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Normal Monsters Deck

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[align=center]* Just for the lulz *





* Monsters * * 20 *


*** Gene-Warped Warwolf ***

*** Luster Dragon ***

*** Gemini Elf ***

*** Frostosaurus ***

*** Alien Shocktrooper ***


** Renge, Gatekeeper of Dark World **

** Cyber-Tech Alligator **


* Summoned Skull *




* Spells * * 10 *


*** Dark Factory of Mass Production ***


* Non-Spellcasting Area *

* Lightning Vortex *

* Premature Burial *

* Monster Reborn *

* Heavy Storm *

* Giant Trunade *

* Mystical Space Typhoon *




* Traps * * 12 *


*** Common Charity ***

*** Birthright ***

*** Skill Drain ***


* Torriental Tribute *

* Mirror Force *

* Solemn Judgement *




* Deck * * 42 *





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Ditch those neo bugs and La Jinn and put in any other 1900 ATK+ monster or 2000+ DEF.


^Agree. I have a Normal Monster deck in real life, and I have 'Alien Shocktrooper's in it, and the Dark World normal monster with 2100 DEF. Also, you could throw in a 'Swing of Memories', and maybe a 'Symbols of Duty'. I also have 2 Blue-Eyes in my deck, but you don't have to add those if you don't want (I have a limited amount of cards to choose from, so that's why I have some weird choices :P).


Otherwise, pretty good deck.

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add a heart of the underdog






Non-Spellcasting Area?


Ditch those neo bugs and La Jinn and put in any other 1900 ATK+ monster or 2000+ DEF.


Otherwise' date=' alright. [/quote']


Frosto was already there.

MST added

N-S A I was thinking about it. Added 1.


Okay Done.





why 41?


Beacuse it is a number.



browarod: Never run BEWD!

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Non-Spellcasting Area?


Ditch those neo bugs and La Jinn and put in any other 1900 ATK+ monster or 2000+ DEF.


Otherwise' date=' alright. [/quote']


Frosto was already there.


Than you are running too many Tribute monsters. I recommed using 4 High Level monsters (level 5-6). Also, add 2 Exiled Force, since it can avoid being affected by Skill Drain

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