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[Hearthstone] Klav makes random things

CLG Klavier

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Hibernation is cool.  It's risky, but if you have just summoned it then it's doing nothing anyway.  I like it a lot actually.


I think Flametounge is a bit weird.  Is it's effect just supposed to remove overload from your next spell that has overload, or is that effect consumed on your next cards / spell regardless if it has overload or not?


Fel Scepter gives Warlock some pretty cool shenanigans.  I think it should remove and equal amount of durablility though.  For example if you would take 1 damage, it removes 1 durability.  IF you would take 3, it removes 3.  That way you can't abuse cards with heavy self burn costs as much.


Arcane storm is a bit ridiculous.  Like, just run 1 and save it for late game.  2 cost spell that hits for like 6-10 or more late game?  thats a bit much. Maybe if the cost was much heavier I could see it, but it can still single handedly end games in the right situations.


Dear lord Omen of Light is Salt incarnate.  It's fair I guess but still, Salt incarnate.  It can single handedly generate enough salt on your opponent to fund the economy of a small african nation in the 1600s

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The only possible use I can see for Hibernation off the top of my head is being able to go Sorcerer's Apprentice + Hibernation in order to get a 2 mana 6/5 pretty much guaranteed. It feels really REALLY slow considering how you can't really use it to freeze your opponent's stuff and freezing your own stuff is practically a death wish since it'll just get cleared at any point outside of Sorcerer's Apprentice / Coin combos.

Flametongue Herald is a combo card that is too awkward to really combo with imo. 2/3 for 3 isn't a correct stat distribution for such a weak effect, as proven by something like Lava Shock. Making it a 3/3 for 3 would probably be the best way to correct this since average stats for an alright effect is fine.

I can see Fel Scepter spawning some kind of deck involving it with stuff like Pit Lord, but outside of that it just feels very detrimental to the decks as a whole. It doesn't have any attack so you can't use it to clear, making it ideal for something like Harrison to clear on high durability for a major benefit. The payoff isn't even that good in most cases too, since a lot of the already existing Warlock decks that are slow enough to play this card don't care that much for the damage and would rather play Healbot.

Arcane Storm seems worthless to be honest. It's yet another removal spell for 2 mana, which Mage already has enough of. This one is a huge dead draw early with potential huge upside late, but why would you want to play this over something like Polymorph if it's getting to the late stages of the game anyways? Polymorph is a lot less of a liability than this card is and, while it doesn't technically kill something, does at least guarantee that you get rid of what you want.

Omen of Light only really fits in Aggro Priest so that you can empty your hand and then refill it with theirs, meaning that the mana cost makes it horrible there. One of the worst cards for Control/Midrange Priest as they will always have 7+ cards in hand and your cards are generally a lot higher quality than other decks. idk, just feel like this minion is really weak overall.

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Hibernation is cool.  It's risky, but if you have just summoned it then it's doing nothing anyway.  I like it a lot actually.

The only possible use I can see for Hibernation off the top of my head is being able to go Sorcerer's Apprentice + Hibernation in order to get a 2 mana 6/5 pretty much guaranteed. It feels really REALLY slow considering how you can't really use it to freeze your opponent's stuff and freezing your own stuff is practically a death wish since it'll just get cleared at any point outside of Sorcerer's Apprentice / Coin combos.

Well, though even if you drop this on something you just summoned, it's still frozen during your next turn, so it basically has summoning sickness for 2 turns but comes out stronger.
It's a Druid card, so I don't think you can really combo it away with Sorcerer's Apprentice unless you get lucky with Piloted Shredder :P As I said in the OP, those are mostly concepts and probably require heavy tweaking. How big the payoff would have to be in your opinion for this to be worth it? +4/+4? More?

I think Flametounge is a bit weird.  Is it's effect just supposed to remove overload from your next spell that has overload, or is that effect consumed on your next cards / spell regardless if it has overload or not?

Flametongue Herald is a combo card that is too awkward to really combo with imo. 2/3 for 3 isn't a correct stat distribution for such a weak effect, as proven by something like Lava Shock. Making it a 3/3 for 3 would probably be the best way to correct this since average stats for an alright effect is fine.

You cast Flametongue Herald first, then if the next spell you cast has Overload, it doesn't have Overload. So if you follow Herald with Earth Elemental, Overload 3 doesn't apply. However, note that it's worded a bit like Preparation, so Herald -> Overload spell works, but Herald -> something -> Overload spell makes Herald apply its effect to the 2nd spell/minion, so if it doesn't have Overload, you miss out on it.
Yeah, I guess I went too safe with stats on this one. To this day I kinda overvalue Lava Shock since I had a fair share of success with it, but yeah.

Fel Scepter gives Warlock some pretty cool shenanigans.  I think it should remove and equal amount of durablility though.  For example if you would take 1 damage, it removes 1 durability.  IF you would take 3, it removes 3.  That way you can't abuse cards with heavy self burn costs as much.

I can see Fel Scepter spawning some kind of deck involving it with stuff like Pit Lord, but outside of that it just feels very detrimental to the decks as a whole. It doesn't have any attack so you can't use it to clear, making it ideal for something like Harrison to clear on high durability for a major benefit. The payoff isn't even that good in most cases too, since a lot of the already existing Warlock decks that are slow enough to play this card don't care that much for the damage and would rather play Healbot.

I wanted it to work on instances exactly to reward a player for building around it. Fel Scepter into Pit Lord + Life Tap? Sign me up, you just gained 7 life and can proceed to "gain" even more.
I did want to give it 1 attack to kinda mirror Sword of Justice, but not sure how I feel about giving Warlock a proper weapon. Especially since it's a scepter, so I can't imagine Gul'dan poking someone's eyes out with it. I kinda like the idea of "saving" life, so what do you think should be done to this? Make it cheaper, add some other effect?

Arcane storm is a bit ridiculous.  Like, just run 1 and save it for late game.  2 cost spell that hits for like 6-10 or more late game?  thats a bit much. Maybe if the cost was much heavier I could see it, but it can still single handedly end games in the right situations.

Arcane Storm seems worthless to be honest. It's yet another removal spell for 2 mana, which Mage already has enough of. This one is a huge dead draw early with potential huge upside late, but why would you want to play this over something like Polymorph if it's getting to the late stages of the game anyways? Polymorph is a lot less of a liability than this card is and, while it doesn't technically kill something, does at least guarantee that you get rid of what you want.

Haha, two conflicting opinions here. Admittedly, it is a pretty horrible card early game, but later on, it can become pretty much 2 mana "Destroy a minion". Maybe I'll think of a different effect than damage here, but keeping the "spells cast" mechanic. Maybe something with Freeze...

Dear lord Omen of Light is Salt incarnate.  It's fair I guess but still, Salt incarnate.  It can single handedly generate enough salt on your opponent to fund the economy of a small african nation in the 1600s

Omen of Light only really fits in Aggro Priest so that you can empty your hand and then refill it with theirs, meaning that the mana cost makes it horrible there. One of the worst cards for Control/Midrange Priest as they will always have 7+ cards in hand and your cards are generally a lot higher quality than other decks. idk, just feel like this minion is really weak overall.

It's Priest. This class already generates way too much salt :P


I didn't really intend for this to slot into the current Priest decks, more of a funny/troll card to use, although Aggro Priest was a slight thing I had in mind for this, but I'm fully aware it's too expensive for that kind of deck. Maybe I'd cost it more agressively.

Make Herald a 2 cost 2/2. fixed.

If it's 2 mana then it's way easier to make it "cost 0" since there are way more Overload 2 spells out there. Or maybe I'm simply paranoid and this kind of effect isn't even as good as I think it is.

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