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‹‹PEREMUTE: The WORLD›› PG-16 [IC, Not Accepting]

Kakashi Hatake

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[center][size=6][b]PEREMUTE: The World[/b][/size][/center]
[center][size=3][url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/280482-%e2%80%b9%e2%80%b9peremute-the-world%e2%80%ba%e2%80%ba-pg-16-ooc-accepting-2-more-not-started/page__view__findpost__p__5898660"]‹‹PEREMUTE: The WORLD›› [/url]OOC Thread[/size][/center]

In the center of the Library was a small wooden pavilion with pillows and a couple of plug outlets. Before the announcement over the intercom, Anna was leaning on a pillow in the pavilion, listening to music on her mp3 player, and reading a book on Roanoak Island and the mysterious word, "croatoan". She had not heard the bell and did not know that classes had started. A few minutes later, the batteries in her mp3 player died suddenly. "I just put fresh batteries in." she said to herself in a disappointed tone. Just then, the intercom switched on but the intercom in the library was broken. Someone was supposed to fix it today. A voice began to speak.

Anna listened as the voice continued to speak until it was finished. She was blinded by the sudden white flash. When she regained her sight, she looked around wandering what had just happened. There was nobody else in the library the whole time except the librarian and Anna could no longer see him.

[b]"Now… everyone, please make your way to the courtyard. Meet by the clock tower and we can start!"[/b]

The intercom shut off, and nothing but silence could be heard.

The intercom suddenly switched back on and the same voice said,

[b]"Oh, and have fun~!"[/b]

The intercom switched back off.

Anna looked at the intercom with a confused expression and put her mp3 player and headphones back into her pack. She stood up and made her way towards the door because she figured if everyone else was going to the tower, then she might get into trouble for not being there herself. She also didn't want to miss whatever was going on! Pushing open the door, she looked around and was surprised that she didn't see a ton of people flooding out of the buildings to go to the tower but she brushed it off as a slow day or something.

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In the school's yard, there was a big tree, that gave a lot of shadow on sunny days. Being this one a particularly hot one, students were bound to go there. Still, Jason was prepared for that. He woke up really early that day, and he set up 4 wooden stakes around the tree's shadow, and wrapped a police-like line around it. He couldn't stand the heat, so he stayed the whole day there. Of course, until the intercom switched on. Since he was far from the main building, he could barely hear an exited voice speaking.

[b]"My name is Phi and today will mark the beginning of the greatest competition...[/b]
[b]...The rest of you will be forgotten."[/b]

[color=#800080]"Forgotten? What the hell is this all about?"[/color]

After the person stopped talking, Jason had to cover his face to protect it from the sudden flash of white light.

[color=#800080][i]"What the hell...!?"[/i][/color]

When he could see again, barely, the whole yard was empty. That was weird, since there were a lot of students trying to catch some shadow in the smaller trees.

[b]"Now… everyone, please make your way to the courtyard. Meet by the clock tower and we can start!"[/b]

The intercom switched off for an instant, but then it went on again.

[b]"Oh, and have fun~!"[/b]

The voice had stopped talking. Jason was still half-blinded for the flash of light, and started standing up as he could. Five minutes passed for him to be able to see again. If everybody was gone, he might as well head to the tower.

He opened the wooden door inside, but found that there weren't almost any students there. It looked like half a dozen people were there, tops. - [color=#800080]"If they aren't here, where has everybody else gone?[/color]

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During the school time while everyone was studying, Drake spent most of his free time, or rather, most of his time, on top of the Main Building's roof. Depending on the days, he would either get the band together, or just practice by himself; or if the sky permitted, he would grab a chair, and recline in it, watching the clouds drift at their own pace or allow the drops of the rain crash upon his faces.

Today, he was testing out his new guitar amplifier (and as well as a few new DigiTech pedals), a ENGL Sovereign 2x12" E368 for practice; it was impractical for him to practice his full amplifier on top of the school roof, it can barely fit through the doors. And while setting up his amps settings, he was also tuning his guitar to standard, playing a few notes on low volume to not disturb the school. When his guitar was tuned, he fiddled with the settings of each of the pedals, and felt that he was ready.

However, as soon as he turned up the volume on his amp, and Drake hit the E string, each of the six strings snapped in half, two of them hitting his hand, one his arm, and the other three his face; at this time, he closed his eyes to prevent any damage to them, so he would not be able to see any light. As they broken strings hit his flesh, Drake's amplifier short-circuited, causing a quick high frequency noise that nearly deafened him for a few seconds. During his reaction to his almost wrecked ears, the guitar strap that was made of top-quality simply just tore apart, causing the guitar to slip from his shoulders, and crash onto the ground; the neck barely hanging on by a few threads of wood, the body destroyed at it's injury, the head severely traumatized. A sad day for the guitar.

"Are you f*cking serious!? Are you kidding me? I just bought this stuff, and it broke!?" Drake shouted at the top of his lungs.

He crouched down, carefully picking up the pieces of his guitar, and setting it aside gently, not wanting to cause anymore damage to the guitar itself. He looked at the pedals, and hoped they still worked. He stepped on the switch, and no light came on. He tried multiple ways, and they did not work. He sat on top of his amp, and grabbed the closest pedal. Inspecting it, seeing nothing wrong, he chucked it to the left-most way, with a grunted breath. He believed that the high frequency noise went through from the guitar all the way to the amp, going through every pedal, whether on or off. He had an occurrence like this, where the amp suffered a short-circuit and wouldn't work. But for every single piece of equipment to not work? That never happened.

Then, he heard the intercom go on, [b]"Now… everyone, please make your way to the courtyard. Meet by the clock tower and we can start!"[/b]

Drake stood up in a slump, and walked over to the fence of the rooftop, where he could clearly see the courtyard and even the clock tower. It was there that he saw only two people, Anna Smith and Jason Umlaut. A relatively common bunch at this school. Though Jason does have his reputation. But he saw no one there. Nobody was coming other than those two at the moment spoken. Looking around the courtyard, and back at the equipment that was irreparable, he spat at the ground. [i]It's not like anyone's going to be able to use this stuff. [/i]

He ran towards the door on the roof, and began to run down the stairs to the hallways, where he stopped for a moment's notice. There was absolutely no one in sight or in sound. Though, his ears were still buzzing a bit from the ear-splitting noise.

[b]"Oh, and have fun~!"[/b]

Nevermind. He could hear perfectly clear. There was no one. Not even a mouse. He looked over to find a window, and thought about breaking it to get the attention of the body. But it was decided not to, he didn't want to have to pay for the damage. Stepping back, he continued down the stairs and moments later, find himself in the still ever empty courtyard of the school.

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Olly shuffled along in the queue, quietly pressing his tray down in front of the large woman in front of him. "Hello Betty. What is it today then?" He asked, as politely as he could. "You got Sausages, or Sausages. Which would you like?" The woman sneered, glaring at Olly with disdain. Olly sighed as the round, tube shaped lump of meat was slammed onto his plate. "See you around then." He muttered, feeling slightly down at the rather mean reply of the dinner lady. It was to be expected though. They weren't exactly the nicest of people, so it wasn't as if he was surprised. Just a bit put-off by the fact that, no matter how polite or nice he was, no-one seemed to return the niceties. "Well, It's my fault for choosing this school." He noted, sitting down at the furthest table from the counter, out of earshot from the dinner ladies.
He was alone yet again, eating by himself. Of course, he didn't mind it. If he was more popular, it'd get too noisy around him. He shrugged and stabbed the sausage on his plate, and was about to place it in his mouth when the intercom buzzed and an unfamiliar voice erupted from the speakers.

[b]"My name is Phi and today will mark the beginning of the greatest competition in your history. I selected a number of the students from this school to participate in the competition. In a few seconds, out competition will begin and only our competitors will remain as they are. The rest of you will be forgotten."[/b]

"What's that, some kind of prank?" Olly asked, speaking to no-one in particular. The tables around him were now full of mutterings of "What's going on?" and "Who was that?", the noise growing into a buzz that filled the hall. "It's not that funny if it is." Olly shrugged, going for the sausage again. However, his eating was interupted as the building began to shake violently. "What the....?" Was all he managed to get out before he fell backwards off the chair, hitting his head hard on the solid floor beneath. As a bright light flashed around him, blinding him, he thought quickly. "I've lost conciousness, haven't I?" However, as the bright light faded - leaving after images as he blinked - he realised that he hadn't even closed his eyes.

As he pushed himself up off the floor, expected a roar of laughter from the packed hall, he realised that all the noise had vanished. He looked around to realise that almost everyone in the room had vanished, with only one or two other left in the room. Expect everyone to have ran out for some reason, he walked to the nearest door, pushing it open cautiously and peeking around the edge. Silence. Not a single person out in the halls.

[b]"Now… everyone, please make your way to the courtyard. Meet by the clock tower and we can start!"[/b]

Olly was worried now as he looked at the nearest intercom. Whoever owned that voice was up to something. Something that he could tell would not end well. Olly stepped into the hall and wandered along it for a while, heading mostly in the direction of the clock tower, but not rushing incase he could meet someone on the way there.

As chance would have it, soon after the Intercom had announced, [b]"Oh, and have fun~!" [/b]Noticed the unmissable, long, black hair of the lead singer of the local death metal band, Drake Villo. He was about to shout out to him, hoping he'd know something about what was going on, when he realised they'd entered the courtyard, and were looking at the clock tower, the 'meeting place'. "So few people. Where is everyone?" Olly wondered, noting only two other people asides from himself and Drake.

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A loud blaring whistle sounded over the large soccer field, and the small black and white ball was put in motion. Students ran around the field, both the red and yellow shirted teams fighting for the ball to get it down one side of the field. The red shirted team finally took the advantage of the ball and began leading it down the field. They got to their opponent’s side of the field, and they went to kick it in. However, the yellow shirted goalie was quick to catch the ball, using their stomach to handle the blow. The person smirked, shook their head and then threw the ball of their team. The yellow shirts made it down the field, and unlike the red team, they scored causing another whistle to blow.

The goalie smirked, throwing their hands behind their head. The coach looked at the goalie and nodded, “Good work today Karen. I expected nothing less from our star player.” Karen grinned, “Well of course.” It was then that a voice was heard over the intercom, and suddenly there was a blinding white flash. Karen covered her eyes to protect them, and when she was able to see again all the people around her were gone. She couldn’t see hide nor tail of them. Not even a sound. “What the hell? What just happened?”

The intercom came back on directing everyone to go to the clock tower. That made Karen want to laugh, “What everyone? They are all gone.”

After a few seconds of silence the intercom again came back on telling them to have fun. Karen rolled her eyes, “Gee, thanks.” She walked back into the changing room, and she was surprised to see no one in there. The other people’s belongings were still there, but the owners were nowhere to be seen. “Where is everyone? They can’t have just…Vanish…Can they?” Karen wondered confused. She changed into her normal clothes, putting on her black, thin jacket and shoving her hands into her pants pockets. Deciding to simply follow directions she headed towards the clock town.

“Guess not everyone disappeared with that flash of light.” She mumbled remaining where she was for a bit. Karen didn’t recognize any of them right of the bat, but the longer she watched them she could faintly remember seeing them in a few of her classes. Even so, she never played attention long enough in class to get their names. “Guess I should say hi.” She said walking over to the others. “So, any of you know what’s going on?”

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Mark was in his dorm, as he always was usually after classes were over. With the television on, Mark flipped through each channel seeing if there was anything of interest to him. Unfortunately, there wasn't anything interesting for Mark. What's more was that today seemed to be a rather excruciatingly slow day. Twenty minutes have passed by since he first turned on the TV but to Mark, it felt like a hour. Sighing, Mark turned to a news channel. Mark doesn't usually watch the news, but Mark had the notion that there was always something moderately interesting on the news, always. Turning to the news channel, Mark quickly became disinterested and disappointed. He dislikes politics and that was exactly what was going on. Mark uses his words very deliberately, and whenever someone asks Mark about his views on politics, he never responds with saying that he hates it. Mark just holds a very strong dislike for it.

In fact, Mark never actually hated anything before. Maybe he's just the kind of person who couldn't be bothered by someone or something to the point of actually developing hatred for whatever annoyed him. Mark doesn't really like much things either. Even if he liked someone or something it wouldn't probably last for long. The only person he actually liked for a long time was his mother, was. And she liked his dad, who Mark dislikes. He was able to get away from his parents by attending this boarding school luckily. So far Mark is satisfied with the school. It's able to offer him a wide variety of classes to choose from and the food isn't bad not with some other schools he's been to. Mark flipped to another news channel, hoping that something more likeable would be on. As he flipped the channel, the news on that channel seems to be talking about motels around the nation or something like that.

Mark, instinctively, flipped the channel. He's been flipping channel to channel for so long that it has become second nature for him. Suddenly, a voice began to speak over the intercom. [b]"My name is Phi and today will mark the beginning of the greatest competition in your history. I selected a number of the students from this school to participate in the competition. In a few seconds, out competition will begin and only our competitors will remain as they are. The rest of you will be forgotten."[/b] the voice stated.

Mark's attention instantaneously turned to the voice on the intercom. "What...?" Mark asked in slight disbelief. "Is this some kind of joke?" Mark asked.

Just then, a flash of bright light occurred, blinding Mark temporarily. Instinctively again, Mark placed his arm in front of his eyes after the initial millisecond of light radiated into his irises. "Ugh...!" Mark grunted after being blinded. At the same time, the floor beneath him was also shaking subtly but Mark was more concerned about the flash of light and dismissed the shaking. Within a few seconds, the flash disappeared. A moment later, Mark's eyesight returned to him gradually. "What in the world was that...?" Mark asked.

Once again, the voice spoke over the intercom, now directing students to go to the clock tower before shutting off. Just mere moments later, the voice came back on to tell the students to have fun. Confused, Mark stood up and turned off the TV. Mark didn't know what was going on but human nature drove him to investigate. Mark opened the door of his dorm room and was greeted by a shocking sight. The shock was that there was no one in sight. Hesitating, Mark stepped back into the room a bit. "What- W-Where is everybody???" Mark asked. The answer, at least to Mark, then hit him like a heavy brick. "Clock tower!" Mark exclaimed. As Mark was about to take off, he stopped and thought about the situation. "Wait, what am I doing? What if this is just some kind of school prank?" Mark wondered. Regaining his composure, Mark was about to step back inside of his dorm room but stopped hesitantly.

"No, this can't be a simple prank. I better go." With that Mark headed to the clock tower to find out what was really going on.

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While Jason was inside, a girl on a black thin jacket walked inside the clock tower. He might have seen her before, but he couldn't remember her name.

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]“So, any of you know what’s going on?”[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#800080]"As far as I'm concerned, the entire school body should be in here, but there doesn't seem to be more than a dozen students here..."[/color] - Jason looked up, and noticed the girl's blonde hair, and gorgeous green eyes. - [color=#800080]"Oh my, where are my manners? Jason. Jason Umlaut, pleasure to meet you" [/color]- he bowed a bit for the lady, respectfully -[color=#800080] "Sorry, didn't get your name."[/color]

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"I dont know about that." Olly interupted, walking closer to Jason. "Most of the students seem to have gone walk-a-bouts. Even the staff just vanished." He nodded his head towards the nearby buildings. "Look at the windows. Not a single living soul. There's barely anyone in sight." He pointed out, sitting himself down on the floor and looking up at the clock tower's face. "All after that light." He muttered, more to himself than anyone else. "I wonder what caused it."

He then looked up at the pair he had interupted, realising he'd just barged into their conversation. "Oh, erm...s-sorry about that. Just pointing it out, y-y'know." He stuttered, smiling sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck, covering his hands with the shoulder length brown hair. "I'm Olly, by the way. Olly Robertson, the, erm, new student. Y'know, the, err, English one." He said, holding his hand upwards. Realising the awkwardness of a handshake from this angle, he laughed nervously and lowered his hand to the floor, using it to push himself upwards. "Nice to meet you." He said, holding his hand out again, to either of them.

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Anna walked into the clock tower. Looking around she only saw a few people there but wasn't suprised for some reason.

[b]"What's going on, guys?"[/b] She said, brushing her short, tom-boy-like, hair behind her ear.

She didn't exactly recognize the lot of them. Looked like a right odd bunch to her. She walked over and sat on the steps.
She sat back leaned against the door and waited for whatever was about to happen. She also figured she had a little waiting time since this couldn't possibly all of the students that were coming. For some reason, she knew that there probably wouldn't even be a lot of students coming.

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Karen looked at the boy who answered her question. She was surprised that he was able to identify that she was a girl so quickly, it usually takes others a while. Though she figured that she was a girl no matter how you looked at it. The boy have a short bow out of respect and introduced himself. She held in a laugh since she knew he was just trying to be polite, but did she really look like one of those type of girls? Before she could introduce herself another boy spoke, his accent giving away his English background. He held his hand out to shake, and to be friendly she shook his hand but it was so quick that it happened in less then a second. "The name is Karen Shofield, but I would rather you just call me Ren." Another girl then walked over, and like herself, she also as a very boyish style haircut. That girl didn't look familiar either. [i]'Ok, this is a weird bunch. I wonder if I fell asleep under the bleachers again. If so this is the weirdest dream I've had yet.'[/i]

She then turned to Jason to address his earlier statement. "I know what you mean. My soccer team isn't here yet and I was with them only moments ago. Granted...They did sort of vanish after that weird light."

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After awhile of walking, Mark arrived at the clock tower. His impression was that there was going to be lots of students, however, he found only a couple were there. "(Does that mean other students and faculty have really disappeared or 'forgotten' like the voice said...?)" That was the first thought that came to Mark's mind when he saw the handful of students. Mark knew some of the students that were here. Some of them were his classmates but he doubted any of them even notices him in class since he tends to be so quiet coupled with the fact that he sits near the back in most of his classes. Usually Mark wouldn't start conversations with any of these students but the circumstances call for some type of cooperation with them. Mark walked over to the small group of students to find out exactly what is going on.

"Excuse me, but do any of you guys know what is happening exactly? I figured if you guys are here you must've heard the voice on the intercom but do any of you know any more than that?" Mark asked.

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"*Cough*Football*Cough*" Olly reacted before he could think, going red in the face with embarrassment and realising he'd just acted like a complete twat. Trying not to act like anything happened, he quickly attempted to change the subject, realising that the girl in front of him had just started talking about the thing he had be wondering about the most. "So it wasn't just me who saw that light then?" Olly asked, completely forgetting about his little mishap. "I was wondering about that. The light and the rumble, like a small earthquake." Olly looked around the clock tower, then looked out of the window up at the sky. "It's strange. It feels...different." He muttered, without really realising what he was saying.

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[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=3][color=#800080]"A pleasure to meet you Kare...sorry, Ren."[/color] Jason then turned to the other person who joined the conversation.[color="#000000"][/color][color=#800080]"Oh, I had heard about a new student. It's a pleasure to finally meet you!" [/color][color="#000000"] He shook Olly's hand strongly.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=3]Finally, a tomboyish girl with short hair walked over. This time, Jason had no idea who she was. [/size][/font]

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=3][color=#5A5A5A]"I know what you mean. My soccer team isn't here yet and I was with them only moments ago. Granted...They did sort of vanish after that weird light." [/color][/size][/font]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]"So it wasn't just me who saw that light then?"[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#800080][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=3]"No, I saw that too...it's weird, I was behind the school, that thing blinded me for like a minute...then everyone was gone...who is this Phi, anyways?"[/size][/font][/color]

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After exiting the Main building and entering the courtyard, Drake saw everyone there, and thought it was better to ask what was going on. However, he had the feeling that they didn't know either.

Walking up to them, he greeted Olly with a , "[color=#800000]Sup man[/color]," and asked the rest of the group, "[color=#800000]So, I can imagine that none of you guys know what's going on?[/color]"

Drake took out his cell phone, and saw that it was completely in disarray. The screen was pure noise like on a television, the buttons were crushed, and the body of it was as well, dented beyond belief. And there was nothing that could have happened to it. Feeling agitated, he was inclined to toss the phone away; it was useless. Nothing could be done to it.

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[color="#000000"]Dominique Cerebellar was just loitering around the girls' restroom smoking a cigarette, doing nothing out of the ordinary. She didn't seem to be concerned about the sudden announcement that had come through the school intercom, but she kept a vigilant ear out on it. Perhaps the announcement had some information that could be useful. So far, however, it was only a mere introduction to the person behind the mic (apparently he went by the name of Phi) and some [i]minor[/i] details about some form of competition that he's randomly summoned up from out of nowhere.[/color]

[color=#000000][b]"Now… everyone, please make your way to the courtyard. Meet by the clock tower and we can start!"[/b] the voice spoke through the intercom, before a lengthy and silent pause ensued, [b]"Oh, and have fun~!"[/b][/color]

[color=#4b0082]"Sure... like this is supposed to be some of [i]game[/i]!" [/color][color=#000000]Dominique spat after the intercom became silent for the last time, before pondering her options, [/color][color=#4b0082]"Oh well, I suppose I have nothing [i]better[/i] to do in this god-damned miserable life."[/color]

[color="#000000"]She immediately dropped the cigarette on the floor, which she was only half-way through, before stomping on the lit end and extinguishing the embers so nothing would catch on fire or something [i]similarly[/i] highly improbable, then leaving the restroom and walking onwards towards the clock tower as apparently instructed. But there was still one thing that she hadn't taken into account; it was still daylight out there, and shade was relatively scarce around the clock tower.[/color]

[color=#4b0082]"S***!! The sun's [i]still[/i] up?!" [/color][color=#000000]Dominique asked in her yelling voice, which would probably be no louder than any other person talking normally since her voice was [i]that[/i] weak, [/color][color=#4b0082]"Great, now how the f*** am I meant to survive this whole ordeal?"[/color]

[color=#000000]Eventually though, she ran over to the nearest group of people she could find (Jason and co.), hoping they might know she could find some form of shade. At that way, she wouldn't be tormented by those dreaded sunlight-triggered migraines.[/color]

[color=#4b0082]"Excuse me?"[/color][color=#000000] said Dominique, timidly as per usual, [/color][color=#4b0082]"Do any of you guys know where I can find some shade?"[/color]

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Out of the blue, Skyler walked out of her bedroom casually. She really didn't have any place to go and anything to see as of now, she just wanted to walk around and see some people. She just strutted down each hallway peacefully. Her eyes gleamed with nothingness, a reflection of her mind. She just thought today was a day that people shouldn't care about things. And that is how she felt she should handle today as well. She had nothing with her while she walked. Each corridor only led again to nothing new either. During her walks, she would stop in place and get a quick glance of everything, but that was only because she wanted to.

"As if anything could go wrong, today is just going so slow." she thought as she entered the cafeteria. People around looked at her and turned their heads back without a sense. Skyler, again, thought nothing of the sort in the end.

A table to the left at the end of the cafeteria was set in stone. Completely empty, clean, and the perfect spot to let the time fly. She sat down at the far end of the table and stared at the wall, leaning her head on the table itself. It was like watching paint dry. Endless, slow, and everything was completely lost. She sat there with the same thoughts traveling through her mind from the start of the day. It was just finally getting boring for her now, and she wanted something more interesting to happen than the imaginary paint to dry.

"I wander what is happening in the places I am not," Skyler breathed as she only was about to get up from the seat and walk around for one last time, hopefully able to see something that might give her some ideas.

Suddenly, a voice spoke over the intercom. She knew where to go, so she walked towards the Clock Tower. A game would be fun for now, seems like nothing too bad. She finally had something to do. Skyler seemed kind of amused by the whole ordeal, so she waited on what the game would be.

Suddenly a flash blinded Skyler and she laid on the ground. Brushing off the dirt from her jeans, she was lost in confusion over what had just occured. She continued walking after just getting up towards the Clocktower.

She spotted Mark from around and walked over to him since she barely saw any one else she knew. Mark and Skyler were room mates, but barely talked. She just wanted to know what was going on because of this whole organized chaos. Skyler strutted down to Mark. She caught up with Mark, who was not too far away reached and asked, "Do you know what the hell is going on here?"

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Not far away from the cafeteria, there was a large lawn that would fill the school grounds with some green and that was a popular meeting spot for students and teaching staff alike. Especially during the warmer months, the well-kept lawn would offer both larger spaces to enjoy the sun and shadowy spots under the trees. The usually clean state of it didn’t require a blank to sit on and it was safe to say that a large part of the school would meet there outside of the hours in class. When the sky became clearer and the temperatures started rising to announce the beginning of the year’s warmer months, regular visitors would fill the place and gather for a small meet-up, picnic or just to enjoy the first sunrays.

Among the people that had gathered on this sunny day was a small group of girls, mostly likely from the older classes, sitting on the lawn in a circle. Lively giggles and sounds of pages getting turned could be heard from not too far away and made some of the other visitors occasionally turn around.
It was spring after all – the time of the year that Erin enjoyed for dressing lightly and eating outside. Before going to school, her friend Dana had gotten the new edition of the fashion magazine “Happie Nuts”, and the small group would often gather to discuss the current spring trends. Usually, the girls would just lend the paper around and one of them would spread it on her lap for everyone to see.

A page with two models sporting denim overalls and flowing chiffon blouses had just grabbed Erin’s attention and she had pulled the magazine closer to her face to get a close-up of the details when suddenly a loud voice emerged from many directions. There were speakers spread all over the school grounds that had been installed by the staff. It didn’t happen all too often that they were actually used and they weren’t bothering anyone in particular, but [i]when[/i] someone decided to make use of them, you could expect it to be for rather important news.

[b]“My name…Phi…competition…history…selected students…”[/b] The voice coming out of the speakers, most likely a male one, didn’t sound familiar, but Erin was too busy trying to catch a few words over the sounds her friends were making. Some other girls of the group had looked up as well and were staring towards the direction of the schoolyard, while others like Dana weren’t really paying attention.

“Did they mention a competition?”
“I don’t get it”. Erin turned to her friends when suddenly, a bright light showed up out of nowhere.

Only seconds later, the girl found herself in the same surroundings, but everyone…was gone? Had the other girls just disappeared without her noticing? That couldn’t be possible. She was pretty much known for her sharp eye, so the thought that she could have missed something like that was confusing her greatly. What about the other people, weren’t there a few other students sitting on the lawn just minutes ago?

[size=3]The heart of the girl took a skip when the unknown voice started raising its tone and sounding almost like a command.[/size]

[b][size=3]"Now… everyone, please make your way to the courtyard. Meet by the clock tower and we can start!"[/size][/b]

Without wasting another thought, Erin grabbed her bag and started getting her stuff together. Whatever was going on, she didn’t want to be late! The magazine was peeking out of the satchel bag, as put into by someone who was obviously in a bit of a rush, but she was already on her feet and heading towards the schoolyard.

On the way there, she almost tripped over her feet, as she hadn’t noticed that the ties on her right shoe were loose. With a soft sigh, she kneeled to the ground on one leg and started pulling the ties tighter. “Yeah yeah, I’m coming”, she kept mumbling in a slight panic while the voice reminded her to “have fun”.

When she arrived near the clock tower, Erin noticed that a small crowd had already found its way there. Her friends were nowhere to be seen, so she decided to stay at the back, hoping that no one would notice her somewhat late arrival. A few familiar faces were peeking out of the bunch, but when was the last time she had seen the schoolyard so 'empty'?

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Mark stood there, awaiting an answer about what was happening, but before he could get one, he could hear familiar footsteps just in the back of him. Looking back, Mark saw his roommate, Skyler. To Mark, Skyler was a peculiar girl. He doesn't know what to make of her. She's neither friend or enemy, maybe not even an acquaintance. Sure they were roommates but they never really had a conversation lasting more than three minutes. At least Mark and Skyler were on good terms. She is the creative type. Something that Mark doesn't understand all too well. Mark has never had any talent in creativity. He prefers a well-written set of instructions to free thinking any day. That doesn't mean he has a problem with people who think creatively. That's who they are and that doesn't affect Mark so he has no need to care.

Once Skyler approached Mark, right away she asked a question any one in a similar situation would ask: "Do you know what the hell is going on here," was what Skyler had asked. Mark shook his head. "Most likely you know as much as I do..." Mark answered. "There was a flash of light, and I think there the ground was also shaking a bit. After that, I walked outside and noticed that there was no one on campus. And that voice that told us to go here..." Mark paused trying to recall if the voice sounded masculine or feminine but couldn't remember. "Anyways, that's all I know..." Mark said.

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[i]"I think everyone here knows just about as much as anyone else. Nothing."[/i] Anna said, standing up from the steps. [i]"I thought we were supposed to hear from the person on there intercom when we got here or something."[/i]

Anna was cut off by the sound of the noise in the intercom switching on.

[b]"You're right. None of you know anything."[/b] Phi said in an ominous tone.

[i]"Nice timing..."[/i] Anna muttered.

[b]"It seems that everyone on campus has joined the party. I bet everyone of you is wandering what is happening. Well, we can get to that later. For now, you all have someplace to be. We will be starting the first challenge soon and you will all need to form two man teams. Since there are an odd number of you, one team will have three people. I will give you all the freedom to choose who you want on your team. Once our teams have been made, I will explain the rules of the challenge and give you a little hint as to what you will need to complete the challenge. Make your teams, now."[/b]

The intercom turned to static but did not turn off.

[i]"Choose teams? We don't even know what we're choosing teams for. What if we don't even want to play?"[/i] Anna asked.

[b]"You have no choice. Choose your teams or they will be chosen for you. Please."[/b]

[size=2](OOC: When choosing teams, don't worry about the fact that I know the answers. I will not be helping anyone more than I would if I had no idea what the answers were.)[/size]

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While Jason was talking to Olly and Ren, the intercom switched on again...
[b]"It seems that everyone on campus has joined the party. I bet everyone of you is wandering what is happening. Well, we can get to that later. For now, you all have someplace to be...."[/b]

The intercom then went static, before Phi started talking again.

[b]"...You have no choice. Choose your teams or they will be chosen for you. Please."[/b]

[color=#800080]"Teams huh? Is this some sort of sick game? He didn't say why there aren't anymore people...still...I don't want to be paired with any creeps..."[/color] - he looked at Ren and Olly, who he had been talking to recently - [color=#800080]"What do you say guys? Whatever this is, I already know your names. This might be fun, right?"[/color]

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"[color=#800000]Challenge? Teams? What the hell is this b*stard talking about?[/color]" Drake questioned the others. He didn't like the situation, but there wasn't much to do. He looked around, not seeing any cameras, or anyone in the windows, rooftops, corners, or anything. The only people in sight were the ones at the clock tower.

"[color=#800000]I don't give two sh*ts about this challenge, or teams, or whatever the hell he's making us do.[/color]"

Stepping back a bit, he proceeded to shout into the air, directed to the unknown person.

"[color=#800000]What the hell are you going to do if we don't do what you want us to?! Why the hell are you not showing your face you ugly son of a b*tch?! How about you get in front of our faces, and make us accept this challenge! Or better yet, how about, you tell us what the hell is going on, and why you're doing it?![/color]"

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The intercom stayed silent for a few seconds then Phi began to speak again.

[b]"B*stard? Ugly? Why are you insulting me in such a way? I've done nothing wrong."[/b]

The intercom flickered for a second.

[b]"Fine, I guess it wouldn't hurt to answer a few questions. It's your time that you're using up, not mine. What am I going to do if you don't pick a team? I've already told you. I will put you into a team. What will I do if you don't participate in the challange? It's not what I will do, it's what you won't be doing. I told you that this competition will decide the remainder of the lives of many other people. What I meant by that, is that if you stand by and do nothing, many people can and will die.[/b]
[b]As for why I'm doing this, it's because I'm simply tired of the way things are now. Also, it's because I want to. Now. Pick your teams, endure the challanges, and a lot less people may die because of your foolish actions!"[/b]

Anna was a little shocked by what Phi had just said. [i]"People will die? What do you mean?!"[/i]

[b]"Like I said, pick your teams and it will be explained. Hurry, we're already behind schedule because of your constant questions."[/b] Phis said.

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"[color=#800000]Done nothing wrong? Such a stupid thing to say. You go any isolate us from the rest of the world and put people's lives on the line, and you're saying you're doing nothing wrong? How about you shove your words up your *ss. You don't like how things are? Well this is a stupid as hell of a way to change things.[/color]" He shouted at Phi.

He turned to the group, glanced over, and pointed at Anna, and declared. "[color=#800000]You there! We're partnering up.[/color]"

He then muttered under his breath to everyone else, "[color=#800000]After we're done with this freak's game, we're gonna kick his ass. Am I right?[/color]"

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[b]"Yes, it is true that I have isolated you, but I have not put a single life in harms way. There will be many lives put in danger but not a single one will be because of my actions. And who said anything about me changing the world? Now, stop trying to assert your annoying male dominance." [/b]Phi said.

Anna was a little startled when the guy pointed at her and shouted. [i]"Uh, sure. I guess you're about as good as anyone else here."[/i] She said.[color=#a9a9a9][i] "Great, I got the ponytail guy."[/i][/color] she thought to herslef sarcastically.

Phi heard what Drake had muttered and replied in a smart tone, [b]"I guess you could call it a game, Drake, but the term seems used. Anyway, calling it a agme implies a mediocre prize. What I have in mind is much more... lusterous. Now please, stop wasting time and find yourselves a buddy or two before I get bored and pick for the rest of you. Tehn I can explain the challange and rules and I'll be done with you for the time being."[/b]

The intercom shut off.

[i]"Drake, huh? My names's Anna."[/i] She said to Drake, holding her hand up for a trusty shake.

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[color=#4b0082][i]'Fine, treat me like the monstrosity I am,'[/i][/color][color=#000000] Dominique thought angrily to herself as the group refused to acknowledge her presence, but instead team with each other, one of them [i]specifically[/i] stating that he didn't want to team up with creeps, [/color][color=#4b0082][i]'See if [/i][/color][b][color=#4b0082][i]I[/i][/color] [/b][i][color=#4b0082]care,'[/color][/i]

[color=#000000]One thing still laid within her mind though, she still needed to find some shade before that migraine turned into something worse. At this stage of her mind, that was [i]way[/i] more important than trying to find a partner, especially when this... Phi person would just give her one anyway. Eventually, she managed to get behind the clock tower itself. However...[/color]

[color=#000000][b]"Hurry, we're already behind schedule because of your constant questions."[/b]

A reminder that Dominique should at least [i]attempt[/i] to find someone to partner up with now that she had her shade. But she was too slow for one potential candidate, and she couldn't find any others that were desperate for partners. Instead, she lit up a completely fresh cigarette, and began smoking it, before looking up in the sky with a blank gaze.[/color]

[color=#4b0082]"Why won't he just kill us right now while he has the chance?"[/color][color=#000000] Dominique muttered to herself, [/color][color=#4b0082]"I mean, that's what he [i]clearly[/i] wants, is it not? Hmm... maybe he's just an abomination to society... just like myself."[/color]

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