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BA for Regionals Oct 4


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So going to Regionals in a week.  This is what I've got at the moment:


Monsters: 20

3 Scarm

3 Graff

3 Cir

2 Rubic

1 Farfa

1 Cagna

1 Libic

1 Draghig

1 Tour Guide


3 Maxx "C"


Spells: 8


2 Dark Hole

1 Foolish

1 Raigeki

1 BoM

1 Good & Evil


Traps: 12

2 Karma Cut

2 Breakthrough Skill


1 The Traveler

1 Fire Lake

1 Torrential

1 Warning

1 Skill Drain

1 Vanity's


Extra: 15

3 Dante

2 Virgil

2 Downerd

1 Alucard

1 Angineer

1 Zenmaines

1 #17

1 #20

1 #30

1 #47

1 #49


Side: 15

2 Veiler

2 Flying "C"

2 De-Fusion

2 Mistake

2 Mind Crush

2 Fairy Wind

2 Stygian Dirge


Any advice would be helpful.

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Oh hey you're in NorCal too, that's cool.



Actually in northern VA.  I'm going to the one in Maryland.


I'd cut a Draghig for another Fire Lake, Lake is the thing you'll be stacking most anyway and tbh Draghig is just so slow and bad that you'd rather just simply draw into the Lake.


Yeah, I haven't seen Draghig all that usefull. And I usually shuffle what I put on top right back in after Scarm or Graff go off anyway.  

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