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Dark Messiah: A New Age. [PG-16/IC/Started/Not Accepting]

Alice Moonflowyr

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Dyruin looked in disbelief. A winged woman descended behind his quarry like a dark angel, and then...changed into a child. Was this a joke? She pointed a finger at him threateningly. This witch-child must have been the source of the lightening. He was unimpressed. Mages were cowards, hiding behind walls as they threw their spells at their opponents at a distance. That is no way to fight, and no way to die.

The black haired swordsman pushed the witch-child's finger down and stepped forward. Good, this one was not afraid of the Iron's judgement. With a roar, Dyriun dashed forward, a surprising burst of speed for someone of his size, swinging his iron bar in a downward arc aimed at the swordsman's head.

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Grith blocked the bar with a flick of his sword. "Nice charge, decent strength, helluva scary war cry, and fast. Yet yer dumb as nails. Typical barbarian." Grith wove a pattern of steel with his sword as he danced a dance of death. Feinting at the left leg, he changed course quick as lightning and attempted a strike at the mans right arm.

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"[color=#800000]Girth, there is one reason why I didn't fight this battle. Because they had no relevance to the Dark Messiah or to the Necromancers. And that's why I'm here. To put an end to those two. Since these people are neither, I had no reason to draw my blade until this little nagging girl plucked a nerve.[/color]"

Sheathing his blade, Xelta walked over to where his threw robe was at, picking it up and dusting off the dirt on it, and putting it back on. He grabbed his bag, slung it over his shoulder, and said, "[color=#800000]Since there is no longer any reason for my to fight, and because you want to fight him so eagerly, I'm going to find Ristavan. Pretty sure he's the only one who knows where the Temple of Ashan is. Or perhaps he told one of you guys where it is? Ugh, why do I even bother?[/color]" He broke off his words quickly.

Walking over to a wall, he sat down, and closed his eyes, and entered a state of complete mental thought. No outside noise or actions could break it, so it is believed. It does not mean he cannot react to what is outside; but the need for action is rarely needed. While in his meditation, Xelto goes through the amounts of information he processed thus far, and restudy them to further understand it.

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The swordsman's blade bounced across Dyriun's skin, drawing a thin line of blood. Dyriun let out a laugh.

"[color=#00ffff]You dance very prettily, boy![/color]"

He counterattacked with a feint at the man's head with his weapon, and instead struck out with a knee aimed at his stomach.

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Ashe quickly deflected the spear that was aimed at his heart. He was about to charge at the man when something caught his eye. It was the large man with the iron bar. He was heading towards Xelto and the rest of his group.. Pointing his sword at the the man in white. Ashe said[color=#800000] "This ain't over. Next time we meet, it's a fight."[/color] He yet again increased the flames on his swords. He darted towards the large man and his group of quickly made friends.

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(> I really hate not being heard... Post bigger posts or you're breaking the rules here! This especially goes for you Spike, Since you would also be breaking your own rules <)

Riefel cackled as she saw that said man was going close as to underestimate her, She could tell by the man's eyes that he thought that she was a coward, She giggled as the fight took place, She could not see much of the action, but it eventually bored her and she looked, She saw a man that came towards her and her friends with the intent to regroup, then Xelto went to a wall to meditate. Riefel flew upward and decided to land on the roof of a Library to try to think [i][color=#FF8C00]"Hmmm... Where can I Find the Temple of Ashan, My friends are raring to go there..." [/color][/i]She walked around on the roof Silently, Keeping the location of her home Library was...

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He landed gracefully where Ashe previously stood, face blank. Only his eye's followed the past he had escaped from, [color=#b22222]"I don't,"[/color] he paused, [color=#b22222]"understand."[/color] Just then a squadron passed by the road and took preparation to engage November. [color=#b22222]"He ran? Why? I felt it. It felt it. Why run?,"[/color] he mumbled. A soldiers who were surrounding gave fearful looks to the statuary man softly ranting. After a moment, the officer yelled to attack. In a heartbeat, November forced hand deep into a minion's chest. [color=#b22222]"Can you explain it? Was he insulting me?"[/color] A second attacker took advantage of November showing his back and went for a deep slash before a large spike expelled from the dead man's stomach passing under November's arm and impaling the second in the shoulder briefly before a twist and slice of his hand sent the second soldier's head rolling on the cobblestone. The officer took off, sprinting away. A raised hand from November and a few seconds was all it took before anti-climatically the far-off officer simply fell face first into the dirt. [color=#b22222]"How dare he insult me."[/color] His feet moved into a stroll following after Ashe, several rings of crimson now flowing around him, braced.

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Riefel had looked and saw that a man in white going after one of her friends, She sighed and incanted [color=#FF8C00][i][b]"Nigrum Iram!"[/b][/i][/color] then an Aura appeared around her that looked similar to a shroud of black flames, a Sign of Rage. She quickly flew in from the right, appearing behind the man in white, Gripping her staff and glaring at the man in white, She looked at the man in white, a couple of her teeth changed to become sharper white spears, as if she could now feed on the blood of others, just as the man in white formed several rings of a crimson liquid, Blood Maybe? Who knows. Riefel then said to the man in White [color=#FF8C00]"A person who fights with blood? I never had thought of being slain by something that I drink... but I would really suggest leaving my companion alone!"[/color] Which Riefel then pointed at the Man in white...

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November appeared confused, [color=#b22222]"You are not the frail man. I seek the frail man."[/color] He paused, lifting his head to smell the air, [color=#b22222]"You reek of life, you have taken many." [/color]November out reached his hand just barely touching the wall of a store-front, [color=#b22222]"I hear it. Can you?"[/color]. Slowly the stains of blood scattered in the road crawled along the surface, gathering. [color=#b22222]"Sounds of silence, conflict and terror resulting."[/color] Soon the blood had formed a small pool vertically at the end of November's fingertip, [color=#b22222]"You are not the frail man."[/color] He slowly withdrew his hand the blood keeping at the end of his finger bending and following, warping, until it formed a slim scarlet double-edged blade. His eyes grew further red, [color=#b22222]"I seek the frail man."[/color] November lunged forward violently.

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Riefel simply giggled as she waited for the person to get in closer while glaring at the person in white, She simply said [color=#FF8C00]"Oh Come on!... You Really think you're a match for me?" [/color]Then Glaring at the double edged sword that the man had, She simply incanted [i][b][color=#FF8C00]"Nigrum Captione Ligatis!"[/color][/b][/i][color=#FF8C00] [/color]to which the Double Edged Sword Made of Blood turned black, and the Mana in the blood became corrupt, which caused the Double edged sword made of blood to turn black and start to deteriorate back into it's natural liquid state. [color=#FF8C00]"So, you say you're here to see the old man, yet you attack me, and a few others that went to go see the old man? I really don't get your lack of Logic... Especially since you look as if you direly underestimate me..." [/color]Riefel said, Giggling, but glaring at him again...

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Upon his sword reverting, November stopped. He gazed quizzically into his hands, he was silent. He faced Riefel, his eyes were teary but not sad. He removed his white glove promptly, revealing a ruby encrusted into his skin but it was glowing, radiating intensely. It filled the air with an ominous crimson light. A sudden single laugh came from November, an odd gracious smile on his face. [color=#b22222]"I must apologize,"[/color] he wiped away a straw tear fro his cheek, [color=#b22222]"you've made me happy but I don't know what I'm going to do to you."[/color] The light seemed to activate something as more and more blood came spiraling to sphere around November. As it filled the rings and it just about to consume him, he whispered, [color=#b22222]"Thank you"[/color]. The light and movement faded as the sphere of solid red held still for seconds. Several spikes erupted from the sphere protruding in every direction before seeming to home in, dead-on Riefel.

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Riefel then laughed as that aura enveloped her again while the Spikes of blood shot in towards her, She then glared at some of the spikes and chanted the same spell again [color=#FF8C00][b][i]"Nigrum Captione Ligatis!"[/i][/b][/color] at which the spikes turned black and dissolved back to it's normal state, except for 1 which still flew at her, which she caught rather easily [color=#FF8C00]"You see, little one, all living things contains mana... especially in the Blood and Bones of all living things, and All Magic needs mana to function, Even Blood Manipulation... do you think that you can manipulate the blood whose mana is corrupt?" [/color]Riefel then devoured into the spike using her now Vampire teeth, The fragment of the blood spike turned into mush in her mouth as the mana was sucked out of the blood, and as she swallowed the blood, she remarked [color=#FF8C00]"Now that was quite tasty... now it's my turn..." [/color]Riefel pointed at the red sphere that was November and Black lightning shot out of her finger...

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The black lightning struck the bloody sphere for instant, disappearing until a second. A soul-wrecking scream emanated like that for a banshee when the sphere shattered like glass in every direction November was nowhere. The shards of blood released into there liquid state. November appeared ferociously behind Riefel, dyed almost entirely vermilion. [color=#b22222]"I'd love to see you so enthusiastic to do that to your own blood," [/color]his voice was much darker and viscous than before, [color=#b22222]"Let's silence those silly incantations first."[/color] He moved to cover Riefel's mouth and plunge his jagged dagger into her back.

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Grith, although still busy with the strange Iron man, couldnt see his new ally cut down this easily. He slugged the strange iron man in the face, and then swooped in and plunged the hilt of his sword towards the assassins' stomach. "NOBODY bags on my buddies except ME! And thats only when they screw up!" he yelled as he made his strike.


[i]What to do, what to do....[/i] Ristavan searched through his scrolls, looking frantically for something that wasnt there. "Ahh. Damn. Well....I better get over to the fighting.....someone new has shown....I can feel it..."
Ristavan headed outside, and saw a sight that made him feel like laughing. "Hold it HOLD IT!" He yelled. An Assassin, he had no time to figure out his name, was about to kill Riefel, and Grith was going for the stomach of the assassin. "I said HOLD!" At the last word, Grith jerked backwards and up, and floated about two inches off the ground. The same happened with the Assassin and Riefel. "Now, we can all act like civilized people now eh?" Closing his eyes, he gleaned the name of the assassin. "November....I've heard that name before. Now, you wanted to see me, here I am. You wanna know about the Necromancers, tough. I've already explained myself once, and I ain't doing it again. Travel with these dorks to the Temple of Ashan, and they'll fill you in. That reminds me, I have yet to tell you where it is dont I? Here." He handed the still-floating Riefel a scroll. "Thats a map from here to the Temple. You kids have fun, I'm gonna take a nap. You'll find horses for all of you at the southernmost gate of the city. I'll get Xelta and Cody and his girlfriend, you guys get to the gate." With that, Ristavan released the hold spell, and teleported off to who knows where.

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The worst thing that November would have done was put his hand over her mouth, but before she could bite down, She was being held by ribbons of wind about 2 inches off the ground, and the Assassin was being affected by the same spell, likely because that his hand slipped off of her face, She retracted her Vampire teeth with a simple lick of her tongue and said [color=#FF8C00]"Gotta go there I guess, Don't really need a horse anyway, What I need is a map of my own..." [/color]and with that, She went into the nearest store and bought a Map so she can record the location of the cave that she called her home. After going out of the store, She looked for her hometown and remembered that the cave was about 3 miles east of that town, So she circled her hometown and drew a right arrow from it. She'll pay that a visit after paying the Temple of Ashan a visit...

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Dyriun watched as his opponent broke off from battle to assist the witch-child. She was being held by a slim man covered in blood. Before the black-haired warrior could do anything, the fight was separated by yet [i]another[/i] mage. He shook his head sadly. What was this land coming to? What happened to the days of a man and his weapon-- the only thing keeping him alive was his skill.

He strode briskly over to the swordsman, but this time he kept his weapon by his side. He extended his hand.

"You turned your back on an enemy to go assist a friend. There is much worth in that. I am called Dyriun. I ask to join you and your...companions in whatever it is that you are planning." He gave a small grin, "I have a feeling that traveling with you will give me many chances to test the strength of my iron. And," sunlight flashed off his iron-capped teeth as his smile broadened, "I would loathe missing the chance to finish our battle at some later date."

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Riefel saw Dyriun go up to Grith, She was about to ready her staff to go after him, but when Dyriun extended his hand, Riefel found out that his intentions were now peaceful, although she was annoyed by his opinions about Mages, her Aura died down, herself knowing that the battle was over for now. She walked up to Dyriun and said [color=#FF8C00]"I can say that is a good choice, Most people often get one look at me and direly underestimate me, as you probably already saw... My name is Riefel, but some people simply call me Rief..." [/color]Riefel simply giggled as she simply Incanted [i][b][color=#FF8C00]"Nigrum Lamina!"[/color][/b][/i] which a black Great Sword materialized in her hands, which she simply stabbed into the ground and put her hands on it...

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Grith boomed with laughter. "Of course you can join us...Dyriun? That it? Anyway, Riefel has the map." Grith looked expectantly at Riefel. "Well, wheres our little map?" He was quite impressed how she held up during the battle, as she was quite small, and looked a little frail. Dyriun had earned his full approval, and he sensed that he had earned his. He was going to get along very well with this strange man...as for the Assassin, he hadnt spoken yet. "Hey...November, your name was? Are you coming with us? I'd be happy to fill you in." He waited for November's reply...

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Ashe was too far away to do anything to say to his friends, but close enough to see the events unfold. Ashe was surrounded by iron men swing their weapons at him. He was blocking, deflecting, and dodging all these weapons with in human speed and agility. [i]This is one of the advantages of being a super solider.[/i] Soon enough, there was a cirlce of bodies surrounding him. Moments later, even more iron men were upon him. [i]This is getting boring and tiresome. [/i]Ashe stuck his long sword into the ground causing a ring of fire to surround him. [color=#800000]"Turn it all into ash,"[/color] he said. After he said that, there was an explosion of blue flames. The flames formed and orb and continued to expand outward. When to orb was getting close to Ashe's friends, the giant orb imploded. Ashe stood in the middle of a field ash, leaning on his sword and gasping for air.[color=#800000] "That was a little more taxing than I thought."[/color]

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>Xelto isn't that far from the group really. At least, I believe he isn't that far.

Sensing that the battle was over, Xelto felt it time-worthy to postpone his meditation process, and to join up with the rest of the group. Mentally saving his progress, he afterwards reconnected his mind to the physical realm, and noticed the fight truly has ended. He slowly stood up, and looked around for the sight of his apparent allies. When he spot them, he noticed the iron-clad raider has made a truce with the group;[i] such a strange thing for a human to do. He attacks the city, and makes a truce? Perhaps he knows he has a disadvantage against the amount of his opponents? At least, he's not one of the Necromancers. He's far too... lively, so to speak, to even be a Necromancer.[/i]

Grabbing his bag, he walked over to the rest of the group, and also sees a new face has joined.[i]This one, we might have a dilemma. Well, truthfully, I might just be ignorant about this person. The others know more about him than I do, a glimpse of his powers, etc., so the idea of him being a Necromancer shouldn't be high.[/i]

Standing there without any reason to speak, Xelto only gazed at the group that was only fighting for such a short period of time, now conversing with each other about things Xelto arrived too late to know about.

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Ashe yanked his long sword from the ground and killed the flames on both his blades. He sheathed his long sword on his back and his short sword at his waist. Letting out a sigh, Ashe start walking towards the group. He stumbled, but he caught himself. That last attack was almost too much for him, even though he was a super solider.[i]Some more training and I might be able to do that more than once a day or so.[/i] Staggering his towards the group, he began to feel light-headed. Ashe shook his and blinked his eyes several times. When he got to the group, he exhaled loudly. He examined the new comer. He looked him up and down and nod. Straightening himself, he said [color=#800000]"Nice to meet ya. The name's Ashe. Sorry for killing a large chunck of your men with that last attack. It was just getting a little bit too...crowded."[/color]

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Riefel then put the Modified map she bought on her sword and then realized that She still had that map in her hand that Ristavan gave her, She really needs to pay attention. She said [color=#FF8C00]"Sorry about that, I didn't know he gave me a map... I blame the bindings though, they tend to make me get lost in thought..."[/color] Riefel then opened up the scroll then compared locations on the 2 maps, The map that Ristavan gave her had an "X" on a location, She circled that location on her map before handing the map that Ristavan gave her to Grith and said to him and his companions [color=#FF8C00]"I'm gonna go on ahead, I'm getting bored here... I felt in the time it's taking us to leave, I would have learned a new spell or two" [/color]Which she stretched her wings as if she's getting ready to take off...

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"Whoa, you sure you're gonna be OK on your own?" Grith said. "Honestly, I'd feel safer if you come with us. If you somehow get hurt on your way there, I'm gonna feel awful guilty..." Grith got a weird look on his face, like he was remembering something.


With a pop, Ristavan appeared right as Grith finished talking. "I can't find that moron Cody. He was supposed to be at my ballistae, after you [i]ditched [/i]me..." he spoke the last part at Riefel. "Now, do any of you know a call spell? Give Cody and his girlfriend a little.....heads-up?" Ristavan smiled. "I could do it myself, but...I think I've done enough. Oh. Wait. I still have to give you this." Ristavan took out the Shantiri Crystal, and held it out. "Who wants it? Anyone but.....you, Riefel. You seem a little...irresponsible..."

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Looking around, Xelto hasn't seen anyone volunteer to hold onto the Shantiri Crystal, yet. But seeing as how there was no time to waste, he gave a quick, "[color=#800000]I'll hold onto it in the meantime.[/color]" Noticing that the group was short a member or two, he stated, "[color=#800000]As for the boy and his pet girl, I say that we should just leave them behind. If they're not here while we're ready to go, that's their fault. We can't waste anymore time.[/color]"

Seeing as how Ristavan didn't feel it was necessary for Reifel to hold onto such a precious item, he was probably right. The girl caused such catastrophic damage to the area, who knows what will happen to the crystal? If it was possible, the crystal itself might shatter under such "safekeeping".

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Riefel then said with a giggle in response to Grith's worries [color=#FF8C00]"You already saw what i'm capable of, and you still worry about me?... I like you kid, you're pretty funny..."[/color] At Ristavan's comment about ditching him, She just simply said [color=#FF8C00]"Lets say that much you seen that i'm capable of... I can't do behind a Ballista" [/color]Then to Ristavan's question about who gets the crystal, then and Retaliated with [color=#FF8C00]"Actually old man, I was gonna go back to my home and learn some new spells... Ta..." [/color]She took off into the sky after switching main forms, Flying to the West which would put her toward her hometown, rather than North like both maps say. She was already quite far after a few seconds...

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