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[CFV] Vera also deserved a Stride

Maeriberii Haan

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Passionate Lycoris Musketeer, Vera

G4/15000/No Shield/Neo Nectar/Bioroid


[ACT][V][1/turn]: [Counterblast 1, flip 1 "Passionate Lycoris Musketeer, Vera" in your Generation Zone face-up] If you have "Lycoris Musketeer, Vera" in your soul, you may pay the cost. All your rearguards with "Musketeer" in its name gets power +3000 and if you have 2 or more cards face-up in your Generation Zone and you have two hearts, all of your current rearguards with "Musketeer" in its name gets "[AUTO](RC): [Retire this unit] At the close step of the battle in which this unit attacks, you may pay the cost. Search the top 4 cards of your deck for a unit with "Musketeer" in its name, and call it to an empty (RC). It gets Power +3000 until the End Phase".



Note that the called RGs didn't get the skill to replace themselves after attack.


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