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[TCG] Pack Ratio Changes

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We've had our fair share of those too.

Not as crushingly consistently, in my experience. Almost any staple card you want to use is uncommon, and yet, because almost everybody needs 4 of them, AND despite the fact that they're very commonly in structure decks at at LEAST 1, stuff like Muscle Band is $5, VS Seeker is $7, Cather at its heyday was $15, Rare Candy has been $5+ almost any time its been relevant (it isnt right now) despite the buckets of reprints it's gotten, etc.

Somewhat surprisingly, Full arts aren't as expensive as Secret Rares, nor are any rares/EXs as expensive as Supers/Ultras, but it's really just the common stuff that gets my goat.

Though, if you point out what rares (REGULAR rares) that have been this consistently expensive, I'll give it to you. It jsut seems way more common in Pokemon since every other damned set has some sort of staple that you NEED 4 of thats $5+ each.

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