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[Finished]Combo Card Contest! (CCC) [OVER]


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My aim was to make cards that can work together yet can work with other cards as well, not specifically made for eachother.

Burstfire is battle phase reliant, overall making the effect less likely and somewhat weak in today's Heavy Stormless format. Swiftwind was given a very limited of range of what he can search, most of what he can search being crap if you actually glimpsed at what he could add, and had requirements that barred him becoming a "win moar" and instead made him a "comeback playmaker" of sorts. I also made him have a unique requirement that could make Burstfire more potent during the Battle Phase.

However, I understand. I actually did like the cards 1st place made, so I have no qualms with getting second place. Grats Kano ^^


I do want to say though, you said there isn't a "add card A or card B" thing majigger going on, however you said they simply need to work together. B searchs A, can fulfill requirements to Summon A, and can protect A in the phase he most needs it, the Battle Phase, before going together yet again into an Xyz Summon. So the combo was definitely there, and justified via your saying of not needing to list the other card's name. I will admit though, Card A is too easy to Summon and Card B even with limited search parameters shouldn't be a +1 1800 beater upon Normal Summon.

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