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[MTG] Nivmagus Elemental

Flame Dragon

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It's kind of anti-counterspell.

"Oh, you're going to counter my spell? Okay, in response I'll exile it on my own and make my creature bigger."

Then again, in the upcoming format of only Negate, Essence Scatter, and Rewind, and this, Cavern of Souls, and a cycle of uncounterable rares, I wouldn't be surprised if counterspells aren't used at all next format.

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Well, it's bad, but cool. For decks that want a cushion for counterspells, here's your friend. It just has no home.

My problem:

If this is part of the hybrid one-drop cycle, I am so sad they decided to make a complex rare :S

Edit: Never mind, it's not part of the one-drop cycle; MaRo confirmed on his Tumblr. Phew.

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