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YCM Entertainment presents~Quickness Rounds


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72 vs. Nate

Name-Forgotten World hmmm? I live there lulz, Templars, cool name. Ones from a particular favourite YGO monster, and one sounds like its from a video game. Even though 72s is long I like the names better [72]

Effect-Stat booster vs. Monster unaffected by Traps, and can attack twice.

Stat booster by these 2 cards alone would be impossible to summon. Templar is hard to Summon too though. If 72's monster had others [im assuming they would, then the effect and summoning condition will be balanced, but so will Nates [Tie]

Picture- 72's first monster is badly rendered, Nates look like some cgi off a computer game. 72s more colourful, and looks better than Nates. [72]

Grammar- 72 wins hands down. Not going there. [72]

Overall- 72 clearly wins. again


Seriously. Im going to have to invite better card makers, and I know just the crit; Anime Girls again lulz


Next crit: so make 1 Anime Girl BUT she cant be a Spellcaster, Warrior, or Fairy type.

Bonus for the person who can make the best looking Anime Girl Card with the ugliest of types [reptile, zombie, etc] and still have the name, type and picture all go together.

Minus for a person who has a beast in with the card, and calls it a Beast type.

Minus for the person who says that the card is also treated as either a Spellcaster, Warrior or Fairy.

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Pandora vs Sky Healer

Name: I like Pandoras name better.

Picture: I like Pandoras picture better.

Effect: I like the effect of Pandora better. Sky Healers is more Anime like though.

Stats: Pandoras type fit the criteria. It looks like a vampire which comes under the zombie type, and looks good. It cant be mistaken for any other type. However, Sky Healer is more on the Fairy side, so you lose marks there. Both have good ATK/DEF

Balance: Sky Healers is more balanced.


Winner: hunterb with Pandora


next crit: Make 1 monster that supports an Exodia Deck but not directly.

Bonus for telling me how it would support an Exodia Deck.

Bonus for most versatile effect. If it is able to be played in other Decks aswel.

Minus for being a direct support card for an Exodia Deck.

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This helps out Exodia by fetching for the 4 body parts. The spider dies, you select the right arm or any other piece, and when you draw it, you can get 2 other pieces. It is not too broken since you can only get 2 cards. Not the 3 extra you would need to get all 4. Enjoy.

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Oh well, never know until you try I suppose...




Bonus 1: What Exodia Deck doesn't need the ability to draw more cards?

Bonus 2: Play 1 or 2 of these after a Morphing Jar, Card Destruction, Mirror Force, Lightning Vortex, or a similiar card and you can draw some much needed cards...not to mention stop your opponent from using cards like Monster Reborn or Premature Burial next turn.


Artwork Credits: Enigma Zero ;)

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This card can only be activated by Tributing 1 Level 5 or lower monster. Once per turn, by paying 500 Life Points turn this card 90 degrees to the right and apply the appropriate effect depending on how many degrees this card has turned :

- 90 degrees : Discard your hand. Draw 5 cards.

- 180 degrees : Remove 1 card in your Deck from play. During your third Standby Phase after activation place the card in your hand.

- 270 degrees : Your opponent draws a card from their Deck until they draw a Spell Card. Draw a card for every card your opponent drew.

- 360 degrees : Roll a six-sided die and activate 1 of the following effects depending on the result

-1, 3 or 6 : Add 1 card from your Deck and add it to your hand.

-2, 4 or 5 : Discard all cards in your hand. You take 200 damage x the amount of cards discarded by this cards effect. Then. draw 1 card.

When this card has succesfully turned 360 degrees, destroy it.

-The name forbidden goes with Exodia the FORBIDDEN one.

- The reason you have to tribute a level 5 or lower is because Exodia has 5 pieces.

- The more you turn the more deadly the effect.

-When you turn 360 degrees and you roll either 2,4 or 5 you get a downside + a draw to make the card more powerful.

- The card would be LIMITED.


IMAGE BY : shadowcatxavier

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