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Gods and Divine Beasts

N00B Hunter

Which Pair of gods needs most improvement (seriously, I WILL work on them..)  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which Pair of gods needs most improvement (seriously, I WILL work on them..)

    • Himran and Horrn
    • Atem and Aran
    • Tentheiz and Djiva

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Yeah! I made god cards and divine (or is it sacred?) beast cards! tell me if you like (or don't like... but the 1st one'd be better!)



Blazing Phoenix of Atem



Tentheiz the Ocean Dragon



Himran the Bringer of Suffering



Beastly Beasts:

Aran, Emperor of Raging Storms



Djiva, Emperor of Oceans



Horrn, Emperor of Painful Sacrifice



They seem pretty cool... but I guess there's a lot more left to improve on, right?




EDIT: Here's "Jack the Mancarver"... I made him a plant so he'd be unrelated to the "Sacred Beast" cards as much as possible, and so he'd also be isolated by the TCG. I hope you enjoy him! :)



Card Status: Semi-Limited


By the way, God Cards are not crap... they are a figure of imagination upon which many stories unfold. They are the beginning of ideas, the root of imagination. All stories start with god(s), so this is my way of starting my own story.

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Gods always = crap

The rest of the card are very good, just remember, don't cap opponent's ^_^

Also, you do have a few ocg errors. On the last card for instance, you say, when this card is in Attack position, it cannot be selected as an attack target.


It's supposed to be:

As long as this card is in Attack Poisition, it cannot be selected as an attack target by an opponent's monster.


I'm pretty shure thats what it supposed to be


Good luck to you in the future,


Yankeefan ^_^

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  • 3 months later...

Was this really 3 months ago? ... I'm terrible...


Anyway, I'm bumping this thread up to see what people think of it now (the site has changed..) and also because I'm adding a new card. I know it looks like It's got nothing to do with the Roman Idols (That's the gods' names) and the other "Sacred Beast" monsters... but I present "Jack the Mancarver"!!


-N00B Hunter-

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=/ The God Cards are cool' date=' text-wise. Though, you could find some more threatening pictures for them. The Water God...doesn't look too terrifying for a "Greatest being to rule the seas."



Yes i agree, the look of a god card needs to mean business

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=/ The God Cards are cool' date=' text-wise. Though, you could find some more threatening pictures for them. The Water God...doesn't look too terrifying for a "Greatest being to rule the seas."



Yeah... it's a long story behind the finding of pictures, but here it goes:

So, I analyzed the pictures of both the Sacred Beasts and Egyptian Gods. From a viewer's perspective, "Obelisk" looks forward, "Ra" looks to the right, and "Slifer" looks to the left; "Raviel" looks forward, "Uria" looks to the right, and "Hamon" looks to the left. In order to keep the combined pictures' style, I made "Atem" look left, "Himran" look right (just barely), and "Tentheiz" needed to look directly forward... So, if you find a better picture of a water dragon that looks directly forward, I would really like to know. Thank you.


Why did this thread get bumped? If youre trying to base the Beast Cards on the Sacred Beasts' date=' make them 10 stars.[/quote']

Try reading my post right before this one to find out why this was bumped.


And I found that the Sacred Beasts I made were too hard to balance with their desired summoning requirements and effects... I was going to make "Aran" lvl 11, "Horrn" 10, and "Djiva" 12... but then I just reminded myself that the summon was a Special Summon anyway, and they weren't going to be Tributed for any level-related things once they were out, so I just made them all lvl 12.


Yeah, Gods aren't so hot, but you can't make uber cards without other relations of some kind (BEWD has BEUD. DMoC has "Dark Magician". "Gogiga Gagagigo" has its three earlier stages, "Zorc" is a twisted version of the "Archfiend" monsters, etc.)...


Thank you for this consideration... and remember, I would be very indebted if you found some good pictures that followed the aesthecity format already prescribed... indebted to the point of a +rep, in fact... :mrgreen:

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