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Fascism/Nazism vrs Democratic/Captiolism


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Guest JoshIcy

here are the "google" dictionary definitions to provide more leeway instead of direct opinion like what you stated... i tried to grab the most 'unbiased' definition i could...


capitalism: Although nowadays there are ideological capitalists - people who support a set of ideas about the economic benefits and importance of "free markets" - the term capitalism was first used to describe an the system of private investment and industry with little governmental control which emerged ...


facism: a political system in which all power of government is vested in a person or group with no other power to balance and limit the activities of the government. Fascist governments are often closely associated with large corporations....


i prefer a capitalistic government, allows more basic freedom.. well maybe im talking about a "Democratic-Republic" but still.... i dont like the idea of a possible dictatorship, or massive control like that...

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Personally I am going for the capitalism. I don't like the communism and the fascism, especially not since all the political power is centered around one person or a clique of people who are same-minded. It reminds me of the old Sovjet-Union, I don't think a lot of people were happy in there. And in China people are still oppressed. No freedom of opinion.


Let`s stick with the capitalism.

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here are the "google" dictionary definitions to provide more leeway instead of direct opinion like what you stated... i tried to grab the most 'unbiased' definition i could...


capitalism: Although nowadays there are ideological capitalists - people who support a set of ideas about the economic benefits and importance of "free markets" - the term capitalism was first used to describe an the system of private investment and industry with little governmental control which emerged ...


facism: a political system in which all power of government is vested in a person or group with no other power to balance and limit the activities of the government. Fascist governments are often closely associated with large corporations....


i prefer a capitalistic government' date=' allows more basic freedom.. well maybe im talking about a "Democratic-Republic" but still.... i dont like the idea of a possible dictatorship, or massive control like that...



So im Biased becouse im a Coummist does that really merit a Neg rep

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Capitalism is an economic policy based on work incentive for economic growth. Fascism is a government in which extreme nationalism is promoted by a dictator, who has absolute power. It's an apples-and-oranges comparison.


Now if you were talking about republic vs fascism, then republic sends fascism to Hell and pulls a Final Smash. But that's a different topic.

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Guest JoshIcy

here are the "google" dictionary definitions to provide more leeway instead of direct opinion like what you stated... i tried to grab the most 'unbiased' definition i could...


capitalism: Although nowadays there are ideological capitalists - people who support a set of ideas about the economic benefits and importance of "free markets" - the term capitalism was first used to describe an the system of private investment and industry with little governmental control which emerged ...


facism: a political system in which all power of government is vested in a person or group with no other power to balance and limit the activities of the government. Fascist governments are often closely associated with large corporations....


i prefer a capitalistic government' date=' allows more basic freedom.. well maybe im talking about a "Democratic-Republic" but still.... i dont like the idea of a possible dictatorship, or massive control like that...



So im Biased becouse im a Coummist does that really merit a Neg rep


as i said in the pm, i am sorry.... more spontaneity to the biased definition i saw....

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Uhhm Slimey Anything is better then a Democratic govement especially a capitolist democratic goverment a goverment that promotes poverty and under education. although Fascist governments are openly racist extremly Extremly Nationalistic,and Treat there general population like crap. They do belive in a unionized state of goverment with a authoratian ruler. Instead of the whole population voteing self serving people to speak for them so yes fascism is better then capitolism not by a long shot but just enough

And ill change the topic to democratic to avoid the confusion im seeing

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Guest JoshIcy

ok to put it simply i like "capitalistic government" and im saying that very loosely because, with enough patience it can bend to desire.... whats better than a nice long game like that? i say nothing but that is strictly a matter of opinion....

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Guest JoshIcy

its more like a comfort factor.... and getting into a debate on this would force no winner... though i do understand why you believe as you do, and see how that is comforting....

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

IN a republic, the people can choose which laws govern them. Though fascism can sometimes result in a stronger, more united government, the lower class is far more likely to revolt in a fascist government than in a republican one. Considering the margin which the common folk outclasses the military in most fascist governments, revolts are normally crushing. Keeping a large military only increases the danger: treating lower-class soldiers badly could cause an armed military revolt. Republican governments result in higher morale and work ethic, therefore making it stronger overall than fascist governments. This is proven true now, in North America alone, even: fascist Cuba, which should have a strong government, is in awful condition, while the republican United States of America is the only world superpower still in existence.


Economically, capitalism admittedly surpasses communism in terms of the advantage of the disadvantaged. Capitalists have the opening for work incentive, therefore prompting people to work harder to expand the economy for greater rewards for themself. Communism, which promises equality, offers no work incentive, therefore disadvantaging those willing to work hard. As smaller cuts of an inflated economy surpass equal cuts of a shriveled economy, capitalism, which has a more expanded economy, offers a greater advantage to the least advantage, therefore surpassing communism.

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Uhhm Slimey Anything is better then a Democratic govement


Communism is democratic.





I laugh at your statements.



Fascism: Dictatorship

Nazism: German Fascism

Democracy: Government by the people

Capitalism: An economic form


I can see how a form of government is better than a form of economy.



I hope Lord Sheogorath sees this.

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