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Guide to not sounding/looking like an idiot.


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- If there is an error, specifically OCG errors, actually point it out, numbfuck - what good is it if you just say "OCG error"? Your post is basically completely redundant, if there is an error, what good is it if they DON'T KNOW IT WAS AN ERROR IN THE FIRST PLACE?


- Don't make rep/stars a big deal. I respect you actually come here for more than cards, but if you're going to consider rep and stars to real life social status and riches, you need to be smacked in the face. Hard.


- Use more than crappy anime pictures of women. Personal pet peeve, thats why no one likes you irl.

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Guest JoshIcy

1) because it helps you get better... i know it helped me when i started late december, early january....


2) with age comes respect, honesty, and unique cards thats what that shows....


3) maybe thats because those are the easiest to find? and sometimes we dont wanna search for ages to find good pictures.... just enough to get the job done....

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Guest JoshIcy

1) thats why you ask around... most people who say a card stinks usually allow a follow up pm to help the person fix what is wrong... otherwise they are usually busy...


2) not really, it helps alot though.... i dont care, infact i judge harder on older members... but hey its not a big deal.. it just adds 'credibility'...


3) lol youve read my comments... thanks...

but most of us use unique images and try to use "overused" images.... and as for the unique cards thing, i care for my creations so i take the best care i can... unless it was a card designed to test an effect.. but the card effect is always indiviual..... thats what counts...

image only counts if the card itself is great, so it gives more 'zest' or the picture is just blocky/pixelated... then it gets annoying... and hard to care for the text because the image is just enough to look away...

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That makes no sense, in fact, there should be no point to judging a card if you're just gonna point out something the one being judged has no idea what you mean. If they have enough time to PM them the flaws, why not just include it into the post?




So if I were to create a completely blank card, but with an impressive, almost revolutionary effect, it wouldn't matter. I can understand where you might be coming from with the aesthetic appeal, but usually, its some mediocre anime.


Also: Quit using ellipses, dipshit. Proper punctuation doesn't exist so people like you can slaughter it.

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I like your style. I never just say theres a problem with ocg. I dont even care if there is any [unless its real bad]. I know that for me if I see something that I know isnt worded right, I will either word it correctly for that person or ignore the issue and not judge them for it.


I dont care much for reps either. Ill want points though to buy things. Ill give reps to get stuff like help and better looking cards etc. I dont care if im neg'd either. Its not the end of the world right.


Im older than most people on here. I dont think age has anything to do with this forum.


And I dont just search up anime girls so Im safe.

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Guest JoshIcy

ok weve broken it down to the first one...


simple... some people have more patience when they pm because they are doing other things online and arent expected to reply right away.....

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I believe this is the right forum, because this is the most visited, and this is where all my problems focus on. I'm 'angry' because despite how I enjoy the site and its purpose, people tend to sheet it up. Badly.


Also, again, what? Just telling someone OCG error not only is pointless, but makes you look like an idiot. Its half done and pretty stupid.


and seriously, use a funking period. what astounds me is that you continue to use ellipses, those ......, incorrectly I might add, excessively. It adds no character, just stupidity.

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Guest JoshIcy

i used them as actual thinking dots. showing how many seconds have passed before i typed something else... their meaning as i know them.

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Even though your post takes 5-10 seconds to type up, and it doesn't show up as a passive fade in text, but rather one large text piece, all at the same time? It has its uses for narrative purposes and sometimes first person perspective, but not to be abused stupidly like you use it.

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Dont get all puffed out all in one go bro. save that anger for another day :/


So all your asking is that people say what is wrong with the ocg of your cards?


Never angry, just the raged apperance comes along after seeing countless idiots during my 'internet career'.


The OCG thing is just a major point of stupidity, just the overflow of crap posts here led to this post.

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Guest JoshIcy

aiy... you said you are still young, middle school ya? and in hawaii no less.... i dont know if it is the way oahu is built but in theory, this shouldnt bother you. you hear 'eh brah you wen da kine dat time wea you wen sta'?'....


and that makes no sense to anyone outside the conversation. be more lenient and if you have a problem or would like an explanation why someone said simple 'ocg' or X/10 etc... im sure someone would be happy to explain. until then if you dont like the forum language here just dont come... unless you do care and just want to rant... then as a mod to move this to general and no one will be upset ^_^

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Excuse me? Generic Pictures? I hope you know that the Picture makes 35% Of the Card! What can't I have Cute Anime Girls on my Cards? Do I have to use Generic Demons and stuff (No Offense to people that use them the TC is annoying me) It takes a lot to annoy me and you have just done that.....


Swearing isn't going to get you anywhere, People put thier heart and soul into thier card designs t make them unique. Why don't you try some instead of Moaning about it here or just get the Hell of this Forum.... Sorry People....

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ahahaha oh my God, "PEOPLE PUT THEIR HEARTS INTO THIS CARD"? Wow, I really can't imagine what else you do.


Anyway, yes, I have a problem with constant generic usage of crap pictures for their cards. I swear because no other words place the emphasis needed for morons like you to understand.


And again, anime girls = not original, poorly drawn, and a sign of an idiot. This goes for most anime, really.


Also, "Major Love of Cute Monsters"? What the funk is that supposed to me? Thats pretty funking pathetic, the only real people who want to hear that are fat girls who no one likes as well, and guys who are probably having gender identification problems.

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That's it.... You've overtstepped the line with me. It's bad enough saying that we suck at Card Making but now you insult me.... Gender Identification problems? Read my Profile? You'll see that I have Female Genes in me as well as Male. So I have a natural love of Cute things! What Am i supposed to like using your Word "Generic" Football? (Soccer) I think now.... You're going to get banned soon anyways so I may as well say this. "What comes around comes around" Now if you'll excuse me I have some more cards to make using Cute Anime Girls.

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I can say i do not agree with your constant swearing on a child friendly forum


I myself swear constantly in real life, and for those on this site of whom talk to me on MSN, know i never stop swearing;


However your making yourself look like an idiot by not respecting the fact that children come on here, and even though most children are acustom to swearing, its still best not to encourage them to do so by writing it (until they reach of age when i say: swear as much as you can).


Also to the fact;


Did you think your initial post would go anywhere?


Did you think it would have the slightest impact on anyone but the fact of angering people?


You call everyone Idiots yet you fail to realise that creating this thread was an Idiotic act.




I partly agree with your Anime Girls comment, far to long have i seen anime girl after anime girl, it grows tiresome and bores me to death, but, i have always said that;


Hence why i go unique and make Ravers and Goths.


I dont know about soul or heart, but i put alot of effort into them, otherwise they would look lame and eugh.


Now for a final statement, you must realise that with age comes knowledge, increased skills and grand ideas; many members on here are young, thus yes, you will see lame pictures now and again, you must consider the age factor.

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^ Dang, Dj said everything I was going to say....(oh look, I used ellipses, I must be an idiot :()


Well, anyway, I also agree that lots of anime girls gets boring, but people use what they want, which is their right, and if you don't like it, then do what people have said and stop coming to the forum. While people have a right to use any picture they want (as long as it follows the rules), nobody has the right to come to the forum, swear the heck out of everything, or flame members just because they are disagreeing with you and proving you wrong. We have rules, and everyone needs to follow them. If you cannot follow the rules, and carry on civilized conversations in the correct location, then you do not belong here.

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just read this whole thread, and the title is "guide to not sounding/looking like an idiot." how ironic.


to the guy who mad this thread: you have made a fool of yourself. do not swear on this forum. in my opinion, you should be banned, but i'm not an admit, so i'll be quiet.


to jspamax: stand your ground, dude. that stuff he said to you was harsh.


to dj osris: i totally agree with what you say.


and i agree that people have put a lot of time and effort into their cards and nobody should degrade them by saying this is wrong. it is perfectly fine. to me it is like a hobby and i put my best into every card. do you think this is funny or stupid??? NO.



this thread should never have been made in the first place.



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That basically means you're a transsexual.


Dj Osiris:


The cursing makes me look like an jabroni, not an idiot. An idiot is someone who curses without any real point behind it. Honestly, that post was just a readable, understandable version of all the posts in the thread.




Abuse of ellipses makes you look like an idiot, appropriate use of ellipses doesn't. Way to read.




I'm sounding like a critical jabroni. If I was an idiot by definition, I'd be making no actual point to this thread. And yes, you can put effort into your cards. I was laughing about how the transsexual said he puts his heart into cards, which sounds incredibly pathetic.

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