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[CFV] Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion

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There are so few mentions of this card around the web that this is on the first page of Google Image Search. No points for guessing where it comes from.

[spoiler='Actual Card']
"ACT 【V】 [LimitBreak(4) (when you have at least 4 damage)]: [Counter Blast(3)] Until end of turn, this unit gets Power +2000, gets "CONT 【V】: This unit may battle with all of your opponent's units on the front-row with one attack".
CONT 【V/R】: If you do not have another 《[url="http://cardfight.wikia.com/wiki/Narukami"]Narukami[/url]》 vanguard or rear-guard, this unit gets Power -2000."[/spoiler]

I think this thing's really cool. You're nearly guaranteed to at least take out all the opponent's Interceptors, plus, it's a Vanguard card with no copycats across clans. *yet*

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[quote name='Legend Zero' timestamp='1336083107' post='5931979']
Pretty much the 1 turn Vanguard. Use it's skill, devastate your opponent, Ride Thunder Break.
Or double Thunderbolt ;D

It's stupid easy to get off and you can often use it more than once per match.

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[quote name='DeathSDelano' timestamp='1336099304' post='5932209']
Only dealt with his effect once but really didn't hurt me as all he did was hit my rg grade 3s .-. didn't hurt my defenses at all. And i just regained my attack force next turn [was using Gold Paladins]
Ways to look at this differently:
Djinn of the Poison Mind + Photon Bomber Wyvern make it 26K that hits all
Lightning of Hope Helena goes off for each hit
No intercepting means it forces them to waste hand advantage if they can't afford to take the hit

It's a great finisher, and against lots of Rearguards it's not that bad to use it earlier on considering it's in no way inconceivable to use its skill twice. I mean, a +2 is still a +2 that kills the opponent's advantage, potentially eating their hand as well

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