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Madolche Royal Jellard [Single]


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I made this like 3-4 days before we got any information of "Queen Madolche Tiaramisu", their first and currently only archetype Xyz Monster, and "Madolche Ticket".
At that time, I thought it was a good idea to give Madolches their own Rank 4 Xyz and this is what I came up with:

Madolche Royal Jellard (Royal Guard + Royal Jelly)
Artwork description: A Madolche with honey-like (semi-transparent, amber colored, etc.) heavy armor, carrying a huge shield almost of its size with a honeycomb design. Retains the "cute" design of Madolches (think of a Protector/Paladin from "Etrian Odissey" game series)
Attribute: EARTH
Type: Warrior/Xyz/Effect
Rank: 4
ATK: 1400
DEF: 2600
Effect: 2 Level 4 "Madolce" monsters
While this card is face-up on the field with Xyz Materials, "Madolche Puddingcess" you control cannot be destroyed by battle and is unaffected by your opponent's card effects. Once per turn, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card: Activate one of the following effects (each effect can only be used once while this card is face-up on the field.): • Special Summon 1 "Madolche Puddingcess" from your hand or Deck. • This turn, all "Madolche" monsters you control gain 500 ATK and are unaffected by the effects of your opponent's Trap Cards.

Before Tiaramisu, we could say that "Madolche Puddingcess" was the Boss Monster, a card that this Royal Jellard directly supports, as you can read above. Not only it allows the Special Summon of Puddingcess to avoid losing a card from her Tribute Summon, but also protects her from destruction so she can activate her effect safely. And in a second turn he can provide her and the rest of Madolche fellows a nice +500 ATK (for a total of +1000 if the Field is active), and Trap immunity to attack without fear for a turn; I like to think of this second effect as a battle chant or an attack order from Royal Jellard. I also gave him an outstanding DEF for a Rank 4 so he can stand attacks while he setups Princess and other Madolches on the field for the last charge.

I know the last effect might be a bit abusive, but remember I designed this before Tiaramisu, Ticket and I believe Messengelato as well were released, so at that time they had less support, barely had effects for card removal except the Princess and Tea Break (which requires the Princess), and their strongest monsters ATK-wise were Chouxvalier and again the Princess. Still, I would like to know if this card would be fine if it were released or if it would be broken: Altough I bet the Queen would still be preferred over this card when Xyz Summoning, Royal Jellard would still have uses as a game ender; or players would experiment with a variant of Madolche Deck that exploits Princess and Tea Break ("Sweet Princess" Deck?).

Your thoughts?
Thanks for reading.

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[quote name='Frex' timestamp='1350503676' post='6046793']
I made this like 3-4 days before we got any information of "Queen Madolche Tiaramisu", their first and currently only archetype Xyz Monster, and "Madolche Ticket".
At that time, I thought it was a good idea to give Madolches their own Rank 4 Xyz and this is what I came up with:

Madolche Royal Jellard (Royal Guard + Royal Jelly)
Artwork description: A Madolche with honey-like (semi-transparent, amber colored, etc.) heavy armor, carrying a huge shield almost of its size with a honeycomb design. Retains the "cute" design of Madolches (think of a Protector/Paladin from "Etrian Odissey" game series)
Attribute: EARTH
Type: Warrior/Xyz/Effect
Rank: 4
ATK: 1400
DEF: 2600
Effect: 2 Level 4 "Madolce" monsters
While this card is face-up on the field with Xyz Materials, "Madolche Puddingcess" you control cannot be destroyed by battle and is unaffected by your opponent's card effects. Once per turn, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card: Activate one of the following effects (each effect can only be used once while this card is face-up on the field.): • Special Summon 1 "Madolche Puddingcess" from your hand or Deck. • This turn, all "Madolche" monsters you control gain 500 ATK and are unaffected by the effects of your opponent's Trap Cards.

Before Tiaramisu, we could say that "Madolche Puddingcess" was the Boss Monster, a card that this Royal Jellard directly supports, as you can read above. Not only it allows the Special Summon of Puddingcess to avoid losing a card from her Tribute Summon, but also protects her from destruction so she can activate her effect safely. And in a second turn he can provide her and the rest of Madolche fellows a nice +500 ATK (for a total of +1000 if the Field is active), and Trap immunity to attack without fear for a turn; I like to think of this second effect as a battle chant or an attack order from Royal Jellard. I also gave him an outstanding DEF for a Rank 4 so he can stand attacks while he setups Princess and other Madolches on the field for the last charge.

I know the last effect might be a bit abusive, but remember I designed this before Tiaramisu, Ticket and I believe Messengelato as well were released, so at that time they had less support, barely had effects for card removal except the Princess and Tea Break (which requires the Princess), and their strongest monsters ATK-wise were Chouxvalier and again the Princess. Still, I would like to know if this card would be fine if it were released or if it would be broken: Altough I bet the Queen would still be preferred over this card when Xyz Summoning, Royal Jellard would still have uses as a game ender; or players would experiment with a variant of Madolche Deck that exploits Princess and Tea Break ("Sweet Princess" Deck?).

Your thoughts?
Thanks for reading.

I think it would be safe to add the return to Extra Deck eff. that Queen has. Also, one thing you said kinda bugs me. Puddingcess will almost always safely activate her eff. so long as there isn't a mirror, sdrain, or negate atk. activated. I like that this can ss Puddingcess but that really isn't hard to do from what I'v seen anyways. No complants on the 2nd eff.

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Remember I made this card before the latest "Madolche" support from Abyss Rising were confirmed (Tiaramisu, Ticket, Mewfieulle, Messengelato, Happy Festa). At that time, I believe Puddingcess was not as easy to Summon, and if Chateau was not active she would have merely 1800 ATK, not enough to beat most monsters, which means that you would have to suicide her to activate her effect. Royal Jellard was designed to help with that issue. That doesn't seem to be a problem anymore because Terraforming and Mew+Butlerusk/Messengelato practically ensure you get Chateau on the first turns.

But my main concern was the second effect, and if you find it fine then I guess I don't have to change it.

As far as I know, the Queen doesn't have any effect that involves the Extra Deck, unless you mean the ability of targeting the detached Xyz Material with her own effect. I could change Royal Jellard to "...detach and shuffle into your Deck 1 Xyz Material from this card...".

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[quote name='Frex' timestamp='1350510174' post='6046889']
Remember I made this card before the latest "Madolche" support from Abyss Rising were confirmed (Tiaramisu, Ticket, Mewfieulle, Messengelato, Happy Festa). At that time, I believe Puddingcess was not as easy to Summon, and if Chateau was not active she would have merely 1800 ATK, not enough to beat most monsters, which means that you would have to suicide her to activate her effect. Royal Jellard was designed to help with that issue. That doesn't seem to be a problem anymore because Terraforming and Mew+Butlerusk/Messengelato practically ensure you get Chateau on the first turns.

But my main concern was the second effect, and if you find it fine then I guess I don't have to change it.

As far as I know, the Queen doesn't have any effect that involves the Extra Deck, unless you mean the ability of targeting the detached Xyz Material with her own effect. I could change Royal Jellard to "...detach and shuffle into your Deck 1 Xyz Material from this card...".
No i was mistaken on the return to extra deck thing. So just ignore it.

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For some reason I've never been a fan of Madolche. Maybe it's because the names are horrible puns. Maybe it's because people on DN and YGOPro seem to spam them. I don't know.

This card basically makes Puddingcess unkillable unless people run Lava Golem and/or Volcanic Queen. That would be dumb, except that detaching materials puts monsters in the grave. I guess it's a good card, but I think it would do better by its Empress' side.

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The main weakness would be Jellard itself: If it is destroyed, not only you get Madolches in your Graveyard but also Puddingcess is left helpless.

I have been thinking that this card has more potential, like dropping the second effect for a protective one similar to Maestroke to protect itself and other Madolches, in refence to his Royal Guard class. I could give the ATK-boost effect to another Madolche Xyz I write, if I ever encounter a dessert to make a pun with. Another idea is to turn the effect a Quick Effect, so you get to Summon the Princess/or give extra ATK and Trap immunity to your Madolches during the opponent's turn.
Would said change be too much?

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