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The only scientific fact that quite literally cannot be true. It states that all life comes from another living object' date=' and that life cannot come from non-living things.


Discuss the flaw in this logic.


ooh, ooh. If life cannot come from non-living things, then where did the first form of life come from if there was no preceding life form, since according to this, it couldn't have come from a non-living thing?

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Where did the first organism come from if there were no preceding life forms?


A group of particles formed into a group and special combinations created a cell, then that cell involved into every different type of animal, based on its environment. Then they went on to claim pieces of the ground as their own and claimed ownership of people and forced law upon them with a threat of death. O, the humanity of the human race!


The abiogenesists (?) had it right.

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No, something had to form the first living thing. Molecules under the right conditions can create the ATP that our body uses to transport energy to cells, and some Amino acids. These conditions are simulations of the Pre Cambrian Sea floor, which cannot be simulated perfectly and on an earth sized scale, so it cannot be as accurate. Thus, not enough proof exists to show how processes of naturally occurring cells in cell bodies occured on the ocean floor (of billions of years ago) led to the forming of the first closed bodied system (the first life) that could sustain itself and replicate something similar to it.


There are two (really 3, but none of these 3 have any proof)


1. That life came from a meteor that hit the earth.


2. That God made life, and that the bible is right. (haha lulz)


3. Lifeforms are formed in space clouds (bacteria lives there), this idea is that life floated for years over years from one of these clouds until by chance it hit our planet. I heard somewhere that it is rumored that around 200 new virus's seem to come from there every year (though I have no idea how they figure that)

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Life from space is quite plausible.


But does that not entail and imply that there is alien life?


Proof of Alien life exists on Jupiter's Moon "IO".


It is only bacterial.


Space clouds also grow bacteria and Virus's (some believe that viri (viruses) came from a space cloud)


However, no proof of intelligent life outside of earth exists, nor does evolution or the origin of life theories imply it in any way.

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Bacteria are the perfect life form. Humans suck.


Seriously. We fight each other over areas of dirt. What's up with that?


Because we believe possession is real. You know that dude John Lennon? That man knew everything.


Imagine Theres no heaven

its easy if you try

no hell below us

above us only sky


imagine all the people

living for today


imagine theres no countries

it isn't hard to do

nothing to kill or die for

no religion too


imagine all the people

living life in peace


you may say I'm a dreamer

but I'm not the only one

I hope some day you will join us

and the world will live as one





Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for Greed or Hunger

A brotherhood of man

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I saw the lyrics to Imagine before I heard it played' date=' and I needed a tune to play it to in my head while I was reading it, and it happens to fit the meter of Pinball Wizard... Lulz.



Wow, that actually works. Haha, +1 for creativity and a win.

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I saw the lyrics to Imagine before I heard it played' date=' and I needed a tune to play it to in my head while I was reading it, and it happens to fit the meter of Pinball Wizard... Lulz.



Wow, that actually works. Haha, +1 for creativity and a win.


The only problem is that "No hell below us" is too short, so I mentally change it to "No hell down below us" to make it fit.


Everything else works.

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