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Dark Messiah: A New Age. [PG-16/IC/Started/Not Accepting]

Alice Moonflowyr

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That answer made Kori annoyed. She raised her hand and slapped Xelto. "So just because you aren't a part of this city means you don't care about the innocent people dieing?" She yelled at him and slapping him again. "What the hell is wrong with you? You think just because you aren't from around here this isn't your problem? You are here now and they are attacking now! You can't just say this isn't your problem!" She attempted to slap him a third time. *** Cody noticed the man using blue flame. It impressed him. He also noticed a big man in full body armor. Cody ran towards the man and slashed at an enemy. "Back to back!" He said slaching another anymy who was behind Grith.

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That answer made Kori annoyed. She raised her hand and slapped Xelto. "So just because you aren't a part of this city means you don't care about the innocent people dieing?" She yelled at him and slapping him again. "What the hell is wrong with you? You think just because you aren't from around here this isn't your problem? You are here now and they are attacking now! You can't just say this isn't your problem!" She attempted to slap him a third time. *** Cody noticed the man using blue flame. It impressed him. He also noticed a big man in full body armor. Cody ran towards the man and slashed at an enemy. "Back to back!" He said slaching another anymy who was behind Grith.

That answer made Kori annoyed. She raised her hand and slapped Xelto. "So just because you aren't a part of this city means you don't care about the innocent people dieing?" She yelled at him and slapping him again. "What the hell is wrong with you? You think just because you aren't from around here this isn't your problem? You are here now and they are attacking now! You can't just say this isn't your problem!" She attempted to slap him a third time. *** Cody noticed the man using blue flame. It impressed him. He also noticed a big man in full body armor. Cody ran towards the man and slashed at an enemy. "Back to back!" He said slaching another anymy who was behind Grith.

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After the third slap, Xelto grabbed her arm and gripped on it as hard as he could. He stared at her with the intent of maybe even killing her. He closed the book he studies, and put in his robes. "[color=#800000]If you have time to chastise me about my view point on this battle,[/color]" he growled, "-[color=#800000]then you certainly have enough time helping others based on your view point of the battle. Get lost. I'm annoyed by your voice.[/color]" He released her arm, and pushed her away.

"[color=#800000]On second thought, I'll do myself the favor and leave. Then perhaps you'll never have to see me again. Tah-tah[/color]." He turned his back to her, and left to find a library that he suddenly decided to find. [i]What annoying girl. Why is she uptight about helping other people, when she's not helping? I would like some clarification on that. Perhaps I'll find the answer some other time.[/i]

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She shouted back to Ristavan [color=#FF8C00]"The only 'Master' I've ever had was myself!". [/color]As suddenly as she said that, Darkness covered her as she switched Main Forms. She started to laugh as she flew upward, her eyes turning a Darker Indigo as she started incanting something much longer as she pointed her finger downward toward the side where Ristavan was covering... [b][i][color=#FF8C00]"Videte vocationem meisque pacto Regina Obscura fulgoris inimicorum ulcisci atque in hunc impetum caeli! Tenebris Summi fulminis!"[/color][/i][/b] The Result was a huge beam of black Lightning that covered the width of the street, Paralyzing all who came into contact with the beam, She slowly swung the beam so that it hit any of the brotherhood that was advancing towards the tower from that direction

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As Xelto gripped Kori's arm she whinced. As he started walking away she spoke. "What do you suppose I do I'm no fighter. I can only heal." She started talking in a way that she hoped he would take pity on her for. "Can't you at least help me?" She said pouting. "Please? I just need you to fight for me. I can make it so you don't get hurt or even able to be hit my normal attacks." She stepped towards him. "Please I can give you money just help me help these people!" She hoped the promise of money might get him to help. She couldn't stand not being able to help and she couldn't understand how someone could just stand there and let people die.

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Ristavans eyes widened hugely. "Damn. I heard you were powerful but....nothing like this! Come with me...this way." He walked down a seperate flight of stairs after mumbling something inaudible, probably a protection spell. "Come." he said. He opened a door and walked into a room with a strange sigil on the ground.


"Whooo! Did you SEE that?" Grith yelled at no one in particular. "I'm glad that little creepy winged girl is on our side! Not theirs! WHOOO!" Seeing the lightning shock so many enemies gave Grith a spurt of energy, and he cut down one bandit after the other. [i]Dammn. She is POWERFUL! Gotta keep my temper around her![/i]

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He stopped. [i]She goes from slapping me and criticizing my views to admitting helplessness? I. Simply. Don't. Get. People.[/i]

"[color="#800000"]How do you know that I'm not with the enemy? How do you know that I am not just a neutral third party organization attempting to take over the world? You expect me to help when you can't help people yourself? You're a healer. Start by healing the injured.That should be very obvious. I have no significant interest in money. So you can stop your bribery efforts.[/color]"

He drew his sword and walked up to the girl. He has no idea who she is, and he doesn't care. He took the sword, and placed it in the ground, and told her, "[color="#800000"]You grab this sword, and you use it on your enemy. Just give it back when you're done. I'll be somewhere in the city.[/color]"

He left the sword there, and started to venture again to find a library, should one exist.

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Kori stepped back as Xelto took out his sword and put it in the ground. "I know you are not an enemy or even trying to take over because if you were you would have killed me already." She said putting her hand on the sword and smiled. "You expect a poor girl like me to kill and defend others?" She drew the sword from the ground. It was a lot heaviar then she thought it would be. "How do you expect me to swing this thing?" She asked lifting it to a to her chest. "Fine. Thank you for atleast allowing me to use your weapon. Though you said that this isn't your problem because you aren't around here I am not from here either yet I'm not about to let all this people die." She turned and pouted again. "Seeing as I will be using your weapon let me put a blessing on you incase someone attacks you." She said readying her magic. *** Cody slashed a man who was about to attack Grith from behind. "Hey big guy." He yelled at Grith slashing another attacker. "Tell me you know why these guys are attacking."

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"Wish I did! Fun though aint it? I'm Grith by the way. Whats yours?" As he said that, Grith took a sideways swing and cut off a flanking attempt on the newcomer. "Let me guess. You're here to see Ristavan. We were too." Grith stabbed three enemies through with one strike, then he picked an iron spear off the ground. "Lets see if this baby flies..." He chucked the spear through two more enemies then, grinning, spun around and picked off five more. After a bit the whole square was clear.

"Whew. Like I said, I'm Grith. Here to see the Wizard-Lord Ristavan. Now on a quest to the Temple of Asha. Wanna come with once we clean these dorks up?"

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Riefel had also been hit with the side effects with her spell, She had blanked out and did not hear a few of Rastavin's words, and she was slumping downwards anyway, as if fatigued by the spell, but among the chaos, She snapped out of the blanking rather easily and ignored the fatigue. She flew into the window and followed Rastavin down those Staircases, She easily recognized that Sigil, It was Slightly different to the one that the library she learned her magic, except the symbol was quite sleeker, You could easily tell by her face that she had seen a variation of this sigil before, but she kept silent... She met up with Ravastin in the room...

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"[color=#800000]Your magic is not needed. I can take care of myself.[/color]"

He heard the sounds of enemies nearby, and quickly tossed his bag aside. He grabbed the ends of his robes, and took them off, revealing his body and weights. Running to the woman, he snatched the sword from her, and pushed her back; he can already tell she's going to have problems with the sword.

"[color=#800000]You're having trouble picking up a simple sword like this. There's no way you'd be able to handle yourself. You'd ruin the sword in a minute[/color]." he remarked coldly. "[color=#800000]Go on, get back. If you're so worried about other people, help them instead of worrying about me. Go on. Get![/color]" he commanded.

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"Thank you. Now, you know that you're going to the Temple of Ashan, then to the Temple of the Spider. However my dear, I'm not sending you alone. You'll need a guide, a companion, perhaps even a guardian. She may even teach you...a few other things." A whitish-pink light appeared above the sigil. It slowly came together, until it flashed out and a woman stood in its place. She was of dark skin, with long black hair. She wore a white-gold robe, without sleeves. Bowing slightly to Ristavan, she said; "What is your bidding...my master?"

"One can travel lighter than to Riefel." Ristavan said. "Am I to...protect...this girl?" the woman asked. She walked over to Riefel, obviously not needing an awnser, and circled her. She said while she circled; "Fear not....this wont hurt a bit." She stopped in front of Riefel, and placed her hands on Riefels shoulders. Placing a finger on her lips, she said; "Shhhh....by the way...my name is...Xana." With those words she dissolved into a white light and flowed into Riefels mouth, nose, and eyes.

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Riefel was freaked, A Summoning circle? She read about those back in the cave near the hometown, but there were no incantations inside the books to create one to summon something, Then the woman appeared and walked around her, She was about to protest when she got in front of her, but was stopped by a finger, She was scared, until she felt something familiar as that woman dissolved into white light and flowed into Riefel after introducing herself, It was exactly like when she first opened a book to learn Dark magic, Surging and quite pleasuring, It simply was Nostalgic to her... Riefel interjected as the Light finished flowing into her body [color=#FF8C00]"Why in the heck did you let Xana into me? I thought she was Evil!" [/color]

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[color=#b22222]"Dances of scarlet, chorus of life, and lullabies of death,"[/color] a deep sigh, [color=#b22222]"how magnificent"[/color]. November stood in the midst of the battle, the seas of grey iron clashing against one another fueled by survival and purpose. His palm in an instant smashed against the face of soldier nearby, indiscriminate of the side, [color=#b22222]"Isn't it simply intoxicating?" [/color]A sound of something bursting echoed as streams of red came pouring out the eyes of the unfortunate along with his body going limp. He released and the corpse fell to the ground, [color=#b22222]"I am truly sorry, to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and come across me is a terrible fate. I pity you." [/color]The fires and destruction around was taking its toll on his mind, November was simply enjoying himself. In a blur, he had swiftly spun into a crowd of battling figures,[color=#b22222] "Bloody rhapsody,"[/color] he said quietly. Spirals of crimson filled the air, leaving abstract patterns grazed across his ivory dress.

It was not suppose to be like this, in all honesty, he had been recently trying to avoid these types of situations. He recieved a simple tip from an reliable source to information about necromancy. As a hemomancer, he was naturally curious. However, like always, these situations are simply too much. he had trained himself to excel his emotions in chaos, he couldn't just not indulge himself. Nor did he actually want to stop, trying to avoid and trying to quit are two very different things.

November stood in the bloody pool, licking the splash that fell onto his flesh. In the corner of his eye, he caught a rapid movement of troops, he still wasn't sure who was fighting who, towards the town square. Intriguing, he thought. In a single motion, November unsheathed his dagger and ran it sharply across his wrist. A strong stream came flowing that soon warped and shaped itself into a long flat edge, almost like a blade. [color=#b22222]"I feel them, coursing, beating... and they're in my way,"[/color] Disappearing in an instant, he found himself on the other side of a small conflict between something of 30 men, at least 9 came crashing to the earth, [color=#b22222]"I'm still slow."[/color] He proceeded to the town square.

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When Ashe got to the clearing he saw the the man with the iron bar wasn't coming. He was busy engaging a group of city soliders. Ashe sighed and looked around for a fight to join. He scanned the crowd looking for an opening. That was when he saw the man in white. He was taking on a group of iron men with what Ashe could tell was with his bare hands. [i]Wonder who he is[/i][i]. Lets go meet that white fella.[/i] Increasing the flames on his swords, he ran towards the crowd. Once he reached the crowd, he started slashing and stabbing at the iron men. Slash and stab, slash and stab. It became a repetative pattern. Ashe eventually made it to the man in white. There was a circle of bodies surrounding him.

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A slight push to a still Iron Man set him to the ground. His eyes were now almost amethyst in shade, a clear sign his trance-like state was growing stronger. His sight scanned and danced around the fires and debris for another victim. It was clear, had he harvested more than he had thought? It was likely. His attention caught a rather thin man, unimpressive at first glance, but his ecstasy was too great to resist even the mundane. November stood at attention to the man giving a heavy bow, [color=#b22222]"Graces of those who see the reaper. Respect of those who embrace him. Warnings of those already taken. Did you know the river Styx flows red?" [/color]​November leap momentously into the air, aimed to crash down on the Ashe. Several rings of blood formed around him at the peak of the jump, they weaved and grew into a sharp spear November guided on his way down, pointed directly at Ashe's heart.

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Riefel then wondered in her mind [i][color=#FF8C00]"2 Xanas? Oh, If there is a name for a person, There is bound to be more than one person with that Name, that's common sense for you..."[/color][/i] She flew up the stairs and out the tower to return to the fight, looked around for more Brotherhood idiots and already found more further down the left street on the other side of the town square. She simply fired off several Black Lightning bolts at the Brotherhood further up the street before Incanting [color=#FF8C00][i][b]"Nigrum Fulgura Malleus!"[/b][/i][/color] She swung afterward, from a few degrees behind her down pointing to halfway to the town square, A ball of black Lightning, one about the size of half the street, shot down at a medium speed from above her toward that street that she was aiming at...

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Cody laughed slightly as Grith did this. "Names Cody. And yeah I'm here to talk with the old man. Why would he send you to that temple?" He asked remembering what he read about the place. He looked at the tower remembering the times he studied there. [i]What the hell are you planning old man?[/i] He thought looking back at Grith. "I need to talk to the old man you clear the streets." Said Cody walking towards the tower. *** Kori stumled and fell over as Xelto pushed her. "Oow! Not nice! God what's wrong with you!?" She pulled herself up. "How can you be so rude? Especially to a girl!" As she got to her feet she raise her hand to slap him again. She then saw a few men running towards them with iron weapons.

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Before the group of soldiers could arrive, Xelto quickly turned to only place his blade to her throat. With such a hushed whisper, he condemned the idea of slap, and said, "[color=#800000]You slap me one more time, I will take this blade, and cut open your throat. It makes no difference to me whether or not you're a girl or not.[/color]" Ceasing the idea, he removed the blade from the close distance, walked away from her, and stopped. "[color=#800000]I have a question. What are you still doing here, and not helping anybody else?[/color]"

The sound of the enemy was drawing closer, and he gripped his blade. It was only a matter of moments before they arrive.

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Kori gasped at the sword pointed to her night. She then slapped him. "Go ahead kill me. I don't believe you will. I believe you have some good in you!" The men were getting closer. "I am helping! There are other ways to help then just running in and fighting." She took a step towards Xelto. "But yeah go ahead if you want to kill me go ahead. kill me."

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"To eradicate the Blackguards the Necromancers have sent there to hunt for the Shantiri crystal. Ristavan already has it though, and soon enought those Blackguards will find out. Afterwards, we head towards the Temple of the Spider. Coming with, or no?" Grith asked.

Then the sound of men drew closer.

"Dont test that moron girl!" Grith growled. "Besides, it looks like he'll fight now anyway. Look at the way he grips his sword. Now follow your boyfriend inside!" Grith yelled the last part. The men with the iron weapons burst into the clearing. "Xelto, if you even want to come with us, then you are gonna fight." He growled before he charged. His sword connected with an iron bar. Pushing it out of the way, he tried a sideways cut, which the man also deflected. He then tried a feint to the side, then a head cut. This worked. The mans head left his shoulders. Grith then proceeded to engage the others.....


"Cody. You're late to the party." Ristavan greeted Cody, and still had a rather grumpy look on his face. "I wont repeat myself. I've already said what I'm going to say about the Skull, the Dark Messiah, and the Necromancers. After this is over, I'll have the others fill you in. For now, make yourself useful and get to my personal ballistae. Up the stairs, you know where I keep the rounds." Ristavan walked off down a side corridor, muttering something under his breath.....

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Black and green lightning pounded the ground, tearing his men to shreds. The fire-swordsman had invited him to combat, but before he could reach him, a group of militia rushed him.

Growling with impatience, he swept his iron bar wide, crushing the skulls of two of the guards, before reversing direction and snapping the third's neck with his eblow. The other three turned and ran, but Dyriun made care to pursue them and strike them down from behind. Cowards deserved nothing less.

He looked around for another enemy after dispatching the last of the soldiers. Lightning continued to rain down, and now there was some slip of a man in white dueling the swordsman with....blood? The majority of his men had already fallen, but the handful that were left would fight until their hearts stopped beating and their lungs drew no breath. Such was the way of the Iron. His eyes caught the dark-haired swordsman he had seen earlier. He was arguing with a young girl. Next to them was some pretty-boy holding a sword.

Blood dripping down the length of his iron bar, Dyriun walked steadily toward the trio, smashing anyone who got in his way.

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Riefel looked down and saw a bigger man with an iron bar walking toward Grith and gang, She flew down and landed in behind Grith, pointing a finger at the man with the iron bar when suddenly, She could feel the ground shake a bit from the Ball of lightning impacting the ground, She giggled and said to the man [color=#FF8C00]"Really... How disappointing, I was hoping of more of a challenge..." [/color]She suddenly turned back into her 12 year old form, still gripping her staff, Thankfully, Her weaker spells are slightly more powerful in this form, but she can't use her stronger spells, She pointed at the man as a warning to not show aggression in front of her...

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