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[Decklist] Aurora Gate

Maeriberii Haan

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Because no fun allowed~






Monsters: 17
3 Aurora Dragon of the Flawless Veil
3 Aurora Dragon of the Heavenly Wings
3 Aurora Dragon of the Scarlet Jewels
3 Aurora Seeker Attendant, Rachel
2 Aurora Seeker Magus, Marie
3 Travelling Aurora Seeker, Angela

Spells: 9
1 Book of Moon
3 Forbidden Lance
3 Fusion Conscription
2 Towards the Next Gradation

Traps: 14
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Call of the Haunted
3 Fiendish Chain
3 Grand Sky and Blue Gradation
3 Lose 1 Turn
2 Mistake
1 Torrential Tribute

1 Aurora Heiress of the Celestial Throne, Angela
1 Aurora Maiden of the Celestial Veil, Rachel
1 Aurora Sanctifier Dragon of the Celestial Miracle
1 Aurora Saver Dragon of the Celestial Phantasm
1 Abyss Dweller
1 Aurora Herald of the Distant Promise, Rachel
2 Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
1 Cosmic Magician, Holy Sanctuary Saint
1 Cosmic Witch, Holy Sanctuary Guardian
1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight
1 Heavenly Saint of the Distant Skies, Angela
1 Thunderous Kaiser
2 Trap Engineer Vivyzian

1 Aurora Seeker Magus, Marie
2 Effect Veiler
2 Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
3 Maxx "C"
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Mistake
3 Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror



Deck's running quite well from the ten or so tests so far. Would definitely test more of course to see whether I'll miss Conscription's consistency boost or not, since opening Gradation+any Continuous Trap already means I'm not stuck with a completely dead hand, and in general opening any monsters not named Flawless Veil should mean I can set up. Original draft has me running 9 mained floodgates, but decided not to in the end since LIM kinda hurts the deck and SIM doesn't hit enough targets. If only Vanity's or Skill Drain is still around...


Kinda considering to cut the floodgates to 2 each but not sure yet. Opening multiples without Gradation or loaded Veil is kinda cancer.


Cut Oasis for triple Conscription since the deck really need the access to Flawless Veil/everything else and oasis being kind of...eh, not really that much of a fan for it here. Might try fitting it in later, but Mistake's a really good floodgate to kick out to side. Still unsure about what to do, but probably will test stuff later.


So...yeah. This kinda happened.

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