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Swordcraft Story


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Wystern is a dock city with a huge tower in the middle of it which not only held an arena, but also a lower floor that goes down 100 floors called the labrynth, filled with monsters that get progressively stronger as you go down. There are two guilds: The silver guild, a kind guild with basic tools, and The gold guild, a snobby rich guild with fancy tools, these guilds are rivals and depending on how you do on the initiation test, you will be sent into one of these guilds. These guilds are blacksmith guilds who forge weapons to fight monsters with. There's a tournament coming up next month (rp time which I will control) and all participants from either guild may enter, sometimes two members of the same guild could end up fighting each other so don't be afraid to fight them be it friend or foe. One more thing, at random times, someone will be called to summon their own summon creature from four types: Fairy, Demon, Beast, Mechanical, that is all now have fun!

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Sorry, this is not how roleplays here work. You have to first describe in your Out of Character post what your roleplay is about, the overall plot, the setting, the rules and how to apply to your roleplay in the Out-of-Character Planning section. Please have a look around at the other roleplays in the Out-of-Character section to see what I'm talking about.


On another note, welcome to YCM and it's nice to have another RPer with us. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to Private Message me. (To do this, go to my Profile Page and click the "Send Message" button)



Seeing that you are attempting a fantasy roleplay, you could also pitch in your ideas to our Forum-Wide Roleplay we are planning which will take on a fantasy setting.

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