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[Finished]New to this: InsaneRoyalty vs Blue Amoonguss


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Starting off my newb-ness with a 1v1 contest. Let me know if you'd like to compete. The challenger will of course pick the card criteria and both players must adhere to the 1v1 rules. There is no entry fee and it will be based on a 3 vote protocol (3 votes wins). The winner will receive 1 Rep since I have no points so sorry about that. May the best card maker win! :D


Criteria: High rank XYZ monster with an alternate summoning 


[spoiler=Card A]                                                                                        createcard.jpg

3 level 10 monsters

You may also Xyz Summon this card by using 4 level 5 or higher monsters with different attributes as Xyz materials. Once per turn, you may change the Attribute of this card. You may detach 1 Xyz Material from this card to apply one of the following effects, based on the Attribute of this card:

LIGHT: Flip all cards on the field face-up. Spell and Trap cards are not activated at this time.

DARK: Draw 1 card from the bottom of your deck.

FIRE: Inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent.

WATER: Select one monster in your Graveyard, and add it to your hand.

WIND: Change the battle position of one face-up monster on the field.

EARTH: Destroy one monster on the field. This card cannot attack the turn you activate this effect.[/spoiler]



[spoiler=Card B]                                                                                  createcard1-1.jpg

2 Level 9 Rock-type Monsters
You may also XYZ Summon this card by banishing Rock-type monsters on your side of the field whose levels add up to equal this card's rank. You can detach 1 XYZ material to change all face-up Attack Position monsters on the field to Defense Position except this card.[/spoiler]
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This card is nice, though is quite generic and the classic "effects-soup" kind of card. Depending on the need, this card can change its attribute in order to accesso to different effects, however none of its element-triggered effects is broken. I think that card from bottom could not be drawn, it can be added. Considering that is not easy to bring out, its big variety of effs is acceptable. Nic pic, fits the concept perfectly



normal xyz summon requirement wants 2 lvl9 rocks...the only lvl9 rocks are a synchro and a fusion, hardly playable together. It can change b.position, but what it truly is, is a beater enough easy to bring on the field


I'm not sure, but i think that both cards' alternative summon conditions are not legit in current official game ruling. Vote A for overall quality

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Honestly, I think Card A is too weak, it's effects are not worth both Xyz Requirement and Summoning condition, the only great eff here is DARK, but detach 1 Xyz Monster from this boss-like monster to just draw 1? No, thanks. Card B looks better, the Summoning condition given here is easier and nice, and change all monster to face-down is also help those flip Rock monster, so from overall quality I vote Card B

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Hm...Card A is somewhat unsummonable right now due to the only deck that can usually do that (Dragon Rulers) have been limited, thus the 3 level 10 is the only realistic way of summoning it.


The effects are underwhelming at best. Burn 500/destroy 1 without being able to attack is not worth the effort.


Card B can still be summoned in a regular Rock deck, though not really that easy to summon. Its effect is not that good, but the stat and it being actually summonable without too much dedication made me vote for it.


Card B gets my vote.

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I vote Card B


Card A is too much effort and too much time to actually summon for what I would consider no pay off. Where as Card B looks like it was meant to be summoned by its alt summoning condition therefore making it usable. Though I am curious how its detach effect would be used since Card B seems like it can only be summoned by banish rocks.

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