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Logo Request: Shattered.

Kyng's Old Account

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I'm looking for a Logo for an RP entitled Shattered.

I found inspiration for it from [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aQ7yohAFdo]this song[/url]: I recommend listening to it at least once before taking on this request. Heck, to maintain the concept you could listen to this song through the whole process of making this thing.

Taking place in an urban setting, this RP encompasses mystery with gunslingers; I want this logo to reflect this. Maybe do so with a bullet featured?

I'd love a rainy feature to this logo as well, perhaps hit this with water drops on the logo too?

In regards to size, whatever takes your fancy is fine by me, however if you want a more precise sizing work around 640 x 300.

Colour-wise, I see grey scale being big here. I don't want any loud, rash colours shouting out. It needs to be subtle.

I will pay from 100 - 500 depending on the quality of the piece. There will be no renders involved.

If you've decided to pick up the task, good luck and I'm looking forward to seeing your work.

Thank you for your time:

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[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]I couldn't think of a way to incorperate a bullet. :I[/font] No, but really. You can't really see the bullet. It's supposed to look like a bullet splshing down onto a rainy street or something. A... shiny bullet. :I

[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif][spoiler=Le Logo][/font]
[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif][img]http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/8594/logojyf.png[/img][/font]
[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif][/spoiler][/font]

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