matter-of-fact voice. Without replying, Rona simply stood up and went around the towering Starbound, running as fast as he could to escape the estate before anything else could happen. "The young man sure is lively." Marlon said to himself as he watched how fast Rona ran away. Everyone was surprised to see their guild master has return. But the person who was most surprised to see Marlon was none other than Fayte who haven't seen his guild master in three years. "Well, now I wonder what happened here while I was gone-" Before Marlon could finish his thoughts, a familiar voice called out to him.

"Master Marlon!" Fayte called out. "Hmm, that voice-" Marlon quickly looked back to see that in fact it was Fayte who had called out to him. "Fayte!" Marlon exclaimed. Fayte then ran over and stopped a few feet in front of Marlon. "Master Marlon, I'm home..." Fayte said. "As you should be, my boy... As you should be... Hmm, I've seen you've gotten taller." Marlon pointed out. "Hehe, yeah, people have been noticing." Fayte smiled. "This is excellent! A celebration is order to welcome you home!" Marlon stated but then stopped his own excitement. "Oh yes, almost forgot to ask. What happened here?" Marlon asked. "Ursa Major was causing trouble again. They were chasing after a girl. This girl." Olan said as he walked over to Marlon and pointed to the Starbound girl who uses singing to activate her magic. "Olan, my friend. I'm glad you handled things here while I was out." Marlon stated before walking towards the other guild members and the girl.

"From the looks of it, all of you helped to protect this girl?" Marlon asked Syfa, Celio, Kasumi, Shukuro, Krake, and Flint. "Actually, this girl's a Starbound, and her magic is pretty top notch from what I've seen. She helped us with the fight." Krake explained. "I see... Huh? Syfa, your arm and your forehead. Are you okay? Do all of you need medical treatment? Wounds shouldn't be kept untreated for long." Marlon stated, worried about his guild members well being. "Don't worry Master Marlon, everyone's fine. Syfa was just a bit clumsy." Krake teased. Hearing that, Marlon let out a sigh of relief. "That's good, you've all got me worried there." Marlon said. Fayte and Olan then walked over. "We're members of the Sol Guild Master Marlon, we're the strongest guild in Stellos so you don't have to worry about us." Fayte smiled confidently. Marlon nodded his head once, agreeing with Fayte, before turning to face the Starbound girl. "My dear, I thank you for helping us with our Ursa Major nuisance. Are you alright?" Marlon asked.

"Whew, I'm glad that problem's over with. By the way, you guys did great. All of you guys' magic have grown so much. I kinda feel like I'm lagging behind." Fayte told his fellow guild mates. "You did good too Fayte. Not as good as me though hahaha!" Shukuro patted himself, figuratively speaking, on the back causing a large sweat drop to appear on Fayte's head. "Yep, same old Shukuro..." Fayte stated.

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Kasumi’s hands flew up behind her head, and more or less in the blink of an eye, her ponytail was undone, let loose, then tied back up. She closed her eyes for a moment as she cracked her neck, simply by slowly rotating her head around. She was a little sore from the fight, and was in desperate need of some relaxing. The scent of blood from Syfa wafted into her nostrils slowly. Her eyes opened as she walked over to the injured witch-esque guild member and spoke. [color=#800080]“Let me see your arm.”[/color] With Syfa’s co-operation, Kasumi again took out her vile, glowing brilliantly with a deep cerulean blue aura.

She popped the vile open and dipped her index finger into the liquid, bringing a small amount of it up out of the glass vile. Her fingers trailed over the wound on Syfa’s arm, healing the wound almost instantly, causing the blood on her arm to dry as well without a fresh source to fuel its crawl over the woman’s flesh. After she was finished, she tucked the vile into her clothes and patted Syfa’s arm. [color=#800080]“Keep off it for a few hours, the scarring will be minimal.”[/color] She said, looking into the woman’s eyes.

She made it a point to acknowledge the Guild Master’s arrival, giving him a small bow before picking back up the staff she had obtained in her fight. Hearing Shukuro’s voice, boasting and bragging, she spun the staff over the back of his hand, and made a solid THWAP! to the back side of his head, causing the weapon to break. This was to more or less get him to stop his talking, but served as a very good image as to exactly how thick skulled her brother was. I mean come on, that staff was made from like redwood or oak, that’s tough wood to break, even with one’s head.

She passed by the others, stopping momentarily to look at the newcomer, who had brought the Ursa guild members to their door. Her hunter eyes looked the girl, who appeared to be only slightly younger than her, and her brow cocked a bit. Her lips curved into a smirk as she sized the young woman up. “You show prowess….” And with that, she walked into the guild hall, grabbed her book, and proceeded to make her way to the library, the one place to get away from Shukuro’s annoying voice. To her, it was like nails on a chalk board, but she knew he would never come into the Library, the man had never picked up a book in his life, which was only a short extension of the truth. In fact Shukuro had picked up one book in his life, but I don’t think [u][b]100 Ways to Sound Smarter and Look Awesome All at the Same Time[/b][/u] would really count as educational reading do you?

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As Celio was working on the last two Ursa Major Guild members, Kirei's song came to an end. Letting out a huff that its fun was over already, the kitsune disappeared via a flash of light. Looking to the dragon, she was pouting a little as her eye brows where scrunched together. Celio summoned the dragon, asking for help and he plain out denied it. How rude! Kirei doesn't like it when people are rude, which usually ends up in her getting into some trouble of some type. As Olan was busy with the Ursa Major Guild leader, Kirei walked over to the sleeping dragon and bopped Greygnarl's snout with her baton. [color=#008080]"That was [i]VERY[/i] rude! He summoned you to ask for you help and you just plain out denied it! You should be ashamed of yourself,"[/color] Kirei scolded the dragon as she had her hands on her hips. She didn't care if he was elderly, or larger, or a dragon for the fact. Rude was rude.

[acronym="Bah, fawk off you daft cow, I didn't have to do anything I don't want to, including talking to a pathetic wee little runt like yourself."]"Bah, sod off ya daft cow, I dinnae 'ave ta do anythin' I dinnae wan', includin' talkin' to a pathetic wee lil' runt like yerself."[/acronym]

Kirei's jaw dropped in disbelief to what Greygnarl just said. [color=#008080]"H-How dare you! Granted, I am small but I'm still growing! And cow?! COW?! I'm opposite of a cow! If anything, I'm underweight!"[/color] Out of frustration, she gave his snout a kick, not a hard one, but one that had to at least stung before beginning to stomping off as everyone who was watching let out a small gasp. They knew what was comin' next.

Of course, a sting doesn't help one to sleep, so as his reptile eye opened wide and glared at her, he said [acronym="You're right, you're not a cow; you're a bloody bee, buzzing into what isn't your own business"]"Yer righ', yer not a cow; yer' a bloody bee, buzzin' into wat isn't yer own business!"[/acronym] before wrapping his claw around her and tossing her aside like a ragdoll.

As his claw wrapped around her, a [url="http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo261/AisuGhost/Emi-Eh.png"]look of surprise[/url] covered her face as she began to yell out, [color=#008080]"L-Lemme goooOOOOOOOH!"[/color] With that, she flew into the front wall of the guild. Sticking to it for a moment, her body began to slowly slid down the wall before peeling off and plopping down on the ground, her eyes the comedic swirly eyes.

As she laid there on the ground, partially knocked out, Marlon looked to her, [font="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"]"My dear, I thank you for helping us with our Ursa Major nuisance. Are you alright?" Blinking a little, she leaned her head back and looked to the tall man, him being upside down in her view. [/font][color=#008080][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=4]"Yeah.. I'm fine. Just trying to teach some manners to that stubborn pile of scales."[/size][/font][/color][font="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"] Standing up, she started to dust herself off when she heard Kasumi say, "You show prowess...." [/font][color=#008080][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=4]"T-Thanks.."[/size][/font][/color][font="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"] Kirei said wish a blush before turning her attention back to Marlon. [color=#008080]"Master Marlon? I'd like to join the Sol Guild!"[/color] Kirei said such enthusiasm and happiness that would make most people wonder what kind of drug she's on.[/font]

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Since she was finished with her fight, she took a step back to watch Celio's fight. He summoned his dragon Greygnarl, but it didn't appear that Celio came to an understanding with him yet. "Guess Greygnarl is still giving him problems." She muttered gingerly holding her arm. While was more of an annoying tingle than painful. Celio made quick work of his attackers, which wasn't a surprise, and the Sol Guild members cheered for their comrade's victory. "Like we would actually lose to them." Rona, who was still encased in ice, was in utter disbelief that they lost. Olan waled over to him, shattered the ice he was trapped in then grabbed him by the collar, then threw him into the rest of his guild mates. Syfa smirked as Olan told him to run and to not come back, which Rona was more than willing to oblige. However, as he was running he ran into a rather large man.

Syfa looked at the man Rona ran into and did a double take. It was Master Marlon, the Sol Guild's leader. Like many of the others, she gave him a short bow out of respect, then watched as Rona continued to run away his tail between his legs. Figuratively of course. After a rather ecstatic greeting from Fayte, Marlon asked what happened to which Fayte filled him in. "I see... Huh? Syfa, your arm and your forehead. Are you okay? Do all of you need medical treatment? Wounds shouldn't be kept untreated for long." Marlon stated, worried about his guild members well being. Syfa was going to answer for herself, but was beat to the punch. "Don't worry Master Marlon, everyone's fine. Syfa was just a bit clumsy." Krake teased.

Syfa didn't say anything, but walked over to Krake summoned her staff and hit him over the head. "Oh sorry, my hand slipped." She said laughing at the large red bump now on Krake's head. "Let me see your arm." Syfa heard, and saw Kasumi beside her waiting for Syfa to obliged. She held up her injured arm for Kasumi to look at. She watched as Kasumi applied some salve to her wound. Syfa was amazed at how quickly the stuff worked, as her wound closed right after the salve was applied. "Man, that stuff is awesome." She exclaimed grinning as she flexed out her arm. "Don't worry I'll be careful, and thanks." She said in reply to Kausmi's instructions.

Then the girl that started it all started an argument with Greygnarl. Something about him being rude to Celio for not offering his help. After a bit of banter, Greygnarl tossed the girl to the side as if she was a rag-doll. Syfa winced when the girl made contact to the wall, "Ouch. He didn't have to be so rough with her." Marlon went over to the girl to see if she was alright, to which the girl responded with a request to join their guild. "That girl has some serious guts. She came all this way just to join our guild."

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Celio's stance was filled with pride, inwardly he felt a sting of disappointment, Greygnarl as unco-operative and intolerable as ever, his obnoxious temper and attitude raining on his parade; regardless he knew there's no reason to let his own distaste to unsettle the rest. Pushing it aside, he focused, or tried his darndest, to keep his attention upon the events unfolding before him. An evident win on behalf of the Sol Guild, which brought the leader of the Ursa Major Guild equal disatisfaction, so much so after Olan's little performance, he and the others kicked up tails and tried to get out of there, Rolan being stopped, or more aptly bumped, into Master Galus of the Sol Guild.

Eyes sparkling in awe, Celio dashed up to Master Galus, initially, but Fayte's return had caught up between him and the Guild's head; of course it would, the Guild Master himself hand-picked that little cherry that was called Fayte, Celio assumed he had, like, some sort of father figure relationship to Fayte, so he wasn't to surprised at all. As soon as he asked them all if they had helped out, he, like a puppy when his master came home, perked up and said "Yes sir, we sure did!" with a sunny beam of a smile, before muttering over the thought of [color=#008000]"Say...where is that girl anyways?.."[/color]

Of course, that was answered when he overheard Greygnarl. Kirei had evidently been trying to defend Celio, however, as he knew oh so well, the grumpy dragon didn't give a hoot. So, he walked over to the two and overheard Kirei's reaction which, granted, was justified from Greygnarl's behaviour, but as soon as Celio noted her foot making a movement, he jolted forward briefly, teeth gritting nervously as he squeaked, about to try and stop the girl making quite the mistake, but, well, it was too late, and as the dragon's eyes had opened, he threw the girl into the guild's wall without mercy, or concern of the young girl's health.

Celio rolled his eyes and channeled energy into his sword as he tapped it thrice, saying[color=#008000] "Come back, Greygnarl." [/color]which caused the dozy dragon to fade into nothingness, his spirit once again in the sword locked up tight, as Celio picked up and strapped his scabbard to his back, placing the sword inside as he walked over to Kirei, overhearing her mention about wanting to join up; he had to apologize on behalf of the dragon, he was Celio's responsibility, and so he said [color=#008000]"Sorry about my dragon; Greygnarl and I have never really gotten along that well, he doesn't think I'm up to his level, so he refuses to help me really. It's best usually just to leave him be; it makes me wonder why I even summon him."[/color]

[color=#008000]'Of course I know; hope!'[/color] Celio reassured him mentally before placing his hand in her's as he said[color=#008000] "I think it'd be an honour for you to join us as a sister in arms, as a sister to the family of the Sol Guild, and as a practitioner of the magic which flows through our veins; in doing so, I wish to introduce myself as one Celio of the Drake Clan, the Sol Guild's green haired daydreamer with dragonic roots to my magic; I feel awful for Greygnarl's behaviour..." [/color]before lifting his hand up and igniting Holy Fire into his palm as he asked [color=#008000]"I know your healing song is quite the piece of potent magic, the melodic tune so gentle it raises the heart's will to live on; can I offer my service to heal you, if anything?"[/color]

Celio then sighed before realizing something, blurting out[color=#008000] "I'llberightbackIjustneedtofetchsomethingthat'sabsolutelycrucialtomesodon'twaitupbecauseI'llberightback!" [/color]as he ran back to his room, guild members, again, muttering about his odd behaviour, mentioning "Has he got ADHD or something?" or "Too forgetful." and even "Gee, I wish I had his energy nowadays." Of course, where Celio had dashed into, was his bedroom, looking for his flute, his treasured flute, the keepsake which kicked the homesick from his gut, and so you can imagine how frustrated he was when he couldn't find it.

Throwing sheets and pillows around, opening and shutting drawers in a flash, he was busy making a mess to find it, a nervous sweat film over his entity, because he couldn't, for the life of him, remember where he had put it. This was, until, recalling just a few minutes ago, it was right next to his book...a blank face of Celio gazed over at his room as he picked up the flute, tiptoeing out of his bedroom hoping, praying, as he closed the door, that no-one would call him up on it, forcing him like a child into his room, not allowed out 'til he cleaned it up. Blending back into the group, he held his breath and hoped.

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With the battle over, the guild members within the guild house went back to whatever they were doing before to let their guild mates outside wrap things up. While Fayte was conversing with Master Marlon, the Starbound girl had her own conversation with Greygnarl which unfortunately ended up with Greygnarl tossing the girl into the guild house's walls. Fortunately, the girl was fine. Everybody had gathered around the girl to hear her story, except for Kasumi who needed to get some time alone at the guild house's library. However, before she left, she made sure to punish her brother for boasting by smashing the staff she had taken from an Ursa Major guild member onto the back of his head. Upon impact, the staff broke, but at least it was able to silence Shukuro as he fell unconscious onto the ground with a large red bump on his head. Krake also received a similar treatment from Syfa who he had teased about being "clumsy", to which Syfa smacked him on the head with her own staff. "Ouch..." Krake complained as he rubbed the back of his head near the bump that he had just gotten. "I was only joking Syfa hehe..." Krake said with a nervous laugh. Kasumi also complimented the Starbound girl on her abilities before finally leaving.

"Well, I'll let you guys sort things out. I've been putting off a delivery job for awhile now and the deadline's tomorrow so I gotta get going. Catch you all later. Oh, and Fayte, nice to have you back." Krake said to which Fayte thanked him before he left. After Krake left, Shukuro suddenly stood up and looked around hastily. "Uhh, is everything okay Shukuro?" Fayte asked. "Okay good, my little sister's gone... Whew... Good thing I was smart enough to transform the back of my head into metal or else I would've probably gotten a concussion." Shukuro told Fayte quietly. "You've gotten craftier haven't you? But you should still calm down around Kasumi or else one day she'll break you're arms or something." Fayte warned Shukuro. "What- You don't think Kasu would actually do that to me would she???" Shukuro asked Fayte, more worried about the fact that his sister could hate him to that point rather than the fact that his arms would be broken."I-I'm only kidding..." Fayte replied to calm Shukuro down.

Back to the business at hand, after the girl had thanked Kasumi, she return her attention to Master Marlon to tell him her purpose for being her. "Master Marlon? I'd like to join the Sol Guild!" was the girl bravely declared, causing some guild members inside the house to turn their attention to the conversation outside again. Master Marlon was quite surprised by what she had just said, shown by his suddenly widened eyes. Before Master Marlon could give her any response, the Sol guild members outside jumped to support her, with Syfa saying how courageous she was. After Greygnarl was returned to Celio's sword, he took the responsibility of apologizing for the dragon's behavior and explained that he and Greygnarl have never seen eye-to-eye. Celio then wondered why he'd even summoned Greygnarl in the first place but soon came to the answer of "hope". After that, Celio told the girl it would be an honor for her to join the guild and properly introducing himself. A little later, Celio once again dashed off to his room to find something.

The lively Starbound made a complete mess of his room searching for his flute, a keepsake that allowed him to stay in Stellos without missing his home too badly. Returning, Celio quietly, and suspiciously, blending into the group. Fayte misread it for Celio still feeling bad about what Greygnarl had did. Fayte then put his hand on Celio's shoulder and gave an empathetic smile. "It's not your fault Celio. I'm sure one day you'll finally learn how to gain Greygnarl's respect." Fayte stated. Master Marlon also misread it similarly. "Fayte's right Celio, my boy. You are a strong Starbound but you've yet to unlock your hidden potential. Give yourself some time and one day, you'll become the strongest Drake clansman that ever existed." Master Marlon stated, attempting to cheer Celio up.

Master Marlon then turned to Olan. "My friend, what are your thoughts on this young Starbound joining our guild?" Marlon asked. "She has great potential and from seeing her battle, I can tell that she's destined for great things. I support her joining our guild." Olan replied. "Yeah, she's a powerful Starbound alright. You should see her kit-kit." Fayte stated. "Umm, kit-kit?" Marlon asked, confused. "Oh, kit-kit is what she calls her kitsune familiar." Fayte explained. "I see... Very well, you may be allow to join." Marlon finally gave his approval to which everybody in the group cheered. "Congratulations!" Fayte said with a happy smile. "You'll like it. It's very lively and if you wanna battle, go find Shukuro, that's me." Shukuro grinned while pointing to himself with his thumb.

"Of course now you know what that means..." Marlon suddenly said, directing it mostly to Sol's guild members. "You will need to pass an initiation trial in order to be accepted into the Sol Guild." Marlon stated, this time directing it towards the girl. "Oh that's right. Anyone who wants to join the guild must pass an initiation trial." Fayte stated. "This initiation trial requires that you have three volunteers to help you overcome the trial. So, who will join this girl in the trial?"

"I will." Fayte suddenly said, raising his hand. Fayte then placed his hand down and smiled at the girl. "I'll make sure you'll pass the trial and join the Sol Guild." Fayte stated.

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Syfa watched silently as they began to discuss whether or not to allow the girl to join their guild. Celio voted to let the girl join. Fayte, and even Olan also supported her joining the guild. Hearing that Marlon officially inducted her into the guild. Syfa was about to remind them about the initiation process, but Marlon had that covered. Remembering the initiation process of joining the Guild Fayte volunteered to be one of the three people allowed to help the girl. That meant she needed two more people to volunteer. Syfa looked at the girl, and saw that she really was determined to get into the guild. [i]'And she did come all this way just to join. I just happened to luck my way into the guild, so why not have her join? She is strong, and we could always use more strong members.'[/i]

Syfa smiled and walked over to stand by Fayte, "I guess I wouldn't mind helping out as well. Besides I don't have anything else to do at the moment." She said winking at the girl. "Syfa Lizfey, resident witch at your service." She ended giving the girl a miniature bow.

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Celio jumped, eyes as wide as a wise owl, as Fayte's hand patted his back, believing it to be one of the many who'd drag him by the collar to snag him back to the mess he'd made and force him to clean it all up, which of course was the last thing he wanted. He felt it, his heartbeat in his throat, pounding like he was on the electric chair, just trying to brace for the inevitable, knowing that no matter how much he tries it'll be as painful as always. Except, this time, the guy in the chair is actually on a game show called 'Death Row!' because, it seemed, Celio was off the hook, Fayte having tried to encourage him with Greygnarl, as well as Master Marlon, both having misread his actual intention; now all he needed was a raccoon...

Anyways, he turned around to the encouragement and smiled, with a [url="http://i.imgur.com/wV6Pm.png"]poker smile[/url], as he said to the others[color=#008000] "Y-y-yeah, I know; what's it called..."[/color] snapping his fingers to jog his memory as he tapped the ground with his foot, Celio tried eagerly to recall the word, instantly having forgotten about his room, before extending the inedx finger upwards triumphantly as he proclaimed the word to the heavens:[color=#008000] "Perseverance, that's it! I need to "persevere" through Greygnarl's persevered disobedience and disrespect, so I can improve myself; in layman's terms, out persevere the persevering perseverer...wait...wha-?"[/color]

He had confused himself enough, so instead Celio payed attention to the task at hand, with Marlon seeming to have extended an invitation to the new girl on the condition of passing trials. Celio himself wasn't really bribed by Shukuro's offer of fights, just a nice bed which he always kept on saying he'd not overstay his welcome, having now been there for three years, but his memory was hazy if he had done these trials. The daydreamer rarely recollected things he needed to, and at times vice-versa. Regardless, as Fayte and Syfa had extended their respective offers to aid the soon-to-be-Sol Guild Singer, which Celio had donned Kirei, Celio recalled his previous statement, offering a healing if necessary to cover Greygnarl's rudeness.

How better than to aid her in the trial! So, Celio wrapped his arm over Syfa's shoulder, his other over Fayte's, as he said[color=#008000] "There's no need to worry, Sol Guild Singer, for we're the best Starbound Guild in existence. Why? Because we've got the strength of family and friendship; and this isn't no ordinary friendship speech..."[/color] before clearing his throat, a well timed stool being placed...

[color=#008000]"Fayte shall bring forth the firepower we need, his tarot cards bringing the spice of variety to combat, each adding a new ingredient to the curry of combat; Syfa's magical prowess goes unmatched with her mystical Spell book of might, raining terror upon our foes! However, I, Celio, shall extend my own resources to offer the provado, the ragazzo, and the gusto of passion to the team; my powers make me the bonafide Jack of All Trades to this team, self proclaimed of course, being a useful medic and buffer with plenty of punch to dish around; and, together, we'll form the Super Duper Sol Guild Strike Quad Squad!!!"[/color]

And, of course, a thumbs up with a grin, sparkle on the teeth, to end the charismatic speech.

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Kirei couldn't help but blush and burst out with pride as just about all the guild members within earshot supported in her joining the guild. She was also a little prideful that her sudden declaration about wanting to join that guild threw Master Marlon off guard. Karma came back and threw her off guard when Celio, the one who summoned the dragon, came up and made a full introduction and made an apology for his dragon earlier. [color=#008080]"Greygnarl? That's his name? Huh.. Anyways! Don't feel bad, Celio! Not your fault. Someone needs to teach him a lesson in manners anyways! And I'm not gonna back down anytime soon anyways.. Backing down just shows you're a push over! And I ain't no push over~" [/color]Kirei hummed out that last bit just before Celio remembered he needed something and took off in a flash. [color=#008080]"Uhm.. Alrighty then?" [/color]she mumbled out before she returned her attention to Master Marlon that declared she could join the Sol Guild.

[color=#008080]"YESH!"[/color] She boasted out as she started to do a little [url="http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=victory+dance+gif#/d2foybg"]victory dance[/url] as her baton started to fill the air with a nice little [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zv4ZbYRMqgI"]cheerful song[/url] to celebrate the occasion. It was when Master Marlon mentioned something about an initiation trial that the music stopped with a sudden [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRp_mVi969I"]record scratch[/url] after about a minute in as she froze right in her tracks. [color=#008080]"Wait.. Wut?"[/color] Kirei asked as three people quickly volunteered to help her out, the tarot-card user, the dragon summoner and the witch of the guild. [color=#008080]"Super Duper Sol Guild Strike Quad Squad? WUT?!" [/color]Kirei was becoming very confused, very fast. First, there was something about a trial, then something about a squad and she thinks she heard a tid-bit about fighting someone when she wanted a fight. Plus, the energy drain her summonings usually was starting to kick in, giving her a[url="http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=sleepy+face+anime#/d1rpzbq"] tired look[/url] on her face,[color=#008080] "So what do I gotta do for this trial thingy?"[/color]

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