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Synchro Frame: Conception [IC]


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BGM: The Dnieper Rapids


Skirting along the outskirts of the battle, Owen attempted to get a clue as to what exactly was going on. One of the frames who he had considered an ally had been felled, unfortunately. However, he felt sad less at the actual loss of an ally, and more towards the fact that he didn't feel much at all. Perhaps a side effect of the day's earlier slaughter; it wasn't something he had tried all that hard to think about.

However, from his far-away artillery position, he didn't exactly have a clear idea of who the enemies and allies of the battle, save for the giant crab-esque rocket boat. He was never given a proper description of what his allies in the field actually looked like, and he had only managed to gain a few peeks at the twin's frame between his own micro-managing of Nakahi's repair. As such, he was forced to give his full attention to the large vessel of war. After all, if it fell, allies and enemies would become clear. The enemies would likely run, and we'd shoot them in the back. Easy.

Despite the distance, with only moderate zoom, Owen was able to get a good idea of the composition of the beast. Two large boosters on the side gave it the thrust it needed to reach such enormous speeds, while a giant plasma blade in the front gave dozens of SAF vessels more than just a run for their money. And that's not even to mention the seemingly hundreds of missiles tubes littered all over the top and sides of the vessel. Getting close in Nakahi's current state would be tantamount to suicide.

"Well, lucky me, getting close isn't exactly my specialty anyway."

He considered his combat options. Clearly, they're aware of his presence, but there are other, more pressing threats on-hand for them at the moment. Meaning, attending to a half-dead frame nearly 8 kilometers away would have to take a backseat to local targets. A perfect opportunity indeed.

Whilst trying to decide which part of the vessel to target from such range, he saw a large blast of misty blue light collide into the vessel, from what seemed to be around 20 kilos away from his current position. He quickly reactivated his zoom to examine to effects, only to realize the extent of the damage was blocked from view on his side. However, judging from the size of the smoke cloud and and few visible flames leaping over the vessel's horizon, it wouldn't be unusual to assume that the giant booster on the other side had been more or less disintegrated. The vessel's top speed quickly dropped to a fraction of what it was before, as Owen watched the booster on his own side power down almost entirely. Whoever was piloting that thing had realized the extent of the damage, and powered down both major engines to prevent some sort of catastrophic giant-boat-sized spin-out. Dozens of smaller jets activated on his side of the vessel, with him only assuming some had activated on the far side, giving the vessel some means of propulsion during the battle.

In that moment, Owen reconsidered his own means of attack. Originally, he had leaned towards the idea of taking out some of the missile tubes to lessen up the AA fire for the allies nearby. After all, even an indirect shot from a penetrating round should close off the tube itself, if not detonate some of the missile payload. However, with this new attack from what he could only assume was an ally, he had a better idea. A focused attack on the giant booster on his side might shake the structural integrity of the vehicle to such a degree that some major fuel line bursts and lights, or a payload is detonated. Either way, the chance of a catastrophic rupture was increased highly, and it was a chance he could not afford to miss. Plus, with its speed now reduced to a crawl of what it was, it was practically a sitting duck.

 He observed the movements of the fighting frames and checked his own motion tracker. No one was focusing on him, yet. He pulled down his long-range viewfinder, and began to take his own personal measurements, accounting for what his computer was telling him.

"...4 degrees to the left...adjust for movement...anemometer says...right. Right! We can finally be over with this fight!”

His adjustments complete, he pulled the trigger for his two Reverb-Cannons, bracing for the inevitable recoil of the cannons.


. .

. . .

Moments pass. Nothing. Dumbstruck, Owen pulls up the error monitor of his machine, looking through the errors for any that weren't supposed to be there. The one he saw, the one he didn't expect, caused him to slink down into his seat.

The barrels. They were warped. Oh-so slightly warped. In a way that the computer could not detect the difference in aiming and compensate. Neither could Owen leave his machine and check the difference for himself, as that would likely get him killed. Plus, such slight warps are not so easy to detect by eyeballing it anyway.

The automatic pilot preservation software attuned to the machine had prevented the cannons from firing, having detected an issue with the cannons, though not knowing what issue it was. However, the computer had run a small diagnostic check in that moment, and that was the conclusion it came to.

A few more moments pass. Owen finds himself in a cold-sweat, watching the battle go on, hovering in mid-air. What...what are my options? Long range was now out of the picture. From this distance, with these warped barrels, he'd never hit a dammed thing. Worse, he might accidentally hit an ally by chance. He could probably fire a shot or two via manual override of the APP, then adjust his shots to match the new trajectory, but then he'd very quickly lose his not-being-a-main-target status, and thus his element of surprise. Being a main target is no-good for an artillery user.

He closed his eyes, burying his chin into his upper chest.

"...I see.”

Just as soon as he lowered his head, it was back up, eyes filled with determination

"That's it then. My comrades have all died today, and even some of my new allies have joined my friends' ranks in the halls of hell. I suppose that today is the day I join them!"

That being said, he pressed forward on his joysticks, the then hovering frame now jetting forward at the maximum speed it would allow. He lowered his altitude to the point where he was almost skipping across the water like a giant, bullet-filled rock, passing through the occasional tip of a high wave on his way. The plan... the plan hadn't changed. Make that engine explode, and with any luck, the rest of the ship should go with it. However, they would likely realize his presence sooner than later now, as he lowered the difference between them and him. As he prepared to raise himself to a good altitude from some good ole' target saturation, several pillars of smoke suddenly appeared on his side of the target machine.


They had detected his presence far sooner than he anticipated, and suddenly found himself bobbing and weaving through water surges and oncoming missiles, few barely missing as they evaporated waves behind him. Owen was not quite used to such high-speed high-thrill combat, much preferring to sit back and take his time, and his inexperience was showing. A missile he thought to be a near-miss had turned to anything but, as it tapped the lower portion of Nakahi's foot. The small bit was enough to detonate the warhead. And while Owen had been in the middle of a roll when it impacted, letting him avoid much of the damage, he found himself partially lighter and particularly slower, as his machine warned him that his right leg was not functioning properly.

Or rather, wasn't there at all.

To his own surprise, he found himself flying straight into the air after that missile hit, not letting him have time to worry about his suddenly missing appendage. His spiral into the sky slowed as he regained control only to find him face to face with another batch of missiles heading his way. He found himself a good distance higher than the vessel he was facing, and... as if it was dumb luck, right within the range that he anticipated accuracy loss due to warping would become negligible.


He clenched his joysticks tightly. Jamming them to the left, he attempted to get a good aim on the target at hand, but found himself unable to do so amidst dodging the incoming missiles, which was only made harder by him missing a leg. Lacking balance and missing propulsion would only spell disaster at this rate.


A change of plans. He swapped the superheated rounds for his couple last plasma rounds. With the dodging of missiles, he'd never be able to get an accurate enough shot with superheated to deal any major damage, but with plasma... accuracy isn't exactly an issue here, though he had concerns about penetration power.


Another missile near-miss. This time, lucky enough to have it not detonate, but it sheared off Nakahi's only remaining hand. There was no more time.


Owen heard the notification tone. His rounds were loaded.


He used whatever power he had left to jet himself downward at an extremely rapid rate.


it all appeared to take less than half a second.


He could feel the last remaining leg impact into the water, only overruled by the recoil of his Reverb-Cannons, firing their payload straight ahead. Directly towards the remaining giant booster.


Owen had no time to see if it worked. His vision had already been clouded by the dark blue of the water, rendered dazed by the knocking around of such a sudden stop in the water.


Several missiles gave chase, following him into the abyss below.

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  • 1 month later...
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"Why am I not surprised..."


Gavin sat impatiently on the Bigbox's catapult deck, waiting for a Nimbus that had attempted an emergency landing and lost a leg to be cleared. True to form, the twins had launched before Gavin was even able to make it to his machine, though he would have been able to deploy on Owen's wing had the Nimbus not had the worst timing imaginable. He keyed in the crew chief's channel on his radio.


"Chief, you sure I can't just walk her over to the other catapult?"


"Sorry, but the last thing we need right now is someone coming in for a landing on runway 2 and colliding with that walking arsenal of yours. I can give you clearance for a vertical if you're that desperate, but I can't do anything else for you."


"Vertical wouldn't save me any time. I guess I'll have to wait. Please hurry would ya?"




"Th-this is Leo Vega!  I and Melissa Juniper are near the destroyed flight of Solstices!  There's an enemy Synchro Frame acting as escort for... something big!"


Almost instantly, Leo heard the familiar sound of the twins' voices, the high synch rate of the Drachenrand's AMS causing them to speak in near-perfect stereo sound. "Gott Verdammt!  Listen, Leo, this is Heinrich and Johan!  We are closing on your position, just hold out for a few more minut-


The remainder of the transmission was rendered inaudible by several of Canis's warning systems going off at once. Radar spike, S-field detectors, thermal energy readings. A quick glance at his auxiliary cameras and assistance from Canis's AMS ensured that Leo was able to avoid being hit head-on by the incoming plasma blast, though the sheer size of it and the small window of reaction time ensured that he was close enough to it for the heat of it to melt the armor and warp the the thrusters on Canis's damaged shoulder. This caused a propellant leak which ignited almost immediately, exploding and rendering the thrusters unusable as well as causing further damage to the arm.


"Left Arm. Heavy Damage sustained. Left Arm Thrusters destroyed. Arm Functionality down to 67%. Increasing Thrust power to compensate for loss. Overall performance decreased to 89 %. Safe Operation time decreased by 28 minutes."


Canis's computer retained its calm and reassuring tone. Its pilot, on the other hand, had been knocked cheek first into his control console by the blast, and was now dazed and bleeding just below his left eye. It took him a second or two shake off the pain and regain his situational awareness. Immeadiately, he dove so that Canis was out of sight of the enemy frames. He was lucky. Leo's sim dogfights against Gavin had taught him that, had either of the enemy pilots wanted to, that second or so of down time would have been all they needed to finish Canis off. From his lower altitude, Leo was able to observe the battle as it unfolded around him. Below, he saw the familiar blue-white glow of the Skyblaze's cannon blast impact the enemy's watercraft, a large explosion rocking its side as its propellant tank and engine assembly exploded. Turning his attention above, Leo saw the Drachenrand enter their airspace. Then he saw what was left of the Savior falling toward the water, and felt a chill run up his spine.


"She's.... no way..."


He could barely breathe.




"Great! Lets get on with it!"


Hailstorm leaned forward as the catapult rocketed it down the runway. In seconds he was away from the Bigbox and flying the same approach vector his subordinates had chosen. Gavin's machine's weight combined with his late takeoff ensured that it would be some time before he reached the combat zone, but nonetheless he was giving it all the heavy Synchro frame had. The transmissions he was picking up from his subordinates increased his sense of urgency. Things weren't going well, and without Hailstorm's heavy firepower TRAP might just be outgunned.


"Dammit, just my luck..." Gavin thought for a moment, then smirked. "Guess I don't have much choice, and after they were nice enough to reload me too." He keyed in a code on his control console, and Hailstorm's computer, its voice more robotic and masculine than Canis, responded.


"Manual equipment purge. Confirm?"






The frame shuddered as it shed armor, magazines, and weapons pods in rapid succession. Gavin had elected to shed almost the entirety of the assault armor, as well as the force rifle equipped to the rear hardpoint. The only extraneous equipment that now remained was the stabilizer shield, as well as the Hailstorm's radome and its 200mm cannon. Its speed summarily increased as Gavin chambered a round in the thud cannon and swung it up into firing position. He was vulnerable now, and he'd only have one good shot before Hailstorm was detected.




"That's it then. My comrades have all died today, and even some of my new allies have joined my friends' ranks in the halls of hell. I suppose that today is the day I join them!"


"Who is that?" Leo watched as an unfamiliar black machine approached the enemy watercraft below him, its pilot yelling out over TRAP's radio channel. It dove toward the water and opened fire, destroying the enemy weapon's other propellant assembly just before it hit the water, missiles exploding as they made contact with it and then the surface. The TF watercraft seemed to slow for a moment.






[ARMING MISSILE ARRAYS]....................................................DONE


Suddenly the Trilobite rocketed forward, almost as fast as it had been. Though it had lost a good deal of its ability to maneuver, it still managed a very wide turn as it moved to regroup with its escorts. All the while, it shot volleys of missiles at the Canis and the Drachenrand, giving Stellarion and Shizu fire support.


"Dammit! More of those?!"


There were too many to out-maneuver this time, especially with Canis's damaged thrusters, but Leo still had another option available. He dove, moving his SF as fast as his endurance would allow as the barrage closed in, missile warnings lighting up in the dozens as he got closer and closer to the water. At the last possible second, Leo pulled out of the dive, skating along the ocean's surface mere feet above the water. The exhaust from Canis's numerous thrusters kicked up and vaporized ocean water as it moved, creating a thermal screen that managed to make some of the missiles lose their lock on. As for the rest, Leo attempted to dispatch them with rapid burst from his plasma rifles, taking out additional warheads in the explosion of each one he managed to hit. He couldn't get all of them, but he was managing to evade them for now. Still, he and the twins were outnumbered, and only time would tell if Mira's sniper fire could take some of the pressure off before more reinforcements arrived.



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  • 3 weeks later...

It felt like things were moving in slow motion as the Drachenrand came in range to see the scene before them playing out properly. The savior, practically torn to pieces, was left falling towards the Atlantic after that strange Terran frame dropped it. The Canis was obscured from view by a shot from the other Terran Synchro Frame's plasma cannon, and it looked to the twins like both Leo and Melissa had been lost. Still, the two of them had finally gotten somewhere that they could do something about it. Just as they were getting in range, their target turned presumably to resume its escort duties. Well, they weren't bothered by hitting a Terran in the back so they followed after on an intercept course.


The sound of missiles rushing by as they failed to lock onto the Drachenrand reminded the twins that there was another enemy frame in the area. That strange blue-and-white thing that had fired on Leo and the Canis. They had to do something about that, now didn't they? The frame's left arm was turned directly backwards, leveling the rotating barrels of the now upside down GGC with their pursuer. Just as they were about to unleash a hail of fire upon it and hopefully give the pilot several new holes in its body, the frame they'd been set to intercept stopped dead and they were forced to evade it. A mid-air collision at mach speed wasn't exactly ideal for anyone involved. This unfortunately had them shooting out ahead of it, and so they spun the frame about and leveled both GGCs to the front. They targeted the Shizu with one, and the Stellarion with the other. The instant they had acquired both targets, they opened fire.


"Die, Hurensöhne!" They shouted as the sky was filled with the distinctive wailing sound of the two GGCs firing simultaneously. They were vaguely aware of what was happening below them with the Terrans' weapon, that between fire from a plasma cannon somewhere out of their sensor's range and the suicidal charge that Owen had made it was taking quite the beating. Not that they really cared. Right now all they wanted was to send that white-and-gold frame to the bottom of the ocean, and probably its friend with it. They kept on firing those GGCs in bursts of a few dozen 53mm rounds at a time, just dancing around through the air as they did. When that massive Terran weapon unleashed volley after volley of missiles in their direction, they had little trouble avoiding the masses of rockets that didn't even know they were there. All the while they were waiting, just waiting, for one of their enemies to make the fatal mistake of entering close combat with them. Hell, if they were lucky then maybe the black one that had shot down Lau-Lau would make an appearance.

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"Ah, the badger decided to dance." The black frame that he was attempting to ram turned and fired a barrage at his Stellarion and Shizu. Saria smiled as he had his frame narrowly dodge the barrage. The link he received indicated that some of the bullets did some damage to his frame as he was not able to dodge them all in time, but the damage wasn't anything concerning, at least for now. The thought of him being somewhat careless earlier almost causing his own downfall didn't cross his mind. it's a waste to dwell on it when he's facing someone as interesting as the pilot of the black frame.


Relying strictly on what his visual input could give him, Saria processed the frame's design, and assumed that it was mainly a close-range fighter from its build. It seemed that it's more focused on fighting the Vice Admiral, however, while dodging the missiles coming from the Trilobite down there. There's a sniper somewhere...Saria couldn't pinpoint its location, but he knew it's there somewhere. Shouldn't bother him too much.


There's, however, that one frame. The one that scraping the water surface now, avoiding the missiles. Saria had no intention of disturbing the Vice Admiral's fight, so he had Stellarion turn into its fighter configuration, before he went full speed towards the frame's direction. Stellarion was a frame made to outspeed, and it would definitely happen here. Micro-missiles fully loaded as he dived towards the frame, a childish glee formed on Saria's expression.


"You too, you shall dance too, little puppy."


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"Zan'nen'na", he muttered to himself as a large black frame introduced itself to the battle.  After a quick but rather merciful slaying of their comrade, this is how he was to be repaid?  Most unfortunate.  It fired enormous cannons towards him, one of which initially struck near the right sole of the Shizu's foot.  "That won't happen again," he said as the barrage of fire pierced the air, raining down towards him.  A quick change in flight pattern, and the remaining cannon fire was successfully avoided.  However, in the short time that he was avoiding enemy fire, the Trilobite had taken massive damage.  The blasted machine was acting on its own, so of course it couldn't account for human interference.  What to do?  


No time to make a decision.  The Trilobite was still in action, and now it was rocket-sledding towards the enemy, unleashing a hail of missiles.  The black frame swiftly dodged the missiles, but the other frame wouldn't be so lucky.  And Nisaria knew this as well.  It seemed as though TRAP only showed their faces if one of their own was in danger.  What better way to draw the enemy into a favorable position than to take out the stragglers that were already weakened?


A respectable move.  Zalwara dove, following hard on the port side of the Trilobite as Nisaria excelled past him.  And as they neared the Canis, Zalwara pulled up quickly, the rear of his frame facing the water.  The soles of the Shizu's feet were raised pointed directly into the horizon on which the Drachenrand was perched.  Firing off a volley of flares, the Shizu split its legs in mid-air, causing the flares to surround itself and Stellarion while cutting off the enemy frame from allied view.  If it was done correctly, the enemy sniper would also be temporarily blinded.  It flipped backwards, righting itself, as Zalwara changed positions in the Shizu.  It was time to play counter-initiation.  

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"Radar spike. Evasive action recommended."


"What do you think I'm trying to do?!" Leo yelled back at Canis's computer, continuing to accelerate in reverse as the missile barrage closed in. It was only thanks to his frame's speed that the warheads hadn't hit yet, and he was quickly running out of both distance as well as charge in his right fang rifle. There were simply too many missiles to knock off. Then, to make matters worse, his main camera lit up in brilliant white as flares detonated within his field of view. It was so bright that it hurt, and Leo had to shut his eyes, relying on the AMS input to keep Canis level and firing wildly at the incoming warheads.


"Radar spike. Evasive action recommended."


"Wait... that means something's locked on.... Another enemy!" Now clearly interpreting the computer's warning, Leo checked his radar display. four signatures. One was large, obviously the new enemy weapon. One, stationary and combat frame-sized, was marked friendly, probably the unknown allied pilot. The remaining two were therefore the enemy escorts. One was still high, the other, however, was rapidly descending toward him. As soon as this registered with Leo, several smaller signatures appeared from it: micromissiles. Wonderful.


Canis was fast, but that also meant it was lightly armored for a synchro frame. Between the damage it had already sustained, the number of incoming warheads, and the obvious skill of the enemies, a hit would mean a swift death.Whatever Leo did next, it was make or break.




"Parallel lock... manual fire link... find your targets..."


Gavin was within effective firing range now. Visual lock-on was still infeasable at his current distance, but thanks to the radome he could use Hailstorm's radar to lock on to his targets. Using Canis's IFF as a guide, he trained the 200mm on the largest enemy signature. The smaller two blips were each assigned a missile pod, hopefully enough to take some of the heat of of Melissa, Leo, Owen, and the twins.


"Wait for it..."


The larger signature swung around in an arc. Nothing that big would be able to turn again quickly. Now was his chance. A quick pull of the linked trigger, and Gavin's frame shuddered with the recoil of his weapons. Thud almost tore itself loose from its hardpoint thanks to Hailstorm's high speed and the lack of reinforcement that the assault armor would have provided. Luckily, Gavin was able to compensate, decreasing thrust on the left side for just long enough that he lost neither trajectory nor the gun, and suffered only minor structural stress to Hailstorm's left shoulder. The missiles would take a little bit to reach their targets, but the cannon shell...




Every pilot present was able to feel the shock wave as a large explosion rocked the trilobite's port side. It had exposed its broad side at precisely the right instant for Gavin's 200mm to impact its missile launchers, and the resulting warhead detonations were enough to blow the machine sideways across the water about 30 meters. It wasn't out of action yet, but the damage was extensive and its port side weapons were rendered useless. Its engines seemed to have suffered some internal damage as well, and as a result it began to slow.


At that exact instant, Canis's bifocal sensors rebooted, and Leo was able to see again. Trilobite's remaining missiles were mere meters from his frame.


"This better work!"


The AMS read Leo's input. Canis pitched its right fang rifle toward the incoming missiles, and Leo quickly locked onto it with the left, opening fire. The blast hit the gun's plasma battery, causing all of its remaining ammunition to bloom outward, annihilating several missiles and causing the rest to detonate from the shock wave. Behind them we're the Stellarion's micromissiles, which immediately lost their lock-on thanks to the heat of the explosion, some veering off wildly while others detonated when they came in contact with the shrapnel.


"Now its MY turn you stupid jabroni!"


Canis roared upward through the fireball it had created, plasma saber drawn in its free hand. He opened fire on the incoming Stellarion with his remaining gun, getting off two shots before he was within melee range. A quick boost to the side to avoid a head-on collision, and Leo took a slash at the enemy jet's wing. He wasn't going down without a fight.

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"...Where does that even come from?" Saria's sensors caught up with the fact that Trilobite had suffered from a direct hit, and the fact that there's no new craft in the immediate area meant that it was a long-range bombardment. He cursed inside as he started to try focusing on finding who fired the attack. However, the moment he shifted his focus from his prey, his frame detected a nearby explosion. He turned around to see what it was only to be greeted by the slim frame gunning straight at him. He shifted Stellarion fast enough to only have the shot as glancing hits, but the opposing frame used that moment to cut off one of Stella's side wings.

"...Ah, so you're not that helpless."


The angle was awkward for him to strike, and the temporary lost of balance was something he didn't really expect, but Saria used some of the momentum from the opposing frame's attack to position Stella on a good angle, before firing all of his boosters and ramming the opposing frame directly in full force before shifting into the fighter configuration. He had no time to deal with someone that only could hit him from a surprise attack. The black frame from earlier was more interesting, but Zal seemed to have taken dibs on it, but the main issue of now was, focusing on the shrimps made him fail the job he's assigned to. Saria's mind was a bit in a chaotic mess right now as he was still figuring out the best thing to do, before deciding to contact Zalwara instead.


"Vice Admiral, what is the best course of action to take now?


Your judgment, I'll trust it in this position."


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The twins were understandably upset when neither of the enemy frames turned to engage them, and especially so when the stupid gold-white frame turned away and tried to cover itself and its ally with a barrage of flares. Much as the twins wanted to engage it, they knew at some level that its retreat put it in a much better position than them. They couldn't exactly just rush headlong into the cover those flares provided and hope to hit it. So, in the mean time, they aimed their cannons towards the rough center of the ball of light the Shizu had produced and fired off a burst from each.


We have to avenge Schneke! One said, practically growling in anger as the pair set their frame strafing across the sky. Of course, the Other had a different idea.


Yes, but we can't exactly charge in there and hope for success... It was a pickle after all. Their enemy didn't seem to want to rush them, and they couldn't rush their enemy with the way things currently were. They needed some way to draw them out...

What about the weapon? The first said, and both looked down to the waters below where that strange ram of a boat was jetting about across the sea. Yes, that was certainly one way to make their enemy come and get them! Better yet, once they got close enough they wouldn't have to worry about supporting fire from the gold-white's ally. They wouldn't want to risk damaging the weapon they were escorting after all.


In a move that would almost certainly get them yelled at by Gavin when everything was said and done, the twins turned their frame nearly straight down and dove at the Trilobite. They also made the decision not to draw their frame's ECB just yet. As they dove towards it, they set themselves on a collision course with the thing just at the fore of the large flat portion atop its aft section. A few course corrections here or there to make sure they didn't collide directly with any missiles the thing was shooting out, and they brought themselves in for a decidedly rough landing upon the Trilobite itself. Of course they flipped about to land on their feet and fired up their Siedrich Thrusters for a few moments to slow their descent enough to not do structural damage. Still, the collision from something as big as a Synchro Frame at appreciable speed saw the outer layers of the thing's armor dented. A few stomps dented it further, and allowed the Drachenrand enough purchase upon the thing to hold up against sudden changes in direction or velocity from the thing.


"Alright, let's see if that hurensohn wants to dance." The twins said, turning their GGCs towards the Gold-white's position and firing off another pair of bursts. Less out of any intention to actually damage it, and more a sort of "come and get me!" The best part was that if they were ignored, they could just start cutting that precious weapon to ribbons. Of course if any of their allies decided to open fire on the thing they'd have to get moving, but that was an issue to deal with if it came up.

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"Vice Admiral, what is the best course of action to take now?


Your judgment, I'll trust it in this position."


Zalwara was just about to give Nisaria the okay to reengage the enemy, but the black frame before had just sneakily landed beside him.  In that same instance, a powerful array of cannons fired on the Trilobite, blasting it across the water. Zalwara immediately drew his weapon, but froze with his finger on the trigger as he noticed the enemy frame sitting atop the Trilobite now.  It fired a few taunt worthy rounds, but nothing worth noting.  And that's when Zalwara understood what was going on.  


In the rear of the battlefield, stood the Rook.  Able to accurately move and strike either target as she pleased from that distance.  The sniper on the opposing side of the battle field was still alive.  Before him stood two more pieces:  a Knight, and a Pawn.  The Pawn was already in danger, but moving on it would give the enemy opportunity to sweep the board with their Rook, and their Knight.  And even if they managed to sacrifice one piece on their board, the Queen was still alive, and had made it's presence known by blasting the Trilobite into its current state, rendering most of its weapons useless.


They had been checkmated.  Zalwara smiled, satisfied with the small victory they had achieved.  But he knew when he had been bested.  "Nisaria," he said sternly.


"We're pulling out.  Leave the Trilobite.  It's as good as done.  Return to the Dark Tide immediately," he ordered, before turning his back to the black enemy frame.  Sheathing his gun, Zalwara remarked in his head, "I'm sure we'll meet again," as he rocketed away from the enemy, and set his coordinates for the Dark Tide.



The Dark Tide




"Sir.  The Trilobite has suffered heavy damage.  Another barrage like that, and there will be no recovering it."


Takeo scoffed, shaking his head.  "It figures.  You send a machine to do a man's job, and this will always be the result.  Send in a clean-up crew.  Salvage what you can, and sweep the area.  Make sure you get the pieces of that frame that was massacred," Takeo ordered.




Takeo rubbed his chin, as he watched Zalwara and Nisaria begin to return to the Dark Tide.  "You've been bested.  How sloppy," he said softly.  "I want a full report when they land.  And send Zalwara to my office.  Black as well."  Turning on his heels, Takeo prepared to leave the main deck.

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It was equal parts vindicating and frustrating to see that gold-white frame and its partner turn and run away. On the one hand, the twins had essentially ended the battle just by getting into the right place at the right time. On the other hand, Melissa's- no, not killer. They couldn't think about it like that, not while there wasn't any proof she was dead. Just like Lau-Lau, they weren't willing to give up on her just yet. Of course, there was a problem. As long as the damnable hunk of metal they were standing on continued to be, they wouldn't get the chance to look for her.


"Only one thing to do then," said one, the other nodding his approval. Their right hand lifted up and reached behind their frame’s form, where it found and took hold of the hilt of their waiting blade. The curved weapon was drawn, and brought before the Drachenrand’s chest. The edge was dull, more useful for bashing through armor than actually cutting it and the blade did not gleam in the sunlight for lack of polishing. Still, soon enough, this weapon would rival the sun itself in brightness. The left hand came to grip the hilt along with the right, the tip was pointed down to the armored hull beneath them, and a flick of a switch brought the ECB to life.


The air was filled with a crackling sound as the weapon was shrouded in an electromagnetic field. Subtle electrical arcs sparked across the blade’s length, and every loose metallic thing around it was drawn towards it. Whether that was a bolt knocked loose, or a fragment of armor blown off by one of the many impacts the Trilobite had taken, many things were drawn to it in the first few moments. Those that had come close were incinerated in a moment as plasma flowed out from ports in the ECB’s hilt and was trapped within the field. It glowed blue, so very bright that it was painful to look upon without optical protection, and surged against the field for another few moments before everything fell into a more stable state.


With their weapon ready, the tip was driven through that armored hull as if it were simple cloth. The metal touched by the plasma was incinerated, and much of it around the point of impact was melted into little glowing rivers that drained into the body of the machine. A few quick swipes of the Drachenrand’s arms, and they had cut open a hole into that monstrosity that was large enough for them to enter through. And so they did, hacking and slashing their way about as they carved a path down into the machine. Hydraulic lines were cut with a burst of smoke and a rain of the colored fluid, wires were torn apart and produced a rain of sparks around them, and fuel lines burst open with explosive force and poured burning fluid throughout the machine. The twins tore apart all before them with nearly reckless abandon, taking the giant machine as a poor replacement for the gold-white frame, their preferred opponent.


Eventually, they reached the heart of that machine: the immense ship-class ST Drive that provided it with power. Though they were angry, enraged in fact, they were not foolish enough to actually cut at that thing. If they breached the reactor, they would only be caught in the catastrophic bloom of plasma to follow and then who would be left to find Schneke? Instead, they found the systems surrounding it that were important to its function. Emergency vents were melted shut with a simple swipe of their blade, the main power lines leading from it were cut to deny the rest of the machine the ability to function, the cooling system about it was torn apart so that the coolant joined the chaotic mess of fluids throughout that monstrosity’s hull, and the various systems designed to prevent electrical overload inside of it were torn apart. When they were done, it did not take long for the first signs of their work to make an appearance. Already the monstrous armored shell that protected the reactor was beginning to smoke as it was heated from within. They did not stay to watch, turning away and setting about cutting their way out of the machine.


Their new path took them away from the reactor, and back towards the aft section of the ship. As they went, they made sure to cut into as many flammable objects as they could so as to set fires beneath that immense missile launcher the machine had used to decimate the Solstices. They cut a new exit in the machine’s hull, out the port side of the aft, just as the armored core had begun to glow cherry red across the whole of its form. They throttled their thrusters up to full, and blasted away from the Trilobite with a sonic boom. Deciding they should make their second in command aware of the situation, they opened up a comm link with the Hailstorm.


“Vizekommondant,” the two of them said in perfect unison, “we would like to inform you that the enemy’s new weapon is no longer a threat.” Shortly after they said that, the Trilobite’s core was finally breached and it sprayed plasma into its main body with explosive force. The hull was blown apart as the sheer volume of energized Hydrogen pressed against it, and the battlefield was bathed in a baleful light. Immediately thereafter, the remaining payload of its various munitions caught and the whole of its hull was covered in a smattering of smaller explosions. These inevitably spread to the burning missile launcher, which went off like a giant pack of firecrackers. One missile detonated, those around it followed, and so on until nothing was left of them. It was not long before all that remained of the Trilobite was a slowly sinking, burning wreck.  “We will begin searching for the remains of the Saviour.” Their tone did not imply that they were open to discussing that course of action, and they shut off the comm link before Gavin could try and order them to do anything else.


Hold on schneke, we’re coming! The Drachenrand turned back towards the water and dove, whereupon they began scanning about with every sensor their frame carried. They had no intention of letting this end like their engagement over Ireland.


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Leo felt a rush as his saber sliced through one of the enemy frame's wings, both relieved an exhilarated that he'd managed to fight back. However, he barely had time to process it before Canis was rocked by a massive impact. Leo's head slammed into the side of the cockpit, knocking him into a daze as blood started to ooze down his face from a fresh wound on his head. Luckily for Leo though, the enemy pilot didn't seem very interested in pressing his advantage, instead opting to maneuver back toward his wingman in the gold-white frame.


At that moment, the missiles Gavin had fired from range arrived on the battle scene, their warheads detonating just as the enemy Synchro Frames began to break off. Though they all missed, the explosions provided enough cover for Gavin himself to enter the Trilobite's airspace and assess the situation.




Though Skunk's radome was picking up Leo and Mira just fine, there was no sign of either Melissa, Owen, or the Twins in the immediate area. The enemy frames seemed to have bugged out, and Terra Firma's new weapon appeared to be heavily damaged. Gavin trained his weapons on it again, but let go of his triggers as he observed the Drachenrand cut its way out of the hull.


“Vizekommondant, we would like to inform you that the enemy’s new weapon is no longer a threat.


They had barely finished their sentence when the vessel exploded, the blueish glow of a plasma bloom mixing with orange and black of warhead detonations and smoke as it took on a list and began to sink below the waves. Gavin approved.


“We will begin searching for the remains of the Saviour.”


The message gave Gavin a chill. "They got Mel?" Immediately he tried responding to Johan and Heinrich, but they'd shut off their radio, no doubt assuming he'd call for a retreat after he arrived. Ignoring their insubordination for the moment, Gavin adjusted the Hailstorm's radome in order to scan for the smaller targets that would make up the Savior's remains. With any luck, Melissa would be found with them.




It took a few seconds for the throbbing pain of his head wound to snap Leo out of his shock. In that time though, the airspace he was hovering in had changed drastically; filled with smoke and noticeably lacking any sort of enemy presence. Then the Hailstorm's IFF appeared on his HUD as it flew by, and Leo found himself fully back in the moment. He wiped the blood out of his eye and raised Gavin on the comms.


"Lieutenant Commander."


"Ensign. You alright Leo?"


"I'm alright for the moment." His head wound really hurt, but now didn't seem like a good time to complain about it. "Gavin, its Melissa, she-"


"I know. The twins and I are sweeping for her right now. We also had another SF with us. Do you know what happened to him?"


"Another one... oh!" Leo remembered the ally he'd seen engage the enemy ship. "He took a hit and ditched in the water."


"Did he sink?"


"I... I don't know, sir."


"Alright. You saw him go down, do a sweep and see if you can find that frame. Its floats might have engaged."


"What about Mel?"


"Leo, go." Gavin glanced at his FLEETCOM readout, which showed him text messages that contained orders from the battlegroup commanders. "The fleet's pulling out, and we're leaving with them. We don't have that much time. Do as you're ordered, soldier."


"But, Gavin. I'm her-"


"LEO! That's an order! Or do you just wanna leave that pilot out here?!"


"Yes sir..." Without any further discussion, Leo flew toward the remains of the enemy vessel while Gavin continued to search using his radome, all the while flying after the Drachenrand.




"Come again?"


"Word from the Dark Tide says contact with Trilobite has been lost."


Miles shrugged his shoulders. "So long as we have the combat data we need. The loss of a single prototype shouldn't be much of an issue. Have Admiral Yoshino send in a recovery unit. Get whatever pieces of it they can and send them back to Anaheim, if you please." He stopped for a second. "Oh, and send the Admiral my regards, would you? Wouldn't want him to consider me unappreciative, now would we?"


With that, Miles Gründer made his way out of the ops center. Satisfied that battle had gone exactly as planned...




Gavin grimaced. It had been nearly 10 minutes. Too much debris in the water, too little time to analyze it all. It was apparent that they weren't going to find Melissa before they had to leave the combat zone. Then he heard Leo's voice on the radio again.


"Gavin, I found your guy. IFF began transmitting again. SFS-2C Nākahi right?"


"That'd be it. Is he alright?"


"Torso's floating, I'm not getting any responses."

"His radio might be busted. Canis should be able to carry the torso. Go down there and recover it, then head for the coordinates I'm about to send you. Albatross will be there to pick you up. Is that understood?"


"Yes sir. Roger." This time, Leo complied. Making his way to just above the surface of the water, he attached a 2-way contact link to the Nakahi's torso, hoping to get a verbal response from the pilot as he dipped his frames arms into the water. "If you can here me, this is Ensign Leo Vega of TRAP. I'm going to try and pick up your machine, so you may feel a little jolt..." Without pausing, Leo pulled upward, using the AMS to tighten Canis's grip on what was left of the Nakahi. It was a bit awkward, but he managed to hold onto it as he made his way up and out of the battle zone, a sickening feeling strengthening in his gut as he left the carnage behind.




Now it was time for the inevitable. After sending a message to Mira ordering her to withdraw, Gavin accelerated as close as he possibly could to the Drachenrand and attached a contact link to its frame. His voice sounded metallic as it reverberated through the cockpit.


"Johan, Heinrich, we have to go. The enemy's going to be here in a few minutes and the two of us aren't in any shape to fight them off. Melissa's going to have to fend for herself." He moved the Hailstorm within feet of the black machine, putting his rifle up to the back of its cockpit with just enough force that the twins would feel it. Even through the link's distortion, his tone was still audibly serious, much moreso than even his normal in-action tone of voice.. "I'm sorry boys, but this is an order. We can't afford to lose you two, too." He hated having to do it, but there was little chance that they would listen to him otherwise.





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Ten minutes. Ten long minutes, and they didn't have anything to show for it! They knew she had to be there somewhere, she had to be alive floating in the wreckage and she had to be waiting for them. They'd seen the Saviour go down, but why couldn't they find it?! They knew where it had hit the water, and they'd been circling that spot in steadily wider circles for the whole of the last ten minutes, but they still hadn't found anything! 


No matter, They thought, we just have to keep looking. We won't give up! They couldn't bear to lose another of their team like that, least of all Melissa. With Lau-Lau gone, she had been the biggest reason the team had managed to stay together. As a matter of fact, the sea around them was starting to look a lot like the Highlands they had suffered their first loss in. They just resolved to keep searching, and the Drachenrand's motions were becoming plainly frantic as they abandoned the more orderly method of searching. They were just about to resort to cutting open the hull of a partially sunken vessel to see if she'd somehow gotten trapped inside, when a metallic klang resounded, followed by the Lieutenant Commander's voice.


"Johan, Heinrich, we have to go. The enemy's going to be here in a few minutes, and the two of us aren't in any shape to fight them off. Melissa's going to have to fend for herself." That was unacceptable! Absolutely unacceptable! They were preparing to throttle up again and tear away from the Hailstorm, when another, deeper metallic sound rang out as they felt something strike the cockpit. Given the proximity that their CO was to them, it wasn't hard to figure out what the situation was. "I'm sorry boys, but this is an order. We can't afford to lose you two, too." And there it was. Just like back with R&D, they were an asset. Military hardware to be pointed at the enemy, just like any gun. It wasn't pleasant to be reminded of the fact.


The twins weren't exactly given much of a choice. Turn around and go back to the Albatross, or have their cockpit incinerated and be sent to the bottom of the ocean. The thought crossed their minds of cutting the Hailstorm in half, but with Gavin only needing to pull a trigger while they would have to move their entire left arm. Maybe they could take one hit from the plasma rifle, because why would Gavin be threatening them with anything else, and if they were exceptionally lucky they could take two, but then they would end up being left there alone and even if they found Melissa they wouldn't have a place to take her. A few tense seconds after Gavin's threat, the click of a radio link being established broke the relative silence of the Hailstorm's cockpit.


"Understood." Another click, and it was shut off again while the Drachenrand began flying off towards the Albatross. They'd settle things later, when they had the chance to meet the Vizekommondant face to face and didn't have a plasma gun to their back.

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It felt like many hours had passed.  She had grown very cold due to the water, and she would soon be exposed to hypothermia.  "I guess this is it," she thought to herself, blind in the middle of the ocean.  But as she heard a loud buzzing, she realized someone was heading her way.  Calmly, she tried to identify the direction they were approaching her from, waving her hands.  What Melissa did not realize, however, was that these people who had spotted her were not friendlies.  She heard the hammer of a rifle cock backwards, before being ordered to, "slowly motion in this direction with your hands above the water."


She said nothing, back pedaling towards the enemy.  "Damn," she thought as her back came into contact with a rubber raft.  Her hands were snatched up, and she was pulled into the raft.  She didn't bother fighting off the guards.  She was too cold and too worn to put up much of a fight.  They would have killed her, and she knew it.  Melissa easily went into handcuffs, as she was forced down onto her knees.


"Let's go!  The clean-up crew is done!  Let's get the hell out of here!"


"Clean-up crew? They must be taking in the scraps.  The scraps of Saviour," she thought, with a heavy heart.  "How did it come to this?  How did I screw up so badly?  If I make it out of this, I'm probably going to be discharged.  My life is over."  Melissa's irrational, over-the-top thinking was likely attributed to her sense of failure in allowing a billion dollar machine to be destroyed, on top of putting her allies and herself in danger.  She held very little value to her own life, in comparison to that of her teammates.  And it showed.


She could hear a heavy crane behind her now, and the sound of metal being bashed together, likely inside of a large net.  The raft she was on made a harsh jolt, as it turned around suddenly, and raced across the water.  Two and a half minutes later, it slowed to a crawl, as a familiar voice called down to the raft.


"Is that her?" Zalwara asked, his arms behind his back as he traversed down the stairs.


"Sir.  We found this one near dead in the water.  Should be your pilot."


Melissa remained silent, closing her eyes out of anguish, disgust, and frustration.  Zalwara closed in on the raft, to get a better look at Melissa.  He lowered an arm, outstretched, and placed a gentle hand under her chin.  He rotated her head slowly left, and then right.  "Open your eyes," he demanded.  "I want to see the fear in your soul."


Melissa refused,  She shut her eyes tighter.  She wouldn't give this man the pleasure he desired.


"Open them!" Zalwara barked.  The crew of guards tightened their grip on Melissa, and forced her head to tilt backwards, as she reluctantly opened her eyes.


Zalwara took a small, portable flashlight from his pocket, and began examining Melissa's eyes.  "You're . . .blind?" he said slowly.  He put the flashlight away, and ushered the guards forward.  "Take her to the medical bay.  After she's been checked out, you can put her in a holding cell."


"Sir!" someone called behind Zalwara, above the stairs.  


"What is it?" he said turning around.


"Admiral Takeo has requested your presence in his quarters immediately."


"Thank you," Zalwara said dismissing the seaman.  He quietly walked up the stairs behind the capture crew and Melissa, a single thought on his mind.  "Remarkable," he thought to himself.  He could be sure that Takeo was waiting for him, and so Zalwara went silently to the Admiral's chambers.






"Take a seat, Zalwara," he said opening a palm and gesturing to an open chair.  Zalwara obliged, taking the seat across from Takeo.  He stared across an empty chess board, watching as Takeo reached into a wooden crate to retrieve a cigar.  Takeo sat down in his fine, black leather chair, posing a question to his Vice Admiral.


"So.  What happened?"


"The inevitable," Zalwara said immediately.


Takeo sighed, cutting the end of his cigar.  He flicked his lighter, and gently caressed the end of the cigar with its flame.  Taking a small, calculated drag from the savory treat, Takeo blew smoke behind him, politely turning his head.  "Humor me, Zalwara.  Miles Gru-ten-tag--"


"Gründer ."


"Whatever,  That little prick sent us what was supposed to be a new Naval Super Weapon, fitted to take on entire fleets.  But it went down in less than a day.  And from what little I saw, you put in a poor amount of effort to protect the Trilobite."


Zalwara picked up his right leg and crossed it over the left.  Sitting back in his chair, he calmly stated, "I saw no reason to jeopardize mine and Nisaria's lives any further.  Not for a machine that--for all its investment--could barely stand up to a few enemy frames."


Takeo chuckled, as an electronic tablet on his bedside table blinked to life, grabbing his and Zalwara's attention.


"Are you going to answer that?" Zalwara asked, clearly annoyed by the tablet's chime.


Takeo puffed on his cigar again.  "Probably not," he said kicking back, as his chair reclined.


Just then, a subtle shiver from the bed indicated someone was beneath the covers, as a completely nude Lady Black rolled over from beneath the sheets.  Zalwara quickly averted his gaze, opting instead to stare at the wall.  


"It's for you, Takeo.  It's from Miles."


Sighing, Takeo stood up, shaking his head at Zalwara.  "Thank you Kassandra," he said walking over to his wife, and receiving the tablet.  He slid a finger across the screen, and opened an electronic message.


"Tch.  Bit of a brat, isn't he?" Takeo said sliding the tablet back down onto the bedside table.


He resumed his position sitting across from Zalwara, as Lady Black sat up right, a sheer bed sheet spread softly over her chest as she watched her two favorite men.


"What of the recovery--hey.  Hey.  Look at me," Takeo said snapping a finger at Zalwara.  "What the hell is wrong with you, Zalwara?  You're flustered around my wife.  You disregarded your assignment.  And you've been very conflicted towards me.  You're completely off of your game."


Zalwara sighed, gripping his forehead.  He looked Takeo straight in the eye, and told him the truth.


"The other day.  Ms. Black tried to seduce me."


Takeo sat back, folding his arms.  "I know.  And?  That can't be all that's brought you down a peg."


Zalwara's eyes widened, but quickly turned sharp.  "Did you put her up to it?"


Takeo shook his head.  "Even if I did, what's that got to do with you loosening up a bit?  That tense, quiet, 'lone wolf' drama isn't going to make you a better pilot, or a better soldier.  Kassandra offered herself to you because you've been blue-balled into releasing all of your stress on the battlefield.  And this is the first time we've fought in some time.  And look at the mess."


Zalwara sighed, shaking his head.  "What did you want from me?  To defile your wife?"


Takeo waved a hand.  "Maybe.  I don't know.  My point is, you need to get over yourself.  Change your attitude or these men will always see you as nothing but a hard dicked pilot with no heart.  You can't lead this crew if you don't open up to them.  Now then," he said sitting back again.


"What of the recovery effort?"


Zalwara dismissed the thoughts of Takeo as he returned information on the mission.  "Did you not get the report?"


"No.  Not yet.  But you were down there.  What do we have?"


"Scraps of the Trilobite.  Whatever Miles wanted should likely be in tact in the wreckage.  And we recovered one of the enemy pilots."


Takeo sat forward now, listening intently.  "Oh, really?  And who do we have?"


"I don't have a name yet.  But she's currently being exam--"


"I'll go and see for myself.  Where is she?"


"The Medical Bay."


"Good.  Then you'll come with me.  It's not as if you would take the chance with Kassandra here anyway," Takeo joked, standing to his feet.  "Come."

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It was dark. And damp. And cold. Wetness seemed to seep into the pores of his skin. A single eye opened. He had a splitting headache. He could feel a reopened wound drip warm blood over his eye. A splash of water lapped across his face. He could see he was neck deep in water. Any other position, and he probably would have drowned. He suddenly wondered if his operating system could be salvaged. It was hard to breathe. Probably not much breathable air left. He coughed. An oxygen mask floated nearby, still attached to its source. He gently reached for it with his right arm. No response. Ok, left arm then. There we go. He lightly held it to his face, and tried to breathe as deep as he could. It wasn't much, but it was some.


He could hear a clang from outside. No idea. Probably some debris. The water is likely full of it right now. He wondered how he would get out of this situation. He placed his chances between maybe, and statistically impossible. He took another breath. A little deeper this time. He could feel his body coming back to life. All he could feel was pain. He wished his body hadn't come back to life. He looked around in the dark, with a single low-power light online. The cockpit was mangled. He couldn't rip that open. The hatch was electronically operated as well. There's no way it still has power. A muffled voice. He realized his ears were ringing. Someone was talking to him. He couldn't understand what they were saying. He tried to offer a response. Words escaped him. He tried again. Nothing as well. He needed something.


He could feel a slight jolt on the machine. Light g-forces tugged at him. He was being pulled. Someone was taking him somewhere. He tried to speak again. Nothing. With as much energy as he could muster, he let out a semi-loud cough, with the unfortunate side-effect of going into a minor coughing fit. Pain surged through his system. He prayed he did not have nervous system damage. His eyes began to droop, despite the new sensations he were feeling. Is this what death is like? There's no way I'm dying. He fought to stay awake. He placed the mask back to his mouth.


Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

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October 23, 2220

1802 Hours

Mid-Atlantic Ocean


Over an hour had passed since the end of the battle with Terra Firma's Atlantic fleet. According to FLEETCOM, SAF's last attack run had been a mixed bag. Though suffering 60% casualties, the combined naval and airborne strike force had managed to inflict serious damage. TRAP's strike against the weapon now officially code named "Lobster" by SAF had been the difference maker, evening the odds just enough so that the bulk of SAF's remaining forces could weather the assault and accomplish most of the operation's secondary objectives. Despite this, their primary objective: to neutralize the TF fleet, had not been accomplished; the SAF force having suffered too great a loss to continue the battle. What was left of their forces were steaming northeast toward friendly territory in western Europe. As for TRAP itself, the Albatross was headed southeast: back to Italy and home base.


SFS-04 Hailstorm was the last of TRAP's Synchro Frames to land. Gavin had elected to stay airborne awhile longer, sanitizing the Albatross's airspace and making sure the massive plane wasn't being followed or tracked. It took longer than expected, Gavin having to take down a reconnaissance aircraft and a stray Catapult that happened upon them before the 'tross changed its course and was safely out of enemy territory. She was passing through a thick layer of storm clouds now, the wind and rain washing over the Hailstorm as it touched down on her flight deck. Not wanting to get soaking wet, Gavin eschewed standard procedure and walked Hailstorm into its berth himself, exciting it inside the hangar where it was mostly dry. After jumping down from the cherry-picker he had a brief word with one of the mechanics.


"Give her a good once-over before you worry about attaching new assault armor, chief. Took a few more hits out there than I would have liked to. Pretty sure there's some internal damage."


"Will do, sir, but that'll have to wait until later. We've gotta inventory whats left of that black frame your new kid brought back, plus Canis and Drachenrand are a bit banged up themselves. And don't even get me started on Messiah.


"We took a licking, that's for sure. Well, I'll leave you be, gotta go see my team. Best of luck."


"You too, sir."




"Tsssss- Watch it!"


"I know it stings, just bear with me hon, I need to have a look at it."


Leo winced as the Albatross's doctor, a rather sweet looking woman in her 30's, looked over his head wound. It was quite clearly not a serious injury, but she had to determine if he'd need stitches or not. After a moment she smiled at him, though it was more of an apologetic one than a happy one. "Sorry, but I'm gonna need to stitch you up."


"Is that gonna... is that gonna hurt?"


"Only a little... you've never had stiches before, have you."


Leo didn't respond. Instead he just stared at the wall after she trailed off. The Doctor gave him a moment as she got her implements.

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Outside of the medical bay, Saria silently watched the recovered pilot being prepared for examination. He still vividly remembered how he almost pulled his gun and fired at her when she was found earlier, perhaps out of frustration. Had Zalwara wasn't there, he probably would've done it. Didn't matter anyway, not like he had any intent of doing a similar thing now. The fact they bothered to take her in instead of just letting her float away and wither on the seas was something to be thought about. Saria didn't see any point in taking a prisoner. and if she's just a grunt, it's not like they'd find anything valuable on her mind. Unless...she's the one Synchro Frame pilot downed in the battle earlier.




Thinking about the battle earlier made the young boy's blood to heat up. He had failed miserably. Failed to protect the object he's been ordered to, and his performance during the battle itself was really sub-par. Was it his mind? Was something clouding him from doing his best? Saria thought of asking the Vice-admiral about this. He felt weak. He hated it. This way, he wouldn't be able to protect his captain, who always trusted him no matter what. He wouldn't be able to protect Rio as he had promised to her once. And...he would just make her older sisters disappointed by being like this. One that already been taken to the heavens above, and one...


"....No use in wasting my time here."


His plan was originally to wait for the Vice-admiral to be there, as he had expected Zalwara to come visit during the examination. But, Saria realized that he could use the time spent there for training instead. And perhaps his Frame could use some slight redesigns as a form of update to it. He felt somewhat uncomfortable with it earlier, and there should be a way to make his movements flow better in it. Zalwara said earlier that he had potential. But potentials would be useless if they're not realized into something more concrete. And that wouldn't happen if he's just standing around there being annoyed by himself.


Still grumbling and busy with his thought, Saria walked back to his room, not even bothering to put up a smile like he usually did to others as he did so.



"Tch, one day I'll go punch that man in the face for being such a pain in the ass."


Sitting alone at the hangar, Adelheid was clearly looking quite annoyed. Not long earlier Atelier made her leave as the scum known as his father decided to call her in earlier than planned for some examinations. That creep would probably just continue using his own daughter as a test bunny. Hopefully she could return before it's too long. Though worse, the mechanics couldn't finish Avalon's repairs in time for her to sortie against the new Terra Firma weapon, all thanks to half Aeolia being a big pain in the ass as usual, and half because she admittedly got way too carried away when it comes to showing off to her subordinates. Waiting was really boring.


Speaking of Aeolia, as much as she would hate to openly admit it, Adel was relieved that the yelling jabroni was still alive, and not too injured at that. Perhaps it's just because annoying the scientist had been quite a good past time activity for her to do, though it's perhaps had something to do with the fact Adel still owed her something. She also considered her to be a colleague especially after that one past project...and she's probably the only person remaining that could remind her of their old friend, Weiss.


"...Huh, they're back already?"


The hangar was opened, and the first one to arrive was the Canis, looking quite battered up and carrying something with her. Remains of a Frame? She could see Leo and then someone from the thing Canis brought being immediately dragged to medical care. Not long afterwards, Drachenrand arrived, though she didn't see where did the twins go after returning, Skyblaze also returned, but just like the twins earlier, Adel didn't see where Mira went. Two more left.


Quite a while later, Hailstorm returned. No signs of Savior. Adel's expression changed in that instant as she recalled something similar not far too long ago.


"...No, don't be silly. She's probably just patrolling out there."


However, her own attempt to calm herself failed miserably. The flashes to what happened with Lauren returned. As her worry and bad feeling hitting a point where she couldn't hold herself back anymore, with haste she rushed towards her second in command with a questioning look on her.


"Vice-commander Gavin...


Melissa, where is she now?"


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As soon as the Drachenrand set down in the Albatross' launch bay, the twins set about getting themselves out of the cockpit as quickly as they could. More than usual, they had grown horribly uncomfortable being strapped into that multi-million dollar piece of flying metal. The stresses of one were bleeding over into the other's mind, and the confusion of identities was growing unbearable. The second the cockpit entrance on the machine's back opened up, they hurled themselves out of it and threw their helmets at the wall, with a cry of equal parts sadness and rage, in perfect unison. They stood there on the raised platform for a moment, their breathing ragged and their bodies shaking, as the shock of their rushed disconnect from the AMS left them momentarily dazed and unable to form coherent thoughts. They barely even registered it as the raised platform onto which they had leaped began to lower to the ground, and it wasn't until a pair of medics went to check on them that they managed to snap back into awareness. They waved off the medics without a word, and then set about doing what needed to be done.


Johan took up a position behind the Drachenrand's left leg, but with clear line of sight to the Hailstorm's stall inside the hangar, while Heinrich walked off and put on a show of speaking with some of the mechanics about something or other regarding repairing and rearming the Drachenrand. It was just a matter of waiting for things to fall into place. Mira returned to the hangar, but they didn't pay her any mind. All they cared about was what came next.


The Hailstorm returned to the Albatross.


Heinrich began making his way over to the newly arrived frame, more specifically towards the base of the cherry picker that their CO had ridden down from his cockpit on. He kept his pace slow, just slow enough in fact that he wouldn't arrive too quickly and end up distracting Gavin while he was too close to the cherry picker. His being alone shouldn't really have been much of a surprise, given how Johan tended to go off to his own quarters and shove his face in a book when they returned. When Gavin had stepped off of the Cherry Picker, he noticed that Adelheid had stepped up to talk to him, presumably about the missing Saviour. That would make things somewhat more complicated, but it was too late to call off things.


"Hey Decker!" Heinrich called out, continuing his approach, "Got a minute?" It didn't really matter if Gavin even acknowledged him. All he needed to do was distract him for just a moment.


Because the instant Johan noticed Gavin look over at his brother, he bolted out from behind the Drachenrand's leg as fast as his feet would carry him. About three feet from where the Lietenant Commander was standing, he leaped into the air and drew his right arm back behind his head with his hand balled into a fist. The leap carried him forward, and his fist was sent hurtling towards the side of Decker's head. In the moment after his fist made contact, Heinrich rushed forward to join in the assault. Rather than throw a punch of his own, he lashed out with a sweeping kick to take Gavin's legs out from under him. The end result could really only be the Lieutenant Commander hitting the deck.


"What the f*** were you even thinking ordering us out of there?!" Johan screamed, flaring emotions bringing his accent out in full force. "Five more minutes. Five more f***ing minutes and we could have found her!"


"You abandoned her just like you abandoned Lau-Lau!" It was Heinrich's turn to scream, the two of them standing over their downed commander and only barely restraining themselves from setting about him while he lay there on the deck. "What the f***, Decker?! What kind of f***ing commander leaves one of his god damned pilots behind, huh?! F***ING ANSWER ME!"


"First Lauren, Now Melissa, it's almost like you don't even care if all your pilots are captured by the enemy! And don't even start with that bull about Lauren being dead. We examined her crash site ourselves, we KNOW that wasn't severe enough to have killed her! She's out there somewhere, probably in a goddamn Terran prison camp, having unspeakable things done to her because you gave the order to leave her behind! And now Melissa's going to have the same things done to her, and she's blind on top of all of it! She can't even fight back if she wants to!"

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Dark Tide, Medical Bay


"I thought he would never leave," Nurse Ida said, her eyes like daggers as Nisaria left the room.  "Honestly, what type of boy doesn't understand this situation?  Prisoner or not, you're still a lady.  Speaking of which.  You two!" she said barking at Melissa's guards.  They stood at attention, before acknowledging Nurse Ida.


"Yes ma'am?"


"Into the halls with you!  Turn your backs!"


They did as they were ordered, turning their backs to Melissa and Ida as the Nurse began giving the girl instructions.  "Now, what did you say your name was?"


Shuddering, she said, "M-Melissa.  Melissa J-Juniper."


Nurse Ida nodded, raising Melissa's head as she shined a miniature flashlight into the girl's eyes.  Nurse Ida raised an eyebrow, noticing Melissa's condition, and the flight suit she was wearing.  "You're. . you're blind?  But you're a pilot.  How on Earth--"


"I-I-I'm afraid I c-c-can't answer that," she said sticking to her guns.  Even freezing to her core, Melissa wasn't about to say anything she wasn't supposed to.


"Oh, yes, military code and all that.  Nothing to say to the woman saving your life of course.  Come on, stand up.  Let's get you out of those wet clothes."


Melissa obeyed, as Ida helped her to her feet, and began unzipping the flight suit.  With nothing but her under garments on, Melissa felt much lighter, if not embarrassed.  


"Oh, my.  Well.  You're well endowed, but I'm sure we have something that can fit you.  Give me just a mo--"


Two pairs of foot steps clambered down the ship, and a gruff voice from the halls called to the guards.  One that Melissa didn't recognize.


"Stand aside," he ordered, as Melissa hurriedly tried to cover herself.  The guards obeyed, just as Nurse Ida gave Melissa a throw over blanket to warm her.  


"Admiral!" the nurse said, standing at attention.  "What brings you in, sir?"


"At ease, Nurse.  What do you make of this one?" Takeo said quickly, walking slowly over to Melissa.  Zalwara remained at the doors, blocking the entry way.  


"Well, Admiral, I've only just begun my examination.  But it seems this girl is visually impaired."


Takeo raised an eyebrow, looking to nurse Ida.  "How so?" he asked curiously.


"Both eyes, sir.  One hundred percent."


This did not please Takeo.  He was not amused, but instead visibly angered and confused.  He snatched Melissa by the jaw, and forced her head upwards.  Reacting in defense, Melissa shut her eyes as she tried to tear away from Takeo.  "Open your eyes," he hissed, tightening his grip on the girl's jaw.  She clenched her teeth, still trying to struggle out of Takeo's grip.


"Open them!" he said pulling her head forwards with his other hand.  She eventually gave in to Takeo's demands, much to her chagrin.  Opening both eyes slowly, she felt Takeo's grip loosen, before she was propelled backwards, off of the cold metal chair, and onto the even colder tile floor.


"Admiral!" Zalwara barked, as Takeo slapped Melissa.


"If I give you an order, you obey it, you little jabroni," he said spitting at her.  Takeo turned his rage to Zalwara, with a finger.  "And you.  I send you out there to protect a multi-million dollar project, and the best you can do is return me a washed up pilot who can't see!?  And where the funk is Nisaria!?  He's as responsible for this as you are!" Takeo said steaming.  


Zalwara stood his ground, as Nurse Ida helped Melissa up and back into the chair.


"You wanted me to put more men at risk to protect a machine that can't do half the job I can do!?"


"That funking machine took down quite a few of the SAF.  You brought down one frame pilot.  One!  And she's blind!  She probably didn't see you coming!" he said with a finger in Zalwara's face.


Moving his hands over his temple, Takeo paced for a brief moment before stopping and looking back to Melissa.  "I'm sorry dear.  The anxiety of this previous bout with your allies has me a bit riled," he said turning to Zalwara again.  "Not to mention dealing with that prat, Miles.  Get her cleaned up.  Put her in a cell and assign her two guards.  I want a twenty-four hour watch on this--"


"funk.  You," Melissa said struggling to her feet, her clean robe barely covering her.  "I might be blind, but I could mop the floor with you any day of the week."


"Hmm.  Feisty, aren't you?  What's your name?" Takeo inquired.


"My name is none of your con--"


"Her name is Melissa Juniper," Nurse Ida replied.


Scoffing, Melissa found her way back down into the chair behind her.  "You don't know me.  And you sure don't know my story.  So don't you dare berate me.  I'm--"


"Stronger than you look?  Save it sweetheart.  I've heard the story before.  I'm not impressed because you're blind.  I'm impressed because you're still alive.  And if you want to keep it that way, I'd suggest you watch your tongue.  I could use you as a bargaining chip, or I can feed you to the gulls.  The next words you say will determine that," Takeo snapped.


Melissa grit her teeth, letting her head fall as her pride was diminished.  Zalwara tried his best not to speak, as he knew he was going to get the write-up of his life.


"Make it quick.  We still have plenty of work to do," Takeo said stepping into the halls, past Zalwara.  He disappeared into the ship, as his footsteps echoed into the evening.


"Your commander--"


"Admiral," Zalwara said quickly.  "Whether I agree with his methods or not, you will show him some respect," Zalwara said turning his back to Melissa.


"I owe you nothing," she said coldly.  "Don't think you'll get anything out of me.  It's not happening.  You hear me!?  Not a word!" Melissa said, fighting back tears.  Zalwara ignored her cry, as he assigned the same two guards to Melissa's cell, because they were already escorting her.


"If she so much as breathes too hard, I want to hear about it.  Put her in the first cell," Zalwara said as he followed in Takeo's footsteps, and vanished into the depths of the ship.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gavin rubbed his cheek for a moment, then stood up. His facial expression hadn't changed much: only a slight souring thanks to the pain. He was used to getting hit. He waited until the both of them had finished their tirade before speaking.


"Now that you're finished..." he began, his tone uncharacteristically flat. "Lets put the fact that you just assaulted a superior officer aside for a moment. Look at your machine." He gestured with one hand toward the Drachenrand while waving off curious and concerned mechanical staff with another. "Its damaged. In some spots heavily so." He inhaled deeply, then cracked his neck before continuing. "Now..." He paused for a moment as he took a step toward both of the twins. With a sudden movement, he put one hand on the top of each of their heads, then forcibly jerked their necks toward the other side of the hangar. He was on his guard now, able to respond to any further attempts by Heinrich and Johan to retaliate. He tightened his grip and held them still, forcing them to look at the remains of the Nakahi and the Messiah. "Get a good look at those. Their pilots? They aren't faring much better." Gavin's tone was no longer flat. Instead it was deadly serious; drenched with repressed frustration. "Not a pretty sight, is it? You wanna know what it would mean had I let TRAP stay in that airspace any longer than I did? It would have meant subjecting every one of us. You, me, Leo, Mira, Owen, everyone, to that when more enemy frames showed up. All so that maybe, just maybe, we would have had five extra minutes to search a massive debris field for what's left of one frame; hoping against hope that Melissa would still be inside it. You would be willing to risk all of our lives, and all of the lives of everyone that we save every time TRAP is deployed on a mission, for a slim chance of saving just one person. And as an officer who values the lives of every pilot under his command, that's something I can't. allow." He let go of their heads.


"You're letting your emotions cloud your judgement. Keep it up, and that lack of objectivity is going to get you and everyone else here killed." He took another deep breath. "Now, as far as that stunt you two just pulled.... I'm going to go easy on you. Eight days. Solitary confinement. I'll have Hansen take you down there when we get back to base. You're dismissed until we land." With that, he turned his attention to Adelheid. "Don't suppose I need to explain anything to you now, do I? We did what we could."

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"Don't suppose I need to explain anything to you now, do I? We did what we could."


"Tch. At least the overall mission is a success. I assume you will be the one that'll finish the report once things settle down, although if you need any help in typing it, I'll be around."


No, of course it's not fine. Another one of her pilots got shot down. It's far from fine. This soon after Lauren. She knew about how Gavin probably feel, knowing him, but his attempt of keeping up a composed front at this moment irked her somewhat. Had she was a little bit more insensitive, she probably would have joined the twins earlier. She considered to try talking to the twins and ask them about what actually happened, but it's not necessary, and since she's not even there, it would only worsen things. Needing to hide his frustration from exploding right there, Adelheid turned around and started to leave the place.


"At this rate, I will need to contact Renner and ask him if he could enlist some new pilots for us.


What a pain..."


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"Tch. At least the overall mission is a success. I assume you will be the one that'll finish the report once things settle down, although if you need any help in typing it, I'll be around. At this rate, I will need to contact Renner and ask him if he could enlist some new pilots for us. What a pain..."


Gavin sighed. "Yeahhh... I suppose I'll have to give Thom the write-up won't I." He turned his head around to see the twins sulk their way out of the hangar, then spoke again, this time in a softer voice. "You know you don't have to hide away from me every time you're feeling down, Addy," He put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm here to help. Don't forget that, alright?" With that, he turned around and made his way toward the door. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go relax for a little while. Come find me if you need me."




"All done! That wasn't so bad, was it?" The Nurse gave Leo a reassuring smile. Leo winced. His head still hurt a lot. "Now i know its going to bother you some, but try your best to leave those alone for a couple of days, alright? It needs a little time to heal, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to open it back up again."


"Yes ma'am, Thank you."


"You're welcome. Now go get some rest, ok? You look exhausted." Leo continued to stare blankly at the wall, his face contorted slightly in a constant wince. After a few moments, he got up and made his way out out of the medical bay and down the hall.

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The Dark Tide


"Get in there," one of the guards snarled, shoving Melissa into a cell door, causing her to gasp.  "Whoops.  Guess you didn't see that coming, did ya?" he said yanking the girl off of the cell door as his partner snorted with laughter.  They shoved Melissa into her cell, and watched as she tripped, skidding onto the floor.  A blanket was tossed atop her, with the sound of loud metal bars being slammed behind her, further accompanied with mocking laughter and whispering.


"Bastards," she said to herself, crawling carefully around until she had managed to locate her cold, metal cot.  She hoisted herself up, pulling up the blanket beside her in a huff.  Melissa gave a heavy sigh, as she braced her back against the wall.  Her legs hanged gently, lazily off the metal bed, while Melissa contemplated a hopeless escape.  "Even if I knocked the guards out, I don't know my way around this ship well enough.  I'd be busted in seconds."  She was right.  Stumbling around the Dark Tide with no idea of its layout would only result in her inevitable re-capture.  


"Ugh, this is so frustrating!  I can't do a thing in here!" she thought to herself, slamming her fist against the metal bed.  The resounding thud caused the guards to turn around, their flashlights on Melissa.


"Hey!  You're making too much funking noise!  You make another sound and I'll put you down for the night!  You hear me you little jabroni!?  Or are you deaf too!?  Keep it down!"


Melissa grit her teeth, trying to bite her tongue, but--


"Screw you!" she snapped back  "I'm not afraid of an un-ranked, boot licking, ass kissing, snot nosed 'only good for babysitting' little pansy like you!"


The second guard was stifling his laughter, as he muttered between his fingers clasped around his mouth.  "Holy sheet, she really laid into you!"  Elbowing his partner in the stomach, the first guard approached Melissa's cell, weapon drawn.  He stuck his pistol between the bars, aiming at Melissa.  "Don't think I won't put one between your eyes, you raunchy jabroni.  I'll tell the Vice you got physical.  'It was an accident.  She discharged my weapon.'  It ain't hard, sweetheart.  And your punk friends aren't coming for you.  So get used to that cold, hard steel.  Probably the only hard on you can get," he said laughing to himself.


His partner laughed with him, nudging the first guard with his elbow.  "She is kinda hot though.  Let's be honest."


Number one scoffed.  "She's alright.  Average at best."


"And even average, neither of you wusses would have a chance with me."


"Oooooh," said number one.  "Feisty!  She's a fighter, Kenneth!" he said mockingly.  "What is it with you females thinking some guy is ever wantin' anything more from you than a quick nut?  I could care less about 'gettin' with you'.  Once I have what I need, you're the one that's gonna keep coming back for the high!"


"Yo, I bet she's a freak," Kenneth said to the first guard.


"Yeah?  Wanna find out?" he said nodding towards Melissa.


"Wha--for real?  Logan, you stupid as hell.  Let's do it."


"Wha--" she could hear the cell being unlocked.  A wave of cold washed over Melissa, as she felt frozen in place.  Their footsteps rushed towards Melissa, as she felt herself being yanked to her feet.  She was put in a quick vice, pinning her arm and neck, and a hand around her mouth.  With her body pinned, Melissa could feel herself being forcefully undressed.  Finally aware of the situation, she struggled valiantly.  Melissa tried to kick and scream, but she was completely helpless.  


One of them kissed her neck, sliding the shoulder of her prison gown off, midway down her arm.  He licked Melissa, from her neck to her arm and back, causing her to shiver and wince.  Melissa still struggled, shaking, even trying to bite her attacker's hand.  But her head was pulled back, as she was forced to 'look' one of the guards in the eyes.  He creepily smiled at her, licking his lips.  "You might be blind, but your eyes are sexy," he whispered.  Melissa's eyes grew wide, before she shut them, and tried to mentally prepare herself for the worst.


"Is this what my time on this ship is going to be like?  I'd rather they just kill me," Melissa thought to herself.  But suddenly she felt weightless, as two heavy thuds landed in front and behind her.  She felt herself stumble backwards, into the arms of someone.  She was helped to her feet, as she heard two bodies being moved out of her cell.


"Disgusting," he said kicking one of the unconscious guards in the ribs.  "I apologize," he said locking her cell again.  "No one deserves that.  It's inhumane."


She recognized that voice.  Melissa was sitting back on her bed now, panting, shaking, as she pulled the blanket around her.  


"Why did you help me?  I'm your prisoner aren't I?" Melissa asked to the cold, stern voice.  She turned her head in his direction, 'looking' him in the face.


"Yes.  But you're still human.  Even as an enemy I wouldn't go that far to disrespect you.  Just because we stand on opposite sides of the battlefield doesn't mean I'm a fake, cold-hearted bastard," he said kicking one of the guards again.  "Wake up!  Get up, you idiots!" he barked.  Shaking their heads groggily, Logan and Kenneth stood to their feet with horrified looks on their faces.


"V-V-Vice Admiral!  When did you--!?"


"Both of you report to the offering chamber.  And wash your hands.  I don't want dirty fingers in my collection."


With mouths wide, they turned away to do as they were commanded.  "He has a collection!?"


Zalwara turned back to Melissa, nodding.  "That will be one of their many punishments.  But make no mistake.  I'm not doing this for you.  I'm doing it for me," he said sternly.


Melissa shook her head with a grin.  "Whatever helps you sleep at night.  And thank you."


Zalwara scoffed.  "You'll be guarded by me from now on.  It's become clear that this vessel is lined with animals and degenerates.  Light's out," he said disappearing above deck quickly.  Melissa silently curled herself up onto the metal bed, as the thud of the lights in the hallway above her went off, one by one.

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A little under an hour later, Leo found himself once again on the Albatross's observation deck. It was dusk, and because of the massive aircraft's easterly course, the observation deck was positioned perfectly to give anyone in it a wonderful panoramic view of the sunset over the Atlantic ocean. The last time he'd been here had been his first day at TRAP. It was only two weeks ago, but it felt like so much had changed during that time. Memories of home felt so distant, like grainy newsreels of an era long since consigned to irrelevant history. The view was beautiful, just lie the last time, but he just couldn't bring himself to enjoy it. Thoughts of the enemy pilots he'd killed kept entering his mind, punctuated by the terrifying image of the solstices exploding... and Melissa's frame falling into the water.


"I figured I'd find you here."


Gavin's voice broke Leo out of his train of thought. He sat up lazily. "Oh... Hey there, sir."


"At ease, kiddo." Gavin sat down at across from him at the table. He smiled a little bit. "Looks like you got your first war wound today. Congrats."


Leo gave him an incredulous look. "What are you congratulating me for?"


"Means you're officially one of us now. First sortie, first battle wound. You're a real Frame pilot after today."


"Well thanks... I guess." Leo seemed weary. He stared listlessly out at the sunset as he spoke. "But its not something anyone should be happy about."


Gavin paused a moment, choosing his words carefully. "Well, you're not wrong. None of us would have sent you out here if we had a choice in the matter. You're too young for this sort of thing." He paused, then produced a deck of cards from his pocket. "Tell you what, how about a game to take your mind off of it."


"Seriously? Now isn't really a good time to be playing games, Gavin."


"Trust me, you'll feel better after a few hands."


"Ugh, fine, whatever. Blackjack?"


"Sure, blackjack. I'll even be nice and let you deal."


"Well I'm honored." Leo's sarcasm was palpable. Gavin laughed and handed him the deck. Leo shuffled it and dealt each of them their first pair of cards. Gavin had a 10 and a 5, Leo a 4 and a king. "You're first."


"Hit me." Leo dealt him an 8. "Bust, I guess. New hand?"


"Yeah, fine." Leo shuffled the cards again. This time he dealt himself a 4 and a 6, and Gavin a king and a 2. "...How can you be in such a good mood after what happened today?" The question was rather sudden and accusatory. Gavin, however, was unfazed.


"I'm not, really, but in our line of work that there isn't much use for grief."


"So you just shrug off what happened to Mel and my sister like it's no big deal?"


"No, not at all."


"So, what then?"


"Hit me."


"Don't change the subj-"


"Tell me Leo, how does what happened today make you feel?"




"Exactly what I just asked you. Be honest, and then deal me the card." Leo let out a groan, then paused for a moment, searching himself for the correct expression.


"Sick. It makes me feel sick to my stomach." Leo flipped the next card, a 5. "Seventeen." He went to the deck and reached for his own card.


"Hit me again."


"Gavin its a seventeen. You don't hit on a-"


"Just hit me again would ya?"


"Fine." Leo complied. The next card was a 9. "And you're bust." Gavin shrugged.


"Another hand?"


"No. This is stupid. Why the hell are we playing cards right now?"


"Alright, fine, I'll drop the pretense. You can't let what happened today get to you."


"How can I not?!" Leo was visibly upset now that Gavin had set him off. He was almost yelling, his eyes starting to water. "People are dead because of me! You can't just... wash that away like its no big deal! I killed those enemy pilots, and I sat there and watched that guy cut Melissa to pieces!"


"And do you think that carrying that weight is going to do you any good?"


"How the hell else am I supposed to take it?! I'm not even a trained soldier! God dammit I'm only human!"


Gavin sighed and sat back for a moment. "Being a soldier and being human aren't mutually exclusive Leo. You can't be one without the other.


"What are you even saying?!"


"The pain you feel right now, its something that all of us go through. Me, Johan, even the friends of those pilots you shot down. The pain of losing someone you care about, the guilt you feel knowing that you're still here and they aren't, the anger that wells up in you as you watch it happen, that sinking feeling you get when you realize that enemy pilot isn't making it home alive because of you. Those emotions run through everyone who sits in that pilot seat."


Leo sniffled and forced back his tears before any got out. "So what am I supposed to do then?"


"You can't let those negative emotions rule you. If you do, you're going to wind up dead. You have to channel it. Turn that pain into something positive."


"How do I even do that, Gavin? There's nothing positive about killing people."


"No, there isn't. What's important though, is that we're still alive. Some people don't get to walk away. We did. You want to know how I deal with being a soldier? I do my best to make the fact that I survived mean something."


"What do you mean?"


"The best way to honor those who've died; those you've killed, is by making the most of the life you still have. You can still make an impact, you can still affect others. You're lucky enough to live to see another day, so its only fair to those who didn't to make the most of the time you have. 


Ending Theme: Flowing Destiny



Gavin got up and made his way over to Leo, laying a hand on his shoulder. "As they say, live your life to the fullest, if not for yourself, then for those who didn't make it back. Make the fact that you're still here count for something."


"So, hit on seventeen then." Leo looked up at Gavin, the barest hint of a smile starting to form on his face. Gavin responded with a much wider grin and a chuckle.


"Yeah, hit on seventeen." Gavin began to walk away, then turned back for a moment. "And hey, for what its worth Leo, you did a good job out there, and I mean that sincerely. You've got what it takes. Don't forget that."


"Thanks, Gavin."


"You're welcome kid. Now go get some rest."


-FILE 02 Complete-




Opening Theme: Hemisphere


FILE 03: Monolith


BGM: Welcome to the Earth

"At conception, there were infinite possibilities; limitless outcomes diverging from a single instance where, once, all was whole."

The year is 2220 A.D.. Humanity has abandoned its earthly shackles and taken flight to live in paradise amongst the clouds. However, those left behind  on the surface wage violent rebellion in order to bring about a new world order. In the midst of this upheaval, brave warriors take to the skies. Though they be strong and stout of heart, the crescendo of violence has only just begun to build, and destiny, it seems, may hang in the balance.



"I've got something I think you should see."


"Thomas, this had better be awful important. We're getting restocked today and I realllllly don't have the time for idle chitchat with you." Gavin pinched his nose as he listened to Thomas Renner's voice on the other end of the receiver.


"Relax Lt. Commander Decker there's no need to worry. I'm on TRAP's supply shuttle right now."


"You're coming down here?"


"I believe its that important. Besides, the new pilots need to get to know their superiors, don't they?"


"Only one of them's really new, chief."


"Point still stands. Look, I'll come lend you guys a hand and then when all's said and done you me and Adelheid can take a look at this info together. Trust me, you both should see it."


"If you say so. What's your ETA anyway? Whole base is abuzz and I've got Leo out on patrol."


"On his own?"


"Yeah. Wingus and Dingus are still locked up for another couple of hours, so we're even more shorthanded than normal. Mean's you won't have much of a guide-in."


"We'll make due. I'll see on the ground in maybe, two hours? tops?"


"Looking forward to it. Decker out." Gavin hung up, and made his way back toward the swarm of technicians running this way and that around the hangar, trying their best to prepare it for the new arrivals. Most of TRAP's pilots were there too, helping run diagnostics on their machines or move equipment. Their post-mission leave was about to end, and it was time for the team to get back into the swing of things, in spite of recent events.





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~A week ago~


Bells of Requiem


"Jiyuu! I said fall back now!!"


"Tch...and I said I got this!"


Akira shouted back through the comm, as he rushed through the long defensive line of oncoming Frames. After the events that took place not too long ago, the higher ups of TRAP sent Akira and the Raiju Kai Frame on another mission, to at least attempt to help. They helped alright, but yet again, his attitude sucked the entire time. And as this infiltration mission turned into an ambush, the young Frame pilot stayed his course and rushed in head first into the fray.


"Alright...TAKE THIS!!" Akira shouted as Raiju Kai quickly unsheathed its blade, swinging it towards the enemy Frames. However, something caught him off guard. In a near instant, the katana that was in Raiju's hand deflected a shot, which was aimed for his shoulder.W-What?! A-A sniper...? At this range? he thought, his heart racing.


Sniper class Frame confirmed for the surrounding area. Location: undetermined. No significant damage dealt to the Raiju Kai Frame.


"I hear ya!" Akira shouted, as he turned the thrusters on full and began an assault against the enemy Frames, swinging Masamune without any problem at all. Occasionally, the sniper would shoot at the Raiju Kai, but thanks to the Chobham armor it had, it made any significant damage dealt to the Frame nothing.


However, another shot from the sniper was shot, but this time it was aimed for his Flight Unit. Once it made contact, Akira knew about it.


Flight Unit hit. Maneuvering capabilities for Raiju Kai decreasing drastically.


Akira could hear the computer rambling on about the stats of the Frame and how badly they were dropping. But he couldn't be bothered. Before him was a bright light heading in his direction. W-What...?


Proximity Warning! Proximity Warning! Positron Beam Cannon fired in current direction. Beam will make contact with Frame in: T-Minus 20 seconds.


Akira's eyes widened as he heard this, his heart racing even faster now. Quickly sheathing Masamune, he turned the Raiju Kai around and did his best to escape from the closing beam. However, due to his Flight Unit being damaged, he wasn't going as fast as he hoped for. Raiju...c'mon...don't quit on me now!! Akira thought, fearing that the worse would happen here: that he would die.


He kept fumbling with his controls, hoping something would click. Finally, something did. He snapped his fingers and worked the controls quickly, as his twin arc cannons began to swivel into activation. "Hope this works...Twin Arc Cannons...FIRE NOW!!" he shouted, as the twin cannons fired and then quickly propelled him upward, barely missing the Positron energy beam as it passed under him.


After the beam died, Akira scrambled to do something else, but could only watch as the cavalry came in to help. He let out a small sigh, as he leaned back in the cockpit's chair...



"Hold still!"


Akira cringed at the slight pain, as his bruises were being attended to by the TRAP nurses, whilst being lectured by both the doctor and Frame technician...at the same time.


"You only suffered minor abrasions...you should be lucky on that." the doctor sighed.


"Raiju Kai is another story." the technician groaned. "While damage to the Frame isn't extensive, same with the Flight Unit...it took a pretty good hit. Going to need to work on fixing it."


Akira was quiet, as he sighed and stood up. "Thank you..." he said quickly, before walking out. He knew that both the technician and the doctor would stand there baffled at what he said, but right now...he needed to say it. Like it or not, coming face to face with that energy beam...he knew he almost died.


If I die now...all I'll be remembered for being is a thorn in everyone's side...just remembered as that upstart little jerk. he thought, as he tossed his hands in his pockets, only to look out the window to watch the engineers getting to work repairing Raiju Kai's Flight Unit. I got to change...



~Present Day~


"Hey! Akira! Give me a hand with this!"


"Sure...one sec." Akira called back, standing at a terminal beside Raiju Kai. He smiled a bit when seeing that everything was green lit for Raiju Kai's systems check. Leaving the terminal, he moved over to help one of the engineers out on the TRAP supply shuttle. During his small time away from the others and of course, his near death experience, Akira actually started to lighten up in his attitude.


"Whew...thanks for the help, Akira." the engineer sighed, wiping his brow, leaning up against the box full of supplies. "So...been a while since you've been here, huh?"


"Not too long, but I am somewhat glad to be back." Akira said, putting his hands in his pockets. Not only that...but it's a time to show them that I've changed...and for the better. he thought, his eyes gazing back towards Raiju Kai.

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