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Yu-Gi-Oh! Hearts of Darkness *Reboot* [IC/PG-13/Started/Not Accepting]


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Who is Tron? That's a question he asks even himself sometimes, for he's not quite sure. Perhaps Tron is Byron Arclight, however if this is true, then it would not explain the abnormalities and unique powers that this little ironclad boy possessed. One could pretend to handwave it by simply saying 'oh hey he fell into the Barian World and ended up distorted and stuff'. Indeed, that's what happened, but it's not quite the absolute truth.

He had rescued his younger two sons from an orphanage, while the oldest had appeared of his own choice. He named them each III, IV, and V - and granted them powers they earlier couldn't have possibly dreamed of. And they have been serving their purpose well, collecting Heart Pieces, and reaching the final stage of the World Duel Carnival, with plenty of their own Numbers.

But although they're his most valuable pawns, unfortunately that's what they remain. Pawns. Disposable.

Now the boy called Tron was standing on top of the banquet roof, completely undetected, waiting for his grand moment with a grin on his face.

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Thomas was about to respond to Amber's little monologue about Dorian, when Seth walked over. [b]"So...you have to go with this guy, who's apparently a total dick, and there's no way out of it? That really sucks...what does Dorian even want? What is he even doing?" [/b]He paused his small Dorian rant as James joined the group. [b]"You mean Bacterian Overlord? Somebody else has it? Wait...wasn't there some guy who took it at the warehouse or something? I think I saw that, but I was kinda busy at the time..."[/b]

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[color=#daa520][b]“Yes someone else has Number 89: Bacterian Overlord and he uses something on his hand to keep it tamed,”[/b][/color] James confirmed grimly as he frowned upon answering Thomas’s question. [color=#daa520][b]“IV is his name…He ambushed me during the beginning of Day 3 with the alias name Byron that upon revealing his true identity, he then said it is his father name but…”[/b][/color] James said pausing as he placed the kebab in his mouth sideways and got out his D-Pad from his pocket that he opened into laptop form. After pressing a few buttons, it generated a hologram showing all the semi-finalists of the WDC that has been transferred to the internet. [b][color=#daa520]“Byron isn't in the list as qualified semi-finalists but IV is in a group of three Number Hunters. One of them could be this Byron character who is obviously the leader of them with a arsenal of Numbers up his sleeves,”[/color][/b] he said showing them to the group the three names that caused him great concern within the database of qualified semi-finalists: III, IV and V.[b][color=#daa520] “They are spelled in Roman Numerals and not letters to avoid confusion…Well I was confused they he announced himself…Anyway, what I was saying is that IV is a great threat but not the main threat…He is capable of mimicking his Opponent's monsters and tricking them into defeat,”[/color][/b]

James then paused as he closed his D-Pad and devoured parts of the kebab. His eyes glittered as his distraction was centered towards the food as he develop some kind of craving for them. [color=#daa520][b]“Wow! Unbelievably perfect!”[/b][/color] he exclaimed losing focus as he ate more until he finished it. Then after realizing he got distracted, he looked back at the group. [color=#daa520][b]“Oh yeah…By the way, what’s all of your names? It would be a bit confusion referring to all of you and is there any more you want to know?...I have a lot more information to tell you,”[/b][/color]

James then smiled pleasantly as he waited for a response. [color=#daa520][i]‘This is only the beginning,’[/i][/color]

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Rai frowned as he heard Amber's declaration. "I don't know who this Seth guy is, but when you say 'Dorian', you wouldn't happen to mean the man called 'Dorian von Schroeder', would you...? I've heard of him..." Then his frowned expression turned to shock as he listened in on the comments James and Thomas made. "Bacterian Overlord?! Thunder Spark Dragon mentioned a serious desire to absorb it once, and it rarely ever stated exact things, so this 89 was obviously a big deal to it... whoever's possessing this Number must be the main-"

He frowned again. "Roman numerals, III, IV, and V...? Usually, there's only one Number Hunter per faction, it's rare that two or more operate with the same purpose together. And if their leader's also one... I wonder how powerful this Byron guy is..." After that, he answered James's request. "Oh, my name's Rai Mutou."

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[b][color=#000080]"Oh hey there James! I haven't seen you since Day one! but.. I'm not going to the semi finals.. I'm just here at the party as Amber's guest, who by the way is the lovely girl in the hoodie I like to call my Sister."[/color][/b]

[b]"Hi there!"[/b] Amber said with a wave [b]"You're the kid I saw as I walked down from the balcony.. Seth wasn't really conscious at the time... but That IV guy tricked me in to giving Bacterian to him... and Based on what you've said.. he didn't keep his promise to destroy it... Looks like I have two people on my hit list... But behind me we have Emily, Leon, and Neo Masked Hero Extraordinaire!"[/b]

[color=#800080][b]"Lady Amber.. You should be weary of what you say.. Friend or Foe, there are people around watching us..."[/b][/color]

[b]"Sorry Star..." [/b]Said Amber before she looked back to James. [b]"Sorry, that was one of my numbers, Galaxy Queen... hmmm... Only III IV and V? Where are I and II?"[/b]

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James listened to Rai, Seth and Amber before responding. [color=#daa520][b]“I know nothing about III or V and whether any of them are Byron or Byron is the secret mastermind who is hidden but I can tell that IV isn’t Byron…Even though there was a possibility of it being a joke, the middle number is at the middle of their hierarchy and will have no chance of them being the leader,”[/b][/color] he said shrugging entirely as he continued. [color=#daa520][b]“IV himself is extremely dangerous because he can copy any monster used against him by using some flashy purple thing in his hand that probably is how he is immune to the their [/b][/color][color=#DAA520][b]taint, so three or more is going to be a great challenge but hopefully not at the same time…It is nice meeting you but you have a lot of enemies in the WDC that altogether surpass the amount of Numbers you all have,”[/b][/color] he explained calm as he got out two cards from his pocket that were shown to be covered in darkness.

[color=#daa520][b]“…I really hate to hide myself in a lie, before the WDC I was a Number Hunter…”[/b][/color] he responded as he put them back in his pocket. [color=#daa520][b]“I sort of have a similar desire, to get rid of the Numbers to collecting them all and ripping them…But as we already know it is clearly impossible to destroy the Numbers unless there is another way. The only way to end this chaos created by the Numbers is to give them all to someone with immunity to their taint and hope they can do something about that…But even that has its limits as the Numbers can take over the immunity mechanism,”[/b][/color] he said frowning with guilt as he awaited for something to happen as he felt a bit exhausted. As usual but something was different.

[color=#daa520][b]“So how about I assist you for now to lessen the difficulty of this challenge,”[/b][/color] he said somewhat weakly as he felt a bit drowsy as he put his hand on his head.

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[b]"Taint!? Maybe from the Evil numbers, but my numbers aren't evil at all! In face we are all friends here! I don't think Zebby, Star, Sonya, are the only ones who aren't evil either, in fact I think Zebby has met plenty of good guys!"[/b]

[b][color=#800080]"Well hello there..." [/color][/b]Said Galaxy Queen to Jame's numbers [color=#800080][b]"Whoooh! I feel darkness in you both... Don't get any ideas you two."[/b][/color]

[b]"Anyway... If you can't tell.." [/b]Amber whipped out her number cards and showed that they had a light blue aura if he could see it. [b]"My numbers aren't quite the same as yours.. We have sort of a bond to each other. Actually.. I have this connection with all of my cards."[/b]

As James offered his assistance, Amber grinned and gave a nod of approval.

[b]"Sure thing! United We Stand, We can do anything! But my priority is Dorian, If the roman numerals get in my way, Then of course I'll take them out.. Especially IV..."[/b]

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[color=#daa520][b]“I guess taint was the wrong way to put it…But I am certain that all of the Numbers IV and his group have are evil and would try to control him without that purple marking on his hand,”[/b][/color] James replied as he gazed at the brightness of the cards yet his Numbers didn’t speak for some reason as they remained to be inactive. [color=#daa520][b]“Bacterian is for some reason obeying to IV’s commands like…Well…N-n-nevermind…” [/b][/color]he paused unable to continue as he felt another headache that has become only a little worse from minor but he then resumed. [color=#daa520][b]“I never knew Numbers with pure desires exist and it is good that they exist but they are only a minority in comparison to the rest of the 100. Anyway, my Numbers aren’t anywhere as evil as Bacterian or the even the average Number, well they could be just the average Number. They haven’t really connected a bond with me and my soul but all they do is fuel me for revenge… When IV defeated me, he didn’t bother taking my Numbers and ending my life… I wouldn’t be surprised if he is planning something in the semi-finals along with his team,”[/b][/color]

After being accepted into the team, James smiled as he just remembered.[color=#daa520][b] “OK, I do not want to be involved with the business between you and Dorian. I have a score to settle with IV but if anyone has any better plan as then we can all obviously contact by D-Gazer,”[/b][/color] he suggested as he then muttered more quiet and clear to everyone in the group.[color=#daa520][b] “To be honest, I don’t care about winning ever since people like IV and Dorian are so desperate to win and collect all the Numbers. Them being stopped is better for the rest of Heartland rather than a wish that the chances are won’t come true…”[/b][/color]

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While the kids were busy having this conversation Illumiknight simply looked Zebby as he bothered to ask what is going on here.

[color=#daa520]"I am slightly confused you know what's going on here. Seth is now in the custody of Butler, its pretty simple. Though the bargaining chip part is probably a little too simple a plan for our master. Well that was an easy one. My turn. Has anyone in your group transcended like Bacterian Overlord did in that warehouse?[/color] Illumiknight said with almost complete monotone.

Dorian looked on as more fools joined and rallied behind Amber and got disgusted. This Rai, James, and masked hero buffoon were of no consequence to Dorian however he just wondered why didn't he kill them earlier it just seems like such and easy thing to do. Oh that's right because he had a conscience back then well that's gone now. Butler had approached Dorian seconds after Seth joined his friends. Dorian and Butler shared a congratulatory fist bump as plan B seemed to be going smoothly. Butler then looked at Amber's group especially at Seth just to make sure he understands his situation. Dorian was trying not to laugh at the thought of these fools being taken out one-by-one but it was hard to hold back.

[color=#800000]It seems you've become quite the target[/color]
[color=#ff8c00]Well peasants always try to rebel against their king what else would you expect. Off with there heads I say.[/color]
[color=#800000]So what about Tron?[/color]
[color=#ff8c00]That...now that is a question, you see over there is the dude who took 89[/color]. Dorian pointed to IV in the distance [color=#ff8c00]And I think he said he had sons so that means there is more than just him and if their weird crest power can distort my numbers then it may be an uphill battle.[/color]
[color=#800000]Can they upset your balance?[/color]
[color=#ff8c00]Nope[/color]...Dorian shrugs as he gave a slight chuckle. [color=#ff8c00]So that's good I guess but I would like to get more numbers before they try to anyway.[/color]
[color=#800000]You sound like a junkie.[/color]
[color=#ff8c00]Well those things are a drug but I like my current four always acting right. [/color]

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[color=#008080][i]"Transcended...? Do you mean how Bacterian developed a second form... Why yes... I have, in fact I have 3 forms, including what you see before you, in total... I have a Malefic and Chaos form... So I would be thinking twice before starting any funny business with me or my friends here.. In case you are wondering... Amber has a stronger sense of will after events which have taken place in the last few days... I doubt she will fall for such a simple thing, in case you haven't been paying attention to what the kids have been saying in the background..."[/i][/color]

[i][color=#800080]"I have to say.. Zebulos has a good point there, Amber may have seemed like an easy target before, but she has gotten much stronger, and her spirits are still high."[/color][/i]

[i][color=#008080]"I have only one other question.. what does he intend to do If he does get all the numbers... Mind you that it is an IF... Amber is not likely to let herself lose to the likes of Dorian.."[/color][/i]

Zebulos simply stood there as he looked at the other number (Chevalier) ... Something seemed familiar.. the scent perhaps.. but where did it come from.. He couldn't put his finger on it.

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[color=#daa520]I wasn't actually wondering, you should know that our lord has been keeping watch on young Amber here its not like he can't see her growth. On the hand you have no idea what he is capable of. You can't determine if the battle will be easy or if the battle will be hard you can just hope. Then again it is nice to have confidence isn't it? But you have multiple forms interesting noted. As for what he intends to do with a collection of numbers, it wouldn't be anything ground breaking, he intends to just have them to have is all. As for the number you keep looking at most of us used to be owned by Joesph and his litany of dragons until our master freed us from that awful scenario. Chevalier here actually disposed of his original master some girl who was to be engaged to Joesph maybe that is where you recognize him from.[/color] Chevalier shrugged and nodded because all of that was true.

[color=#daa520]And since we are on last questions here is my last one. Why do you think Dorian is after Amber? [/color]

Illumiknight simply stated and the other numbers were silent.

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[color=#008080][i]"Why do I think he's after Amber...? I know at least part of it has to do with the fact that she has numbers... Other than that, I cannot fathom any other motives. But I must say.. It was rather odd that he asked to touch her face earlier...? But I do not see that as a detail of importance.. As for you..." [/i][/color]Zebulos looked to Chevalier [color=#008080][i]"Your actions has caused that girl to go into a serious coma..! If Josep would have destroyed numbers on his own since then, it would be you who is to blame. But despite this.. Anyone is a better holder than Dorian.. I saw him dispatch one of his own just this morning... A young priestess of the stars.. But... It would seem that her spirit currently lives on in Josep.."[/i][/color]

[color=#800080][i]"Not to interrupt.. but I believe we have exchanged enough info... We've nothing else to say."[/i][/color]

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[color=#ff0066]"Pff...he isn't my friend, Amber, but I can't let you kick his butt...alone!"[/color] - Emily grinned.
Leon just stood there looking at Amber, hearing her. Still he greeted Seth with energy, and so did Emily - [color=#800080]"H-HEY! I can't believe you are out!"[/color] - then, when he mentioned Butler's arrangement, Emily gasped - [color=#ff0066]"That's awful, Seth! He can't do that!"[/color] - she then also greeted everyone who showed up, and slowly walked away, getting near the cake. Trying not to get caught, she slipped her finger through the cake's icing and put it in her mouth. - [color=#ff0066]"Yum!"[/color]

[color=#00ffff]"Sigh...I know my chances, but not using me? I mean, the battle will be harsh..."[/color]
[color=#ff8c00]"Lord Zebulos is right, Joker" [/color]- said Ashika, who had decided to talk for a change - [color=#ff8c00]"If our holder loses, it might be dangerous."[/color]
[color=#00ffff]"I guess so...well, then they must rely on their other cards..."[/color]

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[color=#daa520]"....Alright then we shall be on our way. See we can be pleasant. If you have anymore questions we are simply over there with our master."[/color] Illumiknight and the others simply walked away leaving the group of numbers to their own devices. Chevalier didn't seem affected by Zebulous' speech at all and just left.

As the numbers reunited with their master he recalled them into their respective cards and gave Butler one so he could listen in on this report.

[color=#ff8c00][i]So what happened I decided to not eavesdrop and let you all do your thing with your "kin" so to speak.[/i][/color]

Illumiknight told him of the entire situation and then Dorian just started laughing while Butler simply had an inquisitive eyebrow raise.

[i][color=#ff8c00]Really was it that easy? I mean seriously you know how much money I was going to spend to out a third of that information only for you all to get it free, by asking. Oh and wait the furbie is still complaining about Star, let me guess he doesn't even know that it was you all who killed her.[/color][/i]
[i][color=#daa520]Nope he seems to think you are the one to blame for all of this. Also they seem to be taken aback by your face touch request.[/color][/i]
[i][color=#ff8c00]Oh yeah, about that... Someone, don't remember who, said they wouldn't let me lay a finger on Amber. Just wanted to see if I could, well I will though. Over her rotting corpse.[/color] [color=#ff8c00]But Butler look at that RatCan can digivolve too. I need to get me one of those digivolvers they seem fun. [/color][/i]
[i][color=#800000]What about Joesph?[/color][/i]
[i][color=#ff8c00]....Butler...you're a genius! Where is that walking oxymoron anyway?[/color][/i]

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[b]"So what are we going do...? Is there anything we CAN do..?"[/b]
[b][color=#000080]"You mean this hostage situation I'm in..? Sadly no... If I defy them, they might do something awful to one of us, and I'm not going to let that happen.."[/color][/b]
[b]"... What about the Police Chief?"[/b]
[b][color=#000080]"Like I said... He's working on it as we speak, as soon as he figures out what's going on, I'll be free, and maybe Dorian and Butler will be behind bars this time.."[/color][/b]

Amber then turned to see Emily closer to the Cake. She walked over to her and giggled. [b]"Naughty naughty~" [/b]Said Amber as she too swipped some frosting. [b]"mmm whipped cream flavor.. I wish Mr. Heartland would hurry up and make his announcement or whatever.. I don't think I can resist eating this any longer..." [/b]

Amber then looked around, and took a spatula and spread the frosting over the gap so it looked like nothing had been messed with. She then looked to Emily with a giggle [b]"There, they'll never know. tee hee hee!" [/b]She looked back up to the top of the cake. [b]"It's good that we can see eye to eye now.. I don't like fighting with friends. Anyways. I think I'm going to make a visit to the police station when this party is over.. I want to see if I can't find a way to get Seth out of this mess... "[/b]

[color=#008080][i]"Don't worry Sonya.. They are all strong kids, with incredible skills. They will pull through.."[/i][/color]

Zebulos looked to Sonya with a smile as he walked over to her and gave her a hug. Seth looked around to see the girls were by the cake, giggling about something silly they may have done. He walked over to them.

[color=#000080][b]"Hello ladies. Admiring the cake still?"[/b][/color]
[b]"heheheh you know me too well Seth!"[/b]
[b][color=#000080]"Would it be alright if I had a word with Emily Amber..?"[/color][/b]
[b]"hmm...? Oh! Yeah sure! tee hee~" [/b]Said Amber as she walked away to leave them alone, she approached Leon and hugged him from behind in a slight glomp fashion. [b]"heehee! I think Seth likes your little sister." [/b]She whispered with a smile.

[color=#000080][b]"U-um... Hey Emily.." [/b][/color]Seth said blushing a little. [color=#000080][b]"Emily.. About what happened before... I'm sorry for the way I reacted... I.. never wanted to hurt you... In fact I was worried that I'd only cause more pain being around... But maybe I was wrong about that... Um.. What I mean to say is.. That I.. um.."[/b][/color]

Seth was making eye contact the entire time, but he seemed to be having trouble with the words he wanted to say.

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Emily giggled when Amber approached her, doing the same as she did to the cake. -[color=#ff0066] "Can't we just take it away, Amber? Please?"[/color] - She then hugged Amber softly, still smiling -[color=#ff0066] "I'm really sorry, let's not fight anymore, okay? I wanna be friends with you, Ammie."[/color] - when Amber went to Leon, and Seth asked to speak with her, Emily blushed hard again. - [color=#ff0066]"Umm...what is it Sethie?"[/color] - she then heard what Seth said, while making eye contact all the time. When he started stuttering, Emily interrupted him - [color=#ff0066]"Don't w-worry...I...me too...I get what y-you mean..." [/color]- she built up her courage, and got her face near Seth's again, hoping not to get rejected this time - [color=#ff0066]"A-Are you..okay w-with this?"[/color] - she stopped moving forward where their faces were about to meet, hoping not to make the same mistake as the last time.

Leon turned around, and hugged Amber back - [color=#800080]"You think? Well, then tell Seth I like his little sister too..." [/color]- he nuzzled Amber and then kissed her.

Sonya sighed as Zebulos held her. Even without much words, he could always make her feel good -[color=#40e0d0] "Whatever happens, never leave me, Zebby."[/color]

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In the large room, he had found himself a seat, everything....everyone, was getting on his last nerve, he couldn't take all of the speaking, but maybe it was just him being a recluse, he hadn't been in a social event such as this in well over 8-10 years, he wasn't dressed for the part anyway, the only thing he was focused on was the people walking around the room, all of them went ahead and seemed to have their own agendas....it was sickening, especially what he was feeling with most of the Numbers speaking.......and one of them was.......

His eyes opened quickly and he stood up rather angrily, what he had of his clothes stand out like a cloak almost pushed the butlers and waitresses near him, and when they looked at him his eyes were glowing red. "Chevalier......." he was angry, not just at the Number, but at Dorian as well, he had been amassing too many Numbers and wanted more......He had to die....no...no not die...just be stopped.....he kept telling himself he would only stop him......he could keep his anger in check right?

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[color=#000080][b]"Y-yeah.." [/b][/color]Said Seth smiling, blushing even more as Emily got close to his face. He soon found himself wrapping his arms around and was just about to close the gap.
[b][color=#000080]"I want you to know though... Dorian will probably try to take advantage of this... I want you to be careful...." [/color][/b]

Then, Seth closed the gap between them, bringing his lips to Emily's, kissing her for a moment that felt like forever at first. The he gently pulled away and smiled at Emily.

[color=#000080][b]"Y'know...? You look lovely in that dress." [/b][/color]Seth said blushing.

Amber snuggled up to Leon and kissed him back [b]"I think Emi-chan and I can be the best of friends now too!" [/b]Amber then looked over Leon's shoulder and giggled. [b]"Hee Hee, They're so cute... <3"[/b]

Amber then looked around some more to see if she could find anyone else she knew, She spotted Josep, who seemed to be a bit distracted about something, he seemed to be staring at Dorian, angrily, not that she could blame him.

[b]"Josep! Heeeey! Over here!" [/b]Amber said waving her arms like an idiot, the sugar was already getting her worked up.

Zebulos held Sonya in a warm embrace as she seemed to melt in his arms in comfort. Zebulos nuzzled her and rested his chin on top of her head. [color=#008080][i]"Leave you? I already did that twice to you... I don't plan on going three for three any time soon..."[/i][/color]

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Emily suddenly felt like she was dreaming as Seth pressed his lips against hers. When he pulled her away, she smiled - [color=#ff0066]"T-T-Thanks! You look nice too..."[/color] - she was back in her shy self, but was still really happy. -[color=#ff0066] "That was actually the f-first time I...you k-know..."[/color] - she looked down, feeling embarrased. She then looked up again and kissed Seth once more, with a smile on her face, the sugar was already getting her worked up too.

[color=#800080]"I surely hope that. I don't like seeing my girlfriend and my sister to be mad at each other, hun."[/color] - he turned around as well, and saw the two lovebirds kissing -[color=#800080] "Sigh...they are so young and fool, kinda like us...two days ago."[/color] - Leon then waved at Josep too, smiling at him. - [color=#800080]"Hey dude, long time no see!"[/color]

[color=#00ffff]"Sigh...I love you Zebby." [/color]- said Sonya without thinking, and quickly blushed -[color=#00ffff] "I-I...What I meant w-was...umm..."[/color]

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Thomas, who had been silently thinking for a while, jumped slightly when Amber yelled for Jose[b]p. "Jesus Christ! I think I'm gonna have to ditch you guys before the cake is served. I don't think I even want to see Amber after a slice of two if this is the result of one taste of frosting. Speaking of which, I'm gonna make sure I get cake from the other side of this thing..." [/b]Then, noticing Emily and Seth, he smiled slightly. [i]"So that's Seth. But who is that? Guess she's nice if she's kissing Seth."[/i] His smile faded as the scene made him think of Blazey. [i]"I dunno...could things work out with me and her? She idolizes me essentially, and I like her...but if she only loves me because I'm Neo, then what happens when I take off the mask? Mask...Amber referred to me earlier as "The extraordinary Masked Hero" or something? Is that really a good description? I haven't even won a duel in the tournament by skill. I lucksacked my way here...."[/i] And once again he was silently lost in thought.

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As he was calming down he heard a voice in the distance, it slowly went into his ears and finally enough synapses connected to tell him who it was. "A....Amber?" his eyes suddenly quelled back to normal, but he still felt a well of anger inside him, as he walked to Leon and Amber, Seth and Emily as well, he couldn't keep his aura from pressing on them, no matter how hard he tried, Red-Eyes was angry, angry at the slow progress Josep was going through, and he let out a thunderous roar for the Numbers to hear, Josep tried to keep it quiet, but again, only humans were spared of the Black Dragon King's anger and hatred. "He...hey...sorry bout ditching you guys at the arcade......I....had something to do...." he lied

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[color=#008080][i]"hahaha! I love you too Sonya." [/i][/color]Said Zebulos and he tilted her chin up for a kiss on the lips. [color=#008080][i]"If I'm not mistaken.. I believe we've been wanted to say that for many many years."[/i][/color]

[b][color=#000080]"Hehe... To tell the truth... I've never really had a girlfriend. haha... I've never felt like this befo-" [/color][/b]Seth was interrupted with a kiss from Emily, his face turned red, as just about fell over, but he had a smile on his face. [b][color=#000080]"W-wow..." [/color][/b]

Amber looked to Neo, she couldn't really tell what he was feeling with that mask on, but he was quiet all the sudden.

[b]"I wonder when Blazey and Mikey will be here....? I know for a fact that Blazey got all her pieces... AND registered... But guess they're getting all primped for the party?" [/b]Amber then looked to Josep who had heard Amber's call. [b]"Don't worry Josep... Are you feeling any better...?" [/b]Amber said trying not to be too hyper. Then.. All the sudden, she started to feel woozy. [b]"W..whoa... I suddenly got a little bit of a head rush..." [/b]

It was a bit odd for Amber to be hyper one minute and then somber the next..

[color=#008080][b]"M'lady...? Are you alright...?"[/b][/color]
[b]"Sorry about that.. Maybe all the carbs from dinner are catching up to me.."[/b]

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Thomas jumped slightly as Amber startled him out of his thoughts. [b]"Oh...yeah, I know that Mikey's qualified. He got his last two pieces off of me. I guess they must still be getting ready..."[/b] He watched as Amber seemed to stumble slightly, and said something about a head rush. [b]"Whoa...Amber, are you alright? Is the cake a drug or something? I guess if you think it's just dinner...you'd better get well fast though. You wouldn't want to miss out on more of that, would you?" [/b]He gestured to the cake of epic proportions.

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[color=#ff0066]"G-Girlfriend!? S-so you a-are my..b-boyfriend? I...l-like that, Seth...I really..."[/color] - suddenly, Emily felt weak and held Seth tight to stop herself from falling - [color=#ff0066]"Sorry, I'm a bit dizzy..."[/color] - she tried to get up, but decided to hold on to Seth instead, just in case.

Leon held Amber tight from behind, worried about her - [color=#800080]"Hey honey, wanna go sit down for a while? Oh, hi Neo!"[/color] - Leon hadn't realized the superhero was there, which is hard because, well, he was dressed as a superhero. -[color=#800080] "I hope I don't duel you first Thomas, because it's gonna be a piece of cake for you, man! Also...Mikey and [b][i]BLAZEY[/i][/b] will sure come by soon, right Neo...?"[/color] - Leon gave Thomas a suspicious look, followed by a quick wink.

Sonya kissed Zebulos on the lips, while still blushing - [color=#00ffff]"Yeah, but you should have said it before, silly!"[/color]

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Dorian can sense the rage of Joesph an he bambarded his way through. While it didn't seem to effect an part of his plans with Goggles and Co. it was a nice bonus as the Dragon roared however, that very act would have sent a chill down Dorian's spine if it didn't give him a great idea.

"Well if it isn't the great dragon user himself." Dorian said getting pretty much high off his own arrogance. He didn't fall as far as I would have hoped."
"What are you talking about this time" inquired Butler
"His Dragon's, his sky beast, his madness, all of those are just gifts placed in front of me as a reward for all of my hard work. Let us see them unwrapped." It was at that moment Dorain called forth Inferno Chevalier and had it perform simple circus tricks like fire juggling and the like. This was merely used as a way to taunt Joesph and get him to lash out on the other. Which shouldn't be that hard. Red Eyes' hatred of numbers was viceral and if Dorian could feel such heavy presence then clearly the brats could feel the same. Of course watching Goggles get all light-headed did not prove to be as entertaining as he had hoped. Dorian looked around and some other miscellaneous and rather unimportant people were feeling the same way.

"Um okay now what pretell is this? Entertainment"

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