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05/22/2015 ([Alter White]Yllisian Archer Cavalry)

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[spoiler='Archer knights trained in the art of the bow. They travel on horses so they can easily pursue their enemies, delivering swift arrows to their foes.']


Faction: Yllisian


Max HP: 40

Attack: 10

Defense: 0

Agility: 3

Damage: 1

Clan: Human

Sub-Clan: (null)


Text: •[ACTION SKILL]: Do 10 damage to all enemies. Level 3 and above Units hit are Stunned (Stunned Units cannot act this turn. They are Unstunned at the end of the turn).[/spoiler]


Because the Yllisian faction focuses more on the aggro-ish aspect of the game, Yllisian Archer Cavalry is a good card to prevent your small Units from being hit by your enemy's bigger Units. A mid (Level 2-4 usually) or big Deck (4-5) easily crumbles to this card, so if you need a target to take out first, Archer Cavalry will definitely be the first target. She is a bit tankier than your usual Yllisian card, but in return, her usefulness and utility is locking down the opponent's bigs so that they can't attack or get any momentum going.

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