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Dark Creator.......sort of......>_<


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Monsters: 22

[3] The Dark Creator

[3] Armageddon Knight

[3] Mystic Tomato

[2] Dark Armed Dragon

[2] Destiny Hero - Fear Monger

[2] Destiny Hero - Plasma

[2] Phantom of Chaos

[1] Darklord Zerato

[1] Dark Magician of Chaos

[1] Destiny Hero - Disk Commander

[1] Elemental Hero Stratos

[1] Sangan


Spells: 19

[3] Card of Safe Return

[3] Allure of Darkness

[2] Destiny Draw

[2] Lightning Vortex

[2] Foolish Burial

[2] Reinforcement of the Army

[1] Dimension Fusion

[1] Premature Burial

[1] Monster Reborn

[1] Heavy Storm

[1] Mystical Space Typhoon


Traps: 6

[3] Escape from the Dark Dimension

[1] Mirror Force

[1] Torrential Tribute

[1] Crush Card Virus


Please, don't laugh at me, it's my first try at an deck like this, so post good and helpful comments only like fixes for the deck, what to add, what to take out etc. etc. Thanks in advance


EDIT: I know that ''Caius the Shadow Monarch'' isn't out in the TCG yet but I'm using this deck in DMU, also, is ''Dark Horus'' running worthy?

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... Three Destiny Draws when you have only three D-Heroes? No... Unless you're interested in playing Plasma. Get Stratos as well. And since you have quite a few warriors, RotA is a decent choice as well.


+Destiny Hero-Plasma

+Destiny Hero-Plasma

+Elemental Hero-Stratos

+Reinforcement of the Army

+Reinforcement of the Army

+Dimension Fusion


-Destiny Draw

-Dark Nephtys

-Dark Illusion

-Dark Illusion

-Dark Illusion


Phantom of Chaos is recommended if you can(and want) have it. Dark Armed Dragon as well. Dark Illusion sucks. If you're running few traps, Royal Decree/Jinzo are welcome.


It's not bad though, seeing as you got the basic stuff around. It just needs more tweaking.

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... Three Destiny Draws when you have only three D-Heroes? No... Unless you're interested in playing Plasma. Get Stratos as well. And since you have quite a few warriors' date=' RotA is a decent choice as well.


+Destiny Hero-Plasma

+Destiny Hero-Plasma

+Elemental Hero-Stratos

+Reinforcement of the Army

+Reinforcement of the Army

+Dimension Fusion


-Destiny Draw

-Dark Nephtys

-Dark Illusion

-Dark Illusion

-Dark Illusion


Phantom of Chaos is recommended if you can(and want) have it. Dark Armed Dragon as well. Dark Illusion sucks. If you're running few traps, Royal Decree/Jinzo are welcome.


It's not bad though, seeing as you got the basic stuff around. It just needs more tweaking.



Thanks dude, I'm just playing with this deck in DMU......and this deck is totally decking me out..........


And should I run Scapegoat then?

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