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CFV Fanfic planning: Shadow of the Empire

Resident Fascist

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This is something I've been wanting to write for a while. Although I only recently solidified the idea I wanted to go with. While it's a Vanguard fanfic, it involves no playing of the game or earth at all, instead taking place on Cray and is like the Monster World arc of Yugioh (Where the units themselves are the characters). As evidenced by the name, it will mostly focus on Dragon Empire, and will probably either be set some time in the past, or distant future (I can't decide when) when an all out war breaks out over Cray.


 Right now, despite saying the units themselves are going to be the characters, I intend to introduce a few characters, which leads me to my biggest problem - The main character. I'm really unsure whether to have him be a soldier of the empire (as a Dragon Knight, Eradicator, Brawler, etc) or to make him an actual dragon with influence over a large part of the empire.


 While I've been wanting to write this for a while, I don't really have much in my mind, so I felt I'd make this topic just to throw some ideas out.

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